18 research outputs found

    A concepção de um projeto de observatório de qualidade de vida: relato de uma experiência realizada em Campinas - SP

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    Given the assumption that the construction of a Healthy City demands a joint effort of all its inhabitants and that this is possible from a scientific basis the authors of the text present the experience of the Campinas Quality of Life Observatory Project that aims at the design of a quality of life index instrument. The phases described are the first intersectorial mobilization, conceptualization and localization of administrative and planning areas with special basis for the urbanistic project to be developed by future regional scope administrations. Second, the construction of the quality of life index itself from the 1991 demographic database and next discussions and recommendations. Such exercise has laid the bases for the consolidation of an efficient and feasible tool of continuous monitoring of an intersectorial process of quality of life betterment such as the one proposed by WHO for Healthy Cities.Partindo do pressuposto que a construção de uma Cidade Saudável exige esforços de todos seus moradores e que para que isto possa ser realizado a partir de bases científicas, os autores deste artigo apresentam a experiência do Projeto Observatório de Qualidade de Vida de Campinas com vistas à construção de um instrumento, indicador de qualidade de vida. As fases descritas foram as seguintes: mobilização intersetorial; conceituação e localização de áreas administrativas a áreas de planejametno com bases espaciais para o projeto urbanístico a ser realizado por futuras secretarias de ação regionais; construção do indicador de qualidade de vida propriamente dito a partir das bases de dados demográficos de 1991; discussões e recomendações. Tal exercício lançou bases para a consolidação de um instrumetal eficiente e factível de monitoramento contínuo de um processo intersetorial de melhoria de qualidade de vida, tal qual propõe a OMS para Cidades Saudáveis

    Outcomes of the first 54 pediatric patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition from a single Brazilian center

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    Objectives: Data on multidisciplinary programs dedicated to home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in Latin America are limited. This study describes the results of the first multidisciplinary pediatric intestinal rehabilitation program for HPN at a public tertiary hospital in Brazil. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients aged 0–18 years with intestinal failure (IF) who required parenteral nutrition (PN) for >60 days between January/2014 and December/2020. Results: Fifty-four patients were discharged on HPN (15 achieved enteral autonomy, 34 continued on HPN at the end of the study, 1 underwent intestinal transplantation, and 4 died). The median (IQR) age at the study endpoint of patients who achieved enteral autonomy was 14.1 (9.7–19) versus 34.7 (20.4–53.9) months in those who did not achieve enteral autonomy. Overall prevalence of catheter-related thrombosis was 66.7% and catheterrelated bloodstream infection rate was 0.39/1000 catheter-days. Intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) was present in 24% of all patients; none of the patients who achieved enteral autonomy had IFALD. All patients showed significant improvement in anthropometric parameters during the HPN period. The sociodemographic characteristics of the patients’ family members were mothers less than 20 years old (7.5%), schooling time more than 10 years (55.5%), and household income between 1 and 3 times the minimum wage (64.8%). The 5-year survival rate for HPN is 90%, and 27.7% of patients achieve enteral autonomy. Conclusion: The treatment of pediatric patients with IF followed by a multidisciplinary pediatric intestinal rehabilitation program with HPN is feasible and safe in the Brazilian public health system

    Estimates of class "A" pan evaporation in Brazil

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    Foi testado o nomograma de Kohler et al. (1959), desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos da América, para estimar a evaporação do tanque classe "A" a partir da radiação solar, ponto de orvalho e percurso do vento, médias diárias mensais, com dados de cinco estações meteorológicas localizadas nas principais regiões climáticas do Brasil. Os resultados foram significativamente correlacionados com medidas do tanque classe "A" realizadas nessas localidades. Conclui-se que o nomograma pode ser utilizado com bons resultados no Brasil.The nomogram of Kohler et al. (1959), developed in the United State of America for the estimation of class "A" pan evaporation from solar radiation, dew point and wind movement was tested with data from five stations located in the main Brazilian climatic regions. Results show good agreement between estimated and measured pan evaporation. It was concluded that this nomogram may be applied to Brazilian conditions with good results

    A concepção de um projeto de observatório de qualidade de vida: relato de uma experiência realizada em Campinas - SP

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    Partindo do pressuposto que a construção de uma Cidade Saudável exige esforços de todos seus moradores e que para que isto possa ser realizado a partir de bases científicas, os autores deste artigo apresentam a experiência do Projeto Observatório de Qualidade de Vida de Campinas com vistas à construção de um instrumento, indicador de qualidade de vida. As fases descritas foram as seguintes: mobilização intersetorial; conceituação e localização de áreas administrativas a áreas de planejametno com bases espaciais para o projeto urbanístico a ser realizado por futuras secretarias de ação regionais; construção do indicador de qualidade de vida propriamente dito a partir das bases de dados demográficos de 1991; discussões e recomendações. Tal exercício lançou bases para a consolidação de um instrumetal eficiente e factível de monitoramento contínuo de um processo intersetorial de melhoria de qualidade de vida, tal qual propõe a OMS para Cidades Saudáveis.<br>Given the assumption that the construction of a Healthy City demands a joint effort of all its inhabitants and that this is possible from a scientific basis the authors of the text present the experience of the Campinas Quality of Life Observatory Project that aims at the design of a quality of life index instrument. The phases described are the first intersectorial mobilization, conceptualization and localization of administrative and planning areas with special basis for the urbanistic project to be developed by future regional scope administrations. Second, the construction of the quality of life index itself from the 1991 demographic database and next discussions and recommendations. Such exercise has laid the bases for the consolidation of an efficient and feasible tool of continuous monitoring of an intersectorial process of quality of life betterment such as the one proposed by WHO for Healthy Cities

    Sistemas de sensores laboratoriais para a análise do comportamento espectral da vegetação sob a influência de diferentes tipos de solo e cobertura vegetal

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    At the present work, it was analyzed the influence of different kinds of soil and cover in the spectral behavior of vegetation. This kind of study might be done by the acquisition of data in laboratories, using radiometric techniques to force appropriate conditions, without atmospheric interference, that might damage the spectral response from targets. Among the remote sensing techniques used to explore the spectral properties of vegetation are also the vegetation indexes, NDVI, SAVI and RS. The majority of them use the vegetation reflectances in the red and near infrared bands to characterize the growth and development parameters of vegetation. When studying vegetation with remote sensing techniques it is necessary to know the physiology and reflectance spectrum of the kind of studied plant, considering the three parts of the sun radiation after reaching the earth: the absorbed, the reflected and the transmitted ones. The soil spectrum of reflectance depends on its biological, physical, chemical and mineralogical compositions. Some factors that cause influence on its reflectance are the moisture, texture, color and the amount of iron inside its components. The reflectance factor curves were obtained after doing the reflectance measurements in the Laboratory of Radiometry at the National Institute of Space Research (LARAD INPE), by the use of the spectroradiometer FieldSpec Pro FR.Pages: 9048-905

    Sistemas de sensores laboratoriais para a análise do comportamento espectral da vegetação sob a influência de diferentes tipos de solo e cobertura vegetal

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    At the present work, it was analyzed the influence of different kinds of soil and cover in the spectral behavior of vegetation. This kind of study might be done by the acquisition of data in laboratories, using radiometric techniques to force appropriate conditions, without atmospheric interference, that might damage the spectral response from targets. Among the remote sensing techniques used to explore the spectral properties of vegetation are also the vegetation indexes, NDVI, SAVI and RS. The majority of them use the vegetation reflectances in the red and near infrared bands to characterize the growth and development parameters of vegetation. When studying vegetation with remote sensing techniques it is necessary to know the physiology and reflectance spectrum of the kind of studied plant, considering the three parts of the sun radiation after reaching the earth: the absorbed, the reflected and the transmitted ones. The soil spectrum of reflectance depends on its biological, physical, chemical and mineralogical compositions. Some factors that cause influence on its reflectance are the moisture, texture, color and the amount of iron inside its components. The reflectance factor curves were obtained after doing the reflectance measurements in the Laboratory of Radiometry at the National Institute of Space Research (LARAD INPE), by the use of the spectroradiometer FieldSpec Pro FR.Pages: 9048-905

    Resumos em andamento - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos em andamento - Saúde Coletiv