3,595 research outputs found

    O conceito de contemplação na educação monástica medieval : reflexões sobre Bernardo de Claraval

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    Este artigo reflete sobre o pensamento de Bernardo de Claraval (1090-1153) a fim de compreender a dinâmica da educação monacal cisterciense e sua influência no processo educacional do século XII. À luz da história social, na primeira parte, apresenta alguns aspectos das estruturas sociais da cristandandade medieval ocidental, relacionando o contexto mais amplo com a proposta de reforma monacal cisterciense que encaminhou a Igreja para um momento importante frente ao poder temporal, com o papa Inocêncio III (1198-1216). Bernardo de Claraval tornou-se uma peça chave da reforma eclesial que estava em curso na sua época. Seus sermões revelam a dinâmica entre ação e contemplação e, por meio delas, podemos perceber a influência do autor na direção da sociedade, propondo valores como fé e amor autênticos, consciência de si, gosto pela pureza espiritual e a reafirmação da figura humana como imagem e semelhança de Deus. Essa visão humanista cristã e a valorização do conhecimento interior, como consciência de si, foram os fundamentos para o movimento místico desenvolvido pelos cistercienses. Por fim, o texto apresenta reflexões a respeito do Sermão sobre a Vigília do Natal para explicitar a devoção à humanidade de Jesus como uma das bases teológicas para a aprendizagem do itinerário de ascese para a contemplação, entendida como capacidade psíquica desenvolvida pelos monges para alcançar a unidade entre afetividade e razão.This article reflects on the thought of Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) in order to understand the dynamics of the Cistercian monastic education and its influence in the educational process in century XII. In light of social history, the first part presents some aspects of the social structures of medieval christian west, relating the broader context with the Cistercian monastic reform proposal that forwarded the Church for an important moment against the temporal power, with Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). Bernardo of Clairvaux became a part key of the church reform that was in course, from the gregorian reform and has in contact with all the importants points of the conflicts politicians of its time. Its letters and its writhings disclose the dynamics between action and contemplation that if became its life and, by means of them, we can perceive the influence in the direction of the society, that if wants guided in the values of the authenticity of the love, conscience of itself, taste for the pureness spiritual and the affirmation of the dignity of the man as image and similarity of God. This vision Christian humanist and the valuation of the knowledge as conscience of itself, were the basis for the mystical movement developed by the Cistercians. Finally, the text presents reflections on the Sermon on the Vigil of Christmas to explain the devotion to the humanity of Jesus as one of the theological basis for learning the route of ascent to contemplation, as understood by the monks developed psychic ability to achieve affection and unity between reason

    The concept of contemplation in medieval monastic education: reflections on Bernard of Clairvaux

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    Resum disponible en anglèsThis article reflects on the thought of Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) in order to understand the dynamics of the Cistercian monastic education and its influence in the educational process in century XII. In light of social history, the first part presents some aspects of the social structures of medieval christian west, relating the broader context with the Cistercian monastic reform proposal that forwarded the Church for an important moment against the temporal power, with Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). Bernardo of Clairvaux became a part key of the church reform that was in course, from the gregorian reform and has in contact with all the importants points of the conflicts politicians of its time. Its letters and its writhings disclose the dynamics between action and contemplation that if became its life and, by means of them, we can perceive the influence in the direction of the society, that if wants guided in the values of the authenticity of the love, conscience of itself, taste for the pureness spiritual and the affirmation of the dignity of the man as image and similarity of God. This vision Christian humanist and the valuation of the knowledge as conscience of itself, were the basis for the mystical movement developed by the Cistercians. Finally, the text presents reflections on the Sermon on the Vigil of Christmas to explain the devotion to the humanity of Jesus as one of the theological basis for learning the route of ascent to contemplation, as understood by the monks developed psychic ability to achieve affection and unity between reason

    Using a Bayesian change-point statistical model with autoregressive terms to study the monthly number of dispensed asthma medications by public health services

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    In this paper, it is proposed a Bayesian analysis of a time series in the presence of a random change-point and autoregressive terms. The development of this model was motivated by a data set related to the monthly number of asthma medications dispensed by the public health services of Ribeirão Preto, Southeast Brazil, from 1999 to 2011. A pronounced increase trend has been observed from 1999 to a specific change-point, with a posterior decrease until the end of the series. In order to obtain estimates for the parameters of interest, a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation procedure using the Gibbs sampler algorithm was developed. The Bayesian model with autoregressive terms of order 1 fits well to the data, allowing to estimate the change-point at July 2007, and probably reflecting the results of the new health policies and previously adopted programs directed toward patients with asthma. The results imply that the present model is useful to analyse the monthly number of dispensed asthma medications and it can be used to describe a broad range of epidemiological time series data where a change-point is present.Peer Reviewe


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    O artigo versa sobre a implantação do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Roraima - IFRR, localizado geograficamente no extremo norte do Brasil, fazendo parte da fronteira tríplice Brasil - Venezuela - Guiana. A educação profissional em território brasileiro ganhou impulso e expansão ao longo dos últimos quatro anos com a transformação dos Centros Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia em Institutos Federais, em número de 38, todos com status de universidades (Lei 11.889, de 29/12/2008). Este trabalho teve como foco a Instituição referida com informes recolhidos ou extraídos em documentos oficiais, relatórios de gestão e na procuradoria institucional do IFRR, privilegiando a trajetória percorrida pela entidade e enfatizando os cursos de nível superior oferecidos

    The Body Of Christ (“Corpus Christi”): Feast, Devotion and Local/Regional Tourism in Sao Manuel City (Brazil)

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    The contribution addresses the ceremony of The Body of Christ (“Corpus Christi”) in a town in the interior of Brazil in Sao Paulo State - the city of Sao Manuel, where since the 1940s the celebration mobilizes almost the a significant part of the local population in the task of embellishing the streets covered by the procession. Preparations include choice or defining drawings for walkways and ornamental rugs, arrangements concerning the material, including, in specific cases, the artificial coloring, molding, demarcation of soil, divulgation and logistics support to tourists, cleaning of streets post event and alike. The research and its importance for the religious tourism, includes the history of the date and his origin in the locality referenced, description of geographical, economic and others factors, seeking to clarify the changes in social/religious configuration, especially of the people of Sao Manuel. Bibliographical studies compose the theoretical reference

    Empresas transnacionais e investimento direto estrangeiro: um survey das principais abordagens

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    Although traditional approaches discussing FDI have described it simply as a set-up up of productive units in foreign markets, the global shape of modern corporations has become a challenge for most analyse about this important aspect of international economic relations. The discussion carried out in the paper highlights the internationalization strategies of big companies through the acquisitions of unique assets, able to create ownership advantages, such as economies of scale, knowledge, systems of distribution and product diversification. Hence, firms expand internationally based on capital concentration and market share achieved domestically. By adopting this strategy, firms aim at sustaining their previous positions and raising their profit to a higher level. Furthermore, this process of expansion may occur by internalizing activities by means of FDI, or by transferring them to other companies.Foreign direct investment; transnational corporations, growth of firms.

    A Educação de Luíza e Celestina para Influenciar os Homens

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    RESUMO: Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender e identificar como se desenvolve o processo educacional da mulher francesa no período de 1815 a 1848, bem como os agentes envolvidos, os valores assimilados e a amplitude da influência feminina na sociedade francesa no século XIX, através dos romances Memórias de Duas Jovens Esposas e Os Funcionários, de Honoré de Balzac. A educação das protagonistas Luíza de Chaulieu e Celestina Rabourdin revela que a mulher aprende, no convívio familiar e social, a realçar a beleza com uma toalete impecável, a utilizar o vestuário da última moda, a recepcionar convidados em seu salão, a freqüentar outros salões e a articular encontros com pessoas influentes e importantes com o intuito de alcançar os objetivos que almeja.ABSTRACT: The goal of this article is to comprehend and identify the educational developmental process of the French woman in the time frame between 1815 through 1848. Other objectives of this study include the feminine amplitude and influence in XIX century French society through two romantic works, The Memoirs of Two Young Wives and The Employees of Honoré de Balzac. The education of the protagonists, Luíza de Chaulieu and Celestina Rabourdin, reveals that through the family and social order the women learn to: accentuate beauty with an impeccable style of dress, utilize the latest fashions, entertain guests, visit others within appropriate protocol, and meet important and influencial people with the intention of reaching personal objectives

    Tragedy and psychoanalysis : an unfinished archeology

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é discorrer sobre a importância da arte poética, especialmente da tragédia para a compreensão da psique. A literatura além de retratar uma época representa de forma clara e poética os conflitos humanos. Para alcançarmos este objetivo, percorreremos algumas obras literárias - Édipo Rei, de Sófocles; Hamlet, Macbeth de Shakespeare; Pai Goriot de Balzac; Vinte e quatro horas na vida de uma mulher de Stefan Zweig, - retirando delas alguns fragmentos nos quais estão explícitos os sofrimentos da humanidade. Verificamos a importância da fala no alívio das emoções. Constatamos nos discursos literário e psicanalítico que a arte poética parece iluminar os passos de Freud, como se os poetas antecipassem a teoria e a técnica psicanalítica. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe goal of this work is writing about the importance of the poetic art, especially the tragedy to understand the psyche. The literature, besides showing an epoch, represents in a clear and poetic way the human conflicts. To reach this goal, we went through some literary works – Edipo King, by Sofocles, Hamlet and Macbeth by Shakespeare; Goriot Father by Balzac; Twenty Four Hours in a Woman’s Life by Stefan Zweig – extracting from them some fragments in which human sufferings are explicit. We checked the importance of the speech in the emotions relief. We verified in the psychoanalytic and literary speeches that the poetic art seems to illuminate Freud’s steps in such a way that the poets anticipated the technical and psychoanalytic theory

    Sur Hannah Arendt: éthique et rationalité dans la société contemporaine

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    Cet essai vise à réfléchir sur comment surmonter des obstacles qui s'opposent à la capacité de penser de façon rationnelle: la capacité intellectuelle qui implique l'abstraction réflexive et son élaboration en une correspondante argumentation. On part de la constatation que, si l'on observe, d'une part, la croissance dans la complexité logique de la pensée colloquiale verbalisée, d'autre part on s'aperçoit l'absence de compétence dans les opérations intellectuelles d'analyse des ses processus rationnels subjacents. À savoir, la rationalité contemporaine, alimentée par les processus et produits de connaissance engendrés à travers la pensée abstraite et déductive du domaine technico-scientifique, communiquerait avec la société de manière naturalisée, sous forme de représentation sociale et, donc, contaminée par des apports idéologiques, des irrationalités et/ou rationalisations acritiques. L'essai vise alors à réfléchir sur comment subventionner les obstacles à l'universalisation du plein exercice de la raison et/ou de l'herméneutique de la rationalité, et instrumentalise des contrepoints aux empêchements produits par l'ignorance, par les négativités ou par les noyaux dogmatiques de la pensée.Este ensayo busca reflexionar sobre cómo superar obstáculos que se anteponen a la capacidad de pensar de forma racional, es decir, la capacidad intelectual que implica la abstracción reflexiva y su elaboración en correspondiente argumentación. Se parte de la constatación de que caso se observe, por un lado, un crecimiento en la complejidad lógica del pensamiento coloquial verbalizado, por otro, se percibe una ausencia de la competencia en las operaciones de análisis de los procesos racionales subyacentes. La racionalidad contemporánea, alimentada por los procesos y productos de conocimiento generados a través del pensamiento abstracto y deductivo del campo técnico-científico, se comunicaría con la sociedad de forma naturalizada, bajo la forma de representación social y, por lo tanto, sesgada de aportes ideológicos, irracionalidades y/o racionalizaciones acríticas. Por lo tanto, este texto busca reflexionar sobre cómo subsidiar la superación de obstáculos a la universalización del pleno ejercicio de la razón y/o de la hermenéutica de la racionalidad, instrumentalizando contrapuntos a los estorbos generados por la ignorancia, los negativismos o por los núcleos dogmáticos del pensamiento.This work aims to reflect on how to overcome obstacles that confront the ability to think rationally: the intellectual capacity involving the reflexive abstraction and its elaboration in the corresponding argument. It begins with the statement that if it is observed, on the one hand, an increase in the verbalized colloquial thought logical complexity, on the other hand it is noticed a lack of competence in the intellectual analytic operations of the rational processes underlying it. In other words, nurtured by the knowledge processes and products the abstract and deductive thinking generated from the scientific-technical field, the contemporary rationality would communicate with society in a neutralized way under the form of social representation which is, therefore, tinged with ideological contributions, uncritical irrationalities and/or rationalizations. Thus, this work intends to reflect on how to subsidize overcoming obstacles to the entire exercise of universal reason and/or of hermeneutic rationality, equipping counterpoints to impediments created by ignorance or by negativity or else by dogmatic thinking cores.Este ensaio visa refletir sobre como superar obstáculos que se antepõem à capacidade de pensar de forma racional, a capacidade intelectual que envolve a abstração reflexiva e sua elaboração em correspondente argumentação. Parte da constatação de que, se se observa, de um lado, um crescimento na complexidade lógica do pensamento coloquial verbalizado, de outro, percebe-se uma ausência de competência nas operações intelectuais de análise dos processos racionais a ele subjacentes. Ou seja, a racionalidade contemporânea, alimentada pelos processos e produtos de conhecimento gerados através do pensamento abstrato e dedutivo do campo técnico-científico, comunicar-se-ia com a sociedade de maneira naturalizada, sob forma de representação social e, portanto, eivada de aportes ideológicos, de irracionalidades e/ou racionalizações acríticas. Visa-se refletir, então, sobre como subsidiar a superação de obstáculos à universalização do pleno exercício da razão e/ou da hermenêutica da racionalidade, instrumentalizando contrapontos aos impedimentos gerados pela ignorância ou pelas negatividades ou pelos núcleos dogmáticos do pensamento

    Ortorexia nervosa: um desafio para o nutrólogo

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    The orthorexia nervosa is related with obsessive thoughts about healthy nutrition. This symptom has not been officially recognized as an eating disorder yet, not being present in the DSM -V. However, the literature discusses the concept of orthorexia nervosa that includes these characteristics, interactions, signs and symptoms and treatment. This work shows a systematic literature review of forty-three articles published since 1997 in order to map the knowledge about orthorexia to this date. This work focused on the importance of physician specialist in nutrology on diagnosis and monitoring these patients with a multidisciplinary team. The definition of risk groups and the criteria for diagnosis creating auxiliary methods as the ORTHO -15 are essential for the early diagnosis of this condition. The treatment of orthorexia requires a multidisciplinary team, involving nutritional experts, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists, physical educator. In some cases, anti-serotoninergic drugs may be required as part of the treatment. Conclusion: More research is needed to define the diagnostic criteria and the prevalence of this eating disorder