17 research outputs found

    Cytogenetika a biologie vybraných zástupců čeledi Sphaeriidae

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    "Cytogenetics and biology of selected representatives of the family Sphaeriidae" Mgr. ing. Tereza Kořínková Abstract of a PhD. thesis The thesis has a form of four separate articles, the full texts of which are included. Two of them were published, one was accepted and one was under revision before submission of the PhD thesis. The articles deal with cytogenetics, breeding and nutrition of selected representatives of the hermaphroditic, viviparous, primarily freshwater bivalves of the family Sphaeriidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Veneroida). Although various aspects of the biology of Sphaeriidae have been intensely studied for more than 100 years, many questions still remained unresolved. This thesis brings data on chromosome numbers of 11 species(10 of which have not been studied cytogenetically before) and information on the course of meiosis in two of these species (Chapter 1). Although the chromosome numbers are high (from ca. 140 to more than 240), the behaviour of chromosomes at meiosis rather corresponds to that of diploid organisms. Also the DNA contents in five selected species with high chromosome numbers (as measured by flow- cytometry) do not differ significantly from those in sphaeriids with a diploid chromosome number of 30. Such results contradict an origin of the high chromosome numbers by a...Cytogenetika a biologie vybraných zástupců čeledi Sphaeriidae Mgr. ing. Tereza Kořínková Abstrakt doktorské disertační práce Předkládaná disertace má podobu čtyř samostatných článků, jejichž plné verze jsou přiloženy. V době odevzdání disertace byly dva z těchto článků publikovány, jeden byl přijat k publikaci a jeden procházel recenzním řízením. Předmětem studií byla cytogenetika, rozmnožování a složení potravy u primárně sladkovodních mlžů z čeledi Sphaeriidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Veneroida), vyznačujících se hermafroditismem a živorodostí. Ač byly v uplynulých více než 100 letech studovány různé aspekty biologie této čeledi, mnohé otázky zůstávaly nezodpovězeny. Předkládaná práce obsahuje počty chromosomů u 11 druhů (z nichž 10 dosud nebylo z cytogenetického hlediska zkoumáno) a údaje o průběhu meiosy u dvou z těchto druhů (Kapitola 1). Zjištěné počty chromosomů byly dosti vysoké (od 140 po více než 240), avšak v meiose se chromosomy chovaly podobně jako u normálních diploidních organismů. Rovněž obsahy DNA u pěti vybraných druhů s vysokými počty chromosomů (měřeno průtokovou cytometrií) se výrazně nelišily od hodnot u příbuzných druhů se 30 chromosomy. To popírá hypotézu o vzniku karyotypů s vysokými počty chromosomů evolučně nedávnou polyploidizací. Jako pravděpodobnější se jeví hypotéza o dávné...Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    \u3cem\u3eChaerilus hofereki\u3c/em\u3e sp. n. from Vietnam (Scorpiones: Chaerilidae)

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    Chaerilus hofereki sp. n. from Vietnam is described and compared with C. cimrmani Kovařík, 2012 from Thailand. C. hofereki sp. n. is characterized mainly by sexual dimorphism. Chela of pedipalp is wide and ampullar, fingers shorter in male than in female. Ratio of chela length to movable finger length 2.2 in males and 1.7–2 in females. Movable finger of pedipalp with 9 or 10 cutting edges. Our study brings the first data on chromosomes of chaerilid scorpions. The karyotype of male paratype of C. hofereki sp. n. consists of high number of chromosomes (2n = 90)

    \u3cem\u3eTityus ythieri\u3c/em\u3e Lourenço, 2007 is a synonym of \u3cem\u3eTityus magnimanus\u3c/em\u3e Pocock, 1897 (Scorpiones: Buthidae): a combined approach using morphology, hybridization experiments, chromosomes, and mitochondrial DNA

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    Diagnostic morphological differences to distinguish between two scorpion species, Tityus ythieri Lourenço, 2007 and T. magnimanus Pocock, 1897 do not exist; moreover, the two easily hybridize to produce fertile offspring. Therefore, we suggest that T. ythieri is a synonym of T. magnimanus. This conclusion is further supported by (1) very similar distribution of relative sizes of chromosome bivalents in both species, (2) regular pairing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis of their hybrids, and (3) identical sequences of mitochondrial DNA (COI) markers

    Molecular cytogenetic differentiation of paralogs of Hox paralogs in duplicated and re-diploidized genome of the North American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula).

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    BackgroundAcipenseriformes is a basal lineage of ray-finned fishes and comprise 27 extant species of sturgeons and paddlefishes. They are characterized by several specific genomic features as broad ploidy variation, high chromosome numbers, presence of numerous microchromosomes and propensity to interspecific hybridization. The presumed palaeotetraploidy of the American paddlefish was recently validated by molecular phylogeny and Hox genes analyses. A whole genome duplication in the paddlefish lineage was estimated at approximately 42 Mya and was found to be independent from several genome duplications evidenced in its sister lineage, i.e. sturgeons. We tested the ploidy status of available chromosomal markers after the expected rediploidization. Further we tested, whether paralogs of Hox gene clusters originated from this paddlefish specific genome duplication are cytogenetically distinguishable.ResultsWe found that both paralogs HoxA alpha and beta were distinguishable without any overlapping of the hybridization signal - each on one pair of large metacentric chromosomes. Of the HoxD, only the beta paralog was unequivocally identified, whereas the alpha paralog did not work and yielded only an inconclusive diffuse signal. Chromosomal markers on three diverse ploidy levels reflecting different stages of rediploidization were identified: quadruplets retaining their ancestral tetraploid condition, semi-quadruplets still reflecting the ancestral tetraploidy with clear signs of advanced rediploidization, doublets were diploidized with ancestral tetraploidy already blurred. Also some of the available microsatellite data exhibited diploid allelic band patterns at their loci whereas another locus showed more than two alleles.ConclusionsOur exhaustive staining of paddlefish chromosomes combined with cytogenetic mapping of ribosomal genes and Hox paralogs and with microsatellite data, brings a closer look at results of the process of rediploidization in the course of paddlefish genome evolution. We show a partial rediploidization represented by a complex mosaic structure comparable with segmental paleotetraploidy revealed in sturgeons (Acipenseridae). Sturgeons and paddlefishes with their high propensity for whole genome duplication thus offer suitable animal model systems to further explore evolutionary processes that were shaping the early evolution of all vertebrates

    Episcopalletters from Hradec Králové - characterization and analysis of texts of religious style

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    Diplomová práce se pokouší na základě analýzy královéhradeckých biskupských listů charakterizovat styl náboženských textů současné doby. k dispozici jsme měli čtrnáct listů z let 1994 - 1998. Listy jsou srovnány po stránce tematické, sleduje se jejich jazyk a přihlíží se též k individuálnímu slohu autora. Pro srovnání jsme vybrali dvě sbírky promluv - kázání

    Marketing communications of the radio station Europe 2 in 2011

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    The thesis titled "Marketing Communication of radio station Europe 2 in 2011" deals with the radio Europe 2 as a product on the radio market and also deals with communication activities, which were presented by Europe 2 in 2011. The aim of this dissertation is to give a comprehensive picture of these activities and the position of the radio on the market. The thesis is divided into three main chapters; the first chapter is devoted to the theoretical part, where the background of the station is described, its history and characteristics, including program structure, audience and target groups of Europe 2, as well as SWOT analysis, which objectively and subjectively identifies strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the radio. This is followed by an analysis of marketing communication itself, a description of each communication channel and introduction to the most important performance figures, which are crucial to the image of the radio. Part of this work is also an analysis of various television commercials and visuals that were shown during last year's largest campaigns. In the practical part of the thesis there is also provided an assessment of marketing communication as a whole, which outlines possible improvements in the radio promotion

    The analysis of tourism objects in Zákupy in light of handicapped people

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    katedra: KPE; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 69This dissertation deals with problems of accessibility of tourism objects in light of handicapped people. The dissertation is divided into six chapters. The first chapter deals with tourism, as the important branch of economy, with his development in the Liberec Region and with the particularity of tourism for handicapped people. The second chapter concentrates on handicapped people. It defines categories of handicap, number of handicapped people and accessibility of objects for handicapped people. The third and fourth chapter pays attention to basic characteristic of town Zákupy and to description of the biggest Zákupy´s attractivenesses which are then in the fifth chapter put to the careful analysis in light of use of these objects by handicapped people. In the last part are described and evaluated the results following from previous analysis. The dissertation includes in supplements tourism in the Czechoslovakian and in the Czech republic, overview of chosen attractivenesses of tourism in the Liberec Region, characteristics of handicapped people, the other characteristics demonstrating the life in Zákupy and the budgets of town Zákupy in years 2006-2009.Diplomová práce pojednává o problematice dostupnosti zařízení cestovního ruchu z hlediska tělesně postižených. Práce je rozdělena do šesti kapitol. První kapitola se zabývá cestovním ruchem, jako významným odvětvím národního hospodářství, jeho rozvojem v Libereckém kraji, a specifikem cestovního ruchu tělesně postižených. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na tělesně postižené. Definuje druhy zdravotního postižení, počty osob se zdravotním postižením a dostupnost objektů pro zdravotně postižené. Třetí a čtvrtá kapitola je věnována základní charakteristice města Zákupy a popisu jeho největších atraktivit, které jsou následně v páté kapitole podrobeny důkladné analýze z pohledu využitelnosti tělesně postiženými v cestovním ruchu. V poslední kapitole jsou uvedeny a zhodnoceny výsledky, vyplývající z předchozí analýzy. Diplomová práce obsahuje v přílohách cestovní ruch v Československu a v České republice, přehled vybraných atraktivit cestovního ruchu, které se nachází na katastru Libereckého kraje, charakteristiky osob se zdravotním postižením, další charakteristiky mapující život v Zákupech a rozpočty města Zákupy v letech 2006-2009

    Personnel management aimed at the hiring of employees through the personnel agenda

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    77 14. Summary; klíčová slova Personnel management with a focus on personnel recruitment agency The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the steps within recruitment process of the new employees by recruitment agency. My thesis is also focused on the personnel activities of the Human Resources department which are very close to the recruitment. The reason for my research is that I have been working as a Recruitment specialist for 5 years with an experiences on the both sides - Personal agency and Human Resources department. The thesis is composed of 10 chapters and each of them dealing with different aspects of personnel activities. Chapter One is introducy to the personnel management area and chapter Two and Three desribe the history and actual situation within this area. Chapter Four defines basic terminology which is used int the thesis and chapter Five focuses on human/personnel activities. In the chapter Six I tried to concentrate on the recruiting process and also discrabe the steps which are used. Chapter Seven examines relevant Czech and European legislation regarding to the personál agencies and Chapter Eight addresses the issue of agencie's activities. Chapter nine is a final of my thesis and i tis focused on the recrutiment process on the personál agency's site with every advantages and..

    Cytogenetics and biology of selected representatives of the family Sphaeriidae

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    "Cytogenetics and biology of selected representatives of the family Sphaeriidae" Mgr. ing. Tereza Kořínková Abstract of a PhD. thesis The thesis has a form of four separate articles, the full texts of which are included. Two of them were published, one was accepted and one was under revision before submission of the PhD thesis. The articles deal with cytogenetics, breeding and nutrition of selected representatives of the hermaphroditic, viviparous, primarily freshwater bivalves of the family Sphaeriidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Veneroida). Although various aspects of the biology of Sphaeriidae have been intensely studied for more than 100 years, many questions still remained unresolved. This thesis brings data on chromosome numbers of 11 species(10 of which have not been studied cytogenetically before) and information on the course of meiosis in two of these species (Chapter 1). Although the chromosome numbers are high (from ca. 140 to more than 240), the behaviour of chromosomes at meiosis rather corresponds to that of diploid organisms. Also the DNA contents in five selected species with high chromosome numbers (as measured by flow- cytometry) do not differ significantly from those in sphaeriids with a diploid chromosome number of 30. Such results contradict an origin of the high chromosome numbers by a..