Marketing communications of the radio station Europe 2 in 2011


The thesis titled "Marketing Communication of radio station Europe 2 in 2011" deals with the radio Europe 2 as a product on the radio market and also deals with communication activities, which were presented by Europe 2 in 2011. The aim of this dissertation is to give a comprehensive picture of these activities and the position of the radio on the market. The thesis is divided into three main chapters; the first chapter is devoted to the theoretical part, where the background of the station is described, its history and characteristics, including program structure, audience and target groups of Europe 2, as well as SWOT analysis, which objectively and subjectively identifies strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the radio. This is followed by an analysis of marketing communication itself, a description of each communication channel and introduction to the most important performance figures, which are crucial to the image of the radio. Part of this work is also an analysis of various television commercials and visuals that were shown during last year's largest campaigns. In the practical part of the thesis there is also provided an assessment of marketing communication as a whole, which outlines possible improvements in the radio promotion

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