1,979 research outputs found

    Hydration Water Dynamics and Instigation of Protein Structural Relaxation

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    The molecular mechanism of the solvent motion that is required to instigate the protein structural relaxation above a critical hydration level or transition temperature has yet to be determined. In this work we use quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) and molecular dynamics simulation to investigate hydration water dynamics near a greatly simplified protein surface. We consider the hydration water dynamics near the completely deuterated N-acetyl-leucine-methylamide (NALMA) solute, a hydrophobic amino acid side chain attached to a polar blocked polypeptide backbone, as a function of concentration between 0.5M-2.0M, under ambient conditions. In this Communication, we focus our results of hydration dynamics near a model protein surface on the issue of how enzymatic activity is restored once a critical hydration level is reached, and provide a hypothesis for the molecular mechanism of the solvent motion that is required to trigger protein structural relaxation when above the hydration transition.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, Communicatio


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    The present article intends to underline that the Dublin Regulation is not applied,because of the abuse of the reintroduction of internal border controls to prevent secondarymovements and facilitate refoulements, as well as of the abuse of informal readmissionmechanisms, giving rise to serious violations of human rights that occur during the controland surveillance operations at the external borders, but also and above all in the transit areasat the internal borders. This practice mainly concerned the Balkan routes as the main gatewaysto the EU territory, and in particular the Hungarian cities of Tompa and Röszke, located on theborder with Serbia, with detention centers for migrants and barriers with barbed wire to curbmigratory flows. Through a brief examination of some judgments of the Court of Justice of theEU (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the article will emphasize thedifferent approaches of two Courts concerning transit areas and detention centers along theBalkan routes and will try to highlight the present and future limits of the Dublin Regulation

    Some Brief Reflections concerning the Mobility Partnership in the EU External Migration Policy

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    The present work intends to highlight the most relevant aspects of the choices of the EU’s external migration policy through the instrument of Mobility Partnership which was proposed as general framework for the management of migration flows from third countries. Its main aim was to take due account of the interests and objectives of EU, partner countries and migrants themselves. So, the partnership was included among the external migration policy’s instruments with additional and different features than its earlier namesakes of the Union’s external relations. Nevertheless, the need to contain the migratory pressure coming from Africa and the Mediterranean, an area in which the Union has recognized priority actions, affects the form and the content of the few partnerships concluded until now and has a negative impact on its results, as well as on the respect of fundamental rights of migrants.Este trabajo se centra en los aspectos más relevantes de las decisiones de política exterior de migración de la UE, mediante la Asociación de Movilidad que se propone como marco general para la gestión de los flujos migratorios procedentes de terceros países. Su objetivo principal era tener debidamente en cuenta los intereses y objetivos de la UE, los países socios y los propios migrantes. Es así que la cooperación se incluyó entre los instrumentos de política de migración externa con características nuevas y diferentes de sus antecedentes dentro de las relaciones externas de la Unión Europea. Sin embargo, la necesidad de contener la presión migratoria procedente de África y del Mediterráneo, área en la cual la Unión ha reconocido acciones prioritarias, influye en la forma y el contenido de pocas asociaciones hasta ahora llevadas a cabo, y posee una repercusión negativa en sus resultados, tal como en el respeto de los derechos básicos de los migrantes.Ce travail se concentre sur les aspects les plus pertinents des choix de la politique migratoire extérieure de l’UE à travers l’instrument de partenariat de mobilité qui a été proposé comme cadre général pour la gestion des flux migratoires en provenance des pays tiers. Son principal objectif était de tenir dûment compte des intérêts et des objectifs de l’UE, les pays partenaires et les migrants eux-mêmes. Ainsi, le partenariat a été inclus parmi les instruments de la politique de migration externe avec des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et différentes que ses homonymes anté- rieures de relations extérieures de l’Union. Néanmoins, la nécessité de contenir la pression migratoire en provenance d’Afrique et de la Méditerranée, un domaine dans lequel l’Union a reconnu les actions prioritaires, affecte la forme et le contenu des rares partenariats conclus jusqu’à présent et a un impact négatif sur ses résultats, ainsi que sur le respect des droits fondamentaux des migrants

    The human body as a problem in post-modern culture

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    The discourse on the body today appears problematic because the uncertain and changing characteristics of our culture, whose postmodern title is by now insufficient and controversial, place it at the crossroads of ethical, political and biomedical issues. In this paper, the theme is articulated around the dissociation between body and freedom, indicated by several parties as one of the characteristics of the modern subject. This dissociation is at the root of the fundamental ambivalence with which one looks at the body: on the one hand it is exalted as an image of one's own identity, on the other one attempts to control it in its dynamisms, in the name of individual self-determination. This ambivalence also concerns the progress of biomedical techniques: these are acclaimed if considered a resource for the management of one's body or, on the contrary, rejected if considered an obstacle to self-affirmation. The positive proposal presupposes an integral anthropology, which overcomes both a naturalistic vision of the body and a purely symbolic vision


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    Two new species of Enoplolaiminae (Enoplida: Thoracostomopsidae) from Río Negro and Chubut, Argentina

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    Two new species of free-living marine nematodes of the subfamily Enoplolaiminae are described from Río Negro and Chubut Provinces, Argentina. Enoplolaimus variispiculum sp. n. is characterized by having asymmetric spicules, different in size and distal tips. It is the only species with this characteristic in the whole genus. Mesacanthoides flagellatum sp. n. is characterized by mandibles texture, weakly cuticularized and mottled and mandibular plates with pronounced “v” shaped incision posterior to the anterior bar. Cephalic capsule wider than long with setae on posterior end, males with long spicules, complex gubernaculum and flagellate tail.Fil: Pastor, Catalina Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Lo Russo, Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; Argentin

    Three new species of Mesacanthion Filipjev, 1927 (Nematoda: Thoracostomopsidae) from Argentine coasts

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    Three new species of Mesacanthion Filipjev, 1927 were found along Patagonian coasts (Argentina). Mesacanthion bifidum sp. nov. is characterized by short labial and cephalic setae, onchia of equal size, spicule arcuate, and gubernaculum with caudal apophysis, ending in two teeth. The species is related to M. virile (Ditlevsen, 1930) De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933. However, the spicules and gubernaculum of both species are different in shape. Mesacanthion longigubernaculum sp. nov. is characterized by its long and slender body, striated cuticle, relatively long cephalic and cervical setae, onchia of different sizes, amphidial fovea lentil-shaped, spicule arcuate, gubernaculum surrounding the spicule, and tail conical-cylindrical with terminal setae. Mesacanthion sanantoniensis sp. nov. is characterized by its long and stout body, striated cuticle, long cephalic setae, onchia of different sizes, amphidial fovea pouch-shaped, spicule arcuate, gubernaculum with dorsal apophysis, and tail conical without terminal setae. Following the key of Jeong et al. (2019), the last two species are related to M. pali Wieser, 1959 and M. longissimesetosum Wieser, 1953, so we provide a key to differentiate the four species.Fil: Lo Russo, Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Pastor, Catalina Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; Argentin

    Free-living marine nematodes from San Antonio Bay (Río Negro, Argentina)

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    The dataset of free-living marine nematodes of San Antonio Bay is based on sediment samples collected in February 2009 during doctoral theses funded by CONICET grants. A total of 36 samples has been taken at three locations in the San Antonio Bay, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina on the coastal littoral at three tidal levels. This presents a unique and important collection for benthic biodiversity assessment of Patagonian nematodes as this area remains one of the least known regions. In total 7,743 specimens of free-living marine nematodes belonging to two classes, eight orders, 37 families, 94 genera and 104 species were collected.Fil: Villares, Maria Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Lo Russo, Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Pastor, Catalina Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Milano, Viviana. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Miyashiro, Lidia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Mazzanti, Renato. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Some Brief Reflections concerning the Mobility Partnership in the EU External Migration Policy

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    Abstract: The present work intends to highlight the most relevant aspects of the choices of the EU’s external migration policy through the instrument of Mobility Partnership which was proposed as general framework for the management of migration flows from third countries. Its main aim was to take due account of the interests and objectives of EU, partner countries and migrants themselves. So, the partnership was included among the external migration policy’s instruments with additional and different features than its earlier namesakes of the Union’s external relations. Nevertheless, the need to contain the migratory pressure coming from Africa and the Mediterranean, an area in which the Union has recognized priority actions, affects the form and the content of the few partnerships concluded until now and has a negative impact on its results, as well as on the respect of fundamental rights of migrants. Keywords: EU external migration policy, Partnership, Mediterranean, Readmission Agreement.  Algunas breves reflexiones sobre la asociación de movilidad en la política exterior de la migración de la UE Resumen: Este trabajo se centra en los aspectos más relevantes de las decisiones de política exterior de migración de la UE, mediante la Asociación de Movilidad que se propone como marco general para la gestión de los flujos migratorios procedentes de terceros países. Su objetivo principal era tener debidamente en cuenta los intereses y objetivos de la UE, los países socios y los propios migrantes. Es así que la cooperación se incluyó entre los instrumentos de política de migración externa con características nuevas y diferentes de sus antecedentes dentro de las relaciones externas de la Unión Europea. Sin embargo, la necesidad de contener la presión migratoria procedente de África y del Mediterráneo, área en la cual la Unión ha reconocido acciones prioritarias, influye en la forma y el contenido de pocas asociaciones hasta ahora llevadas a cabo, y posee una repercusión negativa en sus resultados, tal como en el respeto de los derechos básicos de los migrantes. Palabras clave: Política exterior de migración de la UE, Asociaciones de Movilidad, Mediterráneo, Acuerdo de readmisión.  Quelques breves réflexions sur le Partenariat pour la mobilité dans la politique migratoire extérieure de l´Union Européenne Résumé : Ce travail se concentre sur les aspects les plus pertinents des choix de la politique migratoire extérieure de l’UE à travers l’instrument de partenariat de mobilité qui a été proposé comme cadre général pour la gestion des flux migratoires en provenance des pays tiers. Son principal objectif était de tenir dûment compte des intérêts et des objectifs de l’UE, les pays partenaires et les migrants eux-mêmes. Ainsi, le partenariat a été inclus parmi les instruments de la politique de migration externe avec des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et différentes que ses homonymes antérieures de relations extérieures de l’Union. Néanmoins, la nécessité de contenir la pression migratoire en provenance d’Afrique et de la Méditerranée, un domaine dans lequel l’Union a reconnu les actions prioritaires, affecte la forme et le contenu des rares partenariats conclus jusqu’à présent et a un impact négatif sur ses résultats, ainsi que sur le respect des droits fondamentaux des migrants. Mots clés : Politique migratoire extérieure de l’UE, Partenariat, Méditerranée, Accord de réadmission