390 research outputs found

    Management ideologies and organizational spirituality: a typology

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    The topic of spirituality is gaining an increasing visibility in organization studies. It is our contention that every theory of organization is a theory of organizational spirituality. Based on Barley and Kundas 1992 Administrative Science Quarterly article, we discuss the evolution of management theories as spirituality theories. From such analysis, we suggest that there may be both a meaningful/liberating and an instrumental/exploitative side in the relationship between organizations and spirituality. Such a possibility is illustrated with a typology that advances four possible types of organizations regarding spirituality: the soulful organization, the holistic organization, the ascetic organization, and the professional organization. The expression of spirituality in each of these forms is discussed with the aim of contributing to a theoretically-based analysis of organizational spirituality.management ideologies, organizational spirituality, religion

    Effects of setting time, setting direction and soak time on longline catch rates

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    Most studies of factors affecting catching efficiency and selectivity in longlining have focused on various gear parameters (mainline and snood material, hook design and size, rigging) and on the bait (type and size), and few studies have investigated how catch rates are affected by the way the gear is operated during fishing. We carried out fishing experiments to study the effects of setting time, setting direction (relative to the current direction) and soak time on catch rates of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). Lines set before dawn and lines set across the current gave higher catch rates of haddock than lines set after dawn and in the same direction as the current, respectively. Similar effects were not found for cod, and these differences between haddock and cod were explained by differences in behaviour and interspecific competition for the available baits. Soak time was not found to significantly affect the catch rates of either species, indicating that other factors have a more pronounced effect on longline catch rates and may therefore mask the effect of soak time

    The Effect Of Promotion Type And Benefit Congruency On Brand Image

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    Sales promotion is a communication device increasingly used by companies due to its capacity to produce an immediate sales increase. However, although these activities generate good short- term results, they may also have side effects on the customers’ assessment of the promoted brands. The purpose of this paper is to delve into the effects of promotions on the expected product price and brand image. The results of the study reveal that the frequent use of promotions affect consumers’ evaluations of brand image, but the effect depends on the type of promotional tool and the product category. The frequent use of price promotions will lower brand image assessments whereas non-monetary promotions lead to higher brand evaluations. These results are moderated by the product category. Moreover, the expected price of a product is lower after frequent monetary promotions

    Morel-Lavallée Lesion

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    Morel-Lavallée lesion is a closed degloving injury that results of separation of skin and subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia. This lesion is more common on the thigh and trauma is the most frequent cause. MRI is the preferred imaging technique for its evaluation. Early detection is important to avoid complications such as bacterial growth or extensive skin necrosis.The authors report two cases of Morel-Lavallée lesions, one in a patient with a painless mass on the thigh after a traffic accident and another in a young football player with a painful swelling on the thigh with fluctuation

    O desenvolvimento psicomotor de crianças caboverdianas em idade pré-escolar e as suas famílias : um retrato da precariedade

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    O rastreio do desenvolvimento e a intervenção precoce junto de crianças em risco psicossocial constituem medidas determinantes no futuro das nações. O presente estudo, de tipo descritivo, foi realizado com o propósito de caracterizar o desenvolvimento psicomotor de um grupo de 30 crianças cabo-verdianas da Cidade da Praia, em situação de precariedade, com idades compreendidas entre os 41 a 60 meses, caraterizar as suas famílias do ponto de vista sociodemográfico assim como algumas das práticas educativas parentais. Para tal foram utilizados a Schedule of Growing Skills II e o AAPI II, tendo participado ainda as educadoras do pré-escolar, que colaboraram na identificação precoce de comportamentos atípicos preenchendo o TABS. Dos resultados é de destacar que 37% das crianças apresentaram atraso no desenvolvimento psicomotor com valores significativos (Atraso Global de Desenvolvimento), sendo os domínios mais afetados as competências cognitivas, visuais e interação social. Estas crianças apresentaram também indicadores de risco em termos do Indice de temperamento e autorregulação, com particular enfoque no tipo desligado. Constatou-se ainda a, existência de factores de risco no que se refere às práticas educativas parentais, nomeadamente nas expetativas relativamente ao desenvolvimento das crianças. Conclui-se que a avaliação do desenvolvimento psicomotor das crianças de idades baixas e a análise de fatores de ordem psicossocial na família são procedimentos fundamentais com vista ao rastreio precoce de problemas ou condições de risco de desenvolvimento. Sem resposta articulada para muitas destas crianças, a criação de um sistema integrado de intervenção precoce parece uma aposta urgente a nível politico em articulação com os setores da saúde, educação e apoio social, para os próximos anos em CaboVerde.Screening for development and early intervention among children at psychosocial risk are key determinants of nations' future. The present descriptive study was carried out with the purpose of characterizing the psychomotor development of a group of 30 Cape Verdean children from Praia City in a precarious situation, aged between 41 and 60 months, to characterize their family’s sociodemographically as well as some of their parental educational practices. The instruments were the Schedule of Growing Skills II, the AAPI II, and the pre-school educators, who collaborated in the early identification of atypical behaviors, completed the TABS. Global Developmental Delay (GDD) was detected for 37% of the children and the most affected developmental domains were: cognitive, visual and social interaction skills. These children also presented risk indicators in terms of temperament and self-regulation, with particular focus on detached. It was also identified the existence of risk factors with regard to parental educational practices, especially in parental expectations regarding the development of children. We concluded that the assessment of the psychomotor development of young children and the analysis of psychosocial factors in the family are fundamental procedures for screening and early detection of developmental disturbances or risk. In the absence of services for these children, the creation of an Early Intervention System seems a urgent an fundamental investment for political and integrated health, education an social services in Cape Verde

    Propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Funciones Motivacionales del Voluntariado en una muestra de jóvenes peruanos, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Funciones Motivacionales del Voluntariado en una muestra de jóvenes peruanos, 2021. La investigación es de tipo tecnológica o aplicada, de diseño instrumental, cuya muestra fue de 235 personas voluntarias de 18 a 29 años, en donde se utilizó inventario de funciones del voluntario (VFI) de Clary y Snyder, el cual cumple adecuadamente con la validez de contenido por medio de la V. de Aiken (0.73 a 1) y el nivel de confiabilidad general por Alpha de Cronbach 0.942, y de las 6 dimensiones entre 0.77 a 0.88. Se realizó el análisis factorial exploratorio, el cual sugirió 5 factores, posteriormente el análisis factorial confirmatorio, presentando un ajuste menor a lo esperado (CFI = 0.835; RMSEA= 0.086; SRMR= 0.0806). En conclusión, el instrumento puede ser aplicado en el contexto peruano con las seis dimensiones originarias y requiere mayores estudios para la búsqueda del ajuste aceptable

    Modelos e prioridades estratégicas em ciência, tecnologia e inovação nos países da OCDE e nos BRICS

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    Mestrado em Economia e Gestão da Ciência, Tecnologia e InovaçãoEste trabalho de investigação teve como objectivo principal identificar e classificar os principais padrões de actuação através das quais os sistemas actuais de prioridades estratégicas em Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CTI) dos países diferem entre si. O trabalho propôs-se a estudar um quadro conceptual baseado numa análise tridimensional, que permitiu perceber: 1) As diferenças no tipo de prioridades existentes, quanto ao seu grau de importância e dimensão; 2) As diferenças existentes no grau de intencionalidade do processo de definição das prioridades por parte dos modelos políticos e 3) As diferenças existentes quanto aoprocesso de definição dessas prioridades. Foi utilizado o método hierárquico de determinação de clusters para a análise de vinte e oito países da OCDE e cinco economias emergentes actuais, os BRICS. Do modelo testado resultaram cinco clusters principais, sobre os quais se concluiu que há áreas científicas e tecnológicas mais estratégicas que outras, já que a aposta por parte dos Governos difere substancialmente em alguns dos grupos de países. O argumento do nível de desenvolvimento económico demonstrou-se um ponto chave para a compreensão dos modelos de prioridades em CTI. Verificou-se que o processo de definição de prioridades é assumido de forma explícita por parte dos modelos políticos, justificado pela existência de áreas dominantes susceptíveis do mecanismo formal e centralizado em que consiste o orçamento total da I&D por objectivos sócio económicos. Apesar do sector privado ser o actor mais relevante no que toca ao financiamento da I&D, a maioria dos países tem modelos de prioridades com um papel mais centralizado dos Governos na adopção de estratégias, políticas e planos específicos para certas áreas prioritárias. Concluiu-se ainda que os BRICS têm prosseguido diferentes estratégias de desenvolvimento, que reflectem formas e graus diversos de integração à economia mundial, não funcionado como um grupo homogéneo quanto aos seus modelos de prioridades estratégicas em CTI.This research work had as main objective to identify and classify the main patterns of action through which the current systems of strategic priorities in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) differ. This work proposed to study a conceptual framework based on three-dimensional analysis, which allowed realize: 1) The differences in the kind of priorities, as to their degree of importance and size, 2) The differences in the degree of intent of the definition of priorities by the political models and 3) The differences in the process of defining these priorities. It was used the method of hierarchical cluster for the analysis of twenty-eight OECD countries and five emerging economies, the BRICS. The final model has resulted in five main clusters, on which it was concluded that exist priorities in science and technology more strategic than others, since the bet on the part of governments differ substantially in some groups of countries. The argument of economic development has to be a key factor to understand the types of priorities in STI. It was found that the process of prioritization is made explicitly by the political models, justified by the existence of likely dominant areas of formal and centralized mechanism that is the total budget of R&D by socio economic objectives. Although the private sector is the most important actor in relation to financing R&D, the most countries have models of priorities with a more centralized government in the adoption of strategies, policies and specific plans to certain areas. It was also concluded that the BRICS have pursued different development strategies, which reflect various forms and degrees of integration to the world economy, not run as a homogeneous group in their models of strategic priorities in STI

    Ancient divergence, a crisis of salt and another of ice shaped the evolution of the west Mediterranean butterfly Euchloe tagis

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    The Mediterranean region is an extremely complex hotspot where, since the Miocene, extensive geological, habitat and climate changes have taken place, alternating between warm and cold periods. These phenomena have taken a toll on the genetic composition of species, and surviving lineages have often adapted locally and diverged to the point of (complete) speciation. To study these phenomena, in this study we used one of the most enigmatic butterflies, the Portuguese dappled white, Euchloe tagis, a west Mediterranean endemic with fragmented, morphologically differentiated populations whose status have long been disputed. Even its affiliations with other Anthocharidini are largely unresolved. We used mitochondrial and nuclear markers under a phylogenetic and phylogeographical framework to evaluate its placement among relatives and population differentiation, reconstructing its evolutionary history. We found that this species had a Miocene origin ~15 Mya and was nearest to Euchloe s.s. and Elphinstonia. Its populations showed high genetic diversity but all coalesced to 5.3 Mya, when European and all but one African population diverged. Our multiple findings concerning the evolution of E. tagis through a changing, narrow habitable area might provide a more general perspective on how species survive within this hotspot of paramount importance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing a b-learning teaching approach and students' learning preferences in higher education

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    N.B. this is the preprint version of the paper indicated below. T. Cardoso, F. Pestana, J. Pina (2019). Assessing a b-learning teaching approach and students' learning preferences in higher education, EDULEARN19 Proceedings, pp. 10007- 10012. Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings Pages: 10007-10012 Publication year: 2019 ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4 ISSN: 2340-1117 doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.2502 Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Dates: 1-3 July, 2019 Location: Palma, Spain https://library.iated.org/view/CARDOSO2019ASS https://library.iated.org/publications/EDULEARN19/start/1500Distance learning has been gaining ground in higher education institutions, particularly in the context of blended learning, forcing institutions and teachers to confront new challenges in the teaching / learning process [1] [2] [3] [4]. This trend has been increasing in the world [5] [6], namely in the United States [1] [7] and in Europe [8] [9] [6] [10]. Blended learning, or simply b-learning, has been associated with the reduction of costs and efficiency [11] [3]. According to several authors, it enables to combine face-to-face and online distance modalities (elearning or mlearning), so it is said to be the better of both worlds [12] [13] [14]. It also allows to enhance greater space-time flexibility, and when properly implemented allows the acquisition of meaningful learning, centered on student autonomy, which, among other aspects, takes into account different learning styles/preferences. Therefore, blended-learning can inspire course curriculum design, including updating former face-toface pedagogical offers in order to meet the blended or hybrid principles and delivery. Bearing in mind this teaching / learning specific scenario, we developed two surveys to assess such a new teaching approach and the students’ preferences, in two different moments – at the beginning and at the end of a higher education unit course. Hence, in this text, we will present those surveys, as well as their theoretical and methodological framework. Both surveys have already been validated and tested, and preliminary data analysis is being developed. We expect this pedagogical approach can contribute to sustain the assessment of teaching practices towards students’ learning preferences, and the choice of adequate technologies to fit those preferences. Ultimately, we expect the results can shed light for further research, so as to improve the development of blended-learning course curriculum design in higher education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio