2,586 research outputs found

    Riparian and aquatic vegetation in Mediterranean-type streams (western Iberia)

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    Floral composition and structural patterns displayed by the aquatic and riparian vegetation in Mediterranean-type streams show distinctive features when compared to mesic fluvial systems. In this paper we sum up two decades of studies on the ecology of riparian and aquatic vegetation in western Iberia (Portugal). We present results concerning the structural patterns of the riparian woody vegetation, its variation in space and time, and its role in fluvial processes. We give an overall description and ecological appraisal of the riparian and aquatic flora and its complex relationships with abiotic drivers from both the river corridor and the drainage basin. We also describe our observations of floral disturbances derived both from natural and human causes. We have taken various approaches to assessing ecological quality using river plants, and these are also reviewed. The overall results obtained in these last twenty years are discussed as a contribution to future research needs.La composición florística y los patrones estructurales de la vegetación acuática y riparia en ríos mediterráneos muestran características diferenciales cuando son comparados con sistemas fluviales templados. En este trabajo, intentamos reunir dos décadas de estudios sobre la ecología de la vegetación riparia y acuática en Iberia Occidental (Portugal). Presentamos resultados acerca de los patrones estructurales de la vegetación leñosa riparia, su variación espacio-temporal, y su papel en los procesos fluviales. Hacemos una descripción global y un abordaje ecológico de la flora riparia y acuática y sus complejas relaciones con los factores abióticos, desde la escala del corredor fluvial hasta la cuenca de drenaje. Describimos también las perturbaciones observadas sobre la flora, tanto derivadas de causas naturales como humanas. Hemos desarrollado algunos enfoques para evaluar la calidad ecológica utilizando plantas y estos son también revisados. Se discuten los resultados obtenidos en estos últimos veinte años con el objetivo de contribuir para la determinación de futuras necesidades en la investigación

    Life cycle assessment of soybean biodiesel and LPG as automotive fuels in Portugal

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    This study aims to compare soy methyl esters (biodiesel) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as automotive fuels in Portugal using LCA. The potential environmental impacts (PEl) associated with their life cycles are compared for twelve impact categories. As a general conclusion biodiesel has a lower total PEl than LPG. Nonetheless biodiesel shows higher values of some individual impact categories such as acidification, photooxidant formation, terrestrial eutrophication, and land use. This study results can be used to support decision making and recommendations about the environmentally preferable fuel to be used in Portugal, which should be complemented with economic and societal considerations

    Using Science and Technology to Unveil The Hidden Delicacy Terfezia arenaria, a Desert Truffle

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    Terfezia arenaria is a desert truffle native to the Mediterranean Basin region, highly appreci- ated for its nutritional and aromatic properties. Despite the increasing interest in this desert truffle, T. arenaria is not listed as an edible truffle authorized for trade in the European Union. Therefore, our objective was to showcase T. arenaria’s nutritional and chemical composition and volatile profile. The nutritional analysis showed that T. arenaria is a good source of carbohydrates (67%), proteins (14%), and dietary fibre (10%), resulting in a Nutri-Score A. The truffle’s volatile profile was domi- nated by eight-carbon volatile compounds, with 1-octen-3-ol being the most abundant (64%), and 29 compounds were reported for the first time for T. arenaria. T. arenaria’s nutritional and chemical compositions were similar to those of four commercial mushroom and truffle species, while the aromatic profile was not. An electronic nose corroborated that T. arenaria‘s aromatic profile differs from that of the other four tested mushroom and truffle species. Our data showed that T. arenaria is a valuable food resource with a unique aroma and an analogous composition to meat, which makes it an ideal source for plant-based meat products. Our findings could help promote a sustainable future exploitation of T. arenaria and ensure the quality and authenticity of this delicacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time-trends in human immunodeficiency virus infection in Portugal: 1984-2013

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    Avaliaram-se tendências temporais da infeção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) em Portugal. Calcularam-se incidência (1984-2013), prevalência e mortalidade por VIH (1988-2013). Com modelos de regressão linear segmentada obteve-se percentagem de variação anual (%VA) e intervalo de confiança a 95% (IC95%) para esses parâmetros, identificando-se anos (pontos de inflexão) em que ocorreram mudanças significativas na tendência. A incidência aumentou até 1999 (homens) e 2000 (mulheres) e depois diminuiu de 47 para 20/100000 homens e de 15 para 8/100000 mulheres até 2013, com decréscimo significativo desde 2003 em homens (%VA=-3,1;IC95%:-4,3;-1,9) e 2000 em mulheres (%VA=-2,8;IC95%:-4,1;-1,6 até 2010 e %VA=-11,3;IC95%:-18,5;-3,6 após 2010). O pico para a mortalidade ocorreu em 1996, decrescendo de 19 para 7/100000 homens e de 4 para 2/100000 mulheres durante 1996-2013, com declínio significativo desde 2003 em homens (%VA=-7,1;IC95%:-8,6;-5,6) e 1996 em mulheres (%VA=-2,9%;IC95%:-4,1;-1,7). A prevalência aumentou significativamente até 2013 para 0,4% (homens) e 0,2% (mulheres), mas com redução gradual da %VA entre pontos de inflexão. O maior declínio da incidência observou-se em utilizadores de drogas injetáveis (UDI) decrescendo de 17 para 1/100000 habitantes durante 1997-2013. Em heterossexuais decresceu de 12 para 8/100000 durante 2002-2013 mas em homossexuais aumentou até 2011 estabilizando em 4/100000. Portugal apresenta progresso favorável relativamente ao controlo da infeção com redução drástica da infeção entre UDI

    Uma introdução à técnica SVET

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    Este artigo apresenta uma introdução à Técnica do Eléctrodo Vibrante de Varrimento (SVET). Começa por uma breve resenha histórica, seguida da descrição do princípio de funcionamento, exemplos da aplicação a casos de corrosão, alguns cálculos possíveis, limitações, instrumentação, detalhes experimentais e exemplos da sua associação a outras técnicas electroquímicas

    Será que a dosagem na educação para a abstinência faz a diferença?

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    Although past reviews uniformly criticized the efficacy and effectiveness of sexual abstinence in adolescents, new studies dispute the earlier findings. Studies that unpackage intervention programs provide one means of understanding why they succeed in some settings and not in others. This study examined 3183 students spread over 35 schools on the number of hours that they received in sexual abstinence education, in a context of health behaviors promotion. A multi-level analysis (HLM) was performed. The number of hours did not appear to make any difference in the outcome scores. Reasons for this finding are presented and their implications are provided.Embora a literatura duma forma generalizada tenha uniformemente criticado a eficácia dos programas de abstinência sexual em adolescentes, novos estudos parecem contestar os resultados iniciais. Estudos que descompactam os programas de intervenção fornecem um meio de entender por que os programas de abstinência podem ter sucesso em alguns contextos e não em outros. Este estudo analisou 3.183 alunos distribuídos por 35 escolas sobre o número de horas que eles receberam em educação para a abstinência sexual, num contexto de promoção de comportamentos saudáveis. Foi realizada uma análise multi-level (HLM). O número de horas não pareceu fazer diferença nos resultados obtidos. As razões para esta conclusão são apresentados e suas implicações são fornecidas

    Modeling abstinence education effectiveness

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    Background: Controversy about the effectiveness of abstinence education has posed troubling dilemmas for everyone involved in this area of study. Strident statements about the lack of efficacy of abstinence education have approached the level of bitter ideology. One remedy to lessen this focus on ideology is to provide a broader analysis of program efforts. Method: This paper provides an innovative analysis of a community-based abstinence education program that encompassed multiple schools across several counties that includes thousands of students. The design addressed many deficits in published studies; it used hierarchical linear modeling to remedy the design flaws of a simple pretest-posttest analysis. Results: Pretests were the principal predictors of posttest scores. Gender was also a significant predictor of posttest scores. Age however was not a significant predictor. An interaction between gender and age was a significant predictor although a three-way interaction of gender x age x race was not. Conclusion: Implications for the findings are stated with recommendations for further research

    New adsorbers for the removal of genotoxic impurities from active pharmaceutical ingredients

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    Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) available in the market are mostly synthesized, in organic solvent media, using highly reactive molecules that may be present in the final product as genotoxic impurities (GTIs). These compounds have the ability to react with DNA, preventing its normal replication, resulting in an associated carcinogenic risk, becoming an increasing concern from pharmaceutical companies and regulatory authorities [1]. Although it is desirable to avoid the use of GTIs in the manufacture of APIs, this is not always possible. Therefore, there is a call to develop simple, robust and economical routes to remove GTIs to limits below the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (1.5 µg/day) [2]. Such adsorbents should be highly selective to reach ultra-low GTI levels with minimal API losses and compatible with organic solvents where the API synthesis takes place [3]. Herein we report two different strategies for the development of new adsorbing materials designed for selective removal of GTIs from API organic solvent solutions. These new materials are: i) molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs), in the particular case designed for removal of an aromatic amine GTI, 4-dymethylaminopyridine) [4]; and ii) a novel functionalized polymer consisting on polybenzimidazole (PBI) modified with a DNA base (PBI-adenine). PBI-Adenine is designed to have a high affinity for a broad range of DNA alkylating agents mimicking the DNA-GTI adduct formation that takes place in vivo [5,6]. These platforms proved to be robust materials being able to remove, in a single stage, more than 95% of the GTIs from organic solvent API mixtures. Both approaches, meet the pharmaceutical industry challenges, by opening new horizons for the use of these adsorbers as a complement to the existing operation units as MIPs, as well as their assembling as membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) derived from PBI. References [1] Teasdale A. et al., Org. Process Res. Dev. 17, 2013, 221-230. [2] EMEA Guidelines on the “Limits on Genotoxic Impurities”, EMEA/CHMP/QWP/251344/2006, 2006. [3] Székely G. et al., Green Chem. 15, 2013, 210-225. [4] Esteves T. et al., Sep. Purif. Technol. 163, 2016, 206-214. [5] Ferreira F. C.; Esteves T.; Vicente A. I.; Afonso C. A. M., “Polímeros polibenzimidazolo com cadeia espaçadora funcionalizada e seu método de obtenção para remoção de impurezas genotóxicas.” Patent request Nº 109480, with priority date of 22 June 2016. [6] Vicente A. I. et al., Chem. Mat., 2016, under preparation. Acknowledgements: We thank financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through the Project SelectHost (PTDC/QEQ-PRS/4157/2014) and iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (UID/BIO/04565/2013), from Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa 2020 (Lisboa-01-0145-FEDER-007317). We thank to Hovione PharmaScience Ltd for supplying the API and technical know-how

    Importance of considering riparian vegetation requirements for the long-term efficiency of environmental flows in aquatic microhabitats

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    Environmental flows remain biased toward the traditional biological group of fish species. Consequently, these flows ignore the inter-annual flow variability that rules species with longer lifecycles and therefore disregard the long-term perspective of the riverine ecosystem. We analyzed the importance of considering riparian requirements for the long-term efficiency of environmental flows. For that analysis, we modeled the riparian vegetation development for a decade facing different environmental flows in two case studies. Next, we assessed the corresponding fish habitat availability of three common fish species in each of the resulting riparian landscape scenarios. Modeling results demonstrated that the environmental flows disregarding riparian vegetation requirements promoted riparian degradation, particularly vegetation encroachment. Such circumstance altered the hydraulic characteristics of the river channel where flow depths and velocities underwent local changes of up to 10 cm and 40 cm s1, respectively. Accordingly, after a decade of this flow regime, the available habitat area for the considered fish species experienced modifications of up to 110% when compared to the natural habitat. In turn, environmental flows regarding riparian vegetation requirements were able to maintain riparian vegetation near natural standards, thereby preserving the hydraulic characteristics of the river channel and sustaining the fish habitat close to the natural condition. As a result, fish habitat availability never changed more than 17% from the natural habitatinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microbial consortium increases maize productivity and reduces grain phosphorus concentration under field conditions

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    Background:The use of microbes that improve plant phosphorus (P) use efficiency is an avenue to boostcrop yields while alleviating environmental impacts. We tested three microbial inoculants (Rhizoglomusirregularealone – designated AMF;Pseudomonas putidaalone – designated PSB; andR. irregulareandP. putidain consortium – designated AMF+PSB), combined with chemical fertilizers, in an intensive maizeagricultural system.Results:As hypothesized: (i) despite the native soil microbial community and the application of P fertil-izer, the microbial inoculants enhanced plant P uptake from the soil by 14–60%, and consequentlyimproved P acquisition efficiency; (ii) PSB and AMF+PSB plants produced ±50% more biomass per unitof P taken up, and consequently enhanced plant internal P use efficiency (i.e. the biomass producedper unit of P); and (iii) the combined inoculation of AMF and PSB provided the best results in terms ofproductivity and P use efficiency. Further, the microbial inoculants altered P allocation within the plant,reducing grain P concentration.Conclusion:By testing the microbial inoculants under field conditions, our study clearly shows that themicrobial consortium (AMF+PSB) increased maize productivity, and at the same time improved P use effi-ciency. Further, the use of these microbial inoculants was shown to be compatible with conventionalagricultural management practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio