150 research outputs found

    „Praktizierter Naturschutz – Nützlich und schön“ - Partizipative Entwicklung eines ökologischen Nutzungs-konzeptes unter Naturschutzbedingungen -

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    The goal of this work was to develop a concept for the ecological and productive agricultural use of the private sites and the surrounding public areas, protected by nature conservation, on the inland island “Schöninsel” in Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania. The challenge was to harmonize the interests of the property owner as well as concerned public groups, and to adjust the concept to requirements of nature conversation and natural and socioeconomic site factors. In all planning phases, permaculture principles and design methods were used. Practical planning was guided by the following goals: harmonization of aesthetic aspects and usefulness, preservation and enhancement of biodiversity, nature conservation, and raising awareness by environmental education. For the private area, a display vegetable garden combined with the cultivation of fruits and beekeeping is planned. For the public areas we recommend the creation of orchard meadows combined with grazing by the rare and endangered Pomeranian Coarsewool

    The evaluation of immunogenicity of therapeutic antibody drug aggregates using 2D and 3D in vitro models

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    Effekte eines Rehabilitationsaufenthaltes in der Hochgebirgsklinik Davos auf 1560 m auf Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale und Patienten mit chronisch obstruktiver Bronchitis (COPD)

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    Einleitung: Rehabilitation und Klimatherapie wird in der Behandlung chronisch obstruktiver Atemwegserkrankungen ein großer Stellenwert zugesprochen. In der Literatur besteht jedoch im Hinblick auf die veränderten Sauerstoffverhältnisse der Höhenlage Uneinigkeit über den Nutzen eines therapeutischen Höhenaufenthaltes für COPD Patienten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Frage nachgegangen, welche Auswirkungen die Kombination aus allergen- und keimarmem Höhenklima mit einer multimodalen Rehabilitation in der Hochgebirgsklinik Davos auf Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale und chronisch obstruktiver Bronchitis (COPD) hat.Methodik: In einer prospektiven Beobachtungsstudie wurden 87 Patienten mit Asthma, sowie 49 Patienten mit COPD zu Beginn und am Ende ihres Rehabilitationsaufenthalts an der Hochgebirgsklinik Davos untersucht. Mittel der Analyse waren eine strukturierte Anamnese-Erhebung, Laboruntersuchungen, Lungenfunktionsmessungen, Leistungstests und ein validierter krankheitsspezifischer subjektiver Kontrolltest (ACT bzw. CAT). Ergebnisse: Während der stationären Rehabilitation, die mit einer durchschnittlichen Dauer von 19,76 Tagen durchgeführt wurde, veränderte sich in der Gruppe der Asthmapatienten die Lungenfunktion in folgenden Parametern hoch signifikant: Die Einsekundenkapazität (FEV1), die Vitalkapazität (VC), die Totale Lungenkapazität (TLC), sowie der Peakflow (PEF). Der Atemwegswiderstand (Rtot) verringerte sich hoch signifikant. Das Residualvolumen (RV) zeigte sich am Ende des Aufenthalts korrespondierend zur Zunahme der TLC ebenfalls signifikant erhöht. Der FeNO-Wert verringerte sich hoch signifikant. Unter den Probanden mit COPD verbesserten sich die FEV1, die VC und der PEF signifikant. RV% verringerte sich signifikant. Im Hinblick auf die Leistungsdiagnostik zeigten sich unter den Asthmatikern hoch signifikante Verbesserungen in der Fahrrad-Ergometrie. Auch in der Gruppe der Patienten mit COPD verbesserte sich die Leistungsfähigkeit in der Ergometrie ebenso signifikant wie die erreichte Gehstrecke. In beiden Patientengruppen verbesserten sich die subjektiven Tests (ACT; CAT) hoch signifikant. In der Gruppe der Asthmatiker wurde eine signifikante Reduktion der oralen Steroiddosis beobachtet. Unter den Probanden mit allergischem Asthma reduzierte sich die Zahl Eosinophiler Zellen signifikant. Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass beide Patientengruppen von einem Aufenthalt an der Hochgebirgsklinik Davos profitieren: Es zeigen sich signifikante Verbesserung der wesentlichen Lungenfunktionsparametern, sowie insbesondere der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit und im subjektiven Krankheitsempfinden der Patienten. Abschließend bleibt festzuhalten, dass nicht nur Patienten mit Asthma unter der Kombination aus allergen- und keimarmem Höhenklima und multimodaler Rehabilitation deutliche Verbesserungen ihrer Lungenfunktion, respektive Symptom- und Leistungsverbesserung erreichen können. Bemerkenswert ist insbesondere, dass COPD Patienten trotz der veränderten Sauerstoffverhältnisse der Höhenlage in allen wesentlichen Parametern von der kombinierten Therapieform profitieren

    Sentido de vida da pessoa com dor crónica

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    Introdução: A dor e o sofrimento integram a natureza humana e são, para além da morte, as experiências humanas mais partilhadas. De acordo com a literatura, a população adulta na europa sofre severos danos na sua qualidade de vida devido ao sofrimento inevitável associado à dor crónica reumática. Para este sofrimento, por vezes incompreendido, nem sempre existem respostas terapêuticas. Objetivos: Validar para a amostra de pessoas com dor crónica reumática as escalas sentido no sofrimento e autotranscendência, e revalidar as escalas de objetivos de vida, ansiedade e depressão, e autoeficácia; avaliar as variáveis em estudo (sentido de vida, autoeficácia, ansiedade e depressão, sentido no sofrimento, índice de sofrimento e atividade da doença); determinar a correlação entre o sentido de vida e as variáveis em estudo; identificar os fatores preditivos do sentido de vida; e identificar as fontes de sentido de vida e a história do sofrimento inevitável. Metodologia: A investigação compreendeu três estudos: metodológico, correlacional e descritivo. Foi desenvolvida numa amostra de 187 indivíduos, agrupados em função das suas patologias reumáticas em quatro subamostras: grupo com artrite reumatoide (gAR), constituído maioritariamente por elementos do sexo feminino que têm a doença há mais tempo diagnosticada; grupo com espondilite anquilosante (gEA), constituído pelos elementos mais novos, maioritariamente do sexo masculino e com as mais longas vivências de dor; grupo com artrite psoriática (gAP), constituído maioritariamente por elementos do sexo masculino; e o grupo com fibromialgia (gFM), constituído pelos elementos mais velhos, exclusivamente do sexo feminino, que detêm o mais elevado índice de sofrimento, depressão e ansiedade, e o mais baixo de sentido de vida, sendo os únicos que não dispõem de terapêutica específica. Os dados foram recolhidos entre janeiro de 2010 e novembro de 2011 mediante a aplicação de um questionário constituído pelos seguintes instrumentos: caraterísticas sociodemográficas, profissionais e clínicas; escalas de sentido no sofrimento; autotranscendência; objetivos de vida; ansiedade e depressão; e autoeficácia. Resultados: Verificou-se que todos os instrumentos validados possuem boas caraterísticas psicométricas e são adequados para a prática clínica. Constatou-se que o sentido de vida é um constructo multidimensional, constituído pela junção dos conceitos de objetivos de vida e autotranscendência. A promoção do sentido de vida está associada a níveis mais baixos de depressão e ansiedade e mais altos de sentido no sofrimento e estratégias de coping. Porém, são as subamostras dos participantes com espondilite anquilosante e fibromialgia que evidenciam maior sensibilidade em relação ao sentido de vida. Em ambas as subamostras a promoção do sentido de vida é diretamente proporcional a uma melhor autoeficácia quanto à definição de estratégias de coping, e inversamente proporcional ao índice de sofrimento, sendo a proporcionalidade inversa igualmente verificada entre o sentido de vida dos participantes com espondilite e o índice de atividade da sua doença. Apurou-se que todos os participantes que apresentam uma atitude positiva perante o próprio sofrimento e êxito apresentam, em simultâneo, a melhor categoria avaliativa de sentido de vida, sendo as suas fontes (específicas) de sentido de vida carateristicamente mais transcendentes. Identificou-se a história do sofrimento inevitável de cada uma das subamostras em estudo obtendo-se intervenções específicas, úteis para a orientação na promoção do seu sentido de vida. Conclusão: A principal conclusão da investigação, foi trazer um novo contributo para um futuro mais esperançoso da pessoa com dor crónica reumática, através de substratos para a orientação na integração do sofrimento inevitável. Neste processo emergiu o constructo multidimensional sentido de vida, cujo estudo propõe respostas científicas, implementáveis na prática do cuidar sob a forma da competência para o cuidado incondicional proactivo. O desenvolvimento desta competência pode ser facilitado com o acesso aos resultados referentes às variáveis facilitadoras e inibidoras do fenómeno para cada uma das subamostras em estudo, aos instrumentos agora disponibilizados, à nova metodologia de análise de conteúdo que direciona para a identificação do sentido de vida e a atitude do participante, permitindo o reconhecimento da sua fonte de sentido de vida; e por fim, pelo acesso ao guião de entrevista da história de sofrimento inevitável que permite obter o perfil do sofrimento inevitável da pessoa com dor crónica reumática, ponto de partida para uma intervenção qualificada.Introduction: Pain and suffering are part of what it is to be human and, in addition to death, they are the most widely shared of human experiences. According to the literature the quality of life of the adult population in Europe is severely harmed by the inevitable suffering associated with chronic rheumatic pain. Though not always understood, there are not always therapeutic responses to this suffering. Aims: To validate for the sample of patients with chronic rheumatic pain the scales for meaning in suffering and self-transcendence, and to revalidate the scales for life goals, anxiety and depression, and self-efficacy; to assess the study variables (meaning in life, self-efficacy, anxiety and depression, meaning in suffering, suffering index and disease activity); to determine the correlation between meaning in life and the variables under study; to identify the predictive factors for meaning in life; to identify the sources of meaning in life and the history of the inevitable suffering. Methodology: The research involved three studies: methodological, correlational and descriptive. It was developed in a sample of 187 individuals, grouped into four sub-samples according to their rheumatic disorders: one group with rheumatoid arthritis (gAR), consisting mainly of females who have had the disease diagnosed for the longest time; one group with ankylosing spondylitis (gEA), consisting of younger, mostly male, individuals with the longest experience of pain; one group with psoriatic arthritis (gAP), consisting mainly of older males; and one group with fibromyalgia (gFM) composed of older, exclusively female, individuals who have the highest index of suffering, depression and anxiety and the lowest meaning in life. This last was the only group for which no specific treatment is available. The data were gathered between January 2010 and November 2011 by means of a questionnaire consisting of these instruments: sociodemographic, professional and clinical characteristics; scales of meaning in suffering, self-transcendence, purpose of life, anxiety and depression, and self-efficacy. Results: All the instruments validated were found to have good psychometric characteristics and are suitable for clinical practice. It was found that meaning in life is a multidimensional construct consisting of the combination of the concepts of life goals and self-transcendence. Promotion of meaning in life is associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety and higher levels of meaning in suffering and coping strategies. But the sub-samples of participants with ankylosing spondylitis and fibromyalgia show greater sensitivity with respect to the meaning in life. In both subsamples the promotion of meaning in life is directly proportional to improved self-efficacy regarding the definition of coping strategies, and inversely proportional to the suffering index. The inverse proportionality between the meaning in life of the participants with spondylitis and the activity index of their disease was also confirmed. It was found that all participants have a positive attitude to their own suffering and success, and simultaneously show the best assessment category for meaning in life, with their (specific) sources for meaning in life characteristically being, more transcendent. Once the history of inevitable suffering of each of the sub-samples in the study was identified, specific interventions useful for guidance in fostering their meaning in life were derived. Conclusion: The main conclusion of the research was to offer a new contribution for a more hopeful future for people with chronic rheumatic pain through resources for guidance towards the integration of inevitable suffering. In this process there emerged the multidimensional construct meaning in life, whose study indicates scientific responses that can be implemented in care practice in the form of competence for proactive unconditional care. The development of this competence can be helped by access to the results for the variables that facilitate and inhibit the phenomenon for each of the sub-samples in the study, to the instruments now available, to the new content analysis approach that leads to the identification of the meaning in life and attitude of the participant, thereby allowing the recognition of their source of meaning in life; and finally, by access to the script of the history of inevitable suffering which, through an interview, yields the profile of the inevitable suffering of people with chronic rheumatic pain, which is the departure point for qualified interventio

    Traducción, adaptación cultural y validación del Meaning in Suffering Test al portugués europeo

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    As diferenças paradoxais identificadas entre a forma como as pessoas experienciam a dor, independente da sua intensidade, e o sofrimento a ela associado, relacionam-se com os sistemas de crenças e valores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synthesis of deoxyfrenolicin and nanaomycin A

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    A comparative study on fertility among the descendants of immigrants in Europe

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    This study investigates the childbearing patterns of the descendants of immigrants in selected European countries, with a focus on ethnic minority women whose parents arrived in Europe from high-fertility countries. While the fertility levels of immigrants to Europe have been examined in the recent literature, the childbearing patterns among their descendants have received little attention. Using longitudinal data from eight European countries and applying Poisson regression models, the study shows that many descendants of immigrants exhibit first-birth levels that are similar to the ‘native’ population in their respective countries; however, first-birth levels are elevated among women of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin in the UK and for those of Turkish descent in France and Belgium. Transition rates to a second child vary less across ethnic groups. Most ethnic minority women in the UK, France and Belgium show significantly higher third-birth levels than ‘natives’ in those countries. The inclusion of women’s level of education in the analysis has little effect on fertility differences across the ethnic groups. Overall, the childbearing behaviour of the descendants of immigrants falls in between the fertility pathways experienced by their parents’ generation and the respective ‘native’ populations. The analysis supports the idea that both the mainstream society and the minority subculture shape the childbearing patterns of the descendants of immigrants in Europe

    Ancient xenocrystic zircon in young volcanic rocks of the southern Lesser Antilles island arc

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    The Lesser Antilles arc is one of the best global examples in which to examine the effects of the involvement of subducted sediment and crustal assimilation in the generation of arc crust. Most of the zircon recovered in our study of igneous and volcaniclastic rocks from Grenada and Carriacou (part of the Grenadines chain) is younger than 2 Ma. Within some late Paleogene to Neogene (~ 34–0.2 Ma) lavas and volcaniclastic sediments however, there are Paleozoic to Paleoarchean (~ 250–3469 Ma) xenocrysts, and Late Jurassic to Precambrian zircon (~ 158–2667 Ma) are found in beach and river sands. The trace element characteristics of zircon clearly differentiate between different types of magmas generated in the southern Lesser Antilles through time. The zircon population from the younger arc (Miocene, ~ 22–19 Ma, to Present) has minor negative Eu anomalies, well-defined positive Ce anomalies, and a marked enrichment in heavy rare earth elements (HREE), consistent with crystallization from very oxidized magmas in which Eu2 + was in low abundance. In contrast, zircon from the older arc (Eocene to mid-Oligocene, ~ 30–28 Ma) has two different REE patterns: 1) slight enrichment in the light (L)REE, small to absent Ce anomalies, and negative Eu anomalies and 2) enriched High (H)REE, positive Ce anomalies and negative Eu anomalies (a similar pattern is observed in the xenocrystic zircon population). The combination of positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies in the zircon population of the older arc indicates crystallization from magmas that were variably, but considerably less oxidized than those of the younger arc. All the igneous zircon has positive εHf(t), reflecting derivation from a predominantly juvenile mantle source. However, the εHf(t) values vary significantly within samples, reflecting considerable Hf isotopic heterogeneity in the source. The presence of xenocrystic zircon in the southern Lesser Antilles is evidence for the assimilation of intra-arc crustal sediments and/or the recycling and incorporation of sediments into the magma sources in the mantle wedge. Most likely however, primitive magmas stalling and fractionating during their ascent through the Antilles crust entrained ancient zircon. This is evidence by the geochemistry of the study samples, which is inconsistent with any involvement of partially melted subducted sediment. Paleogeographic reconstructions show that the old zircon could derive from distant regions such as the Eastern Andean Cordillera of Colombia, the Merida Andes, and the northern Venezuela coastal ranges, transported for example by the Proto-Maracaibo River precursor of the Orinoco River.This study was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) grants KR590/85-1 to AK and RO4174/2-1 to YRA, and Spanish MINECO grants CGL2015-65824 and CGL2012-36263 and University of Granada research program (CIC) to AGC and CLC. This research also received support from the SYNTHESYS Project (http://www.synthesys.info/) which is financed by the European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Program, the Intra-University Research Support Program of Mainz University (Universitätsinterne Forschungsförderung (FoFö)

    Effects of an education program on knowledge and self-perception of school personnel in preparing to care for type 1 diabetes students

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    Avaliar a formação acadêmica e profissional dos educadores escolares; avaliar o impacto do Diabetes + Apoio dado pelo Programa Responsáveis Escolares pelas Crianças com Diabetes Tipo 1 no nível de conhecimento e de confiança dos educadores escolares, para apoiar os alunos com diabetes tipo 1; comparar o nível de conhecimento dos educadores escolares com suas variáveis acadêmicas e profissionais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio