108 research outputs found

    Crystal experiments on efficient beam extraction

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    Silicon crystal was channeling and extracting 70-GeV protons from the U-70 accelerator with efficiency of 85.3+-2.8% as measured for a beam of 10^12 protons directed towards crystals of 2 mm length in spills of 1-2 s duration. The experimental data follow very well the prediction of Monte Carlo simulations. This success is important to devise a more efficient use of the U-70 accelerator in Protvino and provides a crucial support for implementation of crystal-assisted collimation of gold ion beam in RHIC and slow extraction from AGS onto E952, now in preparation at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Future applications, spanning in the energy from sub-GeV (medical) to order of 1 GeV (scraping in the SNS, extraction from COSY) to order of 1 TeV and beyond (scraping in the Tevatron, LHC, VLHC), can benefit from these studies.Comment: 12pp. Presented at 19-th Intern. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-19: Paris, July 29 - August 3, 2001

    The Investigations Of Beam Extraction And Collimation At U-70 Proton Synchrotron Of IHEP By Using Short Silicon Crystals

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    The new results of using short (2-4mm) bent crystals for extraction and collimation of proton beam at IHEP 70 Gev proton synchrotron are reported. A broad range of energies from 6 to 65 GeV has been studied in the same crystal collimation set-up. The efficiency of extraction more than 85% and intensity more than 10E12 were obtained by using crystal with the length 2-mm and the angle 1 mrad. The new regime of extraction is applied now at the accelerator to deliver the beam for different experimental setups within the range of intensity 10E7-10E12ppp.Comment: Presented at EPAC 2002 (Paris, June 3-7), 3p

    Dynamic Algorithms of Multilayered Neural Networks Training in Generalized Training Plant

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    The new modifications of multilayered neurak networks training algorithms in a generalized training plant structure are introduced. The first modification for algorithm "on error backpropagation algorithm through time" is introduced and its sufficient conditions of a training procedure stability are obtained. Other modification for speed gradient algorithm of an error backpropagation is obtained, where measurement state vector in a training procedure instead of a parametrical model of plant is used

    Influence of the composition on the thermoelectric and electro-physical properties of Ge-Sb-Te thin films for phase change memory application

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    Influence of the composition variation along the quasi-binary line GeTe-Sb2Te3 on the thermoelectric and electro-physical properties of thin films was investigated. GST amorphous thin films have high Seebeck coefficients, which drops nearly on the order of magnitude after the crystallization. Temperature dependences of the resistivities were studied, and it was determined that crystallization temperature increases with moving along the quasi-binary line GeTe-Sb2Te3 from GeSb4Te7 to GeSb2Te4, and then to Ge2Sb2Te5, while the phase transition temperature range decreases. Current-voltage characteristics of amorphous thin films have three voltage ranges with different dependencies due to the different mechanisms of charge carrier transport

    Enhancing surface heat transfer by carbon nanofins: towards an alternative to nanofluids?

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    Background: Nanofluids are suspensions of nanoparticles and fibers which have recently attracted much attention because of their superior thermal properties. Nevertheless, it was proven that, due to modest dispersion of nanoparticles, such high expectations often remain unmet. In this article, by introducing the notion of nanofin, a possible solution is envisioned, where nanostructures with high aspect-ratio are sparsely attached to a solid surface (to avoid a significant disturbance on the fluid dynamic structures), and act as efficient thermal bridges within the boundary layer. As a result, particles are only needed in a small region of the fluid, while dispersion can be controlled in advance through design and manufacturing processes. Results: Toward the end of implementing the above idea, we focus on single carbon nanotubes to enhance heat transfer between a surface and a fluid in contact with it. First, we investigate the thermal conductivity of the latter nanostructures by means of classical non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Next, thermal conductance at the interface between a single wall carbon nanotube (nanofin) and water molecules is assessed by means of both steady-state and transient numerical experiments. Conclusions: Numerical evidences suggest a pretty favorable thermal boundary conductance (order of 107 W·m-2·K-1) which makes carbon nanotubes potential candidates for constructing nanofinned surface

    Change of Structural Behaviors of Organo-Silane Exposed Graphene Nanoflakes

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    [[abstract]]The electronic structures of graphene nanoflakes (GNFs) exposed to an organo-silane precursor [tetramethylsilane, TMS, Si(CH3)4] were studied using electron field emission (EFE), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES), and first-principles calculation. The results of XANES, XPS, and Raman spectroscopy indicate that the silyl radical strong covalent bonds were formed in GNFs, which induced local structural relaxations and enhanced sp3 hybridization. Comparison of calculated electronic structure, XANES, and XES spectra of Sitreated GNFs suggests that the Si atom substitutes one 3-fold coordinated C atom in a given graphene layer and relaxes outward to form sp3 bonding with another C atom in the adjacent graphene layer. The EFE measurements show an increase in the turn-on electric field with the increase of the Si content, which suggests an enhancement of the nonmetallic sp3 bonding[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]US

    Search for New Particles Decaying to Dijets at CDF

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    We have used 106 pb^-1 of data collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab to search for new particles decaying to dijets. We exclude at the 95% confidence level models containing the following new particles: axigluons and flavor universal colorons with mass between 200 and 980 GeV/c, excited quarks with mass between 80 and 570 GeV/c^2 and between 580 and 760 GeV/c^2, color octet technirhos with mass between 260 and 480 GeV/c^2, W' bosons with mass between 300 and 420 GeV/c^2, and E_6 diquarks with mass between 290 and 420 GeV/c^2.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Submitted to Physical Review D Rapid Communications. Postscript file of paper is also available at http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/pub97/cdf3276_dijet_search_prd_rc.p

    Collimation of a Circulating Beam in the U_70 Synchrotron by Use of Reflections in Axially - Oriented Crystals

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    The possibilities of the extraction and collimation of a circulating beam by a new method due to the reflection of particles in crystals with axial orientation were experimentally investigated in the Fall-2010 run at the U_70 synchrotron. Such crystals have positive features, because the axial potential is five times larger than the planar potential. It has been shown that the collimation efficiency can reach 90% due to axial effects in the crystal. Losses of the circulating beam on a collimator have been reduced by several times; this makes it possible to suppress the muon jet near the steel collimator of the circulating beam.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Bound oxygen influence on the phase composition and electrical properties of semi-insulating silicon films

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    The purpose of this work is to establish of the bound oxygen effect on the phase composition of the Semi-Insulating Polycrystalline Oxygen-doped Silicon (SIPOS) films by means of three independent methods: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Ultrasoft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (USXES) and Raman spectroscopy, also on their electrophysical properties, depending on the relative oxygen content in the gas mixture flow (γ=N2O/SiH4) of the plasma reactor during the chemical vapor deposition of submicron SIPOS layers on monocrystalline silicon wafers. The increase in the oxygen content in SIPOS layers from γ=0 to maximum at γ=0.15 leads to the reduction of Si nanocrystals size from ~75 nm to 2–5 nm, submerged in amorphous matrix. Oxygen is contained in the bound form of silicon-oxygen clusters SiOSi3 type in the amorphous silicon matrix without SiO2 formation. These nonlinear qualitative and quantitative changes in the atomic structure of the SIPOS layers under the influence of bound oxygen increase not only the resistivity of the films by two orders of magnitude but also the activation energy of conductivity in comparison with silicon at the temperatures above room temperature. © 2020 Elsevier LtdRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-42-363013MD-42.2019.2Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian FederationThe reported study was funded by RFBR and Government of Voronezh region according to the research project № 19-42-363013.The part of work was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia Federation under the grand No. FZGU-2020-0036 .In part of diagnostics of the structures the work of P.V. Seredin was supported by the RF President's Grants Council (Grant MD-42.2019.2)

    Evidence for Composite Cost Functions in Arm Movement Planning: An Inverse Optimal Control Approach

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    An important issue in motor control is understanding the basic principles underlying the accomplishment of natural movements. According to optimal control theory, the problem can be stated in these terms: what cost function do we optimize to coordinate the many more degrees of freedom than necessary to fulfill a specific motor goal? This question has not received a final answer yet, since what is optimized partly depends on the requirements of the task. Many cost functions were proposed in the past, and most of them were found to be in agreement with experimental data. Therefore, the actual principles on which the brain relies to achieve a certain motor behavior are still unclear. Existing results might suggest that movements are not the results of the minimization of single but rather of composite cost functions. In order to better clarify this last point, we consider an innovative experimental paradigm characterized by arm reaching with target redundancy. Within this framework, we make use of an inverse optimal control technique to automatically infer the (combination of) optimality criteria that best fit the experimental data. Results show that the subjects exhibited a consistent behavior during each experimental condition, even though the target point was not prescribed in advance. Inverse and direct optimal control together reveal that the average arm trajectories were best replicated when optimizing the combination of two cost functions, nominally a mix between the absolute work of torques and the integrated squared joint acceleration. Our results thus support the cost combination hypothesis and demonstrate that the recorded movements were closely linked to the combination of two complementary functions related to mechanical energy expenditure and joint-level smoothness