199 research outputs found

    Visualising the Output of the Static Analyser Goblint

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    Goblint on staatiline andmejooksude analĂŒsaator mitmelĂ”imelistestele C-keelsetele programmidele. KĂ€esoleva töö eesmĂ€rk on analĂŒĂŒsida ja tĂ”sta Goblinti kasutatavust. AnalĂŒĂŒsi kĂ€igus leitakse parandatavad aspektid ja vĂ€ljundi parema visualiseerimise loogika. AnalĂŒĂŒsi pĂ”hjal on loodud programm, mis vĂ”tab sisendiks esialgse Goblinti vĂ€ljundi ja lihtsustab seda, tuues vĂ€lja olulisema ja kaotades vĂ€hem olulise. VĂ€ljundi lihtsustamiseks leitakse tĂ”ekspidamistele vastavad ja nendest hĂ€lbivad kohad, kusjuures tĂ”ekspidamine on siinkohal komplekt mĂ€luaadressi poole pöördumisest ja selle juures vĂ”etud lukust. Tulemused saab jĂ€rjestada tĂ”ekspidamise kindluse jĂ€rgi. SeelĂ€bi saab esile tuua kĂ”ige silmapaistvamad ja kĂ”ige kergemini parandatavad vead. Lisaks sellele antakse kogu vĂ€ljundile kompaktsem kuju, et selle lugemisele kuluks vĂ€hem aega. Uus tulemus on esialgsega vĂ”rreldes rohkem kui kolmandiku vĂ”rra lĂŒhem ja annab edasi programmeerijale olulist informatsiooni, mida muidu oleks pidanud kĂ€sitsi eraldama.Goblint is a static data race analyzer for multithreaded programs written in C. The goal of this thesis is to improve the usability of Goblint by improving the readability of its output. A strategy for better race warning representation was found and implemented in a separate tool that simplifies Goblint's output. Beliefs are formed based on observed pairings of memory accesses with associated locks. The results are then sorted according to the strength of the belief, prioritizing the most apparent mistakes that violate strong beliefs. The new result is less than a third of the original, and more importantly, beliefs are used to pinpoint the access that is most likely the cause of a potential race. This is a significant improvement over the current Goblint output, which reports all accesses and requires the user to find faulty locations manually

    Three-dimensional attenuation model of Sierra Negra Volcano, GalĂĄpagos Archipelago

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    The shallow magma system beneath Sierra Negra was imaged using attenuation tomographic methods. The t∗ spectral decay method for P wave phases was used to highlight regions of high Q-1 p which suggest the presence of magma melt. High-Q-1 p anomalies ranging from 0.005 to 0.04 are concentrated below the caldera from 0.5 to 10.5 km depths. Attenuation is sensitive to temperature and fluid presence; thus, this high attenuation is interpreted as possible zones of magma accumulation. An imaged shallow body is consistent with geodetic studies on caldera deformation that modeled a magma sill or flattopped diapir of unknown thickness at ∌1 km depth below sea level

    Opening the AC-Unification Race

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    This note reports about the implementation of AC-unification algorithms, based on the variable-abstraction method of Stickel and on the constant-abstraction method of Livesey, Siekmann, and Herold. We give a set of 105 benchmark examples and compare execution times for implementations of the two approaches. This documents for other researchers what we consider to be the state-of-the-art performance for elementary AC-uniïŹcation problems

    Synaptotagmins I and II mediate entry of botulinum neurotoxin B into cells

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    Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) cause botulism by entering neurons and cleaving proteins that mediate neurotransmitter release; disruption of exocytosis results in paralysis and death. The receptors for BoNTs are thought to be composed of both proteins and gangliosides; however, protein components that mediate toxin entry have not been identified. Using gain-of-function and loss-of-function approaches, we report here that the secretory vesicle proteins, synaptotagmins (syts) I and II, mediate the entry of BoNT/B (but not BoNT/A or E) into PC12 cells. Further, we demonstrate that BoNT/B entry into PC12 cells and rat diaphragm motor nerve terminals was activity dependent and can be blocked using fragments of syt II that contain the BoNT/B-binding domain. Finally, we show that syt II fragments, in conjunction with gangliosides, neutralized BoNT/B in intact mice. These findings establish that syts I and II can function as protein receptors for BoNT/B

    SĂŒdamelihase rakkude struktuuri olulisus rakuhingamise regulatsioonis

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    Viimastel aastatel on jĂ€rjest selgemaks saanud seos raku energeetilise ainevahetuse ja sĂŒdamehaiguste vahel, mistĂ”ttu on oluline uurida seda mĂ”jutavaid tegureid. Töös uuriti sĂŒdamelihase rakkude mitokondriaalse hingamise regulatsiooni vĂ€ga erineva rakustruktuuriga preparaatides: 1) permeabiliseeritud kardiomĂŒotsĂŒĂŒtides, kus mitokondrid on regulaarselt organiseeritud; 2) sĂŒdamelihase fenotĂŒĂŒbiga sarnastes kontraheeruvates HL-1 (B HL-1) rakkudes ja 3) HL-1 mittekontraheeruvates (NB HL-1) rakkudes. Nende preparaatide vahel esines suur erinevus mitokondriaalse hingamise regulatsioonis. Selline tulemus nĂ€itab raku struktuuri ja funktsiooni vaheliste seoste tĂ€htsust sĂŒdamelihase rakkudes ning vĂ”imaldab paremini mĂ”ista protsesse nii terves kui ka patoloogilises sĂŒdamelihases. Eesti Arst 2008; 87(1):19−2
