9 research outputs found

    Uloga i osobine menadžera u strateškoj transformaciji zdravstvenog menadžmenta

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    Introduction: Global markets and competition, fast changes, the explosion of information technology, integration processes in international relations are some of the initial factors for changes in health care organizations and their management. Management represents an evolving new generic function of all organizations of social significance across the world. Managers in the health sector have exceptionally complex roles that require new skills and methods. The objective of this study is to analyze in grater detail, explain and describe the role and necessary skills of a health care manager in the strategic transformation of health care management. The modern health care manager can get the best results by strengthening human resources and meeting employees' personal needs in accordance with the global and specific goals of the health care institution. The manager is at the same time a mentor and a facilitator, putting to best use the forementioned transformation strategies whilst expending the resources carefully, strengthening the collective efforts, involving employees in the decision-making process and motivating teamwork and collective problem-solving.Uvod: Globalna tržišta i kompeticija, brze promene, eksplozija informatičke tehnologije, integracioni procesi u međudržavnim odnosima samo su neki od faktora koji su inicirali nužnost promena i u zdravstvenim organizacijama i njihovom menadžmentu. Menadžment postaje nova generička funkcija svih organizacija od društvenog značaja širom sveta, koji ima izuzetno tešku ulogu da usaglasi kompleksne probleme kojima obiluje specifična delatnost zdravstvenih službi.U svetlu tih promena menja se i uloga kao i osobine i veštine menadžera u zdravstvu. Cilj ovog rada je da se jasnije opiše i sagleda uloga, potrebne veštine i metodi kojima se služe menadžeri u zdravstvu u strateškoj transformaciji zdravstvenog menadžmenta. Moderan zdravstveni menadžer postiže najbolje rezultate kroz ojačavanje ljudskih resursa i zadovoljenje individualnih potreba zaposlenih, a u skladu sa opštim i specifičnim ciljevima zdravstvene organizacije. Menadžer je u isto vreme i mentor i facilitator jer koristi maksimalno navedene strategije promena, a resurse oprezno uz učvršćivanje kolektivnih napora, uključivanje zaposlenih u odlučivanje, podsticanje timskog rada i grupnog rešavanja problema

    Troškovi u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti u Republici Srbiji u periodu 2006-2008. godine

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    Introduction. Primary health care in the Republic of Serbia is predominantly funded by the Republic Health Insurance Fund (RHIF). From the total income of health centers and institutes at the primary level, with no pharmacy and pharmacies (Kosovo excluded), 84% in 2008 was paid by RHIF. Frequency of participation ranged from 63-95% and it was stable in all observed years. The aim of this study was to determine the expenditures for primary health care for each insured person in statistically defined districts in the Republic of Serbia, with an emphasis on prevention participation. Material and Methods. Retrospective and comparative analysis of health statistics from the database of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia (IPHS) and financial data from the RHIF for the period 2006-2008 was done. Results. Observed by the districts in 2008, in Vojvodina, the lowest expenditure for primary health care had North Backa District (5,207 RSD) and greatest was in West Backa District (6,632 RSD) per capita. In the central Serbia territorial difference was much greater, ranging from 3,574 RSD in the District Morava to 6,701 RSD per capita in the District Toplica and Nisava. Expenditures for direct health care of RHIF per capita in the reporting period continuously have grown. Conclusion. The results showed that the largest cost for primary care for the insured person in the districts of Serbia was registered in the Nisava and Toplica (6,701 RSD) and lowest in the district of Morava (3,574 RSD) per capita.Uvod. Primarna zdravstvena zaštita u Republici Srbiji se dominantno finansira od Republičkog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje (RZZO). U ukupnim prihodima domova zdravlja i zavoda na primarnom nivou, bez apoteka i apotekarskih ustanova (isključujući Kosovo i Metohiju), RZZO je u 2008. godini učestvovao s prosečno 84%. Interval učešća je bio 63-95% i gotovo je istovetan u svim posmatranim godinama. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrde rashodi za primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu po svakom osiguranom licu u statistički definisanim okruzima u Republici Srbiji, s osvrtom na preventivu. Materijal i metode rada. Izvršena je retrospektivna i komparativna analiza zdravstvenih statističkih podataka iz baze Instituta za javno zdravlje Srbije 'Dr Milan Jovanović Batut' i finansijskih podataka iz RZZO u periodu 2006-2008. godine. Rezultati. Posmatrano po okruzima u 2008. godini, u Vojvodini je najniže rashode za primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu po stanovniku imao Severnobački okrug (5.207 dinara), a najviše Zapadnobački (6.632 dinara). U centralnoj Srbiji teritorijalne disperzije su znatno veće: od 3.574 dinara po stanovniku u Moravičkom okrugu do 6.701 dinar po stanovniku u Nišavskom i Topličkom okrugu. Rashodi za neposrednu zdravstvenu zaštitu RZZO po stanovniku su se u posmatranom periodu kontinuirano povećavali. Zaključak. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je za primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu po osiguranom licu u Republici Srbiji najviše potrošeno u Nišavskom i Topličkom okrugu, a najmanje u Moravičkom

    Ocena ostvarivanja prava osiguranih lica na preventivne stomatološke preglede u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti u Republici Srbiji u periodu 2003-2006. godine

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    Introduction. The dental health sector reform in Serbia has commenced in order to implement health policy changes. Assessment of legally regulated citizens rights to preventive dental examination, revision of those rights and their promotion are one of the dental health reform priorities. Objective. The objective of this study was to assess the utilization of preventive dental examination (PDE) in Serbia in 2006 among different subject groups and different districts and to analyze financial resources spent for those measures. Also, study aims were to compare the utilization of rights to preventive dental examination in Republic of Serbia in period between 2003-2006. Methods. The retrospective analytical study of Public Health Institute and Republican Statistical Office data were conducted. The comparative analytical method was used for assessment of preventive dental examinations within the given time frame from 2003 to 2006. Results. Results achieved in realization of PDE show a broad spectre of district discrepancies. The variation factor depending on preventive examination or population group it is related to varies from 26.73% to 90.88%. Conclusion. Realization of preventive dental examinations in the Republic of Serbia was significantly lower than projected in the period 2003-2006.Uvod. Reforma stomatološkog zdravstvenog sektora u Srbiji počela je kako bi se usvojile i primenile promene u zdravstvenoj politici. Korišćenje zakonski regulisanih prava građana na preventivne stomatološke preglede (PSP), njihova revizija i promocija prava građana prioriteti su ove reforme. Cilj rada. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se u različitim okruzima u Srbiji proceni stepen realizacije PSP planiranih u 2006. godini kod različitih populacionih grupa i analizira dinamika ostvarivanja prava na preglede u periodu 2003-2006. godine. Metode rada. Ova retrospektivno-analitička studija urađena je na osnovu podataka Instituta za javno zdravlje Srbije 'Dr Milan Jovanović Batut' i Republičkog zavoda za statistiku. Za procenu realizacije PSP u posmatranom periodu korišćena je komparativna analitička metoda. Rezultati. Stepen realizacije PSP se razlikuje po regionima Srbije. Razlike zavise od vrste PSP i uzrasta ispitanika, a u rasponu su od 26,73% do 90,88%. Zaključak. Realizacija PSP u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti u Republici Srbiji tokom perioda 2003-2006. godine je daleko ispod predviđenog i planiranog obima

    First Report of Garlic common latent virus Infecting Garlic in Serbia

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    Garlic common latent virus (GarCLV; genus Carlavirus, family Betaflexiviridae) is one of the most common viruses in garlic (Allium sativum L.) crops in the Mediterranean area (Katis et al. 2012). In June 2011, garlic plants showing virus-like symptoms including mild mosaic and yellow streaks on leaves followed by growth reduction were observed in one bulb crop in the Ljutovo locality (North Bačka District) in Serbia. Affected plants occurred throughout the field and disease incidence was estimated at 30%. A total of 25 symptomatic plants were collected and tested using commercial double-antibody sandwich (DAS)-ELISA diagnostic kits (Bioreba AG, Reinach, Switzerland) for the presence of several Allium viruses including GarCLV, Onion yellow dwarf virus, Leek yellow stripe virus, and Iris yellow spot virus (Pappu et al. 2005). Commercial positive and negative controls were included in each assay. GarCLV was detected serologically in 22 out of 25 garlic samples, but no other tested viruses were found. The virus was mechanically transmitted from an ELISA-positive sample (553-11) to five plants of each Chenopodium quinoa and A. sativum ‘Bosut’ using 0.01 M phosphate buffer (pH 7). All inoculated C. quinoa showed local chlorotic lesions, while A. sativum ‘Bosut’ developed mild mosaic, 4 and 14 days postinoculation, respectively. For further confirmation of the virus identity, total RNA from all naturally and mechanically infected garlic plants was extracted with the RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions and subjected to reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. RT-PCR was carried out with One-Step RT-PCR Kit (Qiagen) using GarCLV-specific primer pair, 1-GCLV and 2-GCLV (Parrano et al. 2012), designed to amplify a 960-bp fragment covering the entire coat protein (CP) gene. Total RNA extracted from healthy garlic leaves, as well as molecular-grade water, were included as negative controls in the RT-PCR analysis. A product of the expected size was obtained from all naturally and mechanically infected garlic plants, but not from healthy controls. The amplified product derived from isolate 553-11 was purified (QIAquick PCR Purification Kit, Qiagen) and sequenced directly in both directions using the same primer pair as in RT-PCR (GenBank Accession No. KP208802). Multiple sequence alignment of the 553-11 isolate CP sequence with those available in GenBank, conducted with MEGA 5 software (Tamura et al. 2011), revealed that Serbian garlic isolate showed the highest nucleotide identity (97.9%; 100% amino acid identity) with GarCLV isolate from South Korea (AF538951). Garlic is widely and traditionally grown in Serbia and the impact of viruses on garlic production may be significant, but so far little is known about the identity and the occurrence of specific viruses. To our knowledge, this is the first report of GarCLV on garlic in Serbia. Although the distribution and economic impact of GarCLV on garlic crops in Serbia still needs to be investigated, the presence of this pathogen is of great importance regarding its demonstrated ability to compromise garlic production

    Bio-waste valorisation: Agricultural wastes as biosorbents for removal of (in)organic pollutants in wastewater treatment

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    The conventional waste management practices dispose or incinerate agricultural and forestry waste, contributing to the environmental pollution while misusing biomass, a valuable resource with a great potential of reuse. In fact, cultivation of agricultural crops and harvesting generate an abundant amount of waste (e.g., stones, shells, straw) that can be used for wastewater treatment. Waste biomass may be used as: (i) an adsorbent in its original, raw form, following ambient drying and grinding; (ii) modified bio-based sorbents; or (iii) a source material for the synthesis of activated carbon adsorbents through carbonization. Despite the numerous publications in this field examining the removal of a wide range of target pollutants (metals, metalloids, dyes, pesticides, as well as emerging contaminants) by several materials, more realistic studies are still required to evaluate the potential to remove residual compounds in complex matrices, by testing natural matrices, i.e., environmental samples without spiking the target compounds. This perspective paper highlights how an integrated-engineering approach may help solving environmental-pollution issues related to water, solid waste, and air pollution. Chiefly, the application of locally produced bio-waste as an adsorbent for wastewater treatment tackles water contamination, decreases the overall amount of agricultural waste, and reduces the potential gas emissions caused by waste transportation, treatment and/or disposal

    Grammar, context and power: securitization of the 2010 Belgrade Pride Parade

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    In the wake of the 2010 Belgrade Pride Parade, right-wing extremists portrayed the event as a threat to public morals, while liberals framed homophobia as a threat to democracy. While these moves managed to polarize and mobilize the public, the government didn’t heed their calls to adopt extraordinary measures. The Parade took place on 10 October and the extremists organized unchecked violent counter-demonstrations. By drawing on Securitization Theory, we triangulate content and discourse analysis to understand why these securitizing moves had a low success. Our analysis shows that although both moves followed the grammar of security, they were only partially embedded into the wider discursive context and were not enunciated by securitizing actors with strong positional power