138 research outputs found


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    Berpikir spasial dan komunikasi bukan hal yang baru dalam pendidikan sains. Tabel, peta, grafik, diagram merupakan visualisasi dalam sains yang biasa digunakan. Meskipun demikian banyak siswa kesulitan dalam memahami visualisasi tersebut. Kemampuan berpikir spasial dan komunikasi perlu dikembangkan agar siswa lebih mudah memahami sains. Tidak adanya buku ajar yang mendukung pengembangan berpikir spasial dan komunikasi menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan buku ajar yang berorientasi pada berpikir spasial dan komunikasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan 4STMD yang terdiri dari tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi dan reduksi didaktik sebagai metode pengembangan buku ajarnya. Hasilnya buku ajar yang disusun terintegrasi dengan berpikir spasial dan komunikasi. Karakteristik buku ajar secara umum mencakup halaman sampul, halaman pendahuluan, halaman peta konsep, halaman isi, latihan berpikir spasial, lembar kerja peserta didik berorientasi keterampilan komunikasi, rangkuman, uji kompetensi berpikir spasial dan komunikasi, daftar pustaka dan daftar istilah. Buku ajar tersusun dari 60 indikator konsep sistem bumi, 12 indikator berpikir spasial dan 15 indikator keterampilan komunikasi. Label konsep yang terkandung di dalam buku ajar ini yaitu 40 label konsep sistem bumi, 12 label konsep berpikir spasial dan 3 label konsep keterampilan komunikasi. Penugasan-penugasan yang disusun dinilai valid dan andal. Keterpahaman buku ajar yang disusun mencapai kategori tinggi. Kelayakan buku ajar yang disusun mencapai kategori sangat layak. Aspek-aspek berpikir spasial dan komunikasi dapat diintegrasikan dalam buku ajar untuk mendukung berkembangnya berpikir spasial dan komunikasi. Buku ajar yang disusun dapat digunakan sebagai buku ajar pendamping dalam meningkatkan berpikir spasial dan komunikasi. Kata kunci: bahan ajar, IPA Terpadu, tema sistem bumi, berpikir spasial, komunikasi, 4STM

    Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency on Wetland Rice by Using Humic Acid

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    The objective of the research was to study the interaction between dose of humic acid and nitrogen fertilizer on the growth and yield of  rice. The experiment was conducted in May until September 2014 in Sukamanah village Cipedes sub-district Tasikmalaya city. A field experiment was done using as split plot design consisted of two factors. The dosage of humic acid were placed as main plot consisted of four levels i.e. 0 kg ha-1, 3 kg ha-1, 4 kg ha-1, and 5 kg ha-1; and the rate of N fertilizer, as subplot, consisted of 4 levels i.e.0 kg N ha-1, 45 kg  N ha-1, 67.5 kg  N ha-1, and 90 kg N ha-1. The variables observed were: (a) the levels of soil organic C before and after treatment, (b) the levels of crop N, and (c) the components of growth and yield. Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency was expressed in terms of  agronomic efficiency of nitrogen (AEN). The results showed that the growth and yield of rice given humic acid was higher than that without humi cacid. The increasing dose of humic acid i.e. 3 kg ha-1, 4 kg ha-1, and 5 kg ha-1 did not have significant effect. A higher response on growth and grain yield was shown at the dose of humic acid 3 kg ha-1. Nitrogen fertilizer gave significant effect on all growth variables and yield of rice. The higher the level of nitrogen fertilizer up to a certain level (i.e. 67.5 kg N ha-1 or equals to 150 kg  Urea ha-1), the higher would be the effect on all growth variables and yield. The increase in weight of grain ha-1 due to the increased level of nitrogen fertilizer compared to those without nitrogen fertilizer (control) were respectively 58.05% at 45 kgha-1 N, 150.54% at 67.5 kg  ha-1 N, and 168.13% at 90 kg ha-1 N. Humic acid increased the efficiency of N fertilizer. The most efficient dose of N fertilizer was 67 kg ha-1, equal to 150 kg ha-1 combined with humic acid 3 kg ha-1. [How to Cite: Suhardjadinata, Y Sunarya and T Tedjaningsih. 2015. Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency on Wetland Rice by Using Humic Acid. J Trop Soils 20: 143-148. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2015.20.3.143


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the use of multimedia in the presentation and tutorial of mastery of the concept and process skills in science concerning the immune system. The experimental study was designed with Quasy pre-test post-test, multiple nonequivalent group design. Two treatments for each tutorials and presentations class were employed. Instruments consist of basic concept mastery test, the concept and process skills, questionnaires, and interviews. The result showed that there were differences among the two classes. However, there was no significant difference students process skill in science. Communication skills measured showed no significant difference, while the predictive ability measured showed a significant difference. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan penggunaan multimedia secara presentasi terhadap penguasaan konsep dan KPS pada konsep sistem pertahanan tubuh melalui penggunaan multimedia secara tutorial dan presentasi. Penelitian ini merupakan Quasy eksperiment dengan desain pre-test post-test, nonequivalent multiple group design. Digunakan dua kelas perlakuan masing-masing untuk kelas tutorial dan presentasi. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi pokok uji penguasaan konsep, pokok uji KPS, angket dan wawancara. Hasi menunjukan adanya perbedaan penguasaan konsep pada kedua kelas perlakuan. Akan tetapi perlakuan yang diberikan tidak menunjukan adanya perbedaan terhadap KPS siswa. Kemampuan komunikasi yang diukur menunjukan tidak adanya, sedangkan kemampuan prediksi yang diukur menunjukan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan. &nbsp

    Improved analog to digital converter circuits using CMOs technology

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    Synthese und Racematspaltung dissymmetrischer Moleküle zur Herstellung metallosupramolekularer Aggregate und zur Parkettierung von HOPG-Oberflächen

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Methode des Massenlabelings zur Untersuchung von Selbstsortierungsprozessen zweikerniger metallosupramolekularer Aggregate auf Derivate der Tröger’schen Base ausgedehnt werden. Dies gelang am Beispiel von zwei bis dato noch unbekannten Derivaten der Tröger’schen Base: Zum einen wurden anstelle der beiden Methyl- zwei Ethylgruppen in 4,10-Position eingeführt und zum anderen konnte ein isotopenmarkierter Ligand hergestellt werden, bei dem Deuteromethylengruppen anstelle der Methylengruppen zu finden sind. Anschließende massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen ermöglichten eine Unterscheidung der („pseudo“-) stereoisomeren Komplexe. Somit konnte eine weitere Charakteriesierungsmethode für das Sortierungsverhalten von Selbstorganisationsprozessen geschaffen werden. Neben den Untersuchungen von Selbstsortierungsprozessen zweikerniger metallosupramolekularer Aggregate wurden anhand des molecular-library-Ansatzes mit tetravalenten Pd2+-Salzen mehrkernige (M2L4 vs. M3L6) Komplexstrukturen Komplexstrukturen erzeugt. Als Ligand diente das 3,9- difunktionalisierte Grundgerüst der Tröger’schen Base. Neben der Synthese des Liganden, stellte die vollständige Aufklärung und Charakterisierung des SelbstorganisationTröger’schen sprozesses ein bedeutender Bestandteil der Arbeit dar. Ein weiterer und wichtiger Themenbereich stellt die Oberflächenparkettierung vonHOPG dar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden mehrere alkoxykettentragende Bausteine auf der Basis von Binol- und Tröger’schen Basen-Grundgerüsten synthetisiert, auf HOPG-Oberflächen abgeschieden und die resultierenden Oberflächenmuster rastertunnelmiskroskopisch untersucht. Für die beiden unten gezeigten Moleküle konnte die Bildung geordneter 2D-kristalliner Monolagen beobachtet werden. Im Rahmen der oben erwähnten Untersuchungen bedurfte es neben den racemischen auch der enantiomerenreinen Liganden. Somit bildet die Racematspaltung verschiedener Verbindungen mit- telsHPLC an chiralen stationären Phasen und die Aufklärung ihrer absoluten Konfiguration einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der ArbeitHPLC. Insgess HPLCamt konnten vier unterschiedliche Racemate in ihre En- antiomere getrennt werden. Dieses Know-how konnte dann genutzt werden, um vier weitere racemische Gemische im Rahmen von Kooperationen mit den Arbeitsgruppen Strand (Lund, Schweden),Waldvogel (Mainz) und de Mendoza (Tarragona, Spanien) in die Enantiomere zu trennen

    Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency on Wetland Rice by Using Humic Acid

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    The objective of the research was to study the interaction between dose of humic acid and nitrogen fertilizer on the growth and yield of  rice. The experiment was conducted in May until September 2014 in Sukamanah village Cipedes sub-district Tasikmalaya city. A field experiment was done using as split plot design consisted of two factors. The dosage of humic acid were placed as main plot consisted of four levels i.e. 0 kg ha-1, 3 kg ha-1, 4 kg ha-1, and 5 kg ha-1; and the rate of N fertilizer, as subplot, consisted of 4 levels i.e.0 kg N ha-1, 45 kg  N ha-1, 67.5 kg  N ha-1, and 90 kg N ha-1. The variables observed were: (a) the levels of soil organic C before and after treatment, (b) the levels of crop N, and (c) the components of growth and yield. Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency was expressed in terms of  agronomic efficiency of nitrogen (AEN). The results showed that the growth and yield of rice given humic acid was higher than that without humi cacid. The increasing dose of humic acid i.e. 3 kg ha-1, 4 kg ha-1, and 5 kg ha-1 did not have significant effect. A higher response on growth and grain yield was shown at the dose of humic acid 3 kg ha-1. Nitrogen fertilizer gave significant effect on all growth variables and yield of rice. The higher the level of nitrogen fertilizer up to a certain level (i.e. 67.5 kg N ha-1 or equals to 150 kg  Urea ha-1), the higher would be the effect on all growth variables and yield. The increase in weight of grain ha-1 due to the increased level of nitrogen fertilizer compared to those without nitrogen fertilizer (control) were respectively 58.05% at 45 kgha-1 N, 150.54% at 67.5 kg  ha-1 N, and 168.13% at 90 kg ha-1 N. Humic acid increased the efficiency of N fertilizer. The most efficient dose of N fertilizer was 67 kg ha-1, equal to 150 kg ha-1 combined with humic acid 3 kg ha-1. [How to Cite: Suhardjadinata, Y Sunarya and T Tedjaningsih. 2015. Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency on Wetland Rice by Using Humic Acid. J Trop Soils 20: 143-148. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2015.20.3.143][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2015.20.3.143


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    Capacity of farmer can not take away from potencial power themselves, such as individual potencial and group potencial.  Individual potencial are such as fisic and intellectual, while group potencial are such as cooperation ability and trust.  Cooperation ability is ability to rule out personal make responsibility and both depend on group degree of various norms and values.  Ability of group is called by social capital.  Method of this research is survei method to the farmer of mendong in Kamulyan Manonjaya Tasikmalaya Regency.  Sample responden was taken by simple random sampling.  Data was analyzed by descriptive and Konkordans Kendal W analysis to know relationship between social capital and sustainability of business.  The result of this research is overall social capital that collaboration network, reciprocity, trust, norm, cooperation value and proactive were included the high category.  Sustainability of mendong farming was seen from ability of production facilities, capital, marketing, organize group and obtain information and technology were include as good enough.  There was correlation between social capital and sustainability of mendong farm. Power of social capital can be done together by power of human resource through education,because it was means of interacting and developed of positive norms was professionalism of mendong farm


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    Changing a habit is not an easy job, let alone that has great risks as they relate to social and cultural issues. In understanding of technological innovation requires mental readiness to take the decision to adopt it through a process of perception, because the rate of adoption of an innovation depends on the perceptual characteristics of the adopter of innovation that includes the company telnologi relative advantage, the level of conformance level of complexity, can be tried and can be observed. The purpose of this study to examine the relationship between the characteristics of the farmers, the communication behavior and support efforts by the perception of farmers to use organic fertilizer on crops mendong. Partially, the data were analyzed using Spearman Rank analysis, while simultaneously using Kendall concordance coefficient W. Analysis Research was conducted in February-November 2016 using the method of survey. Sampling using simple random sampling against rushes farmers in Sub Manonjaya with a total sample of 30 farmers.The results showed the internal characteristics of the farmers, support the business climate as well as the perception of farmers on organic farming fertilization mendong included in the medium category and communication behavior are included in the low category. Simultaneously there is a relationship between the internal characteristics of the farmers, the communication behavior and support the business climate by perception of farmers on the use of organic fertilizer to the level of the relationship is very close. Partially that have a relationship with the perception of the use of organic fertilizers is the communication behavior and the support of the business climate. Guidance to the farmers both individually and institutionally still needs to be done to encourage farmers to use organic fertilizer on farm mendong
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