459 research outputs found

    Manejo Terapéutico de pacientes con cáncer Rectal en el Centro Nacional de Radioterapia “Nora Astorga”, durante el periodo Enero 2010-Enero 2015

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    El cáncer rectal es la neoplasia más frecuente en los países occidentales, dado que es la segunda en frecuencia tanto en varones, por detrás del cáncer de pulmón, como en mujeres, tras el cáncer de mama. con un estimado de 800,000 nuevos casos diagnosticados cada año, representando el 10% de todas las formas de cáncer. Además, constituye la segunda causa más frecuente de muerte por cáncer. En el momento actual la mortalidad de los individuos diagnosticados de CCR es cercana al 50%. (1) En los Estados Unidos es la cuarta causa más frecuente diagnosticada y la segunda causa de muerte. En el 2012 un estimado de 40,290 casos se presentaron con un estimado de 51,690 muertes (2). Este tumor aparece con mayor frecuencia entre la quinta y la séptima décadas de la vida. En un pequeño porcentaje de casos, el diagnostico se efectúa en edades inferiores a los 40 años, habitualmente en el contexto de formas hereditarias (2). Más del 95% de son adenocarcinomas. En la unión anorrectal es posible hallar carcinomas de células escamosas o carcinomas originados a partir del epitelio de transición (carcinoma cloacogenico). (3) En Nicaragua no existe ninguna publicación científica sobre el manejo radioterapéutico con Cobalto 60 en pacientes con cáncer rectal, que nos permita hacer un análisis integral sobre el diagnóstico, tratamiento médico, abordaje radioterapéutico y sobrevida de dichos pacientes; es por ello que el estudio a realizarse será de importancia histórica, investigativa y científica en Nicaragua sobre esta patología, siendo en su esencia el primero

    Searching for indicators of age, sex and population in European mouflon mandibles

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    Mandibles from separate populations of free-living mouflons (Ovis aries musimon) from Southern Spain, submitted to different ecological conditions, were studied. Searching for ontogenetic shape variations we used geometric morphometrics tools and we explored the use of several mathematical models for describing growth rate variations between populations and sexes. A strong allometry was detected with variations in shape mainly matching with molar and premolar eruption. Mandible shape did not vary significantly with sex nor was sexual size dimorphism detected in adults, whatever the population. By modeling growth we detected differences between populations in all parameters such as the maturity rate describing precocity, and the time it took to reach asymptotic size (varying from 9 up to 18 months). A longer period of growth did not result in a larger asymptotic size, but it led to smaller mandibles. Mouflons with relatively late teeth replacement, lower maturation rate and smaller adult size were those of the population submitted to extreme environmental conditions, like epizootic disease, droughts and ungulate overpopulations. We discuss how a delay in reaching mature size has probably an important subsequent impact on reproductive and life-history traits in this species. Being able to record the effects of density-dependent and density-independent factors, mandibles become a target of interest for ecological and management studies also on mouflons

    Avifauna en un area perturbada del bosque andino en el parque nacional natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, Valle del Cauca (Colombia)

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    El presente conjunto de datos en el formato de archivo Darwin Core incluye información del monitoreo de la avifauna en un área perturbada del Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali. Con el objetivo de caracterizar y determinar la composición y estructura de la avifauna, se llevaron a cabo censos visuales desde agosto 2008 hasta julio 2009 en las localidades de El Topacio y El Pato en recorridos de 2 km de longitud, a elevaciones entre 1550 y 1800 m s.n.m. En total se hicieron 2363 registros de 157 especies de aves, pertenecientes a 41 familias y 19 órdenes. Se observaron 12 especies nuevas para el área, 10 de las cuales son aves propias de áreas abiertas. Nueve especies que habían sido registradas en El Topacio en 1978, no lo fueron en el presente estudio y en consecuencia se consideran extintas y vulnerables localmente, lo cual ilustra y ratifica cómo el reemplazo de los hábitats naturales por potreros, la fragmentación y el efecto de borde afectan negativamente las comunidades de aves en áreas protegidas.This dataset in Darwin Core Archive format includes monitoring information about bird life in a disturbed area of the Farallones de Cali National Natural Park. Aiming to characterize and determine the composition and structure of bird life, visual censuses were carried out from August 2008 to July 2009 at both the El Pato and the El Topacio localities along line census of 2 km and from elevations between1550 to 1800 m a.s.l. A total of 2363 records were obtained of 157 species of 41 families and 19 orders. Twelve were new records for the area, 10 of which are common in open areas. Nine species previously recorded in 1978 at El Topacio were absent and considered locally extinct and vulnerable. This illustrates how the replacement of natural habitats with pasturelands, as well as fragmentation and border effect affect negatively bird communities in protected areas.Fil: Bermudez Vera, Julio Cesar . Universidad del Valle. Departamento de Biología; ColombiaFil: Duque Lopez, Juan Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónicas; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez Martinez, Manuel A. . Universidad del Valle. Departamento de Biología; ColombiaFil: Tenorio, Elkin . Calima - Fundación para la Investigación de la Biodiversidad y Conservación en el Trópico; Colombi

    Mano y madera

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    Este documental es sobre el cajón peruano como símbolo de identidad peruana. Abordaremos el tema por medio de conversaciones con músicos cajonistas, expertos en percusión y un sociólogo, que nos darán a conocer el valor y la carga de identidad que lleva dicho instrumento. Asimismo, trataremos de abordar cómo se ha transformado en uno de los instrumentos bandera, fundamentalmente para la música criolla, afroperuana e internacional y cómo ello ha sido motivo de orgullo para los peruanos

    Implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para prevenir riesgos ocupacionales en la empresa farmacéutica Bbraun Medical, Lurín, 2022

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    B. Braun Medical Perú S.A. es una de las compañías líderes que abastecen al mercado hospitalario del país desde hace más de 40 años. Cuenta con más de 450 personas y una moderna planta para la producción de soluciones de gran volumen y afines, cuyo objetivo es cubrir la demanda de soluciones parenterales para la región. Según la Superintendencia de Seguridad Social del Gobierno de Chile, a través del Informe Anual de Estadísticas de Seguridad Social (2018), se menciona que el periodo 2018 se suscitó 164407 accidentes laborales (3.3% menor que el año pasado) y 53595 accidentes en trayecto (1.9% menor que el año pasado). En la siguiente figura se observa a mayor precisión los accidentes ocurridos en el trayecto de hogar y centro de labores. El existente trabajo de pesquisa posee como objetivo general determinar de qué manera la implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo contribuye a la prevención riesgos ocupacionales en la empresa farmacéutica Bbraun medical, del cual se puede absolver como primer objetivo específico como determinar en qué medida la implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo contribuye en la disminución del índice de accidentabilidad en la empresa farmacéutica Bbraun medical. Como segundo objetivo específico es Determinar en qué medida la implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo contribuye en la disminución del índice de severidad en la empresa farmacéutica Bbraun medical, y como tercer objetivo específico determinar en qué medida la implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo contribuye en la disminución del nivel de riesgo en la empresa farmacéutica Bbraun medical

    Uptake-leak balance of SR Ca2+ determines arrhythmogenic potential of RyR2R420Q+/- cardiomyocytes.

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    Mutations of the RyR2 are channelopathies that can predispose to life threatening catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardias (CPVTs) during exercise or stress. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that are causal for the arrhythmias downstream of the β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) activation are not defined. They may be specific and different for each particular RyR2 mutation. Obvious possibilities are the phosphorylation of the mutated RyR2s or the stimulation of the SR Ca2+ pump (SERCA), which could increase SR Ca2+ loading. Potentially arrhythmogenic Ca2+ signals, such as Ca2+ waves, were recorded and analyzed from WT and RyR2R420Q+/- mouse cardiomyocytes with confocal microscopy after field stimulation at 1 Hz. In RyR2R420Q+/- cardiomyocytes we found a higher occurrence and frequency of Ca2+ waves, particularly upon β-AR stimulation with isoproterenol. This was accompanied by a shorter latency to the first spontaneous wave. Wave velocity from raw traces, as well as amplitude and decay time constant (τ) analyzed in de-skewed traces were comparable in both cell types. To obtain further insight into the role of the SERCA we selectively stimulated SERCA in permeabilized myocytes using Fab fragments of a PLB antibody (2D12). Surprisingly, SERCA stimulation alone resulted in considerably higher wave frequencies than when mimicking β-AR stimulation with cAMP, particularly in RyR2R420Q+/- cardiomyocytes. This may be a consequence of some protective SR Ca2+ unloading resulting from the SR Ca2+ leak via phosphorylated RyR2s in cAMP. Spark-to-spark recovery analysis suggested a remarkably higher Ca2+ release sensitivity in RyR2R420Q+/- cells, both in control and upon β-AR stimulation. Together these findings suggest that the fine balance between SR Ca2+ loading via SERCA and the Ca2+ leak via mutated and phosphorylated RyR2s is an important determinant for the overall cellular arrhythmogenicity prevailing in the RyR2R420Q+/- myocytes

    Criterios de implementación ISO 22000:2018 estudio de caso sobre el cacao.

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    Para el desarrollo del presente trabajo fue necesario la utilización de un enfoque mixto de investigación, pues se tuvieron datos numéricos y textuales, los mismos que permitieron una mejor comprensión del proceso de transformación del cacao y los requerimientos para implementar los BPM. El estudio tuvo un alcance descriptivo dado que permite identicar por medio de la observación y visita a la nca la Pica del municipio de Arauquita – Arauca, identificar los requisitos de higiene y sanitarios del proceso de transformación primaria del cacao, diagnosticar la situación actual del proceso de transformación primaria en términos de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura e inocuidad de alimentos y realizar las recomendaciones como plan de mejora del proceso de trasformación primaria del cacao realizado en la vereda la Pica del municipio Arauquita - Arauca . Su diseño es no experimental en vista que los datos son tomados en campo tal como sucede realmente, es decir no fueron manipulados en forma deliberada. Se hace referencia al método cualitativo-deductivo, el cual establece consideraciones y aspectos para tener en cuenta en el marco metodológico, haciendo uso de premisas que aportan denición de términos clave para la comprobación de teorías descritas previamente. Este método permite denir los requerimientos principales de la ISO22000 de 2018, su entorno, su alcance, su contexto interno y externo, sus participantes, y su estructura organizacional. De igual manera y por medio del mismo se identificarán los riesgos y dinamización del modelo de auditoría propuesto para entidades involucradas en la cadena alimentaria en ColombiaFor the development of this work it was necessary to use of a mixed research approach, since there were data numerical and textual, the same ones that allowed a better understanding of the cocoa transformation process and requirements to implement BPM. The study had a descriptive scope since it allows to identify by means of the observation and visit to the nca La Pica of the municipality of Arauquita - Arauca, identify the hygiene and sanitary requirements of the process of primary transformation of cocoa, diagnose the current situation of the primary transformation process in terms of Good Manufacturing Practices and food safety food and make recommendations as an improvement plan for the process of primary transformation of cocoa carried out in the la Pica village in the Arauquita - Arauca municipality. Its design is no experimental since the data are taken in the field such as it really happens, that is, they were not manipulated in the deliberate. Reference is made to the qualitative-deductive method, the which establishes considerations and aspects to take into account in the methodological framework, making use of premises that contribute definition of key terms for theory testing previously described. This method allows you to define the main requirements of ISO22000 of 2018, its environment, its scope, its internal and external context, its participants, and its Organizational structure. In the same way and through it The risks will be identified and the auditing model will be revitalized. proposed for entities involved in the food chain in Colombi

    Cooperative Multiband Spectrum Sensing Using Radio Environment Maps and Neural Networks

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    Cogitive radio networks (CRNs) require high capacity and accuracy to detect the presence of licensed or primary users (PUs) in the sensed spectrum. In addition, they must correctly locate the spectral opportunities (holes) in order to be available to nonlicensed or secondary users (SUs). In this research, a centralized network of cognitive radios for monitoring a multiband spectrum in real time is proposed and implemented in a real wireless communication environment through generic communication devices such as software-defined radios (SDRs). Locally, each SU uses a monitoring technique based on sample entropy to determine spectrum occupancy. The determined features (power, bandwidth, and central frequency) of detected PUs are uploaded to a database. The uploaded data are then processed by a central entity. The objective of this work was to determine the number of PUs, their carrier frequency, bandwidth, and the spectral gaps in the sensed spectrum in a specific area through the construction of radioelectric environment maps (REMs). To this end, we compared the results of classical digital signal processing methods and neural networks performed by the central entity. Results show that both proposed cognitive networks (one working with a central entity using typical signal processing and one performing with neural networks) accurately locate PUs and give information to SUs to transmit, avoiding the hidden terminal problem. However, the best-performing cognitive radio network was the one working with neural networks to accurately detect PUs on both carrier frequency and bandwidth.</jats:p

    Influence of denitrifiers abundance on N2O emissions in long term tillage system under a rainfed legume crop

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    Current studies about nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from legume crops have raised considerable doubt, observing a high variability between sites (0.03-7.09 kg N2O–N ha−1 y -1) [1]. This high variability has been associated to climate and soil conditions, legume species and soil management practices (e.g. conservation or conventional tillage). Conservation tillage (i.e. no tillage (NT) and minimum tillage (MT)) has spread during the last decades because promotes several positive effects (increase of soil organic content, reduction of soil erosion and enhancement of carbon (C) sequestration). However, these benefits could be partly counterbalanced by negative effects on the release of N2O emissions. Among processes responsible for N2O production and consumption in soils, denitrification plays an importantrole both in tilled and no-tilled ropping systems [2]. Recently, amplification of functional bacterial genes involved in denitrification is being used to examine denitrifiers abundance and evaluate their influence on N2O emissions. NirK and nirS are functional genes encoding the cytochrome cd1 and copper nitrite reductase, which is the key enzyme regulating the denitrification process

    Ionized gas velocity dispersion in nearby dwarf galaxies: looking at supersonic turbulent motions

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    We present the results of ionized gas turbulent motions study in several nearby dwarf galaxies using a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer with the 6-m telescope of the SAO RAS. Combining the `intensity-velocity dispersion' diagrams (I-sigma) with two-dimensional maps of radial velocity dispersion we found a number of common patterns pointing to the relation between the value of chaotic ionized gas motions and processes of current star formation. In five out of the seven analysed galaxies we identified expanding shells of ionized gas with diameters of 80-350 pc and kinematic ages of 1-4 Myr. We also demonstrate that the I-sigma diagrams may be useful for the search of supernova remnants, other small expanding shells or unique stars in nearby galaxies. As an example, a candidate luminous blue variable (LBV) was found in UGC 8508. We propose some additions to the interpretation, previously used by Munoz-Tunon et al. to explain the I-sigma diagrams for giant star formation regions. In the case of dwarf galaxies, a major part of the regions with high velocity dispersion belongs to the diffuse low surface brightness emission, surrounding the star forming regions. We attribute this to the presence of perturbed low density gas with high values of turbulent velocities around the giant HII regions.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. The high-resolution version locates at http://www.sao.ru/hq/moisav/MoisLoz_full.pd