1,245 research outputs found


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    Inspired by a statement of W. Luh asserting the existence of entire functions having together with all their derivatives and antiderivatives some kind of additive universality or multiplicative universality on certain compact subsets of the complex plane or of, respectively, the punctured complex plane, we introduce in this paper the new concept of U-operators, which are defined on the space of entire functions. Concrete examples, including differential and antidifferential operators, composition, multiplication and shift operators, are studied. A result due to Luh, Martirosian and Müller about the existence of universal entire functions with gap power series is also strengthened.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía

    Stable hydrosols for TiO2 coatings

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    The optimum processing parameters required to synthesize, by hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide (TIP), highly stable hydrosols composed of nanoparticles of the smallest possible size, are deduced both from data available in literature and from our own experiments. The colloids prepared in these conditions are composed of aggregates of anatase (*90%) and brookite crystallites (5–6 nm). They are suitable for coatings and have longterm stability (more than one year) in terms of polymorphic composition, crystallite and agglomerate size. Stable sols composed solely of anatase crystallites (4 nm) can be prepared by partially complexing the TIP by acetylacetone before hydrolysis. It is not possible to produce porous films with these colloids because they are stabilized by electrostatic repulsion which causes the particles to organize themselves, during the drying step, to form materials with a close packed structure. However, coatings with controlled porosity can be prepared from these stable sols through the post addition of polymers, like PEG or block copolymers

    Sequences of differential operators: exponentials, hypercyclicity and equicontinuity

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    In this paper, an eigenvalue criterion for hypercyclicity due to the first author is improved. As a consequence, some new sufficient conditions for a sequence of infinite order linear differential operators to be hypercyclic on the space of holomorphic functions on certain domains of C N are shown. Moreover, several necessary conditions are furnished. The equicontinuity of a family of operators as before is also studied, and it is even characterized if the domain is C N. The results obtained extend or improve earlier work of several authors.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (DGES). EspañaJunta de Andalucí

    Ilici. L'Alcúdia d'Elx

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    Duant els darrers vint anys de la Fundació "L'Alcúdia" ha engegat un programa d'actuacions  arqueològiques i de renovació museística que han transformat hui l'antiga ciutat d'Ilici en un espai turístic, científic, formatiu, lúdic i educatiu imprescindible per a comprendre no només Elx, sinó un territori ample del sud-est peninsular. El present treball en resumeix els avanços cinetífics i en mostra les noves dotacions expositives, al mateix temps quesintetitza els resultats històrics del paratge arqueològic des de la prehistòria fins a l'arribada de l'Isla

    Valoració del perfil sociodemogràfic en el triatleta: l’exemple de Castella-la Manxa: Nivell d’implicació i entorn

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    La joventut del triatló com a esport transgressor i innovador, arriba també a l’àmbit de la investigació, atès que és difícil de trobar estudis dins de les àrees de la sociologia i la psicologia social, situades entre l’explicació elemental i la integral, en les quals se centra la nostra investigació. El gruix dels estudis en triatló s’adreça als aspectes fisiològics i antropomètrics, tanmateix, però, l’èxit esportiu transcendeix el pla netament físic, i té en compte altres factors, com ara la dedicació i la capacitat d’implicació de l’esportista, igual com les influències que l’envolten, és a dir,  l’“entorn pròxim”, que ocupa el nucli del sistema esportiu des d’una concepció en esferes concèntriques. Ens centrem, per tant, en el microsistema. Pretenem, doncs, obrir una nova via que ens ofereixi informació sobre la població de triatletes espanyols, qui són i quines en són les inquietuds i les motivacions, per tal de millorar el sistema partint des d’una base empírica construïda a través de les necessitats reals dels protagonistes del nostre esport, dels quals s’ha extret un perfil sociodemogràfic

    La Alcudia. Casas ibéricas. Sector 4C (Elche)

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    El proyecto arqueológico de La Alcudia comprendió la excavación al sur y la musealización del espacio conocido como “casas ibéricas”, donde se localizaron en los años 60 y 70 los niveles de una amplia secuencia de ocupación comprendidos entre el nivel A y el H, según Ramos Folqués y Ramos Fernández. La excavación de 2011 precisó las lecturas estratigráficas tradicionales y mostró nuevas directrices interpretativas, analizando un conjunto estratigráfico datado desde los siglos III-II a.n.e. hasta la presencia del Islam.The archaeological project of La Alcudia involved the musealization and the excavation at the south of the area known as "Iberian houses", where were located in the 60 and 70 the levels of extensive occupation sequence between level A and H, according Ramos Folqués and Ramos Fernández. The excavation of 2011 clarified the traditional stratigraphic lectures and showed new interpretative guidelines, analyzing a stratigraphic set dating from the third or second century BC to the presence of Islam

    ¿El buen entrenador nace o lo hace el deportista? El camino hacia el alto nivel en triatlón

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    La figura del entrenador adquiere un peso importante en el sistema deportivo y por tanto en el éxito de sus deportistas. Las claves de su éxito han sido estudiadas desde diferentes perspectivas. El estudio en retrospectiva del recorrido por el cual se llega al alto nivel es una de ellas. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar el camino de los entrenadores de triatlón previo a su llegada al alto nivel, así como las circunstancias en las que se produjo el paso hacia el alto rendimiento. Para ello se entrevistó a una muestra de 14 entrenadores españoles de alto nivel en triatlón. Los resultados muestran un recorrido prevalente en el que el entrenador fue anteriormente deportista y entrenador en alguna/s de las disciplinas fundamentales (DF) de las que se compone el triatlón (natación, ciclismo, atletismo), llegando al alto nivel de triatlón con una edad aproximada de 30 años. Los años de experiencia previa varían en función del pasado del entrenador, no llegándose a alcanzar los 10 años de media en ningún caso, hasta el inicio en la etapa de alto nivel. Sería recomendable, por tanto, contextualizar los años de experiencia previos, para optimizar la selección de muestras de entrenadores expertos.Regarding the coach's importance in the sports system and in their athletes' outcomes, expert coaches' keys for success have been studied from different approaches. One of these approaches is the retrospective research of the path to the high performance level. The aim of this study was to describe the triathlon coaches' path, previous to the high performance stage, and the circumstances in which the step to the high level was achieved. 14 high level triathlon coaches were interviewed. Results show a usual way, in which the coach was previously an athlete and coach in any discipline related to triathlon (swimming, cycling, endurance athletics), starting the high performance stage at the approximate age of 30. Previous average experience to high level stage depends on the coaches' background, but it never lasts more than 10 years. In order to choose expert coaches' samples, it would be recommendable to set the years of previous experience taking into account the sport context.A figura do treinador adquire um peso importante no sistema desportivo e, como tal, no êxito dos seus desportistas. Os pontos-chave do seu êxito foram estudados a partir de diferentes perspectivas. O estudo retrospectivo do percurso através do qual se chega ao alto rendimento é um desses pontos. O propósito deste estudo foi determinar o percurso dos treinadores de triatlo prévio à sua chegada ao alto rendimento, assim como as circunstâncias nas quais o salto para o alto rendimento foi alcançado. Para tal realizaram-se entrevistas a uma amostra de 14 treinadores espanhóis de triatlo de alto rendimento. Os resultados revelaram um elemento comum, em que o treinador foi anteriormente desportista e treinador de algumas das disciplinas fundamentais (DF) que compõem o triatlo (natação, ciclismo, atletismo), chegando ao alto rendimento do triatlo com uma idade aproximada de 30 anos. Os anos de experiência prévia variam em função do passado do treinador, não chegando a alcançar os 10 anos de média em nenhum dos casos, até ao início da etapa de alto rendimento. Seria recomendável, portanto, contextualizar os anos de experiência prévia, para optimizar a selecção de amostras de treinadores especialistas

    Ilici. L’Alcúdia dʼElx

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    Durant els darrers vint anys, la Fundació «L’Alcúdia» ha engegat un programa d’actuacions arqueològiques i de renovació museística que han transformat hui l’antiga ciutat d’Ilici en un espai turístic, científic, formatiu, lúdic i educatiu imprescindible per a comprendre no només Elx, sinó un territori ample del sud-est peninsular. El present treball en resumeix els avanços científics i en mostra les noves dotacions expositives, al mateix temps que sintetitza els resultats històrics del paratge arqueològic des de la prehistòria fins a l’arribada de l’Islam.For the last twenty years, the Fundación L’Alcúdia has developed a programme based on renewed archaeological and museum activities. It has transformed the ancient city of Ilici in a touristic, scientific, formative, ludic and educational place to understand not only Elche but also a large land in the Peninsular Southeast. This work summarises the scientific advances and presents the new exhibition endowments, synthesizing the historical results of the archaeological site from Prehistory to Islamic Era

    Hemispheric dominance and language proficiency levels in the four macro skills of Western Mindanao State university college students

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    This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the hemispheric dominance (HD) and the English proficiency (EP) scores in the four macro skills of the Western Mindanao State University college students. It hypothesized that students’ HD would have a significant correlation a) with their EP scores in listening, speaking, reading and writing, b) with their global EP score, c) with both the macro and global scores when respondents would be grouped according to age, gender and area of specialization. In this study, there were 240 respondents selected through purposive, stratified, and random sampling techniques from the 5,096 students of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Education. Using the standardized HD Test, the standardized Listening and Reading Comprehension Tests, the researcher-made Speaking and Writing Skill Tests and Cloze Test and employing mainly the Pearson r for the statistical analysis, the study concluded: 1) that most of the students of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Education of Western Mindanao State University were left-brained (74.6%); 2) that the students were “good” in speaking, “fair” in listening and writing skills but “ poor” in reading and in global English; 3) that there was no significant relationship between the students’ hemisphericity and their EP scores in listening, speaking, reading, writing and global proficiency tests; and 4) that a significant relationship was shown between HD and EP scores when respondents were grouped according to age and area of specialization only.hemisphericity, language performance, English, hemispheric dominance, right brain, left brain, whole brain, speaking, listening, reading, writing