185 research outputs found

    The new design of a remote real time embedded medical platform

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    Background: The aim of this work is to develop an electronic medical platform that enables us to monitor the physiological data of a patient and allows in cases of urgent problems to trigger an alarm remotely controlled by an expert to intervene quickly in case of emergency. Methods: In this paper, we present the design of a new medical platform based on Arduino and its shields. This platform is made of two embedded electronic circuits. The first one that may be carried by the patient is implemented using the Arduino Uno and two expanded cards, namely the E-health and the XBee shields. This circuit reads periodically physiological data (ECG, temperature, spo2 etc.) and wirelessly transmits them to the second circuit which is connected to the internet, based on the Arduino Ethernet electronic module and containing the XBee shield and an RFID module, as well as additional electronic circuits to report the critical situations, such as an LCD display and a buzzer to indicate an abnormal situation requiring local supervision.The patient is identified automatically by an RFID tag. Results:This platform was practically implemented as a final electronic product and tested. The results were very satisfactory as the embedded circuit was functioning correctly and we could upload and archive the collected data in real time in a specific database. A web server was also developed which gave remote access to the medical data of the patient making the control by a doctor possible for remote fast treatment. Conclusion: The practical realization of our medical platform allowed us to test in real time remote monitoring of a patient's physiological data while identifying the patient with an RFID tag. &nbsp

    Oralité et parole philosophante dans les notes de séminaire de Jacques Derrida

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    Ce texte analyse l’« avant-dire » d’un des sĂ©minaires donnĂ©s par Jacques Derrida, un texte prĂ©paratoire rĂ©digĂ© sur un ordinateur dont les ajouts et les corrections ont Ă©tĂ© directement intĂ©grĂ©s au document matrice, sans qu’il soit possible d’en retrouver la trace. La version publiĂ©e de ces enseignements restitue une image trĂšs fidĂšle du document que Derrida avait sous les yeux au moment de prendre la parole : un texte « oralisé » mais complĂštement rĂ©digĂ©. Si le texte de Derrida ne semble prĂ©voir aucune place pour l’improvisation, on y trouve une parole philosophique, dont la mise en scĂšne est soigneusement prĂ©vue, en une sorte de mime d’un discours philosophique spontanĂ©. La part d’oralitĂ© inscrite dans l’avant-dire, loin d’ĂȘtre contingente, semble faire partie intĂ©grante de la dĂ©marche proprement philosophique. On s’efforce ici de voir comment cette oralisation du texte participe non seulement de la construction d’un ethos philosophique, mais aussi d’une dĂ©marche de dĂ©construction.This text analyses the “avant-dire” of one of Jacques Derrida’s seminars, a preparatory text written on a computer, its additions and corrections having been directly integrated in the “matrix document”, so that it is impossible to find any trace of them. The published version of these lessons reproduce a very faithful image of the document Derrida had before him when he spoke: an “oralised” text entirely written. If Derrida’s text seems to have left no room for improvisation, we can find in it a philosophical spoken word, the staging of which was carefully planned, in a sort of mime of a spontaneous philosophical speech. The oral part inscribed in the “avant-dire”, far from being contingent, seems to be an integral part of the strictly philosophical approach. We will try to see how this oralisation of the text plays a role not only in the construction of a philosophical ethos, but also in a deconstruction approach.Dieser Artikel untersucht das „Avant-Dire“ eines der von Jacques Derrida gehaltenen Seminare, ein auf Computer geschriebener Vorbereitungstext, wo die Anmerkungen und Korrekturen direkt in das Originaldokument integriert wurden und es somit nicht möglich ist, deren Spuren wiederzufinden. Die veröffentlichte Version dieser Seminare gibt ein sehr wortgetreues Bild des Dokumentes wieder, das Derrida beim Sprechen vor Augen hatte: ein „oralisierter“ aber komplett ĂŒberarbeiteter Text. Obschon der Text von Derrida keinerlei Platz fĂŒr Improvisation vorzusehen scheint, findet man darin ein philosophisches Wort, dessen Inszenierung sorgfĂ€ltig geplant ist, in einer Art Imitation eines spontanen philosophischen Diskurses. Der im Avant-Dire enthaltene mĂŒndliche Aspekt, in keiner Weise zufĂ€llig, scheint ein fester Bestandteil des eigentlichen philosophischen Vorgehens zu sein. Es soll hier untersucht werden, wie diese VermĂŒndlichung des Textes bezeichnend ist nicht nur fĂŒr die Konstruktion eines philosophischen Ethos, sondern auch fĂŒr eine Art der Dekonstruktion.Este texto analiza el “pre-decir” de un seminario dictado por Jacques Derrida, un texto preparatorio redactado en la computadora, cuyos añadidos y correcciones han sido incorporados directamente en el documento, sin dejar ningĂșn rastro identificable. La versiĂłn publicada de estos cursos restituye una imagen muy fiel del documento que Derrida tenĂ­a ante sus ojos en el momento de tomar la palabra: un texto “oralizado”, pero totalmente redactado. Si el texto de Derrida, aparentemente, no da lugar en absoluto a la improvisaciĂłn, pone sĂ­ de manifiesto una palabra filosĂłfica, cuya puesta en escena estĂĄ cuidadosamente prevista, en una suerte de mimo de un discurso filosĂłfico espontĂĄneo. La parte que corresponde a la oralidad, inscrita en el pre-decir, lejos de ser contingente, parece formar parte integrante del proceso propiamente filosĂłfico. Intentaremos mostrar aquĂ­ cĂłmo esta oralizaciĂłn participa no solamente en la construcciĂłn de un ethos filosĂłfico, sino tambiĂ©n de un proceso de deconstrucciĂłn.O texto analisa o “ante-dito” de um seminĂĄrio de Jacques Derrida – texto preparatĂłrio escrito em computador com adiçÔes e correçÔes diretamente incorporadas no documento matriz, de impossĂ­vel rastreamento. A versĂŁo publicada das liçÔes dĂĄ uma imagem muito fiel do documento que Derrida lia no momento de usar da palavra: um texto “oralizado”, mas completamente redigido. Se o texto de Derrida nĂŁo reserva espaço para a improvisação, entĂŁo ele Ă© um discurso filosĂłfico, de cuidada encenação, que mimetiza um discurso filosĂłfico espontĂąneo. A parte de oralidade inscrita no ante-dito, longe de ser contingente, parece fazer parte integrante do processo propriamente filosĂłfico. Procura-se aqui ver como esta oralização do texto contribui nĂŁo sĂł para a construção de um ethos filosĂłfico, mas tambĂ©m de uma tentativa de desconstrução.Questo testo analizza l’avandetto di uno dei seminari di Jacques Derrida, un testo preparatorio redatto al computer le cui aggiunte e correzioni sono state direttamente integrate nel documento principale, e per questo motivo Ăš impossibile ritrovarne la traccia. La versione pubblicata di questi corsi restituisce un’immagine molto fedele del documento che Derrida aveva sotto gli occhi al momento di prendere la parola: un testo “oralizzato” ma completamente redatto. Anche se il testo di Derrida non sembra contemplare nessuno spazio per l’improvvisazione, vi si trova una parola filosofica la cui messa in scena Ăš scrupolosamente preparata, in una sorta di mimica di un discorso filosofico spontaneo. La parte di oralitĂ  inscritta nell’avandetto, lungi dall’essere contingente, sembra essere parte integrante dell’approccio strettamente filosofico. Tenteremo qui di vedere in che modo questa “oralizzazione” del testo partecipa non solo della costruzione di un ethos filosofico ma anche di una pratica di decostruzione

    Simulation numérique dŽune opération de dressage du procédé de tournage sur une piÚce dŽacier dur et lŽétude de lŽinfluence des phénomÚnes induits lors de cette opération

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    L’usinage par enlĂšvement de matiĂšre permet d’élaborer des piĂšces mĂ©caniques finies. L’outil de coupe enlĂšve de la surĂ©paisseur pour gĂ©nĂ©rer une nouvelle surface. Cette coupe est influencĂ©e principalement par les propriĂ©tĂ©s du matĂ©riau de la piĂšce Ă  usiner, la gĂ©omĂ©trie de l’outil de coupe, les conditions de coupe, les conditions de lubrification et les paramĂštres dynamiques (raideur, amortissement) du systĂšme usinant. L’apparition de vibrations pendant le fonctionnement de la machine-outil ne peut ĂȘtre Ă©vitĂ©e. GĂ©nĂ©ralement, ces vibrations reprĂ©sentent des dĂ©placements pĂ©riodiques du systĂšme Ă©lastique autour de sa position d’équilibre. Ces vibrations sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par l’interaction entre le systĂšme usinant Ă©lastique et le processus d’usinage associe au fonctionnement de la machine. Ce systĂšme Ă©lastique comprend le dispositif de fixation, la piĂšce et l’outil. L’interaction, entre les systĂšmes Ă©lastiques et les processus d’usinage, constitue le systĂšme dynamique du systĂšme usinant. Pour bien comprendre ce phĂ©nomĂšne, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  simuler numĂ©riquement une opĂ©ration de dressage du procĂ©dĂ© de tournage sur une piĂšce d’acier dur et l’étude de l’influence des phĂ©nomĂšnes induits lors de cette opĂ©ration. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus vont nous permettre d’établir des corrĂ©lations fortes entre les vibrations auto-entretenues et les paramĂštres de coupe et de dĂ©terminer la rugositĂ© conditionnĂ©e par deux paramĂštres : la gĂ©omĂ©trie de l’outil de coupe (rayon du bec) et l’avance de l’outil de coupe. Aussi, et grĂące Ă  ces paramĂštres de coupe, il est possible d’étudier l’évolution du systĂšme vibrant outil-piĂšce

    ÉlĂ©ments d’analyse sur lâ€™â€œĂ©conomie” dans la presse française

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    While the term “economy” could suggest a certain homogeneity in the French press, we note that from one newspaper to another, the notion of "economy", or even the idea of “economy”, is particularly diverse. We propose to question ourselves on some invariants of this type of discourse as well at the enunciative as lexical level. We will try to identify, through this questioning, some specificities of what could be called the media economic discourse. Our study focuses on the sections of the French national daily press that are devoted to the economy

    SynthÚse d'un support polypyrrole intercalé dans la bentonite. Applications a lélimination des métaux lourds (Cr6+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Cd2+)

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    330 p. : ill. ; 30 cmCette Ă©tude a pour objectif d'Ă©tudier le pouvoir adsorbant d'un support polypyrrole adsorbĂ© sur la bentonite (B-Ppy) pour le traitement des eaux usĂ©es chargĂ©es en mĂ©taux lourds : le chrome (VI), le plomb (II), le zinc (II) et le cadmium (II).Le support Bentonite/Polypyrrole a Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ© par polymĂ©risation in situ de pyrrole en prĂ©sence de bentonite, la caractĂ©risation du supporta Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e par microscopie Ă©lectronique Ă  balayage (MEB), la spectroscopie infrarouge Ă  transformer de Fourier (FTIR), diffraction des rayons X (XRD), l'analyse thermogravimĂ©trique (TGA), analyse thermique diffĂ©rentielle (DSC), surface spĂ©cifique (SBET) et la spectroscopie UV- visible,les rĂ©sultats montrent que le polypyrrole est intercalĂ© dans l'espace intĂ©rieur de la bentonite. Les surfaces de bentonite intercalĂ©es sont recouvertes par des particules de polypyrrole avec la mĂȘme taille et la disposition uniforme ce qui augmente la capacitĂ© d'adsorption du support.L'adsorption des cations mĂ©talliques (chrome, plomb, zinc et cadmium) en solution aqueuse a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e sur le supportB-Ppy, Les essais ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s dans diffĂ©rentes conditions pour Ă©tudier l'influence des diffĂ©rents paramĂštres (pH, concentration initiale, temps de contact, ions compĂ©titifs, potentiel Zeta, matiĂšre organique).Les meilleurs rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus pourun temps de contact de 60min et une concentration initiale de 10mg/L. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ainsi que la reprĂ©sentation des isothermes d'adsorption selon les Ă©quations de Langmuir et Freundlich, montrent que le chrome (Cr6+) est mieux fixĂ© que le zinc (Zn2+), lui-mĂȘme mieux retenu que le plomb (Pb2+) et le cadmium (Cd2+

    La philosophie dans la presse écrite : le cas des entretiens

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    La parole philosophique dans les mĂ©dias a donnĂ© lieu Ă  plusieurs recherches portant sur la figure de l’intellectuel ou du « penseur ». Ces Ă©tudes adoptent des points de vue historiques ou sociologiques mais ne proposent pas une analyse, dans une perspective discursive, de la maniĂšre dont cette parole est concrĂštement mobilisĂ©e dans le texte journalistique lors des entretiens. Nous nous proposons ici d’analyser ce genre de discours en cherchant Ă  dĂ©gager ses spĂ©cificitĂ©s. Nous nous demandons en particulier quel type de question on adresse au philosophe lors d’un entretien de presse et si on s’entretient d’une maniĂšre particuliĂšre avec lui quand il est interpellĂ© sur une question brĂ»lante de l’actualitĂ©. Cette Ă©tude nous permettra de nous interroger sur la place du philosophe dans les mĂ©dias en France. A cette fin, nous analysons divers textes rĂ©cents oĂč des philosophes parlent des attaques terroristes. Il s’agira enfin de montrer la spĂ©cificitĂ© les interventions des philosophes dans la presse par rapport Ă  celles d’autres experts comme les sociologues et les politistes.The philosophical speech in the media has already been studied through the lens of the intellectual or the “thinker”. These studies adopt an historical or sociological point of view, but do not analyze from a discursive point of view the way this speech is concretely used in the journalistic texts or during interviews. In this paper, I propose to analyze the philosopher’s speech in the media and to show its specificities. What types of questions is the philosopher asked during press interviews? Is the manner of interviewing specific when s/he is questioned about a burning news issue? This analysis reflects upon the philosopher’s place in the contemporary French media. To this end, I examine various recent texts where philosophers speak about terrorist attacks, comparing the way they speak with that of other experts such as sociologists and political scientists

    Interactions among natural active ingredients to improve the efficiency of rumen fermentation in vitro

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    Funding: TECHNA France Nutrition, UAB project number: CF616381.Twelve essential oils (EO): Anise star, cassia, geraniol, lemongrass (LEM), limonene, thyme, tea tree, coriander (COR), capsicum, black pepper, turmeric and ginger (GIN), in Experiment 1 at three doses; and different combinations of LEM, COR and GIN oils in Experiment 2, were evaluated in in vitro batch microbial fermentation using ruminal fluid from four dairy cows fed a 50:50 forage: concentrate diet. In experiment 1, LEM tended to increase the propionate proportion and tended to decrease the acetate to propionate ratio. Anise star, COR, and thyme tended to increase butyrate proportion. Capsicum, COR, and thyme decreased ammonia-N concentration. In experiment 2, a synergy was observed between LEM and COR that resulted in an increase in total volatile fatty acids and propionate proportion, and a decrease in the acetate to propionate ratio. However, the addition of high doses of GIN to the mix had an antagonistic effect on the rumen fermentation profile of the LEM + COR mix. Careful selection and combination of these EO may result in useful mixtures with synergistic interactions to modulate rumen microbial fermentation profile

    Reading and Writing with ICT: Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions

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    This proceedings book is the offspring of the online national conference on “Reading and Writing with ICTs: Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions” that was held on 9/10 March 2022 at Badji Mokhtar University- Annaba- Algeria. This conference was part of a project accepted by the ministry of Higher education and scientific research (PRFU). Scholars from different corners of Algeria participated in the conference two days. Indeed, Information and communication technology (ICTs) is the marked print of this era. It is the digital age were smart phones, computers and internet are widely spread. With the outbreak of COVID 19, higher education opted for online learning as the only solution to save the learning process. Besides, in order to learn a language, reading and writing represent the two essential literacy skills that learners/teachers should focus on. After a blind double- review, twenty articles were accepted under three sections. The first is about “Developing the reading skill through ICTS: Teachers’ and Learners’ perceptions with six articles” with six articles. The second section on “Developing the writing skill through ICTS: Teachers’ and Learners’ perceptions” includes seven articles. The last section is on “ICTs and Language Learning” with seven articles. The proceedings book ends with a number of recommendations for a better use of ICTs in the educational context in Algeria

    Reading and Writing with ICT: Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions

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    This proceedings book is the offspring of the online national conference on “Reading and Writing with ICTs: Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions” that was held on 9/10 March 2022 at Badji Mokhtar University- Annaba- Algeria. This conference was part of a project accepted by the ministry of Higher education and scientific research (PRFU). Scholars from different corners of Algeria participated in the conference two days. Indeed, Information and communication technology (ICTs) is the marked print of this era. It is the digital age were smart phones, computers and internet are widely spread. With the outbreak of COVID 19, higher education opted for online learning as the only solution to save the learning process. Besides, in order to learn a language, reading and writing represent the two essential literacy skills that learners/teachers should focus on. After a blind double- review, twenty articles were accepted under three sections. The first is about “Developing the reading skill through ICTS: Teachers’ and Learners’ perceptions with six articles” with six articles. The second section on “Developing the writing skill through ICTS: Teachers’ and Learners’ perceptions” includes seven articles. The last section is on “ICTs and Language Learning” with seven articles. The proceedings book ends with a number of recommendations for a better use of ICTs in the educational context in Algeria
