135 research outputs found

    Produção orizícola no município de São Gabriel, RS (Brasil)

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    Rice is a cereal present in all continents where it is used daily to feed almost half the planet at the time of providing most of the main income of millions of farms. The production of irrigated rice in southern Brazil has peculiar characteristics when compared to other agricultural activities. This research aimed to analyze the production factors of the areas occupied by the rice culture in the municipality of São Gabriel, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The primary data from a statistical database were used. In a complementary way, field questionnaires contain-ing ten variables of the 2017/18 crop were applied. Therefore, the information was tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. It was verified that the rice culture is technified and with high use of inputs. The factors that most influence quality production and high productivity are: differentiated fertilization based on potassium, the use of certified and treated seeds that reduce red rice, the replacement of conventional planting with a more efficient and conservationist one. Productivity levels reach an average value of 8083 kg / ha, which exceeds both the state and national average. The information on the technological packages analyzed in this research refers to the highest productive data in Brazil, therefore, they serve as a guide for agents directly linked to the sector and for formulators of agricultural politics in Brazil. Further research should focus on the study of economic efficiency and cost reduc-tion.O arroz é um cereal presente em todos os continentes onde diariamente é à base da alimentação de quase metade do planeta ao tempo de fornecer a maior parte da renda principal de milhões de fazendas. A produção de arroz irrigado no sul do Brasil possui características peculiares se comparada a outras atividades agrícolas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os fatores de produção das áreas ocupadas pela cultura do arroz no município de São Ga-briel, localizado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram usados os dados primários de um banco de dados estatísti-cos. De forma complementar, foram aplicados questionários de campo contendo dez variáveis da safra do cultivo 2017/18. Logo, a informação foi tabulada e analisada por meio de estatística descritiva. Verificou-se que a cultura do arroz é tecnificada e com alto uso de insumos. Os fatores que mais influenciam na produção de qualidade e altas produtividades são: a fertilização diferenciada de base potássica, o uso de sementes certificadas e tratadas que diminuem o arroz vermelho, a substituição do plantio convencional por outro mais eficiente e conservacionista. Os níveis de produtividade atingem o valor médio de 8083 kg/ha, que superam tanto a média estadual como a nacional. A informação dos pacotes tecnológicos analisados nesta pesquisa é referente aos dados produtivos mais elevados do Brasil, por isso, servem como guia aos agentes ligados diretamente ao setor e aos formuladores da política agrícola do Brasil. Próximas pesquisas deveriam se focar no estudo da eficiência econômica e a redução de custos

    Inteligencia musical: concepto y desarrollo

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    Según diversos autores, la inteligencia musical forma parte del puzle denominado intelecto humano, sin embargo esta visión no siempre está presente en el aula de música. A través del análisis de los conceptos presentados por estos autores, queda patente que conectar el desarrollo de la inteligencia musical con el desarrollo cognitivo del niño contribuye a potenciar también otras partes del intelecto, no solo las habilidades musicales. Para aplicar de forma completa esta concepción de la mente de los alumnos, es necesario cambiar algunos aspectos como la evaluación, el propio currículo o la metodología empelada por los docentes, con el fin de producir el mayor beneficio posible en todas las facetas del alumnado a través de la música.Grado en Educación Primari

    Evolutionary-conserved telomere-linked helicase genes of fission yeast are repressed by silencing factors, RNAi components and the telomere-binding protein Taz1

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    In Schizosaccharomyces pombe the RNAi machinery and proteins mediating heterochromatin formation regulate the transcription of non-coding centromeric repeats. These repeats share a high sequence similarity with telomere-linked helicase (tlh) genes, implying an ancestral relationship between the two types of elements and suggesting that transcription of the tlh genes might be regulated by the same factors as centromeric repeats. Indeed, we found that mutants lacking the histone methyltransferase Clr4, the Pcu4 cullin, Clr7 or Clr8, accumulate high levels of tlh forward and reverse transcripts. Mutations and conditions perturbing histone acetylation had similar effects further demonstrating that the tlh genes are normally repressed by heterochromatin. In contrast, mutations in the RNAi factors Dcr1, Ago1 or Rdp1 led only to a modest derepression of the tlh genes indicating an alternate pathway recruits heterochromatin components to telomeres. The telomere-binding protein Taz1 might be part of such a redundant pathway, tlh transcripts being present at low levels in Δtaz1 mutants and at higher levels in Δtaz1 Δdcr1 double mutants. Surprisingly, the chromodomain protein Chp1, a component of the Ago1-containing RITS complex, contributes more to tlh repression than Ago1, indicating the repressive effects of Chp1 are partially independent of RITS. The tlh genes are found in the subtelomeric regions of several other fungi raising the intriguing possibility of conserved regulation and function

    Detecting early- warning signals of concern in plant populations with a Citizen Science network. Are threatened and other priority species for conservation performing worse?

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    Long-term monitoring of biodiversity is a fundamental part of environmental management, and Citizen Science (CS) approaches are increasing their contribution to such endeavour. CS plant monitoring programmes, however, almost exclusively report on the species presence, which can be used to detect changes in distribution or occupancy areas, but not to assess their local extinction risk. To anticipate the collapse of local populations, we need information on population sizes, trends, temporal fluctuations and threats. This is particularly important in the case of priority species (threatened, endangered and those that need special protection). Here we describe the working protocol of the 'Adopt a plant' programme, a collaborative network that is currently monitoring 332 populations of 204 plant taxa (threatened, of community interest, common, rare and habitat indicators) across a heterogeneous landscape in NE Spain. Coordinated by scientists, participants estimate population sizes, record disturbances and follow scientifically rigorous sampling methods to track plant abundances year after year in fixed representative areas within populations. Two simple indices are estimated from that information: the overall trend (mean population abundance change, as percentage; PAch) and temporal fluctuations (standard deviation of annual changes; PAch(sd)). The potential of this ongoing high-quality dataset is demonstrated through the analysis of 242 populations monitored over 3-10 years. Stability is the dominant trend (mean PAch: +0.14%), with priority species having similar PAch and lower PAch(sd) than non-priority ones. Regardless of the priority status, small populations performed worse than large ones. Only 8% of studied populations faced direct human threats. Synthesis and applications. The 'Adopt a plant' collaborative monitoring programme was launched in NE of Spain to produce standardized indices of abundance change and other early-warning signals of concern or risk of population collapse. Such information is crucial to report the conservation status of threatened plants, and plants of Community interest (Habitats Directive). By analysing hundreds of populations, we found that priority plants experienced few threats and did not perform worse than non-priority ones. This unexpected finding evidences the importance of gathering massive demographic information to refine conservation priorities and to achieve a more comprehensive assessment of flora's vulnerability.Diputacion General de Aragon, Grant/Award Number: RB-0.4075; OAPN, Grant/Award Number: 1656/2015; Diputacion Provincial de Huesca, Grant/Award Number: Decreto 1521; Spanish Research Agency, Grant/Award Number: CGL2017-90040-R; European Commission, Grant/Award Number: LIFE+12 NAT/ES/000180; Delegacion CSIC-Arago

    Social impact of legalization of Cannabis sativa (marijuana) in Uruguay

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    A marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) é uma planta com múltiplos usos, a psicoativa é a mais diversificada e globalizada. No Uruguai esta droga foi legalizada. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o impacto social da sua legalização. Foram aplicados questionários em seis municípios. Verificou-se que a droga causa múltiplos efeitos, um terço dos uruguaios já a utilizaram pelo menos uma vez, e que os canais de acesso ao medicamento são informais, embora os meios legais cheguem a um terço do total dos inquiridos. Três quartos da população desconhecem o objetivo da lei, portanto a sua avaliação quantitativa na escala 1-10 é desfavorável (4,3). Além disso, consideram que a legalização leva ao consumo de outras drogas e afeta o trabalho, o estudo e a vida social. O consumo é independente do nível económico. A população inquirida acredita que a lei atrai o turismo de cannabis

    Estudio del Problema de Yamabe en el espacio-tiempo de Schwarzschild

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    "El objetivo de esta tesis es presentar de manera formal el estudio de un problema tipo Yamabe aplicado a una de las formulaciones con más antigüedad en el campo de la Relatividad General: el espacio tiempo de Schwarzschild. El trabajo original de Yamabe estudia una variedad Riemanniana compacta (M, g), y describe que sobre ésta siempre será posible encontrar una métrica , tal que ̄g ̄g sea conforme a g, es decir ̄g = hg, donde h = e2��, �� ∈ C∞(M) y tal que su curvatura escalar es constante. En pocas palabras, el desarrollo consiste en aplicar una transformación conforme a la métrica original; es importante recordar que una transformación conforme es aquella que preserva ángulos"

    Diagnosis de alimentos con origen transgénico en la frontera Uruguay-Brasil: legislación, conocimiento y rotulado

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    Introduction: Foods with ingredients of transgenic origin are globalized and the cultivation of transgenic seeds modifies the productive matrices of the Mercosur countries. Objective: To compare the legislation of foods with transgenic ingredients in Uruguay and Brazil, analyze the labeling, and evaluate the knowledge of the border population of both countries.  Material and method: Consisted of the analysis of the evolution of the legal framework, the survey of foods sold in supermarkets and the application of questionnaires to the inhabitants of two municipalities. Results: Similarity of legal frameworks was. In Uruguay, corn and soybeans are authorized, in Brazil, there are also beans, sugar cane, cotton and eucalyptus. Labeling is required when a food exceeds 1% of components of transgenic origin. Transgenic foods sold in supermarkets total 38. The main ingredients are transgenic corn flour and soybean oil. 25% of the population understand the biological process to obtain a transgenic food and 20% know how to identify the labeling of transgenic food. Conclusion: Food autonomy is achieved with better information, discussion of production models and reflection on the sustainability of socioeconomic paradigms.Introducción. Los alimentos con ingredientes de origen transgénico están globalizados y el cultivo de semillas transgénicas modifica las matrices productivas de los países del Mercosur. Objetivo: Comparar la legislación de los alimentos con ingredientes transgénicos de Uruguay y Brasil, analizar el rotulado, y evaluar el conocimiento de la población fronteriza de ambos países. Material y Método: Se analizó la evolución del marco jurídico, el relevamiento de alimentos comercializados en supermercados y la aplicación de cuestionarios a los habitantes de dos municipios. Resultados: Muestran similitud de los marcos jurídicos. En Uruguay están autorizados maíz y soja, en Brasil, están, además, frijol, caña de azúcar, algodón y eucalipto. El rotulado es exigido cuando un alimento supera el 1% de componentes de origen transgénico. Los alimentos transgénicos vendidos en supermercados totalizan 38. Los ingredientes mayoritarios son harina de maíz y aceite de soja transgénicos. El 25% de la población comprende el proceso biológico para la obtención de un alimento transgénico y el 20% sabe identificar el rotulado de alimento transgénico.  Conclusiones: La autonomía alimentaria se logra con mejor información, discusión de modelos productivos y reflexión sobre sostenibilidad de paradigmas socioeconómicos

    Identifying the Factors behind Climate Diversification and Refugial Capacity in Mountain Landscapes: The Key Role of Forests

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    Recent studies have shown the importance of small-scale climate diversification and climate microrefugia for organisms to escape or suffer less from the impact of current climate change. These situations are common in topographically complex terrains like mountains, where many climate-forcing factors vary at a fine spatial resolution. We investigated this effect in a high roughness area of a southern European range (the Pyrenees), with the aid of a network of miniaturized temperature and relative humidity sensors distributed across 2100 m of elevation difference. We modeled the minimum (Tn) and maximum (Tx) temperatures above- and below-ground, and maximum vapor pressure deficit (VPDmax), as a function of several topographic and vegetation variables derived from ALS-LiDAR data and Landsat series. Microclimatic models had a good fit, working better in soil than in air, and for Tn than for Tx. Topographic variables (including elevation) had a larger effect on above-ground Tn, and vegetation variables on Tx. Forest canopy had a significant effect not only on the spatial diversity of microclimatic metrics but also on their refugial capacity, either stabilizing thermal ranges or offsetting free-air extreme temperatures and VPDmax. Our integrative approach provided an overview of microclimatic differences between air and soil, forests and open areas, and highlighted the importance of preserving and managing forests to mitigate the impacts of climate change on biodiversity. Remote-sensing can provide essential tools to detect areas that accumulate different factors extensively promoting refugial capacity, which should be prioritized based on their high resilience
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