50 research outputs found

    Fast ferrous heme-NO oxidation in nitric oxide synthases.

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    International audienceDuring catalysis, the heme in nitric oxide synthase (NOS) binds NO before releasing it to the environment. Oxidation of the NOS ferrous heme-NO complex by O2 is key for catalytic cycling, but the mechanism is unclear. We utilized stopped-flow methods to study the reaction of O2 with ferrous heme-NO complexes of inducible and neuronal NOS enzymes. We found that the reaction does not involve heme-NO dissociation, but instead proceeds by a rapid direct reaction of O2 with the ferrous heme-NO complex. This behavior is novel and may distinguish heme-thiolate enzymes, such as NOS, from related heme proteins

    Estudio del tiempo de reacción ante estímulos sonoros y visuales.

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    Tradicionalmente se ha aceptado que el tiempo de reacción (TR) ante estímulos sonoros es menor que ante estímulos visuales. Sin embargo, planteamos la hipótesis de que el TR ante estímulos visuales sea más rápido que ante estímulos sonoros, lo que cobra gran importancia en algunas pruebas deportivas. Se analizaron las diferencias en el TR electivo manual según estímulos sonoros y visuales en una muestra suficiente de sujetos físicamente activos, relacionando factores como el género, el nivel de práctica deportiva y el deporte practicado. El diseño del estudio fue de tipo correlacional, participando 80 voluntarios, con una edad media de 22.6 ±3.7 años. Para la medición del TR se utilizó el programa SuperLab®, comparándose el TR ante estímulos visuales y sonoros por cada sujeto participante. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el TR medio fue significativamente menor ante estímulos visuales que ante estímulos sonoros. Así mismo, los varones presentaron un TR significativamente más corto que las mujeres para el TR visual, no siendo significativas estas diferencias para el estímulo auditivo. No se registraron diferencias significativas según estímulo para el resto de factores estudiados. Finalmente se presentan sugerencias de futura indagación en base a los hallazgos obtenidos

    Fractura compleja de la parte proximal del húmero secundaria a descarga eléctrica

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    Se presenta un caso de fractura compleja de parte proximal de húmero secundaria a una descarga eléctrica de 380 voltios. Fue tratado quirúrgicamente, consiguiéndose un resultado funcional satisfactorio, sin dolor ni alteración funcional de la extremidad.A case of comminuted fracture of proximal humerus following electrical injury (380 volts) is reported. The treatment was surgical. A satisfactory result was obtained, without pain or functional impairment of the limb

    Stereovideo youtube channel: short educational videos for the on-line learning of the the stereographic projection technique in Structural Geology

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    Stereovideo channel https://www.youtube.com/user/geostereovideo) is a YouTube channel of short educational videos (<5 min) focused on learning the handling of the stereographic projection technique applied to Structural Geology (also to Engineering Geology). This type of videos aims to reinforce the traditional classroom lessons with the use of communication technologies resources. Such a einforcing facilitates the possibility to deepen more on conceptual aspects once the students dominate the representation tool helping them to develop their own critical thinking skills. After three years of being launched on-line (on 2014), we analyze the broadcast and acceptance of the channel by the academic community. For this purpose we have taken into account two different sources: (1) the analytics tool from YouTube (subscriptions, views, countries, comments from the users, type of device for viewing), and (2) our own survey among users (students and teachers) to get their opinion about the videos. By January, 2017 (date of sending of this abstract), the channel has a total of 650 subscriptions, with more than 85,000 views all around the world, mainly in Spanish speaking countries (as the videos are in Spanish). The main devices for viewing the videos are PCs, but is noteworthy the use of smart phones and tablets. The video users, both students and teachers, value this type of content positively

    Stereovideo youtube channel: short educational videos for the on-line learning of the the stereographic projection technique in Structural Geology

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    Stereovideo channel https://www.youtube.com/user/geostereovideo) is a YouTube channel of short educational videos (<5 min) focused on learning the handling of the stereographic projection technique applied to Structural Geology (also to Engineering Geology). This type of videos aims to reinforce the traditional classroom lessons with the use of communication technologies resources. Such a einforcing facilitates the possibility to deepen more on conceptual aspects once the students dominate the representation tool helping them to develop their own critical thinking skills. After three years of being launched on-line (on 2014), we analyze the broadcast and acceptance of the channel by the academic community. For this purpose we have taken into account two different sources: (1) the analytics tool from YouTube (subscriptions, views, countries, comments from the users, type of device for viewing), and (2) our own survey among users (students and teachers) to get their opinion about the videos. By January, 2017 (date of sending of this abstract), the channel has a total of 650 subscriptions, with more than 85,000 views all around the world, mainly in Spanish speaking countries (as the videos are in Spanish). The main devices for viewing the videos are PCs, but is noteworthy the use of smart phones and tablets. The video users, both students and teachers, value this type of content positively

    A database program for enhancing irrigation district management in the Ebro Valley (Spain)

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    The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03783774In the last decade irrigation districts in the Ebro Valley of Spain have started to use database applications to enhance their management operations. Such applications often put more emphasis on administrative issues than on water management issues. A new irrigation district management software called “Ador” is presented in this paper. This database application has been designed to overcome limitations identified in an analysis of the software used in the study area. Ador can be used in irrigation districts independently of the type of irrigation system (surface, sprinkler or trickle) and the type of irrigation distribution network (open channel or pressurised). It can even be used in irrigation districts combining different types of irrigation systems and different types of irrigation distribution networks. The software can be used with minimum district information. The goals are to manage detailed information about district water management and to promote better on-farm irrigation practices. Ador is currently used to enhance management of 62 irrigation districts accounting for some 173,000 hectares in the Ebro Valley.National Plan for Research and Development of the Government of Spain (AGL2000-0151-P4-02). FEDER II of the European Union (2FD97-0547-C02). I3P program of the European Union. Oficina del Regante (Government of Aragón, FEOGA funds of the European Union).Peer reviewe

    Poor sensitivity of fecal gluten immunogenic peptides and serum antibodies to detect duodenal mucosal damage in celiac disease monitoring

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    A lifelong gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only current treatment for celiac disease (CD), but strict compliance is complicated. Duodenal biopsies are the “gold standard” method for diagnosing CD, but they are not generally recommended for disease monitoring. We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of fecal gluten immunogenic peptides (GIPs) to detect duodenal lesions in CD patients on a GFD and compared them with serum anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgA antibodies. A prospective study was conducted at two tertiary centers in Spain on a consecutive series of adolescents and adults with CD who maintained a long-lasting GFD. Adherence to a GFD and health-related quality of life were scored with validated questionnaires. Mucosal damage graded according to the Marsh–Oberhüber classification (Marsh 1/2/3) was used as the reference standard. Of the 97 patients included, 27 presented duodenal mucosal damage and 70 had normal biopsies (Marsh 0). The sensitivity (33%) and specificity (81%) of GIPs were similar to those provided by the two assays used to measure anti-tTG antibodies. Scores in questionnaires showed no association with GIP, but an association between GIPs and patients’ self-reported gluten consumption was found (p = 0.003). GIP displayed low sensitivity but acceptable specificity for the detection of mucosal damage in CD.This research was funded by a grant from Asociación Castellana de Aparato Digestivo (year 2018) to A.J.L

    STEREOVIDEO Channel: on line short videos to learn the stereographic projection technique in Structural Geology and Engineering Geology

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    En este trabajo se presenta el canal de vídeos online STEREOVIDEO ubicado en el sitio web YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/geostereovideo). Se trata de un canal de vídeos didácticos de corta duración (< 5 min) destinados al aprendizaje del manejo de la técnica de la proyección estereográfica aplicada a la Geología Estructural y a la Ingeniería Geológica. Este tipo de vídeos pretenden reforzar el tradicional método didáctico presencial con la utilización de recursos virtuales. De esta manera se facilita la posibilidad de profundizar en aspectos más conceptuales de cada disciplina una vez dominado el manejo de la herramienta de representación. La presente comunicación muestra las características de los vídeos: desde su propio contenido didáctico, a aspectos más técnicos relacionados con la estructura, grabación y edición de los mismos, en los que se detalla tanto el material audiovisual, como el software utilizado.We present here the online video channel STEREOVIDEO sited on the YouTube website (https://www.youtube.com/user/geostereovideo). STEREOVIDEO is a channel of educational videos of short duration (<5 min) focused on learning the stereographic projection technique applied to Structural Geology and Engineering Geology. This type of videos aims to reinforce the traditional classroom teaching method with the use of virtual resources. Such a reinforcing facilitates the possibility to deepen more conceptual aspects of each discipline once the students dominate the representation tool. This communication shows the characteristics of the videos: from the educational content of each video itself, to more technical aspects related to the structure, record and edition, including the used audiovisual devices, as well as the software.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Fatty acids homeostasis during fasting predicts protection from chemotherapy toxicity.

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    Fasting exerts beneficial effects in mice and humans, including protection from chemotherapy toxicity. To explore the involved mechanisms, we collect blood from humans and mice before and after 36 or 24 hours of fasting, respectively, and measure lipid composition of erythrocyte membranes, circulating micro RNAs (miRNAs), and RNA expression at peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Fasting coordinately affects the proportion of polyunsaturated versus saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids at the erythrocyte membrane; and reduces the expression of insulin signaling-related genes in PBMCs. When fasted for 24 hours before and 24 hours after administration of oxaliplatin or doxorubicin, mice show a strong protection from toxicity in several tissues. Erythrocyte membrane lipids and PBMC gene expression define two separate groups of individuals that accurately predict a differential protection from chemotherapy toxicity, with important clinical implications. Our results reveal a mechanism of fasting associated with lipid homeostasis, and provide biomarkers of fasting to predict fasting-mediated protection from chemotherapy toxicity.General: We thank Prof. Jose Maria. Ordovas for his kind suggestions; nutritionists Helena Marcos-Pasero, Elena Aguilar-Aguilar and Isabel Espinosa-Salinas for their help with volunteers management; Rosa Serrano for her help with animal experiments; Susana Molina for her advice with PBMC isolation; Luisa Mariscal, Domingo Fernandez, Lola Martinez, Diego Megias, Patricia Gonzalez, Fernando Pelaez, Anabel Sanz, Carolina Pola, Celia de la Calle, Ana Ortega, Ana Sagrera, Jose Miguel Frade, Elena Lopez-Guadamillas, Maribel Munoz, Susana Llanos, Andres Fernandez, Aranzazu Sierra, Andres Lopez, Noemi Haro and Ildefonso Rodriguez for their excellent technical and scientific support. Work at the laboratory of P.J.F.M. is funded by the Ramon Areces Foundation, (CIVP18A3891), Asociacion Espanola contra el Cancer-AECC (SIRTBIO-LABAE18008FERN), a Ramon y Cajal Award from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN) (RYC-2017-22335), RETOS projects Program of MICINN (SAF2017-85766-R) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-MCTES, SFRH/BD/124022/2016). Work at the laboratory of ARM was funded by the MICINN (PID2019-110183RB-C21), Regional Government of Community of Madrid (P2018/BAA-4343-ALIBIRD2020-CM) and the Ramon Areces Foundation. Work at the laboratory of A.D.R. Funded by the Comunidad de Madrid-Talento Grant 2018-T1/BMD-11966 and the MICINN PID-2019-106893RA-100. Work at the laboratory of L.D. is funded by projects from the Health Research Fund (ISCIII FIS PI14/01374 and FISPI17/00508) and from a Manuel de Oya research fellowship from the Beer and Health Foundation. Work at the laboratory of A.E. is funded by a Ramon y Cajal Award from MICINN (RYC-2013-13546) and RETOS projects Program of the MICINN, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (SAF2015-67538-R). Work in the laboratory of M.S. was funded by the IRB and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (SAF2013-48256-R), the European Research Council (ERC-2014-AdG/669622), and the "laCaixa" Foundation.S