157 research outputs found

    Rational vs emotional communication models. Definition parameters of advertising discourses

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    The new information technology, as well as changes in the consumer, have generated transformations in the strategic advertising focus. Since rational communication focuses on the product, it seeks clarity by articulating benefits and by relying on strategic mechanisms such as Reeves’ Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Through this article, we conducted a theoretical review of the resulting rational and emotional communication models from combining different parameters that result in new advertising discourses. For this, we will combine the theory with examples of awarded cases in different Advertising contests to understand the current thin line between the rational and emotional advertising messages.Las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información, así como los cambios en el consumidor, han generado transformaciones en el enfoque estratégico publicitario. La comunicación racional, al estar centrada en el producto, busca la claridad, articulando beneficios claros y apoyándose en mecanismos estratégicos como la Unique Selling Proposition (USP) de Reeves. Por medio de este artículo, realizamos una revisión teórica sobre los modelos de comunicación racional y emocional resultantes si combinamos diferentes parámetros que dan como resultado nuevos discursos publicitarios. Para ello, combinaremos la parte teórica con ejemplos de casos galardonados en diferentes certámenes de Publicidad para comprender la delgada línea entre lo racional y emocional q

    Rational vs emotional communication models. Definition parameters of advertising discourses

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    The new information technology, as well as changes in the consumer, have generated transformations in the strategic advertising focus. Since rational communication focuses on the product, it seeks clarity by articulating benefits and by relying on strategic mechanisms such as Reeves’ Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Through this article, we conducted a theoretical review of the resulting rational and emotional communication models from combining different parameters that result in new advertising discourses. For this, we will combine the theory with examples of awarded cases in different Advertising contests to understand the current thin line between the rational and emotional advertising messages.Las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información, así como los cambios en el consumidor, han generado transformaciones en el enfoque estratégico publicitario. La comunicación racional, al estar centrada en el producto, busca la claridad, articulando beneficios claros y apoyándose en mecanismos estratégicos como la Unique Selling Proposition (USP) de Reeves. Por medio de este artículo, realizamos una revisión teórica sobre los modelos de comunicación racional y emocional resultantes si combinamos diferentes parámetros que dan como resultado nuevos discursos publicitarios. Para ello, combinaremos la parte teórica con ejemplos de casos galardonados en diferentes certámenes de Publicidad para comprender la delgada línea entre lo racional y emocional q

    Modelos de comunicación eficaces en las campañas de publicidad. Un análisis estratégico para la búsqueda de la eficacia

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    In striving for effectiveness these days, sales alone cannot be the single foremost objective. Other factors can contribute to the creation of a virtuous cycle and have an impact on sales. These too should be measured when determining the overall effectiveness of a campaign. In this article we present an analysis of the winning cases in the Effectiveness Awards for commercial communications in Spain from 2010-2018. We will use it to identify the most widely employed communication models and evaluation metrics currently in use when considering the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. To compare and provide professional assessment we have sought out and compiled the opinions of professionals from the advertising sector who have previously sat on the Effectiveness Awards jury. The main objective is to identify and categorise the most effective models of communication currently in use. To this end 280 cases have been analysed from the Effectiveness Awards between 2010 and 2018 and a total of 48 in-depth interviews have been carried out. Among the main results we highlight the superiority of emotional models over rational ones. We found cultural emotion provides the best results though when it comes to gains in efficiency, a correlation of both yields improved averages in business.En la actualidad, las marcas no pueden definir como único objetivo vender si lo que pretenden es ser eficaces. Existen otros indicadores que contribuyen a crear un ciclo virtuoso que acaba teniendo un impacto en ventas y, por tanto, deben ser medidos para determinar la efectividad de una campaña. Por medio de este artículo, presentamos un análisis de los casos ganadores en los Premios a la Eficacia en comunicación comercial en España (Premios Eficacia) en el periodo comprendido entre 2010-2018 para determinar los modelos de comunicación más utilizados y métricas de evaluación que, en la actualidad, se están aplicando para considerar el nivel de eficacia real que tiene una campaña de publicidad. Además, se recopila la opinión de profesionales del sector de la publicidad que han formado parte del jurado de los Premios Eficacia para contrastar y aportar su valoración profesional. El objetivo principal es identificar y categorizar los modelos de comunicación que son más eficaces en la actualidad. Para ello se han analizado 280 casos premiados en los Premios Eficacia en los años comprendidos entre 2010 y 2018 y se han realizado un total de 48 entrevistas en profundidad. Entre los principales resultados destacamos que existe una superioridad de los modelos emocionales sobre los racionales, siendo el emocional cultural el que ofrece mejores resultados, así como una correlación de los mismos respecto a la eficacia obtenida, generando un mayor promedio en los resultados de negocio

    Effective communication models in advertising campaigns. A strategic analysis in the search for effectiveness

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    In striving for effectiveness these days, sales alone cannot be the single foremost objective. Other factors can contribute to the creation of a virtuous cycle and have an impact on sales. These too should be measured when determining the overall effectiveness of a campaign. In this article we present an analysis of the winning cases in the Effectiveness Awards for commercial communications in Spain from 2010-2018. We will use it to identify the most widely employed communication models and evaluation metrics currently in use when considering the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. To compare and provide professional assessment we have sought out and compiled the opinions of professionals from the advertising sector who have previously sat on the Effectiveness Awards jury. The main objective is to identify and categorise the most effective models of communication currently in use. To this end 280 cases have been analysed from the Effectiveness Awards between 2010 and 2018 and a total of 48 in-depth interviews have been carried out. Among the main results we highlight the superiority of emotional models over rational ones. We found cultural emotion provides the best results though when it comes to gains in efficiency, a correlation of both yields improved averages in business.En la actualidad, las marcas no pueden definir como único objetivo vender si lo que pretenden es ser eficaces. Existen otros indicadores que contribuyen a crear un ciclo virtuoso que acaba teniendo un impacto en ventas y, por tanto, deben ser medidos para determinar la efectividad de una campaña. Por medio de este artículo, presentamos un análisis de los casos ganadores en los Premios a la Eficacia en comunicación comercial en España (Premios Eficacia) en el periodo comprendido entre 2010-2018 para determinar los modelos de comunicación más utilizados y métricas de evaluación que, en la actualidad, se están aplicando para considerar el nivel de eficacia real que tiene una campaña de publicidad. Además, se recopila la opinión de profesionales del sector de la publicidad que han formado parte del jurado de los Premios Eficacia para contrastar y aportar su valoración profesional. El objetivo principal es identificar y categorizar los modelos de comunicación que son más eficaces en la actualidad. Para ello se han analizado 280 casos premiados en los Premios Eficacia en los años comprendidos entre 2010 y 2018 y se han realizado un total de 48 entrevistas en profundidad. Entre los principales resultados destacamos que existe una superioridad de los modelos emocionales sobre los racionales, siendo el emocional cultural el que ofrece mejores resultados, así como una correlación de los mismos respecto a la eficacia obtenida, generando un mayor promedio en los resultados de negocio

    Inoculation of in vitro cultures with rhizosphere microorganisms improve plant development and acclimatization during immature embryo rescue in nectarine and pear breeding programs

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    In the present study, two fungi Cladosporium ramotenellum strain PGP02 and Phoma spp. strain PGP03 and the bacterium Pseudomonas oryzihabitans PGP01 were isolated from Pyrus and Prunus in vitro rescued embryos, whose plantlets showed a better growth than non-contaminated cultures. Upon identification, concentrated solutions of the three microorganisms were applied to pear (Pyrus communis L.) in vitro rooted plantlets, increasing in different ways biometric parameters such as plant fresh weight (FW), stem length and root length. Then, these microorganisms were tested in embryos derived from three directed crosses between early ripening nectarine varieties (Prunus persica cv. Nectarina). In a first cross, in vitro cultured embryos were inoculated with both fungi, C. ramotenellum PGP02 and Phoma spp. PGP03, at 2 × 107 esp mL−1, and the bacterium P. oryzihabitans PGP01, at 2 × 108 CFU mL−1. In the following crosses, only the bacterium P. oryzihabitans PGP01, at 2 × 108 CFU mL−1, was employed. The effects on number of germinated embryos, development of the subsequent plants, after 24 weeks of in vitro culture, as well as their ex vitro acclimatization performance were analysed. These microorganisms had no effect on the germination efficiency of nectarine embryos. However, the presence of the bacterium P. oryzihabitans PGP01 modified root system architecture in the three crosses, increasing root volume and thickness, which in consequence enhanced the acclimatization efficiency to soil in those crosses with poor acclimation efficiencies. These results enforce a breakthrough in the use of microorganisms along the in vitro embryo rescue used in early ripening peaches and nectarines breeding programmes, and the production of plants more resistant to the stressful conditions imposed by the acclimatization to soil.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The Zebrafish Embryo as a Model to Test Protective Effects of Food Antioxidant Compounds

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    t: The antioxidant activity of food compounds is one of the properties generating the most interest, due to its health benefits and correlation with the prevention of chronic disease. This activity is usually measured using in vitro assays, which cannot predict in vivo effects or mechanisms of action. The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vivo protective effects of six phenolic compounds (naringenin, apigenin, rutin, oleuropein, chlorogenic acid, and curcumin) and three carotenoids (lycopene B, β-carotene, and astaxanthin) naturally present in foods using a zebrafish embryo model. The zebrafish embryo was pretreated with each of the nine antioxidant compounds and then exposed to tert-butyl hydroperoxide (tBOOH), a known inducer of oxidative stress in zebrafish. Significant differences were determined by comparing the concentration-response of the tBOOH induced lethality and dysmorphogenesis against the pretreated embryos with the antioxidant compounds. A protective effect of each compound, except β-carotene, against oxidative-stressinduced lethality was found. Furthermore, apigenin, rutin, and curcumin also showed protective effects against dysmorphogenesis. On the other hand, β-carotene exhibited increased lethality and dysmorphogenesis compared to the tBOOH treatment alone

    Impacts on coralligenous outcrop biodiversity by a dramatic coastal storm

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    Extreme events are rare, stochastic perturbations that can cause abrupt and dramatic ecological change within a short period of time relative to the lifespan of organisms. Studies over time provide exceptional opportunities to detect the effects of extreme climatic events and to measure their impacts by quantifying rates of change at population and community levels. In this study, we show how an extreme storm event affected the dynamics of benthic coralligenous outcrops in the NW Mediterranean Sea using data acquired before (2006-2008) and after the impact (2009-2010) at four different sites. Storms of comparable severity have been documented to occur occasionally within periods of 50 years in the Mediterranean Sea. We assessed the effects derived from the storm comparing changes in benthic community composition at sites exposed to and sheltered from this extreme event. The sites analyzed showed different damage from severe to negligible. The most exposed and impacted site experienced a major shift immediately after the storm, represented by changes in the species richness and beta diversity of benthic species. This site also showed higher compositional variability immediately after the storm and over the following year. The loss of cover of benthic species resulted between 22% and 58%. The damage across these species (e.g. calcareous algae, sponges, anthozoans, bryozoans, tunicates) was uneven, and those with fragile forms were the most impacted, showing cover losses up to 50 to 100%. Interestingly, small patches survived after the storm and began to grow slightly during the following year. In contrast, sheltered sites showed no significant changes in all the studied parameters, indicating no variations due to the storm. This study provides new insights into the responses to large and rare extreme events of Mediterranean communities with low dynamics and long-lived species, which are among the most threatened by the effects of global change

    Experimental evidence of synergistic effects of warming and invasive algae on a temperate reef-builder coral

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    In the current global climate change scenario, stressors overlap in space and time, and knowledge on the effects of their interaction is highly needed to understand and predict the response and resilience of organisms. Corals, among many other benthic organisms, are affected by an increasing number of global change-related stressors including warming and invasive species. In this study, the cumulative effects between warming and invasive algae were experimentally assessed on the temperate reef-builder coral Cladocora caespitosa. We first investigated the potential local adaptation to thermal stress in two distant populations subjected to contrasting thermal and necrosis histories. No significant differences were found between populations. Colonies from both populations suffered no necrosis after long-term exposure to temperatures up to 29 °C. Second, we tested the effects of the interaction of both warming and the presence of invasive algae. The combined exposure triggered critical synergistic effects on photosynthetic efficiency and tissue necrosis. At the end of the experiment, over 90% of the colonies subjected to warming and invasive algae showed signs of necrosis. The results are of particular concern when considering the predicted increase of extreme climatic events and the spread of invasive species in the Mediterranean and other seas in the future
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