32 research outputs found
Larvas de Tilloglomus spectsbile Martins, 1975 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Tillomorphini) atacando ramos de Podocarpus lembettii KIotz. (Podocarpaceae) foram coletadas em Gonçalves (Cantagalo), Minas Gerais, Brasil, e criadas em laboratório. Apresenta-se a descrição das formas imaturas com ilustração, desenhos do adulto, da genitália do macho e da fêmea e distribuição geográfica. Adultos de Paramoeocerus barbicornis (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycínae, Compsocerini) também emergiram da mesma planta hospedeira
Oral Myxoma in a Steer
Background: Myxoma is a benign neoplasm of mesenchymal cells producing a myxomatous matrix rich in mucopolysaccharides. This tumor occasionally has been described in older dogs and cats, and rarely occurs in other species. In ruminants myxomas can be found in the rumen and omasum, but there are no reports of these neoplasms involving the oral cavity of cattle. Only one case of myxoma was diagnosed in a 40-year study of 606 neoplasms in cattle in South Africa. Similar retrospective studies done in cattle from southern and northeastern Brazil also detected a single case of cutaneous myxoma. The current study reports the clinical and pathological findings of a rare occurrence of bovine oral myxoma.Case: A 22-month-old male crossbreed steer (Bosindicus) from the municipality of Rio Verde, GO (17°44′42″S 50°55′00″W), Brazil, presented a history of sialorrhea. There is no another affected animal in the herd. Clinical evaluation revealed mild swelling in the lower incisive gum. Treatment with flumetasone IM for three consecutive days was performed. Two months after this procedure, there was a considerable increase in the size to a flat, firm mass of 16x13x9 cm. Other clinical signs included emaciation and severe difficulty in feeding and drinking water. After surgical excision, fragments of the tumor were collected for histopathology. There is no local recurrence within approximately one year of the surgery. Microscopically, the lamina propria was found to be expanded and replaced by a nonencapsulated, moderately cellular, poorly demarcated, neoplastic proliferation. The lesion was composed of numerous loosely arranged bundles of cells in an abundant myxoid matrix. The bulk of the tumor parenchyma was formed by spindle or stellate cells with poorly demarcated borders and scant, eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei were oval and hyperchromatic. Mild anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were present, along with rare mitotic figures. The myxoid matrix presented strong positive labeling to mucin by the Alcian blue staining. Based on the anatomopathological and histochemical findings, a diagnosis of myxoma was established.Discussion: Neoplasms of connective tissue originate from poorly differentiated fibroblasts and can produce collagenous (fibroma/fibrosarcoma) or mucinous (myxoma/myxosarcoma) stroma. In some cases, it is difficult to establish a histopathological classification and to distinguish between benign and malignant neoplasms, for which assessment of cell morphology, mitotic index, and biologic behavior are required. Very few cases of myxoma have been previously reported in cattle, this neoplasm and it was never diagnosed in the oral cavity of this species. Thre majority of neoplasms diagnosed in the oral cavity of cattle are squamous cell carcinomas and papillomas, although sporadic cases of lingual fibroma, lingual mastocytoma, odontoma and ameloblastic fibroma have been described. In the current case, the steer presented weight loss and difficulty in feeding and drinking water, probably due to the large volume of the neoplasm. Similar clinical signs can occur in cattle affected by other types of large neoplasms in the oral cavity. After surgical excision, the animal of the current report presented general improvement and considerable weight gain. The myxoma-related pathologic findings observed in the present case are similar to those described in other studies. Because myxoma is considered an infiltrative neoplasm, postoperative recurrence can occur; however, this was not noted in the current case and reports of myxoma in other species. The main differential diagnosis for myxoma is fibroma; the presence of mucin (Alcian blue positive) in the intercellular matrix as seen in the current case confirms the diagnosis of myxoma
Isolamento de Fonsecaea pedrosoi a partir de espinhos da planta Mimosa pudica, uma provável fonte natural de cromoblastomicose
We report the isolation of Fonsecaea pedrosoi from thorns of the plant Mimosa pudica L. at the place of infection identified by one of our patients. Clinical diagnosis of chromoblastomycosis was established by direct microscopic examination and cultures from the patient's lesion. The same species was isolated from the patient and from the plant. Scanning electron microscopy of the surface of the thorns showed the characteristic conidial arrangement of F. pedrosoi. These data indicate that M. pudica could be a natural source of infection for the fungus F. pedrosoi.Este trabalho demonstra o isolamento de Fonsecaea pedrosoi de espinhos da planta Mimosa pudica L., a partir do local de suposta infecção identificado pela paciente infectada. O diagnóstico clínico de cromoblastomicose foi estabelecido pelo achado de corpos fumagóides no exame microscópico direto e pelas culturas de F. pedrosoi do material obtido da lesão da paciente. A mesma espécie foi isolada da paciente e da planta. A microscopia eletrônica de transmissão da superfície dos espinhos evidenciou a disposição conidial característica de F. pedrosoi. Estes dados indicam que a planta M. pudica deve ser uma fonte natural de infecção do fungo F. pedrosoi
Aprendizagem invertida: ensino híbrido em aulas de física geral dos cursos de engenharia / Flipped learning: blended learning general physics classes of engineering courses
No presente trabalho, são apresentadas as diretrizes fundamentais do projeto intitulado Física online, mesclando Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem e o Ensino Presencial, utilizando as metodologias aplicadas nas salas de aula invertida, criando um ambiente interativo para o ensino de Física, integrando recursos da tecnologia WEB e do ensino presencial a um projeto pedagógico consistente, buscando promover a aprendizagem do discente. O projeto Física Online, com as características de um ensino híbrido – presencial (mesmo local físico) e a distância (alunos e professores estão separados física e/ou temporalmente), foi implantado nos cursos da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, na disciplina Física Geral I, para os discentes que já a cursaram presencialmente e foram reprovados, com o objetivo de motivá-los a continuar os seus estudos, passando de ouvintes passivos a participantes ativos, reduzindo a evasão tão característica nos primeiros semestres dos cursos de engenharia.
Neurological and psychic development is a continuous process that begins during the prenatal period. Several risk factors during pregnancy can negatively impact this development. These factors include maternal alcohol consumption, radiation exposure, drug use, congenital infections, and lack of supplementation or delay in starting folic acid supplementation. It is important to highlight that potentially harmful events that occur earlier during pregnancy increase the risk of causing more serious harm to the fetus. Neurodevelopment in childhood is a crucial field that impacts cognitive and emotional growth. This integrative review aims to synthesize current knowledge about factors that influence this development. Analyze and integrate scientific studies to understand the main determinants of neurological development in children, identifying gaps and future perspectives. An integrative review of the literature was carried out, covering electronic databases, selecting studies that investigate children's neurological development. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to ensure the relevance and quality of the articles. The results highlight genetic, environmental, and early experience factors that shape neurological development. Genetic factors, innate to the individual, contribute to shaping specific characteristics of neurological development. At the same time, the environment in which the child is exposed plays a crucial role, reflecting the importance of stimulation and favorable conditions from the first years of life. Discussions address practical implications for public health interventions and policies. This review highlights the complexity of children's neurological development, emphasizing the need for multidisciplinary approaches and health promotion strategies from an early age.O desenvolvimento neurológico e psíquico é um processo contínuo que tem início durante o período pré-natal. Diversos fatores de risco durante a gestação podem impactar negativamente esse desenvolvimento. Entre esses fatores estão o consumo de álcool pela mãe, exposição à radiação, uso de drogas, infecções congênitas, e a falta de suplementação ou atraso no início da suplementação com ácido fólico. É importante destacar que eventos potencialmente prejudiciais que ocorrem mais precocemente durante a gestação aumentam o risco de causar danos mais graves ao feto. O desenvolvimento neurológico na infância é um campo crucial que impacta o crescimento cognitivo e emocional. Esta revisão integrativa visa sintetizar o conhecimento atual sobre fatores que influenciam esse desenvolvimento. Analisar e integrar estudos científicos para compreender os principais determinantes do desenvolvimento neurológico em crianças, identificando lacunas e perspectivas futuras. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura, abrangendo bases de dados eletrônicas, selecionando estudos que investigam o desenvolvimento neurológico infantil. Critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram aplicados para garantir a relevância e qualidade dos artigos. Os resultados destacam fatores genéticos, ambientais, e experiências precoces que moldam o desenvolvimento neurológico. Os fatores genéticos, inatos ao indivíduo, contribuem para moldar características específicas do desenvolvimento neurológico. Simultaneamente, o ambiente no qual a criança é exposta desempenha um papel crucial, refletindo a importância de estimulações e condições favoráveis desde os primeiros anos de vida. Discussões abordam implicações práticas para intervenções e políticas de saúde pública. Esta revisão destaca a complexidade do desenvolvimento neurológico infantil, enfatizando a necessidade de abordagens multidisciplinares e estratégias de promoção da saúde desde tenra idade