15 research outputs found

    Learning through planning experiments: a case study in thermal comfort in hospitals

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    Learning engineering involves observing and understanding how systems or processes work, but also knowing the cause and effect relationships present. During the course, students learn that the process of engineering investigation requires conducting experiments to validate theories or hypotheses about what makes the system work. Each experimental run is a test. It is through active experimentation, the controlled intervention of a process that modifies the inputs and characteristics of the process, that it is possible to learn the effect of a set of different factors on a response variable. Based on experimental data collected to model thermal comfort in hospital waiting rooms, this paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of this phenomenon through the selection of the most appropriate statistical techniques to analyze the data. For engineering students this is an opportunity to bring theory to practice.- This research was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 (ALGORITMI) and R&D Units Project Scope UIDP/04077/2020 (METRICS). Diogo Gracoeiro acknowledges the BII scholarship VCC-ALG-04/2021 attributed by FCT

    A colaboração e disseminação de informação como alavanca de mudança em CI : o Observatório de Ciência da Informação da U. Porto

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    O Observatório de Ciência da Informação da Universidade do Porto (OCIUPorto) é um projeto desenvolvido por estudantes no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Gestão de Serviços de Informação, do 3º ano da Licenciatura em Ciência da Informação (LCI), constituindo-se anualmente equipas responsáveis pela sua gestão e melhoria contínua.Criado no ano letivo de 2006/2007, tem como objetivo monitorizar o percurso profissional, investigativo e formativo de cada alumnus, de modo a possibilitar a recolha e disponibilização de informação relativa ao percurso dos estudantes, garantindo a continuidade da ligação dos alumni à Universidade e à Ciência da Informação (CI) na U.Porto.O OCIUPorto pretende promover a comunicação entre os alumni, estudantes, corpo docente e investigador, instituições e empresas empregadoras, bem como acolhedoras de estágios e proponentes de projetos de dissertação, com o objetivo de dar a conhecer a área, promover e disseminar a produção científica, a organização e participação em eventos científicos e o espírito empreendedor e empresarial de estudantes e alumni.Tecnologicamente suportado pelo sistema de gestão de conteúdos Joomla!, está também presente nas redes sociais, procurando-se, assim, fomentar a capacidade colaborativa e potenciar a partilha e a comunicação por meio de uma fonte de informação única sobre a CI na U.Porto

    Estudo de conservação sob atmosfera controlada na qualidade da cereja cv. Satin

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    A cereja é muito apreciada e apresenta um tempo de comercialização muito curto devido a ser um fruto altamente perecível. Técnicas de conservação pós-colheita são essenciais para manter a qualidade da cereja até serem consumidas. Baixas temperaturas são utilizadas para retardar o processo de deterioração da fruta e como complemento a aplicação de atmosferas controladas permite retardar o processo de amadurecimento e envelhecimento. A diminuição de oxigénio e o aumento de dióxido de carbono e azoto inibe o amadurecimento, mantendo o sabor e a qualidade da fruta. Neste trabalho experimental, cerejas da cultivar Satin foram conservadas em câmaras de refrigeração no produtor e nas instalações do CATAA com equipamento de atmosferas controladas. Quatro atmosferas controladas com diferentes combinações de oxigénio e dióxido de carbono foram testadas e o seu efeito na qualidade das cerejas foi avaliado. Ao longo do tempo de conservação as cerejas foram analisadas a diferentes níveis: qualidade (peso, dureza, cor e sólidos solúveis totais), microbiológico e organolético. Os resultados de temperatura e humidade no produtor e no CATAA, foram comparados e indicam que ambas as situações apresentam ótimas condições de conservação. No entanto, complementar a conservação com atmosferas controladas sugere que a qualidade da cereja é mantida por mais tempo, através da minimização do envelhecimento e processo de amadurecimento.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo de conservação sob atmosfera controlada na qualidade da cereja cv. Satin.

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    A cerejeira (Prunus avium L.) é uma espécie pertencente à subfamília das Prunóideas e a produção de cereja apresenta elevada importância económica na região da Beira Interior, que, embora não seja a região com maior área de produção é a principal região de produção de Portugal. A cereja apresenta um elevado teor de compostos bioativos como vitamina C, fibra, antocianinas, quercetina e carotenóides relacionados com a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes e cancro (McCune et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2016). No entanto, este fruto não climatérico deteriora-se rapidamente após a colheita apresentando alterações na cor da pele, acastanhamento do pedúnculo, desidratação, amolecimento da polpa, diminuição da acidez e apodrecimento (Dugan & Roberts, 1997; Wang et al., 2016). A refrigeração, combinada com a utilização de atmosferas controladas, visa o atraso da deterioração e o consequente prolongamento da vida útil alargando o período de oferta. Esta técnica consiste no armazenamento a baixa temperatura num ambiente com uma concentração elevada de CO2, uma concentração baixa de O2 e uma humidade relativa elevada (Andrade et al., 2019). Os valores indicados na bibliografia relativos à concentração de CO2 variam entre 5% e 20% (Gross et al., 2016) e, para a concentração de O2, encontram-se entre 1% (Gross et al., 2016) e 10% (Ben-Yehoshua et al., 2005)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    As redes em turismo cultural: um olhar sobre a relação entre turismo e cultura

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    Este artigo pretende avaliar o modo como alguns agentes do Turismo e da Cultura em Sintra encaram a sua integração numa rede de negócios centrada num itinerário turístico-literário em torno da obra Os Maias de Eça de Queirós. Pretende averiguar: o grau de networking que as entidades entrevistadas estabelecem com outras entidades; a disposição dos entrevistados para integrar uma rede envolvendo stakeholders do sector público, privado e sem fins lucrativos, do Turismo e da Cultura; as potenciais vantagens e inconvenientes decorrentes desta parceria; e o modo como a relação entre Turismo e Cultura é percebida pelos entrevistados. Para tal recorreu-se a revisão de literatura, entrevistas semi-estruturadas a oito agentes do Turismo e da Cultura do sector público, privado e sem fins lucrativos em Sintra e análise de conteúdo para extrair conclusões relativamente aos dados recolhidos. Conclui-se que há uma renitência considerável por parte de agentes culturais em assumir objectivos não estritamente culturais, nomeadamente, objectivos lucrativos. No entanto, a maior parte dos entrevistados vê a sua integração num itinerário turístico-literário desta natureza como vantajosa. Por fim, são apresentadas várias sugestões para estimular a relação entre Turismo e Cultura, para que possam ser formadas redes de negócios equilibradas, que contribuam para o desenvolvimento dos destinos.This article intends to evaluate how Tourism and Culture organisations in Sintra (Portugal) regard their integration in a business network centred in a touristic and literary route aroundThe Maias, Eça de Queirós’s masterpiece.It aims at evaluating: the networking that these agents establish with other organisations; their willingness to integrate a network involving stakeholders from the public, private and non-profit sectors, involving entities belonging to the tourism and culture areas; the advantages and disadvantages resulting from this integration; and how the relationship between tourism and culture is perceived by these organisations. Methodology consists of an extensive literature review, semi-structured interviews to the representatives of eight tourism and culture organisations in Sintra, from the public, private and non-profit sectors. Content analysis was used to analyse the data derived from the interviews.It is concluded that some cultural agents are unwilling to assume goals not strictly cultural, namely commercial goals.However, the majority of the interviewed regarded their integration in this route as beneficial.Finally, several suggestions concerning the improvement of links between culture and tourism are put forward, so that balanced networks, which contribute to the development of destinations, can be strengthened.publishe

    Polydimethylsiloxane mechanical properties: a systematic review

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    Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has been a promising material for microfluidic, particularly in lab-on-chip. Due to the panoply of good physical, mechanical and chemical properties, namely, viscosity, modulus of elasticity, colour, thermal conductivity, thermal coefficient of expansion, its application has been increasingly requested in quite different areas. Despite such characteristics, there are also some drawbacks associated, and to overcome them, several strategies have been developed to modify PDMS. Given the great variety of relevant conducted research in this field, the present work aims to gather the most relevant information, the advantages and disadvantages of some of the techniques used, and also identify potential gaps and challenges in it. To this end, a systematic literature review was conducted by collecting data from four different databases, Science Direct, American Chemical Society, Scopus, and Springer. Two authors independently screened the references, extracted the key information, and assessed the quality of the included studies. After the analysis of the collected data, 25 studies were selected that addressed the various mechanical properties of PDMS and how to modify them in order to suit a particular application.- Ines Teixeira and Ines Castro acknowledge the scholarship granted by FCT. This work was supported in part by the projects NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-028178, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029394, and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171 funded by NORTE 2020 Portugal Regional Operational Program under PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement through the European Regional Development Fund and the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT). The authors also acknowledge the partial financial support by the projects UIDB/EEA/04436/2020, UIDB/EMS/04077/2020, UIDB/00319/2020 and UIDB/00690/2020 from FCT

    Different teaching methods: a step for student motivation

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    Teaching is made by providing students with theoretical lessons and giving them the basic concepts of a subject and potentiating further development. Although this is an important step, student learning differs, and they have difficulty in transposing their theoretical knowledge into real-world problems. To help them make a bridge between the two realities, practical activities are essential. However, due to class restrictions, such as time and number of students, the activities may fall far from the expected results. In this matter, the University of Minho has been introducing different methods of teaching, interacting, and captivating students through learning-by-doing approaches. In light of these experiences, the objective of this work is to provide an overview of how with simple activities the correlation between science and mathematics can be demonstrated to high school students and also to undergraduate students. These types of activities open their horizons and promote their interest and willingness to continue studying and learning actively.This research was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 (ALGORITMI) and R&D Units Project Scope UIDP/04077/2020 (METRICS). Violeta Carvalho acknowledges the Ph.D. scholarship UI/BD/151028/2021 attributed by FCT

    Thermal comfort assessment of a small house in Portugal using energyplus and ansys fluent

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    According to the European Union Directive 2018/844, almost 50% of the final energy consumption is used in heating and cooling processes, whereas, of these, 80% are used in the buildings. Thus, to accomplish the proposed energy and climate objectives for 2050, priority has to be given to energy efficiency as well as the deployment of renewable energies in buildings. Most thermal modeling of buildings is carried out through computational dynamic simulation programs. The main objective of this paper is to compare the thermal analyses performed by two programs, EnergyPlus and Ansys Fluent. For this, the model of a simplified building was created, with its thermal surroundings, envelope characteristics, and technical systems. In the model, the insulation of the building was not considered, in order to better compare both software under study. The objective is to verify if two different philosophy software have similar results and validate them. Finally, the temperature and PMV results obtained from EnergyPlus are compared with the results of Ansys Fluent. There was a small deviation for both software, with a PMV value of -1.10 for the EnergyPlus and for -1.12 Fluent. The PMV distribution was compared with K–S test that showed no significant statistical differences.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDP/04077/2020). y Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 (ALGORITMI) and R&D Units Project Scope UIDP/04077/2020 (METRICS