1,928 research outputs found

    Brand hate: uma abordagem abrangente

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    Nowadays, establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships with consumers is of paramount importance to brands. Despite the sheer volume of research that exists regarding positive feelings towards a brand, there is very little research on the negative side of consumer-brand relationships. That being said, this work focuses on the exploration of the phenomenon of brand hate, through the investigation of its antecedents and outcomes. Additionally, some demographic characteristics, namely age, culture and gender, were observed, in order to assess a possible effect on these constructs. The context of analysis was the brand Apple, as it is considered one of the most valuable brands on the planet. Data was gathered from a sample of 322 individuals, through an online questionnaire survey. Results show that ideological incompatibility is, indeed, an antecedent of brand hate, and that brand hate has a positive relationship with negative word-of-mouth, willingness to punish brands, brand avoidance, and negative brand engagement. Furthermore, it was also confirmed that there are significant differences in negative word-of-mouth and in willingness to punish brands, depending on the gender of the individual. Additionally, gender, as well as age and culture, were seen to have some influence in certain variables of other constructs, such as negative brand engagement.Nos dias de hoje, estabelecer e manter relações significativas com os consumidores, é de extrema importância para as marcas. Apesar do imenso volume de pesquisa que existe em termos de sentimentos positivos para com uma marca, existe muito pouca pesquisa relativamente ao lado negativo das relações consumidor-marca. Assim sendo, este trabalho foca-se na exploração do fenómeno de brand hate, através da investigação dos seus antecedentes e resultados. Adicionalmente, algumas características demográficas, nomeadamente idade, cultura e género, foram observadas, de modo a avaliar o possível efeito nestes constructos. O contexto de analise foi a marca Apple, uma vez que é considerada uma das marcas mais valiosas no planeta. Os dados foram recolhidos de uma amostra de 322 indivíduos, através de um inquérito por questionário. Os resultados mostram que ideological incompatibility é, de facto, um antecedente do brand hate, e que o brand hate tem relações positivas com negative word-of-mouth, willingness to punish brands, brand avoidance e negative brand engagement. Além disso, também foi confirmado que existem diferenças significativas em negative word-of-mouth e em willingness to punish brands, dependendo do género do indivíduo. Adicionalmente, além disso, o género, assim como a idade e a cultura, foram vistos como tendo alguma influência em determinadas variáveis de outros construtos, tais como negative brand engagement.Mestrado em Gestã

    Fatigue detection system to aid in remote work

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic there was a noticeable surge in the amount of remote workers. In the aftermath of the pandemic working from home still remains a reality for many workers with noticeable impacts on the mental health of people. With the increased stress caused by current situation and the harder time establishing boundaries there was an increase in the overall stress and fatigue in workers, leading to burnouts. Fatigue detection systems are used in several areas, mainly in the automotive industry as a mean to decrease the number of accidents. This research started by approaching the Artificial Intelligence (AI) area and its domains, followed by a study of the current techniques used in order to predict fatigue. With the main ones utilising eye state, facial landmarks, electrocardiogram or heart rate. After a research into existing Fatigue detection systems was done in order to identify the strengths of solutions currently in the market, whether in the automotive industry or other applications. This thesis proposes the creation of a system able to detect fatigue in a user as well as warn him when fatigue levels increase. This system incorporates a webcam analysing the users face and performing eye state detection in order to calculate the percentage of the time the eyes are closed (PERCLOS). Heart rate data was also analysed and a model was developed in order to incorporate this data, the percentage of time the eyes are closed, the program the user has open and time of day in order to predict the level of fatigue. By combining these two different techniques this system can be more effective and more accurate in giving predictions of the level of fatigue. The review of literature showed that the conjunction of these two techniques in predicting fatigue is novelty. The developed system also contains integration with smartwatch technology in order to both harness heart rate data as well as communicate with the user via pop up notifications to inform him when fatigue levels get too high. The conclusion of this work is that eye state detection using Artificial Intelligence can achieve a high accuracy and be a reliable tool in identifying fatigue in an user. The combination of Heart Rate and PERCLOS allows the system to have a higher accuracy as well as not being completely reliant on one sensor. The creation of a fatigue prediction model was hindered by the lack of existent data in order to train a model, a problem that could be fixed with the adoption of the system in a broader scope.Durante a pandemia de Covid-19, houve um aumento notável na quantidade de trabalhadores remotos. No rescaldo da pandemia, trabalhar a partir de casa continua a ser uma realidade para muitos trabalhadores, com impactos visíveis na saúde mental das pessoas. Com o aumento do stresse causado pela situação atual e a dificuldade de estabelecer limites, houve um aumento do stresse geral e da fadiga dos trabalhadores, levando ao esgotamento. Os sistemas de detecção de fadiga são utilizados em diversas áreas, principalmente na indústria automobilística como forma de diminuir o número de acidentes. Este estudo começou por abordar a área de Inteligência Artificial (IA) e os seus domínios, seguida de um estudo das técnicas atuais utilizadas para prever a fadiga. Com os principais utilizando o estado dos olhos, pontos de referência faciais, eletrocardiograma ou frequência cardíaca. Depois foi feita uma pesquisa sobre os sistemas de detecção de fadiga existentes de forma a identificar os pontos fortes das soluções actualmente no mercado, quer seja na indústria automóvel ou outras aplicações. Esta dissertação propõe a criação de um sistema capaz de detectar fadiga num utilizador, bem como alertar quando os níveis de fadiga aumentam. Este sistema incorpora uma webcam que analisa a face do utilizador e realiza a detecção do estado dos olhos para calcular a percentagem de tempo em que os olhos estão fechados (PERCLOS). Os dados de frequência cardíaca também foram analisados e um modelo foi desenvolvido para incorporar estes dados, a percentagem de tempo que os olhos ficam fechados, o programa que o utilizador tem aberto e a hora do dia para prever o nível de fadiga. Ao combinar essas duas técnicas diferentes, este sistema pode ser mais eficaz e mais preciso em fornecer previsões do nível de fadiga. A revisão da literatura mostrou que a conjunção dessas duas técnicas na previsão da fadiga é novidade. O sistema desenvolvido também contém integração com a tecnologia smartwatch para aproveitar os dados da frequência cardíaca e comunicar com o utilizador por meio de notificações pop-up para informá-lo quando os níveis de fadiga se encontrarem altos. A conclusão deste trabalho é que a detecção do estado ocular usando Inteligência Artificial pode alcançar uma alta precisão e ser uma ferramenta confiável na identificação de fadiga num utilizador. A combinação da frequência cardíaca e PERCLOS permite que o sistema tenha maior precisão, além de não depender completamente de um unico sensor. A criação de um modelo de previsão de fadiga foi dificultada pela falta de dados existentes para treinar um modelo, problema que poderia ser colmatado com a adoção do sistema numa população maior

    Intelligent Management of Energy Storage Systems in Buildings

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    The usage of electricity, nowadays, suffers from large fluctuations and is inefficient, creating load management issues and a considerable carbon footprint. Within this subject, buildings are one of the main culprits, due to the high percentage of time that people spend within them. In addition, elec-tricity plays a determinant role for the comfort within buildings, creating an intrinsic need for it. Therefore, due to the occupant’s behavioural patterns, inefficiencies occur between electricity’s supply and demand. Consequently, to reach ambitious energy efficiency goals, the building sector must undergo through technological innovation enabling a better energy management. Energy management is nowadays a subject of great importance and complexity, by choosing amongst a set of sources and loads that could minimize the losses and costs. Energy management sys-tems, coupled with energy storage systems, can optimize the electricity usage, making it more efficient. Accordingly, the goal of this dissertation is to present a system able to, intelligently, manage energy storage systems, user consumptions within buildings and power sources through strictly defined strategies. This system bases itself on a decision system that, while maintaining the security, stability and quality of service of the power network, can enhance how buildings consume electricity, optimizing it and lowering the load management problems. To conclude, this dissertation aims to develop computer software, a simulator, in order to test this system’s viability and if the results globally optimize the electricity usage

    New interaction models for 360º video

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    Esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo a incorporação de um mecanismo de buffering num sistema de multimídia, capaz de oferecer experiências multivista adaptáveis. A incorporação deste mecanismo vem provocar melhorias na qualidade de serviço e na qualidade de experiência. O sistema recorre ao protocolo MPEG-DASH e a uma câmara convencional para detecção dos movimentos da cabeça do utilizador. O sistema incorpora ainda um mecanismo de adaptação automática da qualidade, ajustável às condições da rede. O mecanismo desenvolvido é composto por um proxy e tem o objectivo de minimizar o atraso existente na transição de vistas. O proxy será capaz de enviar três vistas em simultâneo, duas em baixa qualidade, enquanto a vista principal será enviada e apresenta ao utilizador em alta qualidade.Sempre que existe um novo pedido por parte do utilizador, o mecanismo irá comutar entre as vistas enviadas até receber a resposta por parte do servidor. Deste modo, esta dissertação pretende identificar as dificuldades que se colocam relativamente à disponibilização e transmissão eficiente deste tipo de conteúdos, assim como os compromissos necessários ao nível da qualidade de experiência do utilizador.Today, the fast technological evolution and the significant increase in the demand for multimedia content has boosted the development of the transmission mechanisms used for this purpose.This development had repercussions in several areas, such as the immersive experiences that include the 360º contents. Whether through live streaming or using on demand services, the quality of service and experience have become two points whose development has assumed high importance. The capture and reproduction of 360º content allows transmitting an immersive view of reality at a given moment. With this approach, the industry intends to provide a product with better audiovisual quality, more comfortable for the user and that allows a better interaction with the same. An example of this is the choice of the view that most appeals to us in a given event (for example, football matches or concerts). This dissertation has as main objective the incorporation of a buffering mechanism in a multimedia system, able to offer adaptive multivista experiments. The system uses the MPEG-DASH protocol for efficient use of network resources and a conventional camera for detecting the movements of the user's head, selecting the points of view that one wishes to visualize in real time. The system also incorporates an automatic quality adjustment mechanism, adjustable to the network conditions. The buffering mechanism is intended to increase the quality of experience and the quality of service, minimizing the delay in the transition of views. The mechanism will consist of a proxy capable of sending three views simultaneously. Of these views, two will be sent in low quality, while the main view will be sent and presented to the user in high quality. Whenever there is a new request from the user, the mechanism will switch between sent views until it receives the response from the server. Based on these assumptions, the dissertation intends to identify the challenges that are posed regarding the availability and efficient transmission of 360º content, as well as the necessary commitments regarding the quality of user experience. This last point is particularly significant, taking into account the network requirements and the volume of data presented by the transmissions of this type of content

    Application Toolbox architecture for Football Coaches

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis study is to create an application Toolbox architecture for football coaches to help them improve the performance of their teams. Football has been reinventing itself with the implementation of technology. Information Systems are starting to take part in football in many sectors, especially in one that influences a lot the way the game is going to be played, the one managed by football coaches. Technology helps to improve the show experience and develop game analysis by football coaches. This field is going to pass through the training, health, and performance of football teams. This research will make a state of the situation concerning technology used by football coaches, identifying the currently used technologies and what could be implemented, and eventually measuring the impact of these devices on the performance of the football teams

    Reh@Store: an ecosystem for the management, deployment and update of serious games and virtual environments for health

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    Os processos tradicionais de distribuição de software geralmente envolvem o uso de um dispositivo físico que contém o código máquina desse software a ser distribuído. Após o aparecimento da Internet, este processo de distribuição lentamente transitou para o uso de plataformas centralizadas de distribuição de software que permitem não a distribuição do software como também as suas atualizações. Neste documento é implementado um sistema de distribuição de software para o NeuroReha bLab de modo a permitir a distribuição dos seus jogos sérios e ferramentas de investigação recor rendo a uma plataforma centralizada de distribuição que também permite o controlo do acesso às versões de um determinado software distribuído. Além de que, este sistema permite o auxílio cen tralizado dos utilizadores nais e a colheita dos dados provenientes dos softwares distribuídos. De modo a melhorar e validar o sistema implementado efetuou-se testes de usabilidade, desempenho e stress ao servidor, e, um caso de estudo. Os resultados demonstram que esse sistema encontra-se preparado para ambiente de produção e para o seu uso pelo NeuroRehabLab e as suas instituições parceiras.Traditional software distribution systems, in general, involve the use of a physical device contai ning the distributed software's code. After the surge of the Internet, this distribution process is transitioning to the use of centralized platforms that allow the distribution of the software and its updates. In this document, it is implemented a software distribution system for NeuroRehabLab that allows the centralized distribution of their serious games and research tools and the control of the users that are allowed to use each version of those games and tools. Also, this system allows the centralized help of the end-users and the collection of the data of the used software that is distributed. To validate the implemented system, it was conducted user testing, performance test, server stress test, and case of study. The results show that this system is ready to be used in production by the NeuroRehabLab

    Make it authentic: how can Instagrammers benefit from authentic communication?

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceSocial Media has been one of the favourite ways for brands to promote their products/services and at the same time develop relationships with their consumers. Among the different ways of marketing on social media, influencer marketing has been the one with biggest growth in popularity. Although there is an increasing number of influencers and brands partnerships to promote products on social media, consumers are left uncertain about the authenticity of what is promoted. This study aims to understand how the perceived authenticity of different types of Instagram post will have a better effect towards the product attitude and purchase intention. With this study we want to compare two main types of communication/promotion made by Instagrammers and understand how followers react to a commercial approach on communication vs more natural one, like product placement. Using an experimental study with 99 participants, this research explores different approaches and appeals of the communication generated by Instagrammers and understands how it affects followers perceived authenticity and how that influence product attitude and purchase intentions. The findings indicate that a more natural approach on the communication, such as an image with product placement and an emotional text are seen as more authentic and have a positive effect on purchase intention

    Alergia de Contacto a Metais num Período de 20 Anos no Centro de Portugal: Implicações das Directivas Europeias

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    INTRODUCTION: Metals are a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis. After the introduction of the EU Nickel Directive (1994/27/CE; 2004/96/EC) and, more recently, the Cement Directive (2003/53/EC) there has been a significant decrease in sensitization to metals mainly in the Nordic countries. The applicability of these directives and their impact in the Portuguese population is unknown. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study (1992-2011) was carried out in our patch test clinic to assess the temporal trend of metal sensitization (nickel [Ni], cobalt [Co] and chromium [Cr]) along the last 20 years, particularly considering age, sex and its relation with occupational activity. RESULTS: Out of 5 250 consecutively patch-tested patients, 1 626 (31%) were reactive to at least one metal (26.5% to Ni; 10.0% to Co and 7.9% to Cr). Women had a higher prevalence of sensitization to Ni (34.4% vs 8.9%) whereas men were more reactive to Cr (11.5% vs 5.0%). Nickel sensitization did not decrease significantly over the years, although in recent years among women sensitized to nickel the percentage of younger patients (16-30 years-old) is significantly lower (p < 0.001). Chromium sensitization significantly decreased, particularly in men (r = -0.535), and mainly in the construction workers (r = -0.639). Chromium reactivity associated with the shoe dermatitis has remained stable. DISCUSSION: We emphasize the higher and stable percentage of nickel sensitized individuals suggesting, so far, a low impact from the EU Ni directive, although a decreasing percentage in the the younger group among Ni sensitized women may suggest a beneficial effect is becoming evident is this age group. On the contrary, the impact of the directive regarding the modification of Cr in cement seems to be effective. There is now a need to regulate chromium content in leather products, namely in shoes. CONCLUSIONS: The regulation of interventional measures related either to the manufacture and trade of adornments or professional use will better protect the population of allergy to metals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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