58 research outputs found
Asiantuntijalausunto perustuslakivaliokunnalle
Valtioneuvoston selvitys Euroopan komission "Eurooppalaista hallintotapaa" koskevasta valkoisesta kirjasta E 86/2001 v
Asiantuntijalausunto perustuslakivaliokunnalle
Valtioneuvoston kanslian muistio Euroopan unionin tulevaisuudesta (E 27/2001 vp
Euroopan unionin tulevaisuus haasteena tutkimukselle
Eurooppalainen integraatio on perustamisestaan 1950-luvulta lähtien muodostanut huomattavan haasteen tieteelliselle tutkimukselle. Päällimmäiset ongelmat juontavat juurensa integraation omintakeiseen luonteeseen. Kyseessä on valtiorakenteita niiden yhteensulauttamisen kautta olennaisesti muuttava hanke, jonka poliittisesta lopputuloksesta ei keskeisten osapuolten välillä vallitse yksimielisyyttä
A stronger North? Nordic cooperation in foreign and security policy in a new security environment
Nordic cooperation on foreign and security policy has gained renewed attention in recent years. Changes in the Nordic states’ immediate security environment after the Ukraine crisis, as well as growing global uncertainty, have turned foreign, security and defence policy into a focal point of the Nordic agenda. Nordic foreign and security policy cooperation is characterized by informality, as it takes place outside of the institutional Nordic structures. This report assesses the current state of this cooperation by opening up structures and formats within which the informal cooperation takes place. The report then discusses future prospects for, as well as constraints on, deepening the cooperation from different angles, including agenda formation, institutional complexities, Nordic cooperation in multilateral contexts and bilateral Nordic relations. Defence cooperation forms a separate sub-field of Nordic cooperation, as it has its own unique structures and practices. The report takes a look at developments in Nordic defence cooperation, at both the political and the military level. Nordic foreign and security policy cooperation is based on commonality and trust. It enjoys a solid legitimacy among Nordic populations and politicians alike. The informal nature of the cooperation is perceived as one of its strengths. Nordic countries have significant potential for deeper cooperation and for obtaining a stronger voice. However, there are various drivers and considerable differences between the Nordic states in security political solutions, institutional affiliations, priorities and levels of commitment. These impose dividing lines and limitations on the cooperation that are hard to overcom
The Sino-Russian and US-Russian relationships: Current developments and future trends
The great-power system has been in constant change since the end of the Cold War. The US became the hegemonic power, and under its shelter, the European Union was able to transform into a Europeanwide political body. Soon, a group of leading regional powers started to question the universalist aspirations of the Westernled international order. Two members of this club in particular were not satisfied with the role of a regional hegemon and had more global ambitions. China has already become the largest trading nation globally, and Chinese foreign policy has assumed an assertive tone. China has both the potential to challenge US hegemony, as well as the political will to use it. Russia’s project to achieve a global great-power status, on the other hand, is inspired by its historical identity and its alleged humiliation by the West after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia longs for recognition of its great-power status in particular from the US. This report focuses on relations between China and Russia on the one hand and the US and Russia on the other. It analyses the current developments and future trends in these relationships, as well as their implications for the EU
The changing global order and its implications for the EU
The forms of global political transition contradict each other. The Western leadership of the world seems to be in decline, with the US political hegemony being challenged by the rise of China and other emerging powers, and with global power structures evolving towards multipolarity. At the same time, however, there are increasing signs of a diffusion of state power. It involves a growing group of non-state actors challenging state power in very different forms and different capacities.
This report focuses on the axis of state power considered the most important in terms of its global implications: the relationship between the US and China. This relationship is studied with the aim of assessing how the mutual interdependencies are evolving, and what the goals of the two actors look like in respect of their own global role. The implications of this power transition in the key fields of global governance – also covering the simultaneous diffusion of power to non-state actors – forms another relevant topic under review in the global context.
Lastly, the report analyses how the EU contends with these forms of power transition and safeguards its own influence in this changing environment. The project also addresses the international role and influence of one of the northernmost EU members, Finland. It investigates how the changes in the global and regional setting should be understood from the Finnish point of view and how Finland should act in order to consolidate its international role.This publication is part of the implementation of the Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research. (tietokayttoon.fi) The content is the responsibility of the producers of the information and does not necessarily represent the view of the Government
By-Catch of Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Baltic Fisheries-A Bayesian Analysis of Interview Survey
Peer reviewe
Voiko EU uudistua?
Euroopan unioni on murroksessa. Unionin laajeneminen uusiin jäsenmaihin edellyttää siltä kykyä uudistaa poliittisia rakenteitaan järjestelmän demokraattisuuden ja toimivuuden varmistamiseksi. Laajentuvassa unionissa jäsenmaiden yksimielisyyttä – ja niiden kansalaisten tukia – edellyttävien uudistusten läpivienti käy kuitenkin alati vaikeammaksi. Euroopan unionista tulee oman historiansa ja historiallisten rakenteidensa vanki
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