5,685 research outputs found

    Receptance based approach for control of floor vibrations

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the link in this record.Advances in design, materials and construction technologies, coupled with client and architectural requirements, are some of the drivers for light-weight and slender pedestrian structures, which are becoming increasingly susceptible to human induced vibrations. The use of active control techniques is progressively being viewed as a more feasible approach for suppressing such vibrations compared with traditional passive technologies. In this paper, the principles of the receptance based approach are exploited to design appropriate feedback gains that place the eigenvalues of selected vibration modes of an experimental footbridge structure at selected locations thereby enhancing its vibration performance. These studies are based on a single-input multiple-output (SIMO) controller structure comprising of a single control actuator and two sensors. It is seen that this has the potential to offer additional design freedoms beyond purely a direct velocity feedback (DVF) controller. A comparative study is carried out with a DVF controller implemented in a single-input single-output (SISO) scheme. This work presents the analytical determination of appropriate feedback gains from results of experimental modal analysis (EMA) on the structure and thereafter the experimental implementation of these feedback gains. Vibration mitigation performance is evaluated through both changes in measured transfer functions and reductions in response under single pedestrian excitation

    Bangladesh's Approach towards International Criminal Law: A Case Study of International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh

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    The International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh that has been found by the Bangladeshi Government to try war crimes during India Pakistan war of 1971. The tribunal is violating the fair trial rights as guaranteed by Constitution, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Humanitarian Law and the standard of the International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh is far below than that setup by The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Court. These irregularities imply serious concern over the proceedings of the said tribunal. Study seeks to describe the International Law about war crimes particularly with respect to fair trial provisions and it compare the proceedings of the Bangladeshi tribunal with the other internationally recognized tribunals

    Six degrees-of-freedom prostate and lung tumor motion measurements using Kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring.

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    PURPOSE: Tumor positional uncertainty has been identified as a major issue that deteriorates the efficacy of radiation therapy. Tumor rotational movement, which is not well understood, can result in significant geometric and dosimetric inaccuracies. The objective of this study was to measure 6 degrees-of-freedom (6 DoF) prostate and lung tumor motion, focusing on the more novel rotation, using kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring (KIM). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Continuous kilovoltage (kV) projections of tumors with gold fiducial markers were acquired during radiation therapy for 267 fractions from 10 prostate cancer patients and immediately before or after radiation therapy for 50 fractions from 3 lung cancer patients. The 6 DoF motion measurements were determined from the individual 3-dimensional (3D) marker positions, after using methods to reject spurious and smooth noisy data, using an iterative closest point algorithm. RESULTS: There were large variations in the magnitude of the tumor rotation among different fractions and patients. Various rotational patterns were observed. The average prostate rotation angles around the left-right (LR), superior-inferior (SI), and anterior-posterior (AP) axes were 1.0 ± 5.0°, 0.6 ± 3.3°, and 0.3 ± 2.0°, respectively. For 35% of the time, the prostate rotated more than 5° about the LR axis, indicating the need for intrafractional adaptation during radiation delivery. For lung patients, the average LR, SI, and AP rotation angles were 0.8 ± 4.2°, -0.8 ± 4.5°, and 1.7 ± 3.1°, respectively. For about 30% of the time, the lung tumors rotated more than 5° around the SI axis. Respiration-induced rotation was detected in 2 of the 3 lung patients. CONCLUSIONS: The prostate and lung tumors were found to undergo rotations of more than 5° for about a third of the time. The lung tumor data represent the first 6 DoF tumor motion measured by kV images. The 6 DoF KIM method can enable rotational and translational adaptive radiation therapy and potentially reduce treatment margins

    Feasibility of Sustainable Development by Cloud Computing in ASEAN Region

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    One of the most vital societal challenges of the 21st century is sustainable development.The rapid development and application of information technology (IT) is a global trend with significant implications for sustainable development. According to the findings of global action plan, electronic devices such as computers, laptops, and mobile devices account for 2% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This figure cannot be reduced without effortsfromcompanies that support the “green IT” concept. Long-lasting products with low-energy consumption can save energy. However, green IT products have no International label. Even thoughseveral companies have developed certain labels, monitoring their quality remains difficult, and a guideline for quality checking is needed. Cloud storage is one of the methodsthat can reduce energy consumption. The main goal of the ASEAN community is to leverage on sustainable development in the ASEAN region through enhancing cooperation among member states in different aspects of life. In doing so, the ASEAN attempts to facilitate information exchange among member states which would be facilitatedby cloud storage. Therefore, creating a policy guideline is necessary to enable member states to mandate the use of large computing centers for companies to ensuresustainable energy savings. Companies typically use old servers that consume a significant amount of energy inefficiently. Thus, they need to set up fewer servers with highly efficient output.The purpose of this study is to consider the relationship between cloud computing and sustainability within the ASEAN region and to formulate a suitable legal framework for promoting cloud computing it amongmember states. This paper also aims to examine how ASEAN can encourage member states to utilize the cloud computing technology through legal frameworks thatare intended to reduce power consumption in the information and communication technology departments of various organizations

    C and O stable isotopes and rare earth elements in the Devonian carbonate host rock of the Pivehzhan iron deposit, NE Iran

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    The Pivehzhan iron deposit is located at about 80km southwest of Mashhad, NE Iran. It occur within the Devonian carbonates as lenticular and massive bodies, as well as veinlets of magnetite and iron sulphides, transformed to goethite and haematite by weathering process. The hydrothermal calcite is the most important gangue mineral, which is observed in the form of veins/veinlets and open-space filling. The iron ores are accompanied by some minor elements such as Mn, Ti, Cr, and V and negligible amounts of Co and Ni. The distribution pattern of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) normalized to Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), which is characterized by the upward convex, as well as the positive Eu anomalies indicate the activity of reduced and acidic hydrothermal fluids. The negative Ce anomalies of host carbonates, although slight, point to the dominance of anoxic conditions during interaction with hydrothermal fluids. The hydrothermal calcite and quartz coexisting with the iron minerals contain principally fluid, which were homogenized into a liquid phase. The Homogenization Temperature (TH) and the salinity of the analysed fluid inclusions range from 129°C to 270°C and from 0.4wt.% to 9.41wt.% NaCl eq., respectively. The δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values range from -2.15‰ to -5.77‰ (PeeDee Belemnite PDB standard) and from +19.87‰ to +21.64‰ (Standard Mean Ocean Water SMOW standard) in hydrothermal calcite veinlets occurring with iron minerals, and from -0.66‰ to -4.37‰ (PDB) and from +15.55‰ to +20.14‰ (SMOW) within the host carbonates, respectively. The field relations and petrographic examination along with geochemical and isotopic considerations indicate that the Pivehzhan iron deposit was formed through replacement processes by reducing and acid fluids containing light carbon and oxygen isotopes. Variations in the physico-chemical conditions of hydrothermal fluids and their interaction with carbonates were the most effective mechanisms in the formation of this iron deposit. The potential source of iron was probably the basement magmatic rocks from which iron was leached by hydrothermal solutions

    Left ventricular apical hypoplasia: Case report on cardiomyopathy and a history of sudden cardiac death

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    BACKGROUND: Isolated left ventricular apical hypoplasia with several different unrecognized dimensions is a newly discovered congenital anomaly of the heart. CASE REPORT: In this report, we describe a case of cardiomyopathy of this type occurring in a 13-year-old male with a history of mental retardation and sudden cardiac death (SCD) of second-degree relatives. The patient was referred for an evaluation of cardiac status. An echocardiography analysis demonstrated a spherical left ventricle (LV) appearance with mild mitral regurgitation. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed a spherical and truncated LV appearance. The right ventricle was found to have elongated and wrapped around the LV, and diverticulum was also seen in the cardiac MRI.CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is to present the first case of LV apical hypoplasia combined with LV diverticulum and a family history of SCD. As more cases featuring this cardiomyopathy type are recognized, it will be easier to elucidate the natural history and management of such cardiac anomalies. © 2016, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences(IUMS). All rights reserved

    C and O stable isotopes and rare earth elements in the Devonian carbonate host rock of the Pivehzhan iron deposit, NE Iran

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    The Pivehzhan iron deposit is located at about 80km southwest of Mashhad, NE Iran. They occur within the Devonian carbonates as lenticular and massive bodies, as well as veinlets of magnetite and iron sulphides, transformed to goethite and haematite by weathering process. The hydrothermal calcite is the most important gangue mineral, which is observed in the form of veins/veinlets and open-space filling. The iron ores are accompanied by some minor elements such as Mn, Ti, Cr, and V and negligible amounts of Co and Ni. The distribution pattern of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) normalized to Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), which is characterized by the upward convex, as well as the positive Eu anomalies indicate the activity of reduced and acidic hydrothermal fluids. The negative Ce anomalies of host carbonates, although slight, point to the dominance of anoxic conditions during interaction with hydrothermal fluids.The hydrothermal calcite and quartz coexisting with the iron minerals contain principally fluid, which were homogenized into liquid phase. The homogenization temperature (TH(L-V)) and the salinity of the analysed fluid inclusions range from 129°C to 270°C and from 0.4wt.% to 9.41wt.% NaCl eq., respectively. The δ13CPDB and  δ18OSMOW values ranges from -2.15‰ to -5.77‰ (PeeDee Belemnite standard, PDB) and from +19.87‰ to +21.64‰ (Standard Mean Ocean Water standard, SMOW) in hydrothermal calcite veinlets occurring with iron minerals and -0.66‰ to -4.37‰ (PDB) and +15.55‰ to +20.14‰ (SMOW) within the host carbonates, respectively.The field relations and petrographic examination along with geochemical and isotopic considerations indicate that the Pivehzhan iron deposit was formed through replacement processes by reducing and acid fluids containing light carbon and oxygen isotopes. Variations in the physico-chemical conditions of hydrothermal fluids and their interaction with carbonates were the most effective mechanisms in the formation of this iron deposit. The potential source of iron was probably the basement magmatic rocks from which iron was leached by hydrothermal solutions

    Nanodiagnostic method for colorimetric detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 16S rRNA

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    A nanodiagnostic method using nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) and gold nanoparticle probes (AuNP probes) was developed for colorimetric detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The primers targeting 16S rRNA were used for the amplification of mycobacterial RNA by the isothermal NASBA process. The amplicons were hybridized with specific gold nanoparticle probes. The RNA-DNA hybrids were colorimetrically detected by the accumulation of gold nanoparticles. Using this method, 10 CFU ml-1 of M. tuberculosis was detected within less than 1 h. Results obtained from the clinical specimens showed 94.7% and 96% sensitivity and specificity, respectively. No interference was encountered in the amplification and detection of M. tuberculosis in the presence of non-target bacteria, confirming the specificity of the method. © 2009 Humana Press Inc

    Estimation-based synthesis of H_∞-optimal adaptive equalizers over wireless channels

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    This paper presents a systematic synthesis procedure for H_∞-optimal adaptive FIR equalizers over a time-varying wireless channel. The channel is assumed to be frequency selective with Rayleigh fading. The proposed equalizer structure consists of the series connection of an adaptive FIR filter and a fixed equalizer (designed for the nominal channel). Adaptation of the weight vector of the adaptive FIR filter is achieved using the H_∞-optimal solution of an estimation-based interpretation of the channel equalization problem. Due to its H_∞-optimality, the proposed solution is robust to exogenous disturbances, and enables fast adaptation (i.e., a short training period) without compromising the steady-state performance of the equalization. Preliminary simulation are presented to support the above claims

    Demand Response Program Integrated With Electrical Energy Storage Systems for Residential Consumers

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    This article presents a distributed resilient demand response program integrated with electrical energy storage systems for residential consumers to maximize their comfort level. A dynamic real-time pricing method is proposed to determine the hourly electricity prices and schedule the electricity consumption of smart home appliances and energy storage systems commitment. The algorithm is employed in normal and emergency operating conditions, taking into account the comfort level of consumers. In emergency conditions, the power outage of consumers is modeled for different hours and outage patterns. To evaluate the applicability of the proposed model, real samples of Southern California households are considered to model the smart homes and their appliances. Further, a sensitivity analysis is performed to assess the impacts of the number of households and number of persons per household on the output results. The results showed that the proposed model reduced the costs of utility in normal and emergency conditions by about 33.77% and 30.92%, respectively. The values of total payments of consumers in normal and emergency conditions were decreased by about 34.26% and 31.31%, respectively. Further, the consumers comfort level for normal and emergency conditions increased by about 146.78% and 110.2%, respectively. Finally, the social welfare for normal and emergency conditions increased by about 46% and 49.06%, respectively.© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed