48 research outputs found

    VehnÀn kvaliteettijalostuksesta ja sen tuloksista Suomessa

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    Yhteenvetona edellÀ esitetystÀ voidaan mainita seuraavaa: SyysvehnÀstÀ on maassamme kÀytettÀvissÀ, kotimaisen kasvinjalostustyön tuloksena, lajikkeita (Varma, Olympia, Vakka), jotka leivontaominaisuuksiltaan (Olympia, Vakka) ja jauhatusominaisuuksiltaan (Varma, Vakka) tÀyttÀvÀt varsin tai erittÀin korkeat vaatimukset. SyysvehnÀn aikainen tuleentuminen on omiaan varmistamaan sadon laadun hyvyyden, lakoutuneisuus ja loppukesÀn sateisuus saattaa sitÀ vaarantaa. Varmalla ja Olympialla on tiettyjÀ viljelybiologisia heikkouksia, jotka rajoittavat niiden viljelyÀ; Vakkaan kiinnitetÀÀn toiveita. SyysvehnÀn jalostustyössÀ vaativat vehnÀn jauhatusominaisuudet osakseen ilmeisesti entistÀ suurempaa huomiota. KevÀtvehnÀstÀ on kÀytettÀvissÀ olevalla lajikevalikoimalla sen laatutaso pidettÀvissÀ tyydyttÀvÀllÀ korkeudella. Kotimaisessa jalostustyössÀ on varsin edullisesti onnistuttu yhdistÀmÀÀn sovelias aikaisuus ja hyvÀt leivontaominaisuudet (B tai lÀhes A luokka). Ruotsalaisilla jalosteilla on, niiden monien edullisten viljelyominaisuuksien ohessa suhteellinen myöhÀisyys haittana, nimenomaan kvaliteettituotantoa ajatellen. KevÀtvehnÀn viljelyssÀ meillÀ on kiinnitettÀvÀ erityistÀ huomiota lajikkeitten aikaisuuteen, ja kullekin viljelyalueelle on koetettava saada aikaisuuden puolesta soveliaat lajikkeet. VehnÀn lajiketilanne on meillÀ nykyisin sellainen, ettÀ sÀÀsuhteiltaan normaalisina ja normaalista edullisempina kesinÀ voimme itse tuottaa laadultaan tyydyttÀvÀn vehnÀviljan. SÀÀsuhteiltaan epÀedulliset kesÀt (koleus, sateisuus, hallaisuus ym.) vaikuttavat erityisesti kevÀtvehnÀn kvaliteettiin. TÀstÀ syystÀ ja syysvehnÀn suhteellisen runsaan satoisuuden vuoksi olisi erityisesti syysvehnÀn viljelyÀ lisÀttÀvÀ. VehnÀlajikkeittemme suhteellisen korkea kvaliteettitaso on tÀrkeÀtÀ ottaa huomioon pyrittÀessÀ vehnÀntuotannossa omavaraisuutta kohti ja jÀrjestettÀessÀ vehnÀviljan tuontia ulkomailta. VehnÀn hyvÀllÀ kvaliteetilla on huomattava kansantaloudellinen merkitys

    No Association Between Ljungan Virus Seropositivity and the Beta-cell Damaging Process in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention Study Cohort

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    Background: Ljungan virus (LV) has not confirmed to associate with any human disease, but a possible connection with type 1 diabetes has been suggested. LV is a rodent-borne picornavirus that induces a diabetes-like condition in rodents. Approximately 30% of adults and 60% of children are seropositive in Finland. The Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention study enabled the use of very well characterized sample panels from children seroconverted to positivity for multiple islet autoantibodies during their prospective observation from birth; in addition, samples from age, sex, human leukocyte antigen (HLA), and residence area matched control children. Methods: We analyzed LV IgG seroprevalence in 102 case children (65 had also developed type 1 diabetes), in addition to nondiabetic control children. LV and human parechovirus (HPeV) immunofluorescence assays were used to analyze LV and HPeV-specific IgG from 102 plasma samples taken at the time of islet autoantibody appearance and from 204 samples from the matched control children. Results: Altogether 46.1% of the case and 50.7% of the control children were positive for LV IgG (odds ratio 0.8; 95% confidence interval, 0.47-1.36; P = 0.416) and 67.6% versus 79.8% were positive for HPeV IgG, respectively (odds ratio 0.49, 0.27-0.9, P = 0.023). Conclusions: Thus, no risk associations between LV or HPeV-specific IgG and islet autoimmunity were observed. However, a trend for significantly higher prevalence of HPeV antibodies in control children (P = 0.023) suggests a possible protective association of this virus with islet autoimmunity.Peer reviewe

    Reaction Time and Visual Memory in Connection with Alcohol Use in Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the association between cognition and hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorder in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Cognition is more or less compromised in schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder and alcohol use might aggravate this phenomenon. The study population included 3362 individuals from Finland with diagnoses of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Hazardous drinking was screened with the AUDIT-C (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Consumption) screening tool. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) diagnoses were obtained from national registrar data. Participants performed two computerized tasks from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery (CANTAB) on a tablet computer: The Five-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (5-CSRTT) or the reaction time (RT) test and the Paired Associative Learning (PAL) test. The association between alcohol use and the RT and PAL tests was analyzed with log-linear regression and logistic regression, respectively. After adjustment for age, education, housing status, and the age at which the respondents had their first psychotic episodes, hazardous drinking was associated with a lower median RT in females and less variable RT in males, while AUD was associated with a poorer PAL test performance in terms of the total errors adjusted scores (TEASs) in females. Our findings of positive associations between alcohol and cognition in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are unique.Peer reviewe

    Implementation of CYP2D6 copy-number imputation panel and frequency of key pharmacogenetic variants in Finnish individuals with a psychotic disorder

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    We demonstrate that CYP2D6 copy-number variation (CNV) can be imputed using existing imputation algorithms. Additionally, we report frequencies of key pharmacogenetic variants in individuals with a psychotic disorder from the genetically bottle-necked population of Finland. We combined GWAS chip and CYP2D6 CNV data from the Breast Cancer Pain Genetics study to construct an imputation panel (n = 902) for CYP2D6 CNV. The resulting data set was used as a CYP2D6 CNV imputation panel in 9262 non-related individuals from the SUPER-Finland study. Based on imputation of 9262 individuals we confirm the higher frequency of CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizers and a 22-fold enrichment of the UGT1A1 decreased function variant rs4148323 (UGT1A1*6) in Finland compared with non-Finnish Europeans. Similarly, the NUDT15 variant rs116855232 was highly enriched in Finland. We demonstrate that imputation of CYP2D6 CNV is possible and the methodology enables studying CYP2D6 in large biobanks with genome-wide data.Peer reviewe

    Reaction Time and Visual Memory in Connection with Alcohol Use in Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the association between cognition and hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorder in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Cognition is more or less compromised in schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder and alcohol use might aggravate this phenomenon. The study population included 3362 individuals from Finland with diagnoses of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Hazardous drinking was screened with the AUDIT-C (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Consumption) screening tool. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) diagnoses were obtained from national registrar data. Participants performed two computerized tasks from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery (CANTAB) on a tablet computer: The Five-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (5-CSRTT) or the reaction time (RT) test and the Paired Associative Learning (PAL) test. The association between alcohol use and the RT and PAL tests was analyzed with log-linear regression and logistic regression, respectively. After adjustment for age, education, housing status, and the age at which the respondents had their first psychotic episodes, hazardous drinking was associated with a lower median RT in females and less variable RT in males, while AUD was associated with a poorer PAL test performance in terms of the total errors adjusted scores (TEASs) in females. Our findings of positive associations between alcohol and cognition in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are unique

    Implementation of CYP2D6 copy-number imputation panel and frequency of key pharmacogenetic variants in Finnish individuals with a psychotic disorder

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    We demonstrate that CYP2D6 copy-number variation (CNV) can be imputed using existing imputation algorithms. Additionally, we report frequencies of key pharmacogenetic variants in individuals with a psychotic disorder from the genetically bottle-necked population of Finland. We combined GWAS chip and CYP2D6 CNV data from the Breast Cancer Pain Genetics study to construct an imputation panel (n = 902) for CYP2D6 CNV. The resulting data set was used as a CYP2D6 CNV imputation panel in 9262 non-related individuals from the SUPER-Finland study. Based on imputation of 9262 individuals we confirm the higher frequency of CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizers and a 22-fold enrichment of the UGT1A1 decreased function variant rs4148323 (UGT1A1*6) in Finland compared with non-Finnish Europeans. Similarly, the NUDT15 variant rs116855232 was highly enriched in Finland. We demonstrate that imputation of CYP2D6 CNV is possible and the methodology enables studying CYP2D6 in large biobanks with genome-wide data.</p

    Kosteusanalyysin tarkkuudesta viljakaupassa

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    V:n 1948 viljasadon laadusta

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    vokKirjasto Aj-