209 research outputs found

    The Role of Herbivore-induced Plant Volatiles in Trophic Interactions: The Swiss Connection

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    It is increasingly evident that plants actively respond to the threats and challenges that they come to face while growing. This is particularly manifested in the dynamic responses to insect herbivory, especially in terms of the volatile compounds that the attacked plants emit. Indeed, many plants respond to insect-inflicted damage with the synthesis and release of volatile organic compounds. These emissions, commonly referred to as herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), play important roles in the interactions between the emitting plants and their biotic environment. The odorous signal can be picked up and exploited by various organisms: neighbouring plants, herbivores and their natural enemies, such as predators and parasitoid wasps. Coincidence or not, scientists currently working in Switzerland have made numerous key contributions to the work in this field. By highlighting their work, we attempt to give a somewhat historic overview of this field of research

    The dual effects of root-cap exudates on nematodes: from quiescence in plant-parasitic nematodes to frenzy in entomopathogenic nematodes

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    Plant defences against root antagonists invigorate root protagonists. The same root-cap exudate impairs the mobility of plant-parasitic nematodes and increases the performances of insect-killing nematode

    Systemic root signalling in a belowground, volatile-mediated tritrophic interaction

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    Plants attacked by leaf herbivores release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) both locally from the wounded site and systemically from non-attacked tissues. These volatiles serve as attractants for predators and parasitoids. This phenomenon is well described for plant leaves, but systemic induction of VOCs in the roots has remained unstudied. We assessed the spatial and temporal activation of the synthesis and release of (E)-β-caryophyllene (EβC) in maize roots upon feeding by larvae of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, as well as the importance of systemically produced EβC for the attraction of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis megidis. The production of EβC was found to be significantly stronger at the site of attack than in non-attacked tissues. A weak, but significant, increase in transcriptional activity of the EβC synthase gene tps23 and a corresponding increase in EβC content were observed in the roots above the feeding site and in adjacent roots, demonstrating for the first time that herbivory triggers systemic production of a volatile within root systems. In belowground olfactometers, the nematodes were significantly more attracted towards local feeding sites than systemically induced roots. The possible advantages and disadvantages of systemic volatile signalling in roots are discussed

    Belowground and aboveground herbivory differentially affect the transcriptome in roots and shoots of maize.

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    Plants recognize and respond to feeding by herbivorous insects by upregulating their local and systemic defenses. While defense induction by aboveground herbivores has been well studied, far less is known about local and systemic defense responses against attacks by belowground herbivores. Here, we investigated and compared the responses of the maize transcriptome to belowground and aboveground mechanical damage and infestation by two well-adapted herbivores: the soil-dwelling western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the leaf-chewing fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In responses to both herbivores, maize plants were found to alter local transcription of genes involved in phytohormone signaling, primary and secondary metabolism. Induction by real herbivore damage was considerably stronger and modified the expression of more genes than mechanical damage. Feeding by the corn rootworm had a strong impact on the shoot transcriptome, including the activation of genes involved in defense and development. By contrast, feeding by the fall armyworm induced only few transcriptional changes in the roots. In conclusion, feeding by a leaf chewer and a root feeder differentially affects the local and systemic defense of maize plants. Besides revealing clear differences in how maize plants respond to feeding by these specialized herbivores, this study reveals several novel genes that may play key roles in plant-insect interactions and thus sets the stage for in depth research into the mechanism that can be exploited for improved crop protection. Significance statement Extensive transcriptomic analyses revealed a clear distinction between the gene expression profiles in maize plants upon shoot and root attack, locally as well as distantly from the attacked tissue. This provides detailed insights into the specificity of orchestrated plant defense responses, and the dataset offers a molecular resource for further genetic studies on maize resistance to herbivores and paves the way for novel strategies to enhance maize resistance to pests
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