250 research outputs found

    Gestion du stress, rĂ©gulation de la charge cognitive et rendement professionnel des Conseillers d’Orientation des lycĂ©es et collĂšges de Maroua (Cameroun)

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    Le prĂ©sent article examine la relation entre la gestion du stress, la rĂ©gulation de la charge cognitive et le rendement professionnel des Conseillers d’Orientation (CO). Il se fonde sur le constat du rendement professionnel non optimal observĂ© chez les CO, dĂ» Ă  la mauvaise gestion du stress et Ă  la surcharge de travail dans certains LycĂ©es et CollĂšges d’enseignement secondaire de la ville de Maroua. De ce constat, le prĂ©sent travail s’est posĂ© une question principale, celle de savoir si la gestion du stress, combinĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©gulation de la charge cognitive, influence le rendement professionnel des CO. En rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  cette question, l’hypothĂšse gĂ©nĂ©rale suivante a Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©e : la gestion du stress, associĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©gulation de la charge cognitive, influence le rendement professionnel des Conseillers d’Orientation. 37 Conseillers d’Orientation issus de lycĂ©es, de collĂšge et de dĂ©partements ont participĂ© aux observations. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  un questionnaire et Ă  des entretiens semi-directifs. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent une influence significative entre la gestion du stress, la rĂ©gulation de la charge cognitive et le rendement professionnel des Conseillers d’Orientation. Ces rĂ©sultats confortent les conclusions des auteurs tels que Hoel, Sparks & Cooper (2001) et Verhoeven, Maes, Kraaij & Joekes (2003). Ces rĂ©sultats devraient attirer l’attention des dĂ©cideurs politiques, administratifs et des systĂšmes Ă©ducatifs, et cela pour une plus grande efficacitĂ© des Ă©tablissements scolaires, mais Ă©galement pour le bien-ĂȘtre des Conseillers d’orientation, et au-delĂ  des travailleurs du secteur de l’Education-Formation. The present study examined the relationship between stress management, cognitive load regulation and guidance counsellor (GC) professional performance. It was based on the observation of non-optimal professional performance noted from the guidance counsellor, due to poor stress management and overwork in some high schools and colleges of secondary education in Maroua. From this observation, the present work asked a main question, that of knowing whether stress management, associated with regulation of cognitive load, influences career counsellor’s professional performance. In reference to this question, one general hypothesis has been formulated: Stress management, associated with regulation of cognitive load, influences Guidance counsellors’ professional performance. 37 Career Counsellors from high schools, colleges and departments participated in the observations. They were subjected to a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The results obtained show a significant influence between the management of stress, the regulation of cognitive load and the professional performance of Guidance Counsellors. These results support the conclusions of authorssuch as Hoel, Sparks & Cooper (2001) and Verhoeven, Maes, Kraaij & Joekes (2003). These results should draw the attention of political, administrative and educational authorities, and this for greater efficiency in educational establishments, but also for guidance counsellor’s well-being, and beyond workers in the Education-Training domain

    Profils Des Femmes A Consommation Problematique De Drogues En Cote d’Ivoire

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    Drug use is growing rapidly in CĂŽte d'Ivoire, leading to serious adaptation difficulties and mental health problems. The present study aims at presenting the profile of women with drug use problem in CĂŽte d'Ivoire. The participants, aged 14 to 67 years, were 83 patients of the Blue Cross of CĂŽte d'Ivoire. Data related to drug use were obtained through urine tests (Rapitest) and semi-directive interviews with patients and their resource persons. The results indicate three profiles of women with problematic use. They also indicate that 4/5 of these women are poly-consumers. Considering these results, and given the growing interest of women in decision-making structures, it seems useful to reinforce measures to prevent and / or care for girls in drug problem

    ‘Good Governance’ as Conflict Resolution? Locally Mediated Governance and Mining Law at the Cîte d’Ivoire Ity Gold Mine

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    This paper examines the exploitation and management of gold mining in the western region of Cîte d’Ivoire and the associated local social tensions and conflicts. Taking a historical sociological analysis, the paper shows how good governance and conflict resolution initiatives (and in particular the 2014 Mining Code and the subsequent locally mediated governance arrangement), combined with the privatisation of the mine and its security, are leading to conflict. The study, which is predominantly qualitative, employs a mixed-methods methods approach, drawing upon direct observation, 20 semistructured interviews for stakeholder mapping and ten focus groups with gold panners, mine managers and local village populations. Quantitative analysis was conducted with 154 heads of households in the project area, i.e. the eight villages directly affected by gold mining activities. The content analysis revealed that the rationale for expropriation during the initial phase of mining was never accepted at the local level for economic and spiritual reasons. This resistance has increased following the establishment of a new mining administration and the new mining code

    A Study of Weld Seams on Low Carbon Steel ABS Grade a Marine Plates Using SMAW Process

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    The research aims to study and assess the impact of weld seams of low carbon steel ABS Grade A marine plates of 12.7mm thick using manual SMAW process as per AWS D1.1 structural welding code requirements and fulfilments of ASME Section IX pressurized equipment welding code requirements too. Different voltages, currents, and travel speeds were used to weld the test specimen plates. After the manual SMAW process, a series of testing techniques, including non-destructive tests, such as VT and RT, and destructive tests, such as tensile tests, bend tests, impact tests, microhardness tests, and metallographic examination has been conducted to assess/evaluate on the welded seam profiles and analyses/determines whether the accepted welded seam profiles have fulfilled the relevant welding code requirements. From the series of assessments and analyses, it is confirmed that the welded test specimen 1 having the welding parameters (i.e., voltage 23 V, current 70 A, and travel speeds 56.52 – 312.50 mm/min, having a range of heat inputs from 0.31kJ/mm to 1.71kJ/mm) is accepted as the quality good weld seam

    Novel mutations found in individuals with adult-onset Pompe disease

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    Pompe disease, or glycogen storage disease II is a rare, progressive disease leading to skeletal muscle weakness due to deficiency of the acid α-1,4-glucosidase enzyme (GAA). The severity of disease and observed time of onset is subject to the various combinations of heterozygous GAA alleles. Here we have characterized two novel mutations: c.2074C>T and c.1910_1918del, and a previously reported c.1082C>G mutation of uncertain clinical significance. These mutations were found in three unrelated patients with adult-onset Pompe disease carrying the common c.-32-13T>G mutation. The c.2074 C>T nonsense mutation has obvious consequences on GAA expression but the c.1910_1918del (deletion of 3 amino acids) and c.1082C>G missense variants are more subtle DNA changes with catastrophic consequences on GAA activity. Molecular and clinical analyses from the three patients corresponded with the anticipated pathogenicity of each mutation

    Effectiveness of chronic care models: opportunities for improving healthcare practice and health outcomes: a systematic review

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    The increasing prevalence of chronic disease and even multiple chronic diseases faced by both developed and developing countries is of considerable concern. Many of the interventions to address this within primary healthcare settings are based on a chronic care model first developed by MacColl Institute for Healthcare Innovation at Group Health Cooperative.This systematic literature review aimed to identify and synthesise international evidence on the effectiveness of elements that have been included in a chronic care model for improving healthcare practices and health outcomes within primary healthcare settings. The review broadens the work of other similar reviews by focusing on effectiveness of healthcare practice as well as health outcomes associated with implementing a chronic care model. In addition, relevant case series and case studies were also included.Of the 77 papers which met the inclusion criteria, all but two reported improvements to healthcare practice or health outcomes for people living with chronic disease. While the most commonly used elements of a chronic care model were self-management support and delivery system design, there were considerable variations between studies regarding what combination of elements were included as well as the way in which chronic care model elements were implemented. This meant that it was impossible to clearly identify any optimal combination of chronic care model elements that led to the reported improvements.While the main argument for excluding papers reporting case studies and case series in systematic literature reviews is that they are not of sufficient quality or generalizability, we found that they provided a more detailed account of how various chronic care models were developed and implemented. In particular, these papers suggested that several factors including supporting reflective healthcare practice, sending clear messages about the importance of chronic disease care and ensuring that leaders support the implementation and sustainability of interventions may have been just as important as a chronic care model's elements in contributing to the improvements in healthcare practice or health outcomes for people living with chronic disease.Carol Davy, Jonathan Bleasel, Hueiming Liu, Maria Tchan, Sharon Ponniah and Alex Brow

    Factors influencing the implementation of chronic care models: a systematic literature review

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    Background: The increasing prevalence of chronic disease faced by both developed and developing countries is of considerable concern to a number of international organisations. Many of the interventions to address this concern within primary healthcare settings are based on the chronic care model (CCM). The implementation of complex interventions such as CCMs requires careful consideration and planning. Success depends on a number of factors at the healthcare provider, team, organisation and system levels. Methods: The aim of this systematic review was to systematically examine the scientific literature in order to understand the facilitators and barriers to implementing CCMs within a primary healthcare setting. This review focused on both quantitative and qualitative studies which included patients with chronic disease (cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic respiratory disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, depression and HIV/AIDS) receiving care in primary healthcare settings, as well as primary healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses and administrators. Papers were limited to those published in English between 1998 and 2013. Results: The search returned 3492 articles. The majority of these studies were subsequently excluded based on their title or abstract because they clearly did not meet the inclusion criteria for this review. A total of 226 full text articles were obtained and a further 188 were excluded as they did not meet the criteria. Thirty eight published peer-reviewed articles were ultimately included in this review. Five primary themes emerged. In addition to ensuring appropriate resources to support implementation and sustainability, the acceptability of the intervention for both patients and healthcare providers contributed to the success of the intervention. There was also a need to prepare healthcare providers for the implementation of a CCM, and to support patients as the way in which they receive care changes. Conclusion: This systematic review demonstrated the importance of considering human factors including the influence that different stakeholders have on the success or otherwise of the implementing a CCM.Carol Davy, Jonathan Bleasel, Hueiming Liu, Maria Tchan, Sharon Ponniah and Alex Brow

    The Frequencies of Different Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Adult Metabolic Centres: Report from the SSIEM Adult Metabolic Physicians Group

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    There are few centres which specialise in the care of adults with inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). To anticipate facilities and staffing needed at these centres, it is of interest to know the distribution of the different disorders

    A randomised controlled trial evaluating arrhythmia burden, risk of sudden cardiac death and stroke in patients with Fabry disease:The role of implantable loop recorders (RaILRoAD) compared with current standard practice

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    Background: Fabry disease (FD) is a genetic disorder caused by a deficiency in the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A, leading to an accumulation of glycosphingolipids in tissues across the body. Cardiac disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Advanced disease, characterised by extensive left ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular dysfunction and fibrosis, is known to be associated with an increase in arrhythmia. Data identifying risk factors for arrhythmia are limited, and no Fabry-specific risk stratification tool is available to select those who may benefit from initiation of medical or device therapy (implantable cardiac defibrillators). Current monitoring strategies have a limited diagnostic yield, and implantable loop recorders (ILRs) have the potential to change treatment and clinical outcomes. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine whether ILRs can (1) improve arrhythmia detection in FD and (2) identify risk predictors of arrhythmia. Methods: A prospective, 5-year, open-label, international, multi-centre randomised controlled trial of a minimum of 164 participants with genetically or enzymatically confirmed FD (or both) who have evidence of cardiac disease will be recruited from five centres: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK; Salford Royal Hospital, Salford, UK; Royal Free Hospital, London, UK; Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK; and Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia. Participants will be block-randomised (1:1) to two study arms for cardiac monitoring (i) control arm: standard of care with annual 24 h or 5-day Holter monitor or (ii) treatment arm: continuous cardiac monitoring with ILR implantation plus standard of care. Participants will undergo multiple investigations - blood/urine biomarkers, 12-lead and advanced electrocardiogram (ECG) recording, echocardiography and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging - at baseline and 6-12 monthly follow-up visits. The primary endpoint is identification of arrhythmia requiring initiation or alteration in therapy. Secondary outcome measures include characterising the risk factors associated with arrhythmia and outcome data in the form of imaging, ECG and blood biomarkers. Discussion: This is the first study evaluating arrhythmia burden and the use of ILR across the spectrum of risk profiles in Fabry cardiomyopathy. This will enable detailed characterisation of arrhythmic risk predictors in FD and ultimately support formulation of Fabry-specific guidance in this high-risk population. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03305250). Registered on 9 October 2017
