6,116 research outputs found

    Submergence and uplift associated with the giant 1833 Sumatran subduction earthquake: Evidence from coral microatolls

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    The giant Sumatran subduction earthquake of 1833 appears as a large emergence event in fossil coral microatolls on the reefs of Sumatra's outer-arc ridge. Stratigraphic analysis of these and living microatolls nearby allow us to estimate that 1833 emergence increased trenchward from about 1 to 2 m. This pattern and magnitude of uplift are consistent with about 13 m of slip on the subduction interface and suggest a magnitude (M_w) of 8.8–9.2 for the earthquake. The fossil microatolls also record rapid submergence in the decades prior to the earthquake, with rates increasing trenchward from 5 to 11 mm/yr. Living microatolls show similar rates and a similar pattern. The fossil microatolls also record at least two less extensive emergence events in the decades prior to 1833. These observations show that coral microatolls can be useful paleoseismic and paleogeodetic instruments in convergent tectonic environments

    Cultured Alveolar Epithelial Cells From Septic Rats Mimic In Vivo Septic Lung

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    Sepsis results in the formation of pulmonary edema by increasing in epithelial permeability. Therefore we hypothesized that alveolar epithelial cells isolated from septic animals develop tight junctions with different protein composition and reduced barrier function relative to alveolar epithelial cells from healthy animals. Male rats (200–300g) were sacrificed 24 hours after cecal ligation and double puncture (2CLP) or sham surgery. Alveolar epithelial cells were isolated and plated on fibronectin-coated flexible membranes or permeable, non-flexible transwell substrates. After a 5 day culture period, cells were either lysed for western analysis of tight junction protein expressin (claudin 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 18, occludin, ZO-1, and JAM-A) and MAPk (JNK, ERK, an p38) signaling activation, or barrier function was examined by measuring transepithelial resistance (TER) or the flux of two molecular tracers (5 and 20 Å). Inhibitors of JNK (SP600125, 20 µM) and ERK (U0126, 10 µM) were used to determine the role of these pathways in sepsis induced epithelial barrier dysfunction. Expression of claudin 4, claudin 18, and occludin was significantly lower, and activation of JNK and ERK signaling pathways was significantly increased in 2CLP monolayers, relative to sham monolayers. Transepithelial resistance of the 2CLP monolayers was reduced significantly compared to sham (769 and 1234 ohm-cm2, respectively), however no significant difference in the flux of either tracer was observed. Inhibition of ERK, not JNK, significantly increased TER and expression of claudin 4 in 2CLP monolayers, and prevented significant differences in claudin 18 expression between 2CLP and sham monolayers. We conclude that alveolar epithelial cells isolated from septic animals form confluent monolayers with impaired barrier function compared to healthy monolayers, and inhibition of ERK signaling partially reverses differences between these monolayers. This model provides a unique preparation for probing the mechanisms by which sepsis alters alveolar epithelium

    Simulation of Water Cerenkov Detectors Using {\sc geant4}

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    We present a detailed simulation of the performance of water Cerenkov detectors suitable for use in the Pierre Auger Observatory. Using {\sc geant4}, a flexible object-oriented simulation program, including all known physics processes, has been developed. The program also allows interactive visualization, and can easily be modified for any experimental setup.Comment: Talk to be presented at the XI Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interaction

    Large-scale structure in a new deep IRAS galaxy redshift survey

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    We present here the first results from two recently completed, fully sampled redshift surveys comprising 3703 IRAS Faint Source Survey (FSS) galaxies. An unbiased counts-in-cells analysis finds a clustering strength in broad agreement with other recent redshift surveys and at odds with the standard cold dark matter model. We combine our data with those from the QDOT and 1.2 Jy surveys, producing a single estimate of the IRAS galaxy clustering strength. We compare the data with the power spectrum derived from a mixed dark matter universe. Direct comparison of the clustering strength seen in the IRAS samples with that seen in the APM-Stromlo survey suggests b_O/b_I=1.20+/-0.05 assuming a linear, scale independent biasing. We also perform a cell by cell comparison of our FSS-z sample with galaxies from the first CfA slice, testing the viability of a linear-biasing scheme linking the two. We are able to rule out models in which the FSS-z galaxies identically trace the CfA galaxies on scales 5-20h^{-1}Mpc. On scales of 5 and 10h^{-1}Mpc no linear-biasing model can be found relating the two samples. We argue that this result is expected since the CfA sample includes more elliptical galaxies which have different clustering properties from spirals. On scales of 20h^{-1}Mpc no linear-biasing model with b_O/b_I < 1.70 is acceptable. When comparing the FSS-z galaxies to the CfA spirals, however, the two populations trace the same structures within our uncertaintie

    MAPk Activation Modulates Permeability of Isolated Rat Alveolar Epithelial Cell Monolayers Following Cyclic Stretch

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    We cultured (5 days) rat alveolar epithelial cells to investigate the role of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPk) signaling in ventilator induced epithelial barrier dysfunction. Cells were stretched to a magnitude of 12% or 37% change in surface area at a rate of 0.25 Hz with and without pretreatment with either the JNK inhibitor SP600125 or the ERK inhibitor U0126. Following stretch (0, 10, 30, or 60 min), MAPk phosphorylation was examined, monolayer permeability to the uncharged tracer carboxyfluorescein measured (0, 10, 60 min of stretch), and occludin expression determined (0 and 60 min of stretch). Stretch to 12%, previously shown not to increase monolayer permeability, did not alter phosphorylation of any MAPk or occludin expression at any time point. Following stretch to 37%, phosphorylation of JNK, ERK, and p38 was significantly higher by 10 minutes than in unstretched monolayers. Phosphorylation of JNK and p38 subsided as stretch continued, and by 30 minutes returned to unstretched levels. Phosphorylation of ERK remained significantly elevated compared to unstretched levels at all stretch durations. Epithelial permeability increased significantly by 10 minutes of stretch compared to unstretched controls, with further significant increases by 60 minutes. Inhibition with U0126 and SP600125 prevented stretch-induced phosphorylation increases of ERK and JNK, respectively, however neither prevented increases in permeability following 10 minutes. Separately, inhibition of JNK or ERK prevented subsequent additional permeability increases as stretch continued to 60 minute time points. Inhibition of JNK, not ERK, prevented loss of occludin, and minimized loss of cell-cell contact following 60 minutes of stretch. These data suggest that stretch-induced JNK signaling modulates epithelial permeability through regulation tight junction protein expression, and is a potential target for clinical treatments during mechanical ventilation

    Lung function and respiratory symptoms in a 1-year randomized smoking cessation trial of varenicline in COPD patients

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    SummaryThere are few data concerning changes in lung function and respiratory symptoms in smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) weeks to months after quitting smoking. We examined serial changes in spirometry and Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) scores (measuring respiratory symptoms and health-related quality of life) in COPD participants by smoking status during a smoking cessation trial.In this randomized, double-blind trial, smokers with mild-to-moderate COPD were treated with varenicline 1 mg b.i.d. or placebo for 12 weeks and followed to Week 52. Primary endpoints of abstinence were previously reported. Secondary endpoints were mean changes from baseline in post-bronchodilator forced expired volume in 1 s (FEV1) and CCQ scores.Change from baseline in post-bronchodilator FEV1 was significantly improved in continuous abstainers (121.8 mL) vs. continuous smokers (37.9 mL) at Week 12 (P = 0.0069), but not at Weeks 24 or 52. Mean change from baseline at Week 12 in CCQ Total Score was significantly better in continuous abstainers (−1.04) vs. continuous smokers (−0.53; P < 0.0001): this improvement was sustained at Weeks 24 and 52.In a 1-year cessation trial of smokers with COPD, continuous abstinence compared with continuous smoking significantly improved post-bronchodilator FEV1 at Week 12 (although the difference narrowed subsequently) and CCQ Total Scores at Week 12, with sustained improvement thereafter.(Trial registry: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov; trial identifier: NCT00285012

    Mineralogical and Chemical Characterization of Lunar Highland Soils: Insights into the Space Weathering of Soils on Airless Bodies

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    With reflectance spectroscopy, one is measuring only properties of the fine-grained regolith, most affected by space weathering. The Lunar Soil Characterization Consortium has undertaken the task of coordinated characterization of lunar soils, with respect to their mineralogical and chemical makeup. It is these lunar soils that are being used as "ground-truth" for all air30 less bodies. Modal abundances and chemistries of minerals and glasses in the finest size fractions (20-45, 10-20, and <10 microns) of four Apollo 14 and six Apollo 16 highland soils have been determined, as well as their bulk chemistry and IS/FeO values. Bi-directional reflectance measurements (0.3-2.6 microns) of all samples were performed in the RELAB. A significant fraction of nanophase Fe(sup 0) (np-Fe(sup 0)) appears to reside in agglutinitic glasses. However, as grain size of a soil decreases, the percentage of total iron present as np-Fe0 increases significantly, whereas the agglutinitic glass content rises only slightly; this is evidence for a large contribution to the IS/FeO values from the surface-correlated nanophase Fe(sup 0), particularly in the <10 micron size fraction. The compositions of the agglutinitic glasses in these fine fractions of the highland soils are different from the bulk-chemistry of that size; however, compositional trends of the glasses are not the same as those observed for mare soils. It is apparent that the glasses in the highland soils contain chemical components from outside their terrains. It is proposed that the Apollo 16 soils have been adulterated by the addition of impact-transported soil components from surrounding maria

    Medics in southern Queensland: Effects of sowing method, weed control and phosphorus application on plant population and biomass

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    Declining sown pasture productivity as a result of a tie-up in plant available soil nitrogen is an ongoing constraint to grazing production across the brigalow bioregion of central and southern Queensland. Research suggests that legume establishment offers the most cost effective long-term remediation strategy for improving pasture quality and yield. Within southern Queensland, medics (Medicago spp.) can provide valuable winter contributions to dietary protein and soil nitrogen, however establishment and yields are frequently poor and soil phosphorus often limiting. An experiment was established across two soil types (brigalow clay and poplar box red loam) 70 km north of Goondiwindi, Queensland to investigate the effects of sowing method, weed control and phosphorus fertiliser application on the establishment and yield of a mix of three medic cultivars (Medicago truncatula cv. Jester & cv .Caliph and Medicago orbicularis cv. Bindaroo Gold). On both soil types, plant population and biomass were significantly improved via direct drilling of seed as compared to broadcasting. On the loam, drilling increased average populations by between 519 and 1,900% above those recorded in broadcast treatments and improved biomass by between 144 and 315%. On the clay soil, drilling increased populations by between 339 and 983% above those measured in broadcast treatments. Clay soil drilling showed biomass improvements of between 124 and 1,368%. No significant biomass or legume population treatment effects were observed on the clay soil. No significant treatment effects were observed for yield on the loam soil. This study implies that medic establishment, plant populations and biomass can be greatly improved through the application of seed drilling
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