323 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation of the Deadtime Phenomenon for GM Detector: Deadtime Dependence on Operating Voltages

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    A detailed analysis of Geiger Mueller counter deadtime dependence on operating voltage is presented in the manuscript using four pairs of radiation sources. Based on two-source method, detector deadtime is calculated for a wide range of operating voltages which revealed a peculiar relationship between the operating voltage and the detector deadtime. In the low voltage range, a distinct drop in deadtime was observed where deadtime reached a value as low as a few microseconds (22 µs for 204Tl, 26 µs for 137Cs, 9 µs for 22Na). This sharp drop in the deadtime is possibly due to reduced recombination with increasing voltage. After the lowest point, the deadtime generally increased rapidly to reach a maximum (292 µs for 204Tl, 277 µs for 137Cs, 258 µs for 22Na). This rapid increase in the deadtime is mainly due to the on-set of charge multiplication. After the maximum deadtime values, there was an exponential decrease in the deadtime reaching an asymptotic low where the manufacturer recommended voltage for operation falls. This pattern of deadtime voltage dependence was repeated for all sources tested with the exception of 54Mn. Low count rates leading to a negative deadtime suggested poor statistical nature of the data collected for 54Mn and the data while being presented here is not used for any inference

    Simultaneous Experimental Evaluation of Pulse Shape and Deadtime Phenomenon of GM Detector

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    Analysis of several pulse shape properties generated by a Geiger Mueller (GM) detector and its dependence on applied voltage was performed. The two-source method was utilized to measure deadtime while simultaneously capturing pulse shape parameters on an oscilloscope. A wide range of operating voltages (600-1200 V) beyond the recommended operating voltage of 900 V was investigated using three radioactive sources (204Tl, 137Cs, 22Na). This study investigates the relationship between operating voltage, pulse shape properties, and deadtime of the detector. Based on the data, it is found that deadtime decreases with increasing voltage from 600 to 650 V. At these low voltages (600–650 V), the collection time was long, allowing sufficient time for some recombination to take place. Increasing the voltage in this range decreased the collection time, and hence deadtime decreased. It is also observed that rise and fall time were at their highest at these applied voltages. Increasing the voltage further would result in gas multiplication, where deadtime and pulse width are observed to be increasing. After reaching the maximum point of deadtime (~ 250 µs at ~ 700 V), deadtime started to exponentially decrease until a plateau was reached. In this region, it is observed that detector deadtime and operating voltage show a strong correlation with positive pulse width, rise and fall time, cycle mean, and area. Therefore, this study confirms a correlation between detector deadtime, operating voltage, and pulse shape properties. The results will validate our hypothesis that deadtime phenomena at different operating voltages are phenomenologically different

    Obtaining design data by using topological tools within the context of building function and building forming systems

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    Bu makalede, bina mekansal örgütlenme sistemini tümdengelimci çözümlemeyen “mekan dizgesi” yöntemi, tümevarımcı olarak mimari tasarlamada veri eldesinde kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntem ile birlikte, şebeke indeksleri verileri, işlevsel embriyo eldesinde kullanılmıştır. Önerilen modelde, tasarım veri alanlarından “İşlev” dışında kalan girdiler yöntem dışında tutulmuştur. Mekanların komşulukları temel veri olarak ele alınarak; bunların “derinlik” ve “bağlantılık” değerlerine ulaşılmıştır. Buna ek olarak, hiyerarşik olarak bağlantılılığı en yüksek değere sahip mekandan tasarlamaya başlanması ve mekan çevre gereksinmesine göre tasarım alanına yerleştirilmesi önerilmiştir. Yöntemin çıktıları iki başlıkta toplanmaktadır: 1- Bina alt bölümlerinin bütünsel işlev içerisindeki dizinsel derecelenmelerine ulaşmak, 2- İşlevsel şebeke indeksleri ile bina bütünsel formuna ilişkin sayısal veriler elde etmektir.In this paper, the deductive "Space Syntax" analysis method and graph analysis tools have been tried in the architectural design process. Graph analysis tools such as konig numbers, beta index, gamma index, connectivity value, cyclomatic number and network diameter data have been used to obtain building shape named "Functional Embrio". Functional programming data are needed to apply this inductive method. The structural, technological, cultural, economical and aesthetics data inputs are excluded from the mentioned method. Here, the functional system of the building, the depth - connectivity values of each space are considered as main data. The graph of functional connectivity at building and space adjacency have been obtained through the use of building programming techniques. Relation of vertices in this graph  contains mathematical properties. These properties such as cycles, trees have some hints toward possible shape of the total building form. The connectivity graph of the building has been used to list the connectivity value of each space hierarchially and numerically and each space has been  placed to design area according to their environmental needs. The outputs of the suggested methot can be stated into two titles : 1- Obtaining syntactic degrees of the each space in the building by using "Space Syntax Analysis Methot" 2- Obtaining fuctional system based numerical values about total shape of the building

    A High Throughput Lab-On-A-Chip System for Label Free Quantification of Breast Cancer Cells under Continuous Flow

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    This paper presents an LOC system combining microfluidic DEP channel with a CMOS image sensor for label and lens free detection and real-time counting of MCF-7 cells under continuous flow. Trapped and then released MCF-7 cells are accurately detected and counted under flow with a CMOS image sensor integrated underneath the DEP channel, for the first time in the literature. CMOS image sensor can capture 391 frames per second (fps) that allows detection of the released cells flowing through the channel with a flow rate up to 130 mu l/min (0.468 m/s). Therefore, the proposed system is able to detect the cells under high flow where conventional techniques for cell quantification such as fluorescent tagging become unusable. Detected cells are automatically counted with a computer program and the counting accuracy of the whole system is 95%. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    A Survey of Social Network Forensics

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    Social networks in any form, specifically online social networks (OSNs), are becoming a part of our everyday life in this new millennium especially with the advanced and simple communication technologies through easily accessible devices such as smartphones and tablets. The data generated through the use of these technologies need to be analyzed for forensic purposes when criminal and terrorist activities are involved. In order to deal with the forensic implications of social networks, current research on both digital forensics and social networks need to be incorporated and understood. This will help digital forensics investigators to predict, detect and even prevent any criminal activities in different forms. It will also help researchers to develop new models / techniques in the future. This paper provides literature review of the social network forensics methods, models, and techniques in order to provide an overview to the researchers for their future works as well as the law enforcement investigators for their investigations when crimes are committed in the cyber space. It also provides awareness and defense methods for OSN users in order to protect them against to social attacks

    Skewed X-chromosome inactivation in scleroderma.

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    Scleroderma is a female-prevalent autoimmune disease of unclear etiology. Two fundamental gender differences, skewed X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) and pregnancy-related microchimerism, have been implicated in scleroderma. We investigated the XCI patterns of female scleroderma patients and the parental origin of the inactive X chromosome in those patients having skewed XCI patterns (>80%). In addition, we investigated whether a correlation exists between XCI patterns and microchimerism in a well-characterized cohort. About 195 female scleroderma patients and 160 female controls were analyzed for the androgen receptor locus to assess XCI patterns in the DNA extracted from peripheral blood cells. Skewed XCI was observed in 67 (44.9%) of 149 informative patients and in 10 of 124 healthy controls (8.0%) [odds ratio (OR) = 9.3 (95% confidence interval (CI) 4.3-20.6, P 90%) was present in 44 of 149 patients (29.5%) but only in 3 of 124 controls (2.4%; OR = 16.9; 95% CI 4.8-70.4, P < 0.0001). Parental origin of the inactive X chromosome was investigated for ten patients for whom maternal DNA was informative, and the inactive X chromosome was of maternal origin in eight patients and of paternal origin in two patients. Skewed XCI mosaicism could be considered as an important risk factor in scleroderma

    Visual-to-auditory sensory substitution alters language asymmetry in both sighted novices and experienced visually impaired users

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    Visual-to-auditory sensory substitution devices (SSDs) provide improved access to the visual environment for the visually impaired by converting images into auditory information. Research is lacking on the mechanisms involved in processing data that is perceived through one sensory modality, but directly associated with a source in a different sensory modality. This is important because SSDs that use auditory displays could involve binaural presentation requiring both ear canals, or monaural presentation requiring only one – but which ear would be ideal? SSDs may be similar to reading, as an image (printed word) is converted into sound (when read aloud). Reading, and language more generally, are typically lateralised to the left cerebral hemisphere. Yet, unlike symbolic written language, SSDs convert images to sound based on visuospatial properties, with the right cerebral hemisphere potentially having a role in processing such visuospatial data. Here we investigated whether there is a hemispheric bias in the processing of visual-to-auditory sensory substitution information and whether that varies as a function of experience and visual ability. We assessed the lateralization of auditory processing with two tests: a standard dichotic listening test and a novel dichotic listening test created using the auditory information produced by an SSD, The vOICe. Participants were tested either in the lab or online with the same stimuli. We did not find a hemispheric bias in the processing of visual-to-auditory information in visually impaired, experienced vOICe users. Further, we did not find any difference between visually impaired, experienced vOICe users and sighted novices in the hemispheric lateralization of visual-to-auditory information processing. Although standard dichotic listening is lateralised to the left hemisphere, the auditory processing of images in SSDs is bilateral, possibly due to the increased influence of right hemisphere processing. Auditory SSDs might therefore be equally effective with presentation to either ear if a monaural, rather than binaural, presentation were necessary

    Intra-operative real time intracranial subarachnoid haemorrhage during glial tumour resection: A case report

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    Glial tumours associated with subarachnoid haemorrhage are very rare. A 64-year-old woman admitted with a history of 3 weeks seizures and a left sided hemiparesis and dysphasia. The magnetic resonance disclosed heterogeneously enhancing a right temporal mass. During surgery, suddenly an abrupt and extensive swelling had occurred both in tumour and the brain tissue. The surgery was completed with a gross total tumour resection together with a partial temporal lobectomy. Postoperative computerized tomography demonstrated a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). A cerebral Magnetic Resonance (MR) angiography showed neither an aneurysm nor arteriovenous malformation. Coincidence of an intracerebral tumour and subarachnoid haemorrhage would be devastating