273 research outputs found

    Diferencias intra e inter individuales en inteligencia social de estudiantes portugueses

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    Social intelligence is a favorable condition for career decision-making and development. The social intelligence indices of Portuguese students in school years prior to a career transition are characterized and intra and interindividual differences are analyzed. Participants were 1095 students (552, 50.4% women) with a mean age of 14.78 years (SD = 1.86), in the 8th (542, 49.5%), 10th (295, 26.9%) and 11th (258, 23.6%) grades. The Cognitive Test of Social Intelligence (PCIS) was administered at two moments, six months apart. Results indicate that the 8th grade obtained higher average scores in Problem Solving, Motivation and Self-confidence (time 1), while the 10th grade obtained better results in Problem Solving, Motivation and Familiarity (time 2). Between the assessment moments, all school years register an increase in Problem Solving and Self-confidence in social situations. These results constitute favorable psychological conditions for the promotion of ethical questioning in career guidance interventions.A inteligência social constitui uma condição favorável à tomada de decisão e ao desenvolvimento vocacional. Este trabalho visa caracterizar os níveis de inteligência social, e analisar as diferenças intra e interindividuais, em alunos portugueses em anos de pré-transição vocacional. Participaram 1095 alunos (552, 50% mulheres), com uma média de idades de 14,78 anos (DP = 1,86), do 8º, 10º, e 11º níveis escolares. Administrou-se a Prova Cognitiva de Inteligência Social (PCIS), em dois momentos (T1 e T2), com seis meses de intervalo. Os resultados indicam que o 8º ano obteve resultados médios superiores, nos índices de Resolução de Problemas, Motivação e Autoconfiança (T1), enquanto o 10º ano obteve resultados superiores, em Resolução de Problemas, Motivação e Familiaridade (T2). Entre momentos de avaliação, registra-se, para todos os níveis escolares, um aumento em Resolução de Problemas e Autoconfiança em situações sociais. Estes resultados constituem condições psicológicas favoráveis à promoção do questionamento ético nas intervenções de orientação vocacional.La inteligencia social es una condición favorable para la toma de decisiones y el desarrollo de la carrera. Se caracterizan los niveles de inteligencia social y sus diferencias intra e interindividuales en estudiantes portugueses en transición pre-profesional. Participaron 1095 estudiantes (552, 50.4% mujeres) con una edad media de 14.78 (DE = 1.86), del 8º (542, 49,5%), 10º (295, 26.9%) y 11º (258, 23.6%) años escolares. Se administró la Prueba Cognitiva de Inteligencia Social (PCIS) en dos ocasiones, con seis meses de diferencia. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes del 8º grado obtuvieron puntajes medios más altos en la Resolución de Problemas, Motivación y Confianza (T1), mientras que los del 10º grado obtuvieron mejores resultados en la Resolución de Problemas, Motivación y Familiaridad (T2). Entre momentos de evaluación se registra, para todos los años, un aumento en la Resolución de Problemas y Confianza en situaciones sociales. Estos resultados constituyen condiciones psicológicas favorables a la promoción del cuestionamiento ético en las intervenciones de orientación profesional.Project coordinated by the fourth author and co-funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Compete Program - PTDC/CPE-CED/098896/200

    Valores como predictores de satisfacción con la vida en los jóvenes

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    Numa perspectiva funcionalista, os valores são uma expressão cognitiva das necessidades humanas, princípios que orientam o comportamento para metas mais pessoais, sociais ou gerais de vida, cujo impacto psicossocial merece mais investigação. Neste estudo, analisou-se em que medida o tipo de orientação dos valores prediz a satisfação com a vida de 562 jovens portugueses (n = 303, 53,9% mulheres), com idades entre 14 e 22 anos (M = 16,9, DP = 1,71), que frequentam o ensino médio: via profissionalizante (63,7%) e regular (36,3%). Os jovens completaram o Questionário de Valores Básicos e a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida. Os resultados da análise de regressão linear indicam que a orientação dos valores explica menos de um quarto da variabilidade da satisfação com a vida, o que suscita a necessidade de se analisar o seu poder explicativo em conjunto com outras variáveis, por exemplo, de personalidade e sociocognitivas.In a functionalist perspective, values are a cognitive expression of human needs as well as principles that guide behaviors to personal, social or general life goals, whose psychosocial impact deserves more investigation. This study aimed to analyze whether the type of values orientation predicts life satisfaction in 562 Portuguese youths (n = 303, 53.9% women) aged 14 to 22 years (M = 16.9; SD = 1.71), attending high school studies, being 63.7% technical and (36.3%) regular high school.Students completed the Basic Values Survey and the Satisfaction With Life Scale. The results of the linear regression analyzes indicate that the values orientation explains less than a quarter of life satisfaction variability, which indicated the need to further analyze its explanatory power together with other variables, such as, personality and socio-cognitive.Desde el punto de vista funcional, los valores son una expresión cognitiva de las necesidades humanas, principios que orientan el comportamiento hacia metas más personales, sociales o generales de vida, cuyo impacto psicosocial necesita más investigación. En este estudio se analizó en qué medida el tipo de orientación de los valores predice la satisfacción con la vida de 562 jóvenes portugueses (n = 303, 53.9% mujeres), con edades entre 14 y 22 años ( = 16.9, P = 1.71) que frecuentan Enseñanza Secundaria: profesional (63.7%) y normal (36.3%). Los jóvenes completaron el Cuestionario de Valores Básicos y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida. Los resultados del análisis de regresión lineal indican que la orientación de los valores explica menos de una cuarta parte de la variabilidad de satisfacción con la vida, lo que plantea la necesidad de analizar su poder explicativo, junto con otras variables, por ejemplo, de personalidad y socio-cognitivas.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Career self: a longitudinal study with college students

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    O self de carreira constituí um subconjunto organizado do universo cognitivo de uma pessoa, responsável pelo carácter subjetivo que a mesma confere à carreira. Este estudo pretende avaliar mudanças no conteúdo do self de carreira de estudantes universitários, do início para o final do último ano de graduação. Para tal, recorreu-se a medidas repetidas dos índices da Grelha de Repertório da Carreira (Silva & Taveira, 2005; Silva, 2008). Na investigação, participaram 80 estudantes, dos quais 49 são mulheres (61,25%) e 31 são homens (38,75%), com idades entre os 21 e os 45 anos (M= 23,9, DP= 4,31). Os resultados indicam que, no final da licenciatura, os estudantes diminuem a distância como se constrõem em relação aos outros e mantêm uma construção positiva do self de carreira.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Psychologists’ dilemmas in career counselling practice

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    In this study, we explored main dilemmas psychologists face in career counselling in two main professional settings: employment and education. Participants included 24 experienced Portuguese psychologists, working in employment (n = 14) and educational (n = 10) settings. We used consensual qualitative research to conduct and analyse semi-structured interviews. Results revealed dilemmas’ in five domains: neutrality, assessment, dual loyalty, role boundaries, and confidentiality, with the typical dilemma in the domain of neutrality. Differences between groups were found in the domains of dual loyalty and role boundaries.Dans cette étude, nous avons exploré les principaux dilemmes rencontrés par les psychologues dans le conseil en orientation dans deux milieux professionnels centraux: le placement et l’éducation. Parmi les participants figuraient 24 psychologues portugais expérimentés travaillant dans des contextes de placement (n = 14) et d’éducation (n = 10). Nous avons utilisé la recherche qualitative consensuelle pour mener et analyser les entretiens semi-structurés. Les re´sultats ont révé lé des dilemmes dans cinq domaines: la neutralité, l’évaluation, la double loyauté, les limites du rôle, et la confidentialité, avec le dilemme typique dans le domaine de la neutralité. Les différences entre les groupes ont été identifiees dans les domaines de la double loyauté et les limites du rôle.In dieser Studie untersuchten wir die hauptsä chlichen Dilemmata, mit denen Psychologen in der Berufsberatung in zwei wesentlichen professionellen Einrichtungen konfrontiert sind: Beruf und Bildung. Zu den Teilnehmern geho ¨rten 24 erfahrene portugiesische Psychologen, die in Einrichtungen von Beruf (n = 14) und Bildung (n = 10) arbeiteten. Wir verwendeten einvernehmliche qualitative Forschung um semi-strukturierte Interviews durchzufu¨hren und zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigten Dilemmata in fünf Bereichen: Neutralität, Beurteilung, doppelte Loyalität, Rollengrenzen und Vertraulichkeit, mit dem typischen Dilemma in der Domäne der Neutralität. Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen wurden in den Bereichen der doppelten Loyalität und Rollengrenzen gefunden

    Origin and Epidemiological History of HIV-1 CRF14_BG

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Users must also make clear the license terms under which the work was published. CC BY Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Background: CRF14_BG isolates, originally found in Spain, are characterized by CXCR4 tropism and rapid disease progression. This study aimed to identify the origin of CRF14_BG and reconstruct its epidemiological history based on new isolates from Portugal.Methodology/Principal Findings: C2V3C3 env gene sequences were obtained from 62 samples collected in 1993–1998 from Portuguese HIV-1 patients. Full-length genomic sequences were obtained from three patients. Viral subtypes, diversity, divergence rate and positive selection were investigated by phylogenetic analysis. The molecular structure of the genomes was determined by bootscanning. A relaxed molecular clock model was used to date the origin of CRF14_BG. Geno2pheno was used to predict viral tropism. Subtype B was the most prevalent subtype (45 sequences; 73%) followed by CRF14_BG (8; 13%), G (4; 6%), F1 (2; 3%), C (2; 3%) and CRF02_AG (1; 2%). Three CRF14_BG sequences were derived from 1993 samples. Near full-length genomic sequences were strongly related to the CRF14_BG isolates from Spain. Genetic diversity of the Portuguese isolates was significantly higher than the Spanish isolates (0.044 vs 0.014, P,0.0001). The mean date of origin of the CRF14_BG cluster was estimated to be 1992 (range, 1989 and 1996) based on the subtype G genomic region and 1989 (range, 1984–1993) based on the subtype B genomic region. Most CRF14_BG strains (78.9%) were predicted to be CXCR4. Finally, up to five amino acids were under selective pressure in subtype B V3 loop whereas only one was found in the CRF14_BG cluster.Conclusions: CRF14_BG emerged in Portugal in the early 1990 s soon after the beginning of the HIV-1 epidemics, spread to Spain in late 1990 s as a consequence of IVDUs migration and then to the rest of Europe. CXCR4 tropism is a general characteristic of this CRF that may have been selected for by escape from neutralizing antibody response