23 research outputs found

    Macroscopic Anatomy, Histopathology, and Image Diagnosis of Joints and Synovial Cartilages

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    Joints are physiological connections formed by the association of two or more bones that confer mobility to the skeleton of vertebrates. Composed of several structures, these are often related to pathologies of varied origins, which determine symptomatology of varying degrees of intensity and impairment, responsible for the decrease in life expectancy and the well-being of affected populations. Most of the time, the treatment for these diseases is only symptomatic, aiming at the relief of pain and the return of the patient to daily activities. Thus, there has been an increasing interest in the search for new knowledge about the mechanisms that lead to joint disorders and effective therapeutic resources that may contribute to the fight against pain and to the definitive treatment of joint dysfunctions. To this aim, the knowledge of diagnostic methods, especially imaging methods, is of fundamental importance for the recognition of articular affections, enabling a targeted and effective treatment. Among these auxiliary exams currently used to evaluate the joints, the noninvasive ones are the first choice, where radiography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography, and arthroscopy are inserted

    Standard Electrocardiographic Data of Peccaries (Tayassu tajacu)

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    Background:Peccaries (Tayassu tajacu, Linnaeus, 1758) are wild suiformes that belong to the Tayassuidae family. Electrocardiography is an important technique for cardiovascular evaluation. Analysis of various intervals, segments, complexes and waveforms of electrocardiographic (ECG) traces aids in the diagnosis of cardiac alterations and in the differentiation of congenital and acquired heart diseases from physiological cases. However, in wild animal medicine, the various patterns of normality and the evaluation of electrical traces associated with heart disease have not yet been sufficiently elucidated. The purpose of this study was to characterize the electrocardiographic (ECG) traces of peccaries sedated using ketamine and xylazine.Materials, Methods & Results:Fourteen healthy adult animals that were subjected to digital ECG examination were used. Animals with evidence of systemic diseases, cardiovascular abnormalities (murmurs or arrhythmias), or any degree of valve insufficiency observed on echocardiogram and animals that exhibited excessive stress during the examination were excluded from the study. All animals presented with a normal sinus rhythm. A combination of 15 mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride and 3 mg/kg of midazolam maleate was applied intramuscularly for chemical immobilization. The animals were manipulated after 15 min, when the onset of the anaesthetic effect was verified, for a duration of 45 min, and no reinforcement dose was necessary to complete the electrocardiographic examination.  No significant differences were observed in the P-wave duration, PR interval and QT interval between genders (P > 0.05). No significant differences were found between the amplitudes of the P and R waves between males and females (P > 0.05). The observed P waves were small, monophasic and positive. The QRS complex was positive in the DI, DII, DIII, aVF, V4 and V10 derivations and negative in the aVR, aVL, V1 and V2 derivations. In 71% of the animals, the T wave showed negative polarity in the DI, DII, DIII, aVL, aVF, and V10 derivations and positive polarity in the aVR, V1, V2 and V4 derivations. The ST segment was isoelectric in 100% of the animals. GraphPad Prism 7 (La Jolla, CA, USA) software was used to analyze the data, with non-parametric tests used to test for differences in the variables between the sexes. In these tests, a P-value of 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.Discussion:Although studies on the cardiac electrophysiology of wild animals have previously shown good results for several species, this is the first study concerning the standardization ECG traces for peccaries. However, due to the wild nature of these animals, their manipulation for handling and data collection purposes is only feasible under chemical containment, although other studies have used non-anaesthetized agoutis. It is not known to what extent these results may have been influenced by the effects of stress. Drugs used for this function may have direct effects on cardiac function. Therefore, the presumed normal ECG values, as well as the recognition of changes due to drug or iatrogenic interactions, are of fundamental importance.  This protocol provided high-quality anaesthetized peccary ECG traces, allowing reliable measurements of waves and intervals and assessment of the cardiac rhythm and heart rate. The surface registry digital ECG recording technique used with chemical containment allowed good monitoring and rapid acquisition and was well tolerated by the animals. 

    Ocular Echobiometry and Resistivity Index of External Ophthalmic Artery in Agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha)

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    Background: Veterinary Ophthalmology provides complementary information for the diagnosis of ocular pathologies. Studies in wild species are essential. Among the diagnostic techniques in ophthalmology, two-dimensional ultrasonography stands out. The agouti is a rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family that has been widely used as an experimental model. For these animals, sight is one of the crucial senses for their survival. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the two-dimensional ocular ultrasound technique to obtain anatomical measurements and the external ophthalmic artery resistivity index, presumably normal in the species Dasyprocta prymnolopha.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty eye bulbs of 20 adult rodents of the species were evaluated by ultrasonography. In these animals, B-mode echobiometry was performed using the transpalpebral approach and the hemodynamic study of the external ophthalmic artery using the color Doppler technique. All examinations were initiated by the left eye bulb and all measurements were performed by only one examiner. The collected data related to echobiometry were analyzed using Bioest 5.0 for Windows. Initially, normality was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test for each parameter, then the paired t-test was performed, comparing right and left eyes, and a significance level of 5% (P < 0.05) was adopted. Based on the methodology used, the following values were obtained for the right and left eyeballs, respectively: anterior chamber thickness - mean of 1.28 ± 0.3 mm and 1.22 ± 0.1 mm; lens thickness - 8.27 ± 0.9 mm and 8.11 ± 0.9 mm; vitreous chamber thickness - 5.35 ± 0.48 mm and 5.30 ± 0.47 mm and axial length - 12.7 ± 0.9 mm and 13 ± 0.68 mm. The mean external ophthalmic artery resistivity values were 0.4305 ± 0.0390 and 0.4258 ± 0.0387 (right and left eye, respectively), characterizing a low resistance. There was no statistical difference between the right and left eyeballs in any of the studied parameters.Discussion: The use of the convex transducer was feasible, promoting adequate contact with the ocular surface and images of satisfactory quality for obtaining measurements, similar to what was observed in studies evaluating the ocular biometry of primates and dogs. The anterior chamber thickness values in this experiment did not differ statistically between the antimers, as well as observed for dogs. The data obtained for lens thickness did not differ statistically for antimers, like those obtained for other rodent species evaluated with the same methodology. The mean values of vitreous chamber thickness were like those observed in chinchillas but correspond to about half of that obtained for capybaras. In this study, the external ophthalmic artery was characterized in all animals, but obtaining the spectral tracing was difficult due to its fine caliber. In wild animals, and especially in wild rodents, there are few data reporting the resistivity of the ophthalmic artery, and there is a lack of studies, which can be explained by the behavioral characteristics of defense and by the high susceptibility to stress in capture, since the performing the technique requires, as in other procedures, the use of chemical containment.Keywords: Doppler flow, ultrasound, eye, agouti

    Comparative Study of the Vertebral Heart Scale (VHS) and the Cardiothoracic Ratio (CTR) in Healthy Poodle Breed dogs

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    Background: Veterinary cardiology has been widely divulged, especially because of the search for diagnostic methods that allow early identification of heart disease in companion animals. Several techniques are available, such as digital radiography (DR), computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) that are being applied to patients with various diseases. VHS has been widely used in clinical practice in veterinary medicine as a way to diagnose heart size increases in lateral thoracic radiography in small animals. Cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) is a predictive factor for cardiac insufficiency in humans. In veterinary medicine, this index is still little used. The objective of the present study was to compare the vertebral heart scale (VHS) and cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) to assess changes in the size of the cardiac silhouette dogs in thoracic radiographs.Materials, Methods & Results: The VHS and CTR of forty healthy poodle breed dogs (20 males and 20 females) from University Veterinary Hospital at the Federal University of Piauí were assessed. The animals were placed in supine and lateral decubitus, to obtain radiographic images in dorsoventral (DV) and right and left laterolateral projections of the thoracic region. The images acquired on the photosensitive radiographic chassis were analyzed by digital radiographic image system installed in the Image Diagnosis Service of the University Veterinary Hospital -HVU/UFPI. VHS (Vertebral Heart Scale) measurements were taken using the sum of the heart length and heart width at its greatest diameter, comparing with the vertebral bodies from the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4). The CTR was assessed by comparing the greatest width of the heart silhouette and the distance between the thoracic walls at height T8. The heart width was measured from the two greatest distances (ML and MR), from the vertical line that divides the limit between the right and left sides of the heart, at the point of its greatest diameter. Similarly, the thoracic width was measured at the point of greatest thoracic diameter (MTD). The mean of the VHS and CTR in the males was 9.83 ± 0.85v and 0.48 ± 0.05, respectively. The females showed values of 9.65 ± 0.65v and 0.50 ± 0.03, respectively (P > 0.05). The mean of the VHS and CTR, considering males and females, was 9.72 ± 0.73v and 0.48 ± 0.04, respectively. VHS and weight correlated positively (r = 0.96), as the CTR and weight (r = 0.94). VHS and age showed high correlation (r = 0.96) as CTR and age (r = 0.93). VHS and CTR showed high correlation (r = 0.96).Discussion: Although congenital malformations and genetic diseases can occur, the acquired heart diseases correspond to most of the complications found in dogs. VHS increases considerably 6 to 12 months before the development of congestive heart failure (CHF). The poodles studied, considering the universe of males and females (P < 0.05), presented mean VHS values of 9.72 ± 0.73v. Similarly, there was no significant difference between genders for VHS measured in right and left decubitus in normal dogs. The cardiothoracic ratio measured for the poodles studied showed mean values of 0.48 ± 0.05. In humans, values below 0.5 are considered normal, while values above this may indicate the presence of cardiomegaly. The CTR is intimately related to the volume of the left ventricle and CTR values above 0.5 in humans are pathological. Our results demonstrated that VHS and CTR showed strong correlation in their measurements, suggesting that CTR, constantly used in humans, could be considered as a tool to assess the size of the heart silhouette in dogs of the poodle breed

    Pectus carinatum in a Cat

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    Background: Pectus are congenital sternal deformities considered rare in small animals, and they are divided into two types. Pectus excavatum causes a concave aspect in the ventral portion of the animal’s thorax, which is known as “funnel chest,” while pectus carinatum produces a convex appearance and is therefore called “pigeon chest.”  The etiology of these anomalies has not yet been fully elucidated, but it is assumed that there is genetic involvement. The diagnosis is based on clinical examination and is confirmed by thoracic radiography. This report describes a case of pectus carinatum in a one-month-old domestic cat.Case: An unspayed female domestic cat, about one month old, weighing 0.1 kg, was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). When her history was taken, her owner reported that he had rescued the animal the previous day and noticed that showed difficulty breathing, so naturally worming and vaccination were not reported. Upon physical examination, the patient showed an abdominal breathing pattern, severe dyspnea, pale mucosa, nasal discharge, apathy, poor nutritional status (body score 1), signs of apparent dehydration and a temperature of 38.5ºC. Palpation revealed increased volume in the thoracic region. X-rays were ordered due to suspicion of diaphragmatic injury. The chest X-ray report indicated ventral segment displacement of the 4th to the 8th sternebra, with accommodation of the cardiac silhouette in the right lateral, left lateral and dorsoventral projections, suggesting pectus carinatum. Pulmonary radiodensity was also augmented, with greater intensity in the right middle lobe, an alveolar pattern, radiographic signs suggestive of an infectious process (pneumonia), and pulmonary hyperinflation. A qualitative analysis revealed cardiac silhouette whose dimensions showed no radiographic evidence of alterations at the moment of the examination. The diaphragmatic dome was intact. Normally aerated thoracic trachea, with preserved dorsoventral diameter.Discussion:  Although deformities of the chest wall are infrequent and cases of pectus carinatum (PC) have rarely been published in veterinary medicine, reports of pectus excavatum (PE) in both dogs and cats are more easily found. Therefore, epidemiological data on PC are unknown, and moreover, most veterinary clinicians and surgeons are unaware of this anomaly. In the case of this kitten, pectus carinatum was diagnosed based on imaging tests allied to a clinical evaluation. The pathophysiology of the deformity has not yet been fully elucidated. In a case reported in a Shih Tzu dog, it was pointed out that one of its siblings had died at birth, and that the parents had no kinship and no congenital or hereditary abnormality. In another case of a five-month-old miniature pinscher, born from a consanguineous gestation, several anomalies were observed, in addition to pectus carinatum, such as dental malocclusion, poor limb alignment and locomotion difficulty, bilateral cryptorchidism and umbilical hernia. Because it was a rescue dog, the appearance of the anomaly could not be attributed to consanguinity in the reported case. No other anomalies were observed. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that the earlier the diagnosis the better the animal’s prognosis. However, further studies are needed in order to clarify the etiology, determine possibilities of intervention and devise treatments

    In vitro maturation of agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) oocytes followed by in vitro fertilization and parthenogenetic activation

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    O objetivo foi avaliar protocolos de maturação in vitro (MIV) para oócitos de cutias, seguida de fertilização in vitro (FIV) e ativação partenogenética (AP). Os oócitos imaturos (CCOs) foram obtidos por fatiamento do ovário, após OSH, e submetidos a três grupos: MAT - 16 (16 horas de maturação), MAT - 20 (20 horas de maturação) e MAT - 24 (24 horas de maturação), em incubadora de cultivo a 38,8°C, com atmosfera de 5% de CO2 e 95% de umidade relativa. A maturação foi analisada pela presença do primeiro corpúsculo polar. Em seguida, os CCOs maduros foram submetidos à FIV, com período de coincubação dos CCOs e dos espermatozoides de 15h, a 38,8ºC e 5% de CO2, e AP com ionomicina. Os grupos de MIV foram analisados utilizando-se o teste qui-quadrado e, nos experimentos de FIV e AP, foram analisadas a taxa de clivagem e a proporção de desenvolvimento embrionário. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se o programa SAS. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos de maturação, tendo os grupos MAT - 20 e MAT - 24 apresentado maior porcentagem de oócitos maturados in vitro. As taxas de clivagem e de desenvolvimento embrionário foram de 8,6% e 2,9%, respectivamente, na FIV, e de 63,6% e 15,1%, na AP. Entretanto, nos dois casos, o embrião não passou do estágio de mórula.The objective was to evaluate IVM protocols for agouti oocytes, followed by in vitro fertilization (IVF) and parthenogenetic activation (PA). The immature oocytes (CCOs) were obtained by slicing the ovary after OSH and submitted to three groups: MAT - 16 (16 hours maturation), MAT - 20 (20 hours maturation) and MAT – (24 hours maturation), in a culture incubator at 38.8°C, with an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% relative humidity. The maturation was analyzed by the presence of the first polar corpuscle. Then, mature CCOs were submitted to IVF, with co-incubation period of CCOs and spermatozoa from 15h to 38.8°C and 5% of CO2, and PA with inomycin. The IVM groups were analyzed using the chi-square test and in the FIV and PA experiment the rate of cleavage and the rate of embryonic development were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using the SAS program. There was a significant difference between the maturation groups, and the MAT - 20 and MAT - 24 groups showed a higher percentage of matured oocytes in vitro. The rates of cleavage and embryonic development were 8.6% and 2.9%, respectively in FIV and 63.6% and 15.1% in PA. However, in both cases the embryo did not pass beyond the morula stage

    Associação prevalência e fatores de risco entre obesidade e câncer de mama

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    In Brazil and worldwide, an increase in breast cancer rates every year, so obese individuals have a risk of 1.5 to 3.5 more likely to develop cancer and obesity is also a risk factor for other cancers. . This article aims to analyze the association, prevalence and risk factors between obesity and breast cancer. This is an integrative literature review conducted through the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS). After selecting twenty articles, only seven were part of the final sample. According to the results obtained, in the association between breast cancer and obesity, it was found in most studies that these are directly interconnected, which present pre-obesity and general obesity among women with breast cancer. Such results are closely linked to women undergoing postmenopausal treatment. Regarding prevalence, it is high among the population studied, risk factors indicate sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity and low knowledge about its benefits. The present study is limited to the association prevalence and risk factors between obesity and breast cancer. Given the above is evident the importance of studies such as these, since they contribute directly to scholars in the area, as well as to the literature.En Brasil y en todo el mundo, un aumento en las tasas de cáncer de mama cada año, por lo que las personas obesas tienen un riesgo de 1.5 a 3.5 más probabilidades de desarrollar cáncer y la obesidad también es un factor de riesgo para otros tipos de cáncer. . Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la asociación, la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo entre la obesidad y el cáncer de mama. Esta es una revisión bibliográfica integradora realizada a través de las bases de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), la Biblioteca Electrónica en Línea Científica (SCIELO) y la Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS). Después de seleccionar veinte artículos, solo siete formaron parte de la muestra final. Según los resultados obtenidos, en la asociación entre el cáncer de mama y la obesidad, se encontró en la mayoría de los estudios que estos están directamente interconectados, lo que presenta pre-obesidad y obesidad general entre las mujeres con cáncer de mama. Dichos resultados están estrechamente relacionados con las mujeres sometidas a tratamiento posmenopáusico. En cuanto a la prevalencia, es alta entre la población estudiada, los factores de riesgo indican un estilo de vida sedentario, baja actividad física y poco conocimiento sobre sus beneficios. El presente estudio se limita a la asociación entre prevalencia y factores de riesgo entre obesidad y cáncer de seno. Dado lo anterior es evidente la importancia de estudios como estos, ya que contribuyen directamente a los académicos en el área, así como a la literatura. No Brasil e no mundo a um aumento dos índice de câncer de mama a cada ano, logo os indivíduos obesos possuem um risco de 1,5 a 3,5 mais chances de desenvolver um câncer e a obesidade também é fator de risco para outros canceres. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a associação, prevalência e fatores de risco entre obesidade e câncer de mama. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura realizada através dos bancos de dados da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências em Saúde (LILACS). Após a seleção de vinte artigos, apenas sete fizeram parte da amostra final. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, na associação entre câncer de mama e obesidade, constatou-se na maioria dos estudos que estes estão diretamente interligados, os quais apresentam pré-obesidade e obesidade geral entre as mulheres com câncer de mama. Tais resultados estão intimamente ligados a mulheres em tratamento na pós-menopausa. Em relação à prevalência, esta se encontra alta entre a população estudada, os fatores de risco apontam o sedentarismo, a baixa realização de atividades físicas e o baixo conhecimento acerca dos benefícios da mesma. O presente estudo limita-se a associação prevalência e fatores de risco entre obesidade e câncer de mama. Diante do exposto fica evidente a importância de estudos como estes, desde que contribuem diretamente para os estudiosos da área, bem como para a literatura