289 research outputs found

    Desempenho de vacas Holandês-Zebu sob substituição parcial de milho por casca de café

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    Replacement of corn by citrus pulp or coffee hulls explores the potential of dairy cows to digest fiber-rich feedstuffs. However, for the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, replacing citrus pulp by coffee hulls may reduce milk production costs, since citrus pulp needs to be imported from another state, while coffee hulls are highly available at essentially no cost. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of crossbred cows fed concentrates containing 25% coffee hulls (Coffee) or 25% citrus pulp (Pulp) as a replacement for ground corn grain (Corn; 47.4% in the concentrate). Forty-two cows were blocked based on milk yield and allocated to one of the three treatments for 56 days, following a 14-day standardization period. Concentrates were fed twice a day during the milking routine, 1 kg to each 2.5 kg of the average milk yield for the block, determined at the end of the standardization period. The daily 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield was 7.5 kg for Corn, 7.9 kg for Pulp and 6.2 kg for Coffee (P ; 0.26). The Pulp concentrate provided the highest financial efficiency, while Coffee was the least efficient (P ; 0.26). O concentrado Polpa foi o de maior eficiência financeira e o Café o menos eficiente (P < 0.01). Estes dados sugerem que é baixo o potencial de utilização da casca de café em inclusões iguais ou superiores a 25% do concentrado oferecido no momento da ordenha

    Situação sanitária dos medicamentos na atenção primária no Sistema Único de Saúde nas capitais do Brasil

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    Introduction: Pharmacies, within the scope of the Unified Health System (SUS), must comply with health standards, as well as follow the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health to guarantee access to safe, effective and quality medicines. Objective: To characterize the technical issues and conservation conditions of medicines of primary care in the Unified Health System, in the capitals of Brazil, grouped by regions, about technical-sanitary requirements, storage and environmental conditions, fire safety and electrical breakdown items, control system of inventory, fractionation, waste management, regulation of advertising/promotion of medicines, actions related to pharmacovigilance and transport. Method: Cross-sectional, exploratory study, covering 455 pharmacies in primary care services in the capitals of Brazil, which constitute a subsample of the Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM). An observation guide and interviews were used with those responsible for pharmaceutical assistance (n = 24) and those responsible for delivering medicines to services (n = 108). Results: Non-compliance with technical and sanitary conditions, which can interfere in maintaining stability, quality, efficacy, and safety, indicating management problems, infrastructure and quality of pharmaceutical services were identified, in addition to possible increased costs for the system due to losses. More deficient sanitary conditions in general were found in the capitals of the North and Northeast and better conditions in the capitals of other regions. Conclusions: Pharmacies of the SUS primary health network face problems in management, infrastructure, organization, and quality of pharmaceutical services that can compromise the quality of the medicines offered, and increase costs for the system. Improvement of management, investments in infrastructure and in the qualification of human resources, and improvement of inspection and health surveillance are urgently needed for essential medicines and pharmaceutical assistance policies to be effective.Introdução: As farmácias, no âmbito do SUS, devem cumprir as normas sanitárias, bem como seguir as diretrizes estabelecidas pelo Ministério da Saúde, a fim de garantir o acesso a medicamentos seguros, efetivos e de qualidade. Objetivo: Caracterizar a situação sanitária dos medicamentos na atenção primária no SUS, nas capitais do Brasil, segundo as regiões, no tocante a: requisitos técnico-sanitários, condições de armazenamento, itens de segurança contra incêndio e pane elétrica, condições ambientais, sistema de controle de estoque, fracionamento, gerenciamento de resíduos, regulação da publicidade/promoção de medicamentos, ações relacionadas à farmacovigilância e ao transporte. Método: Estudo transversal, exploratório, abarcando 455 farmácias de serviços de atenção primária das capitais do Brasil que constituem uma subamostra da Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM). Utilizou-se um roteiro de observação e entrevistas com os responsáveis pela assistência farmacêutica (n = 24) e responsáveis pela entrega de medicamentos dos serviços (n = 108). Resultados: Constatou-se o descumprimento de requisitos técnicos e sanitários que podem interferir na manutenção da sua estabilidade, qualidade, eficácia e segurança, indicando problemas de gestão, infraestrutura e qualidade dos serviços farmacêuticos, além de possível incremento de custos para o sistema devido a perdas. Condições sanitárias mais deficitárias foram encontradas nas capitais do Norte e Nordeste e mais favoráveis nas demais. Conclusões: As farmácias enfrentam problemas de gestão, infraestrutura, organização e qualidade dos serviços farmacêuticos que podem comprometer a qualidade dos medicamentos oferecidos e incrementar custos para o sistema. O aprimoramento da gestão, os investimentos em infraestrutura e na qualificação dos recursos humanos e o aprimoramento da fiscalização da Vigilância Sanitária se fazem urgentes para que as políticas de medicamentos e de assistência farmacêutica sejam efetivas

    Influence of enhancement filters in apical bone loss measurement : a cone-beam computed tomography study

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    The use of cone-beam computed tomography images (CBCT) providing a better assessment of bone injuries, although the sensibility of lesions measurement might be improved by the use of enhancement filters. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the influence of enhancement filters in apical bone loss measurement. Eighteen CBCT cases randomly selected of apical bone loss were evaluated. The analyses were carried out following the evaluation in axial, coronal and sagittal protocols, using enhancement filters as Hard, Normal, and Very Sharp. The variables were statistically analyzed by Friedman and Wilcoxon test, Spearman?s rho, and intraclass correlation coefficient. The differences between filters in axial and sagittal protocols were significant (p<0.05); however, this was not observed in the coronal slice. The use of Hard filter demonstrates better results than Very Sharp and Normal filter, improving significantly the bone loss measurement. A strong, significant and positive correlation was noted for all filters (with p< 0.001), such as a strong agreement between the variables, when the Normal filter was used as a reference. The use of enhancement filters increases the sensitivity of alveolar bone loss measurement, with relative advantage for Hard filter

    Influence of the dental topical application of a nisin-biogel in the oral microbiome of dogs: a pilot study

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    Research Areas: Science & Technology - Other TopicsPeriodontal disease (PD) is one of the most widespread inflammatory diseases in dogs. This disease is initiated by a polymicrobial biofilm in the teeth surface (dental plaque), leading to a local inflammatory response, with gingivitis and/or several degrees of periodontitis. For instance, the prevention of bacterial dental plaque formation and its removal are essential steps in PD control. Recent research revealed that the antimicrobial peptide nisin incorporated in the delivery system guar gum (biogel) can inhibit and eradicate bacteria from canine dental plaque, being a promising compound for prevention of PD onset in dogs. However, no information is available regarding its effect on the dog's oral microbiome. In this pilot study, the influence of the nisin-biogel on the diversity of canine oral microbiome was evaluated using next generation sequencing (NGS), aiming to access the viability of nisin-biogel to be used in long-term experiment in dogs. Composite toothbrushing samples of the supragingival plaque from two dogs were collected at three timepoints: T1-before any application of the nisin-biogel to the animals' teeth surface; T2-one hour after one application of the nisin-biogel; and T3-one hour after a total of three applications of the nisin-biogel, each 48 hours. After that, microbial profiling was performed by NGS of the V3V4 16s rRNA region. After only one application of the nisin-biogel to the oral cavity of dogs, a statistically significant reduction in microbial diversity was observed (T2) as well as a reduction of some bacterial species potentially related with distinct stages of PD, when compared with samples collected before any application (T1). However, after a total of three nisin-biogel applications (T3), a recovery of the microbial diversity was detected. In conclusion, the nisin-biogel may influence the canine oral microbiome. A reduction in some bacterial species potentially related with distinct stages of PD was observed. This pilot study will help to design a controlled in vivo clinical trial to evaluate nisin-biogel effect on dental plaque progression and canine periodontal indices evolution in a long-term application period.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antecedentes e Características do Risco de Fraude Contábil: Uma Análise Multicasos no Setor Bancário Brasileiro

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    Este estudo buscou verificar quais as variáveis associadas ao risco de fraude contábil apresentavam relação com as possíveis alterações nas demonstrações contábeis de três instituições financeiras envolvidas em processos administrativos punitivos e/ou em intervenção pelo Banco Central. Foram aplicadas as técnicas estatísticas do Teste t de Student para amostras independentes via Bootstrap e o Teste de Kruskal Wallis. Pode-se inferir que as contas do Ativo não Circulante possuem características que podem contribuir para o risco de fraude bancária, com significância estatística ao nível de 5%. Na análise setorial, diferenças significativas foram encontradas para os indicadores Margem Líquida, Participação dos Empréstimos e Custo Médio de Captação. O risco de fraude contábil em bancos parece ter relação também com indicadores não contábeis, como a existência de infrações contábeis e poucos mecanismos de controle da fraude


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    The second year of co ee growth is characterized by replanting to replace plants that did not developsatisfactorily. The objective of this study was to investigate how this activity a ected the sales prices. TheAgrianual, the yearbook of Brazilian agriculture, provided the costs and sales prices used for the period1999 to 2008. For cost variables the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Lilliefors) test was applied to verify normality ofthe data. Then the Spearman correlation coe icient and Pearson correlation coe icient were calculated toanalyze whether they were correlated linearly. Further the coe icient of determination was calculated, thatdefines how much of a cost variable is explained by the variable sales price.  Finally, a linear regressionequation verified the dependence between variables, together with a standard error of estimate. Resultsshowed that in the second year of growth with replanting and the twelve cost variables a similar behavior could be drawn for nine cost variables with the sales price. Therefore inputs may be given to the ruralproducer for budget planning and a method for cost analyses.O segundo ano da lavoura do café é marcado por seu replantio, em substituição às plantas que tiveramalgum problema de desenvolvimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar de que forma se deu essecomportamento, na cultura em questão, em relação ao preço de venda. Para isso, utilizaram-se os dados doAgrianual – o anuário da agricultura brasileira – de custos e preços de venda do período de 1999 a 2008. Foiaplicado nas variáveis de custos o teste de Kolmogorov-smirnov (Lilliefors), para verificar a normalidade dosdados. Posteriormente, calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o coeficiente de correlação dePearson,  para analisar se eles estavam correlacionados linearmente. Finalizou-se com o cálculo docoeficiente de determinação, que define quanto de uma variável de custos é explicado pela variável preço devenda; além disso, obteve-se a equação de regressão linear para averiguar a dependência entre as variáveis,juntamente com o erro-padrão de estimativa. O resultado obtido evidenciou que, no segundo ano do plantiodo café, das doze variáveis do custo, conseguiu-se traçar um comportamento semelhante de nove variáveis de custo com o preço de venda. Pode-se assim, fornecer ao produtor rural subsídios para o planejamento de seus orçamentos e um método para análises dos custosEl segundo año de la labranza del café está marcado por su replantación en sustitución a las plantas que tuvieron algún problema de desarrollo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar de qué forma se realizó esecomportamiento, en el cultivo en cuestión, en relación al precio de venta. Para eso, se utilizaron los datosdel Agrianual, el anuario de la agricultura brasileña, de costos y precios de venta del periodo de 1999 a2008. Fue aplicado en las variables de costos el test de Kolmogorov-smirnov (Lilliefors) para verificar lanormalidad de los datos. Posteriormente, se calculó el coeficiente de correlación de  Spearman y elcoeficiente de correlación de  Pearson, para analizar si ellos estaban correlacionados linealmente. Sefinalizó con el cálculo del coeficiente de determinación, que define cuanto de una variable de costos seexplica por la variable del precio de venta; además de eso, se obtuvo la ecuación de regresión linear paraaveriguar la dependencia entre las variables, junto con el error-estándar de estimación. El resultadoobtenido dejó evidente que en el segundo año de plantación del café, de las doce variables del costo, seconsiguió trazar un comportamiento semejante de nueve variables de costo con el precio de venta. De estamanera, se puede ofrecer al prod

    Disseminated mycosis in a patient with yellow fever

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    Disseminated mycosis (DM)—with cardiac involvement and shock—is an unexpected and severe opportunistic infection in patients with yellow fever. DM can mimic bacterial sepsis and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of causes of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in this group of patients, especially in areas where an outbreak of yellow fever is ongoing. We report the case of a 53-year-old male patient who presented to the emergency department with fever, myalgia, headache, and low back pain. The laboratory investigation revealed a positive molecular test for yellow fever, hepatic injury, and renal failure. During hospitalization, the patient developed hepatic encephalopathy, ascending leukocytosis, and ascites, with signs consistent with peritonitis. On the 11th day of hospitalization, the patient developed atrioventricular block, shock and died. At autopsy, angioinvasive mycosis was evidenced mainly in the heart, lungs, kidneys, and adrenals