93 research outputs found


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    Perilaku pembelian seseorang terhadap suatu produk dipengaruhi banyak faktor. Tiap individu mempunyai keinginan dan selera yang berbeda-beda. Kualitas produk merupakan faktor yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian, selain itu masih banyak lagi faktor lain yang mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pendapatan, harga dan kualitas terhadap keputusan pembelian Mobil Nissan serta menganalisis variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh paling dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian Mobil Nissan di wilayah surakarta. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen Mobil Nissan di wilayah Surakarta. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 100 responden dengan teknik Accidental Quota Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data kuesioner, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda, uji statistik (uji t, uji F dan koefisien determinasi) dan analisis crasstabs. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dari uji t diperoleh temuan bahwa secara parsial harga dan kualitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian produk mobil Nissan, sedangkan pendapatan tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Dari hasil uji F bahwa secara simultan pendapatan, harga dan kualitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian produk mobil Nissan dimana nilai F hitung > F tabel. harga mempunyai pengaruh paling dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian produk mobil Nissan. Diperoleh nilai R square sebesar 0,280, yang artinya variabel dependen dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel independen sebesar 28,0% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 72,0% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain diluar model

    Studi Ketahaanan Coating Ni Yang Di Bentuk Melalui Proses Elektroplating Terhadap Beban Panas Kejut

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    Many common carbon steel as a construction material engineering, but the use at high temperatures such as natural gas pipelines, turbine components, hot-work tool steels are still not widely found. This is because the heat resistance of low carbon steel. The purpose of this study was to develop a layer of Ni in carbon steel with electroplating processes, and continued by knowing the heat resistance coating. This research was conducted by using a material of low carbon steel St 40 as a substrate with a diameter of 16 mm at a thickness of 3 mm and a mixed solution of nickel sulfate, nickel chloride and boric acid as a coating material Ni. The electroplating process using a voltage of 2.1 volts with a long dip 2 hours. To determine the heat resistance of the product coating then after the electroplating process, the specimen is inserted in a heating oven with 5 variations of temperature (500°C, 600°C, 700°C, 800°C and 900°C) for 30 minutes and then cooled rapidly with water. Characteristics of the product is done by testing a micro photograph and testing of mechanical properties is done by micro vickers to determine the hardness of the coating Ni. The test results of micro photo thickness of Ni are heated with temperature variation shows that the thickness of the electroplating layer at a temperature of 500°C has the highest thickness of 24.95 μm, 22.50 μm at a temperature of 600°C, 700°C temperature of 20.40 μm, a temperature of 800°C at 18.86 μm, and a temperature of 900°C at 17.87 lm. Hardness testing on specimens that have been heated Ni layer showed that on heating to 500°C to produce the highest hardness of 215.3 HV, heating 600°C yield of 177.4 HV hardness, heating 700°C yield of 153.0 HV hardness, heating 800°C produce violence amounted to 131.6 HV, and heating at 900°C to produce 100.3 HV hardness. Based on testing of micro photograph and micro vickers the Ni coating, the heating process has led to a reduction in the thickness and the reduction of violence

    The Propaganda Expressions in “Angel and Demon” Novel by Dan Brown

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    This research studied about the kinds of propaganda expressions and what messages are conveyed through the propaganda expressions in Angel and Demon novel by Dan Brown. The research used the propaganda theory by Harold Laswell, that divided in four kinds; agitation, integration, horizontally and vertically propaganda. In the methodology of research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method and intrinsic and extrinsic approach. In this research, the writer found there are some expressions that contain agitation propaganda, integration propaganda, horizontally propaganda and vertically propaganda that could be giving influence to the reader. In general, an expression of propaganda in “Angel and Demon” novel by Dan Brown wants to change the mindset of people towards their views to the brotherhood of the „Illuminati. The novel attempts to explain the history of the birth of a conflict between the Christian and the „Illuminati‟ and how much influence they had been, the author packed them into a dialogue delivered by characters that are in the novel in which there are propaganda expressions. The implication of this research as a information to the public that a novel is not only use full as a reading at leisure or entertainment, but the novel can also be functioning as media of propaganda

    The Effectiveness Projec Based Learning Methods in Teaching Structure of Indonesian Morpheme

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    This research was aimed to know the result of learning process by project based learning in the matter of Indonesian language form and structure of its morpheme. This research was a classroom action research with the stages constructing action plan, implementing, monitoring, and reflecting towards the execution process of the action, which was implemented in two cycles. The subjects of the research were 31 students of study program of Indonesian language. While, the data collection methods were observation and test, afterwards the data were processed by descriptive statistic. Base on the analysis result, it was found that average students learning activities in first cycle are 2.71, belonging to the active categories. While, it was found that the percentage of students learning mastery in the cycle 1 was 35.48%. In cycle II the average students learning activities was 77.42%. Due to the students learning mastery in cycle II was higher than 75%, and the students learning activities belonging to the active categories, therefore the mastery in cycle II was achieved.Keywords: project based learning; form; and structure of its morpheme


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    Abstrak Minat yaitu ketertarikan dengan sesuatu hal yang dapat mengembangkan bakat siswa yang menimbulkan rasa kesenangan pada diri sendiri tanpa paksaan dari orang tua maupun lingkungan di sekitar. Faktor intern dan faktor ekstern merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi minat siswa kelas X dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bolavoli Di SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan minat siswa dalam mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bolavoli di SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi yang melibatkan siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya yang aktif dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bolavoli sebanyak 27 siswa (laki-laki 15 dan 12 perempuan). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket minat diadopsi dari Candra Gunawan dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,953. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan google form yang diberikan kepada siswa melalui WA Group. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan deskriptif statistik dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata minat intrinsik siswa sebesar 36,1 (tinggi) nilai standar deviasi sebesar 4,31, nilai tertinggi 43 dan nilai terendah 28. Kemudian rata-rata minat ekstrinsik siswa sebesar 40,9 (tinggi) nilai standar deviasi sebesar 7,08, nilai tertinggi 56 dan  nilai terendah 31. Dan total minat siswa dengan rata-rata sebesar 77,1 (tinggi) nilai standar deviasi sebesar 9,94, nilai tertinggi 94 dan  nilai terendah  60. Jadi dapat disimpulkan minat siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bolavoli di SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya termasuk kategori tinggi. Kata Kunci: ekstrakurikuler, minat, bola voli                                                                              Abstract Interest is an interest in something that can develop students' talents such as extracurricular activities that create a sense of fun in themselves without coercion from parents or the surrounding environment. Internal factors and external factors are factors that influence the interest of class X students in participating in volleyball extracurricular activities at SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya. The purpose of this study was to describe students' interest in participating in volleyball extracurricular activities at SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. This study is a population study involving the students of class X SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya who are active in volleyball extracurricular activities as many as 27 students (15 boys and 12 girls). The instrument used is a questionnaire on adoption interest from Candra Gunawan with a reliability value of 0.953. The data collection procedure was carried out using a google form given to students through the WA Group. Data analysis was performed using statistics and percentages. The results showed that the average value of students' intrinsic interest was 36.1 (high) the standard deviation was 4.31, the highest value was 43 and the lowest value was 28. Then the average extrinsic interest of students was 40.9 (high) the standard value. the deviation is 7.08, the highest value is 56 and the lowest value is 31. And the total student interest with an average of 77.1 (high) the standard deviation value is 9.94, the highest value is 94 and the lowest value is 60. So it can be said that student interest who participated in volleyball extracurricular activities at SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya were in the high category.  Keywords: extracurricular,  interests,  volleybal

    KONSEP IJTIHAD (Studi Atas Pandangan Muhammad Arkoun)

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    Persoalan umat Islam di zaman modern memang semakin sulit dipulihkan kembali kepada misi Islam yang Rahmatan lil Alamin, ketika terlalu mensakralkan hal-hal yang selama ini menjadi pedoman umat. Seperti halnya ketika wahyu Tuhan yang telah ditafsirkan oleh para penafsir-penafsir terdahulu  dilegitimasi oleh suatu kelompok yang kemudian tidak bisa dikritisi dan tidak memberikan ruang untuk mengembangkan penafsiran baru. Karena kebutuhan sosial dari waktu ke waktu dan dari tempat ke tempat cenderung berbeda, maka harus ada ketetapan bagi pemikiran kreatif dan reinterprestasi ketetapan Ilahi. Maka dari itu Muhammad Arkoun dalam salah satu langkahnya dalam mengembangkan ijtihad menekankan pentingnya hermeneutika dan analisis historis khususnya dalam menginterprestasikan hal yang berhubungan dengan teologis. Ijtihad atas pandangan Muhammad Arkoun ialah segala upaya untuk menyadarkan umat Islam untuk memiliki kesadaran sejarah serta memahami sejarah atau kultur itu dengan menggunakan berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan. Demikian itulah yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai kritik sejarah untuk merekonstruksi pemikiran Islam yang mandek dan tidak inovatif. Maka dari itu konsep ijtihad Muhammad Arkoun adalah segala upaya intelektual yang dilakukan untuk menginterpretasikan hal-hal yang sifatnya masih diselimuti kesamaran yang membingungkan sebagai upaya memajukan umat Islam. Sehingga cita-cita agama sebagai agama kemanusiaan, spiritual dan Rahmatallil alamin bagi setiap ciptaan Tuhan bisa terwujud


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    This study aims to determine how the evaluation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in overcoming poverty in Batu Ke'de Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research with phenomenological research type. The results of the research conducted showed that the Evaluation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Batu Ke'de Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency saw from aspect 1.) the input in its implementation had been supportive, both in terms of supporting resources, facilities and infrastructure and sufficient human resources. 2.) The implementation process starts from the initial meeting, verification of commitment and assistance is in accordance with PKH implementation guidelines. 3.) Outputs in the implementation of PKH provide the expected results such as utilization in the fields of education and health. 4.) the resulting outcome is that the community is greatly assisted in the field of education in supporting the needs of school childre

    Impelementasi Konsep Maksim dalam Menilai Kejujuran Komunikasi Antara Dosen dan Mahasiswa

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    This research uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods. The objectives of the research are (a) to know what maxims are violated by students and lecturers of Hamzanwadi University in communicating, (b) explain the implementation of Maksim concept in assessing the honesty of Lecturer and Student  ommunication at Hamzanwadi University. The location of the research was conducted on the campus of Hamzanwadi University with the sample of research were 30 students and 3 lecturers. Data collection is done by using questionnaire, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study are descriptive statistics in the form of frequency distribution. The value of honesty data (beginning and end) is analyzed using T-Test type Paired Samples Test, while the data of honesty value using T-Test for each Independent Samples Test. Based on the research results found that the maxim is often violated by lecturers and students PGSD in the verbal stage of the maxim quality and maxim way. Based on the normality test the level of honesty of PGSD Student communication with 0.56 rerate categorized "quite honest" in class A, B da C at the interval of the suspension 0.30-0.70. Based on the questionnaire of honesty of lecturer of MKU BI teaching in PGSD found different level of honesty that is 66,67% elementary lecturer with index score interval of 0,67 which categorized "quite honest", then lecturer HY 80% with index intervalskor 0,80 which is categorized as "honest", and dose NE 73.33% with index score interval score of 0.73 which is "honest" with third rerate of lecturer is 73.33. Implementation of maxim concept of honesty value of communication between lecturers and students of PGSD on learning general course of Indonesia Language (BI) has fulfilled the principle of cooperation maxim with a fair degree of good honesty.Keywords: Implementation, Maxim, Honesty Value, Communication