131 research outputs found
After collapse the World Trade Center, make terrorism rumors and religious radicalism,
especially islam is central rumors and be international attention. In indonesia, rumors about terrorism
and religious radicalism is attention many sides after Balinese Bomb I and Balinese Bomb II. Of so
much many religious terror events, executant predominantly from circle santri Pondok Pesantren
Salaf. This study has deskriftif-kuantitatif, that is study to realize certain phenomenon and elaborated
by using number score or rank. Result from this study mentions, that study system at salafiy influential
towards Islamic fanaticism so strong in self Santri. Santri’s opinion that Islam religion that must they
fight for and distribute to society variously. Perspective of santri about religious radicalism is only
around that aspect. In other aspect, like nationalism, jihad, and their attitude is towards hebrew
person and christian within measure standart.
Keyword: The Pondok Pesantren Salaf, Religious Radicalism, Islamic Fanatis
Implementasi Manajemen Pengetahuan di Lingkungan Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan
Knowledge management has three important elements that can affect the successful implementation of knowledge management, namely people, process, and technology. The implementation of knowledge management within the Ministry of Finance officially began when the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 226 of 2019 concerning Knowledge Management in the Ministry of Finance was issued. However, the implementation of knowledge management has actually been going on for quite a long time at the Ministry of Finance, including the Financial Education and Training Agency as one of the echelon I units within the Ministry of Finance. This study tries to identify various forms of knowledge management implementation within the Financial Education and Training Agency considering that in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 226 of 2019 the Financial Education and Training Agency has a more role in the management of knowledge management at the Ministry of Finance level. The results of the study indicate that the Financial Education and Training Agency has implemented knowledge management in various forms, especially related to elements of knowledge management, both related to people, process, and technology
The Big Data Era: What are the Implications for the World of Accounting?
In an era where information technology is developing so rapidly as it is now, contact with technology is inevitable. One that may often be heard is the use of big data. Although the development of big data has begun long before, its growth began rapidly since the Oxford Dictionary included the definition of big data in 2013. The use of big data is thought to have a big influence on the business world, and anything that influences the business world will certainly affect the world of accounting. Does the accountant anticipate these changes? In this article, the author tries to explore what allusions might occur between the world of accounting and big data. Big data will increase the complexity of the accounting world by adding unstructured data in the accounting cycle. This presents a challenge for accountants but can also provide far greater added value if accountants are able to use it well. The results of this study indicate that there are at least 3 areas in the field of accounting that are very likely to be exposed to the use of big data, namely in the process of financial accounting, managerial accounting, and auditin
Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan penjenamaan Kabupaten Bone
berdasarkan pencarian data secara holistik yang kemudian diideasi dan
diimplementasikan dalam bentuk komunikasi visual. Selain itu perancangan ini
bertujuan untuk menghasilkan output yang dapat ditransmisikan kepada khalayak
secara masif melalui penekanan identitas visual berdasarkan ideasi rancangan
Dalam perancangan ini menggunakan metode design thinking yang diasosiasikan
oleh IDEO dengan tiga tahapan inspiration, ideation, implementation. Adapun yang
menjadi teknik pengumpulan data pada tahapan inspiration yaitu menggunakan
studi etnografi desain dengan alat ethnographic fieldwork guide yang merupakan
instrumen penelitian yang diciptakan oleh Design Ethno Lab ITB. Di dalam toolkit
tersebut berisi 3 sistematisasi yaitu ethnographic fieldwork notes, enthnographic
fieldwork canvas, dan ethnographic fieldwork report form.
Hasil dari perancangan penjenamaan ini menghasilkan nilai-nilai jenama yang telah
dirumuskan melalui ideasi atau intervensi desain yang kemudian diejawantahkan
kedalam bentuk identitas visual sebagai bentuk konkret akan refleksi yang
dihasilkan berdasarkan penanaman nilai dari rumusan jenama Kabupaten Bone.
Kata Kunci : Penjenamaan, Desain Antropologi, Etnografi, Sosio-kultural,
Kabupaten Bon
Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bunyi bahasa ditinjau dari aspek efek estetikdan makna. Ditinjau dari aspek estetik dan makna, kajian terhadap bunyibahasa menarik dilakukan. Dalam kajian ini digunakan metode analisisfonem; yakni pada fonem vokal dan konsonan. Terdapat lima jenis vokal,yakni /a/,/i/,/u/,/e/,/o/, dan enam fonem konsonan/p/,/b/,/m/,/h/,/?/,/ng/ yang dianalisis. Hasil analisis dari kajian inimenyatakan bahwa bunyi bahasa, secara khusus berupa fonem vokal dankonsonan dapat menimbulkan efek estetik dan efek makna. Efek estetiktersebut dapat muncul dengan bertolak dari daya imajinatif yangditimbulkan. Efek makna dalam konteks tersebut dapat ditimbulkan darinilai rasa tertentu, baik hal itu pengaruh dari fonem vokal maupunkonsonan. Dalam puisi yang bernafaskan Islam juga tidak luput dalampenggunaan kekuatan bunyi bahasa itu dalam rangka memperkuat dayaimpresinya kepada pembaca. Lebih lanjut, hasil kajian ini dapatdikembangkan lebih luas, misalnya terhadap efek estetik dan maknavarian-varian fonem vokal dan fonem konsonan yang lain, yang belumdibahas dalam tulisan ini
Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bunyi bahasa ditinjau dari aspek efek estetik<br />dan makna. Ditinjau dari aspek estetik dan makna, kajian terhadap bunyi<br />bahasa menarik dilakukan. Dalam kajian ini digunakan metode analisis<br />fonem; yakni pada fonem vokal dan konsonan. Terdapat lima jenis vokal,<br />yakni /a/,/i/,/u/,/e/,/o/, dan enam fonem konsonan<br />/p/,/b/,/m/,/h/,/?/,/ng/ yang dianalisis. Hasil analisis dari kajian ini<br />menyatakan bahwa bunyi bahasa, secara khusus berupa fonem vokal dan<br />konsonan dapat menimbulkan efek estetik dan efek makna. Efek estetik<br />tersebut dapat muncul dengan bertolak dari daya imajinatif yang<br />ditimbulkan. Efek makna dalam konteks tersebut dapat ditimbulkan dari<br />nilai rasa tertentu, baik hal itu pengaruh dari fonem vokal maupun<br />konsonan. Dalam puisi yang bernafaskan Islam juga tidak luput dalam<br />penggunaan kekuatan bunyi bahasa itu dalam rangka memperkuat daya<br />impresinya kepada pembaca. Lebih lanjut, hasil kajian ini dapat<br />dikembangkan lebih luas, misalnya terhadap efek estetik dan makna<br />varian-varian fonem vokal dan fonem konsonan yang lain, yang belum<br />dibahas dalam tulisan ini.<br /><br /
Study of Munasabah on Words of Sakinah Mawaddah Rahmah and Its Stylistics
AbstractThe Holy Qur’an is a sacred book for Muslims. The reader can understand its meanings and secrets from different aspects, including munasabah and stylistics. This study aims to know the secrets of the appropriate choice of the words sakinah (serenity), mawaddah (affection),and rahmah (mercy) and their arrangement in verse among married couples who wanted a permanent marriage without regret according to the Qur’anic approach. This study relied on the descriptive analytical method of these three words that appeared in Surah Al-Rum, verse 21. The method of collecting its data was based on reviewing and repeated reading of that verse according to the opinions of mufassir who interpreted this verse. The study reached results that the interpreters differed in understanding the meanings of these three words, especially the meaning of sakinah between the meaning of reassurance, tranquillity, and well-being at the economic level. However, they agreed that sakinah is the primary goal in the marital relationship, and affection and compassion are two means of achieving the success of the marital relationship. The spatial arrangement of these words is highly eloquent in terms of munasabah and style.Keywords: Marital relationship; Munasabah; Quranic approach; Quranic stylistic. AbstrakAl-Qur'an adalah kitab suci bagi umat Islam, dimana pembaca dapat memahami makna dan rahasianya dari berbagai aspek, termasuk munasabah dan stilistika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rahasia pemilihan kata sakinah (ketenangan), mawaddah (kasih sayang), dan rahmah (rahmah) serta susunannya dalam ayat di kalangan pasangan suami istri yang menginginkan pernikahan tetap tanpa penyesalan dalam pandangan al-Qur'an. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis terhadap ketiga kata yang muncul dalam Surat Al-Rum ayat 21. Cara pengumpulan datanya berdasarkan penelaahan dan pembacaan ulang terhadap ayat tersebut sesuai dengan pendapat mufassir. Kajian ini menghasilkan bahwa para mufassir berbeda dalam memahami makna ketiga kata tersebut, khususnya makna sakinah antara makna ketentraman, dan kesejahteraan dalam tataran ekonomi. Namun mereka sepakat bahwa sakinah adalah tujuan utama dalam hubungan perkawinan, dan kasih sayang serta kasih sayang merupakan dua sarana untuk mencapai keberhasilan hubungan perkawinan. Penataan ruang kata-kata ini sangat fasih dalam hal munasabah dan gayanya.Kata Kunci: Hubungan Suami Isteri; Munasabah; Pendekatan Al-Qur’an; Stilistika Al-Qur’an
This study discusses the analysis of the book translation of the book Ta'lim Muta'allim published by al-Hidayah. The book is one of the santri (moslem student) reference books to support students' understanding of the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) curriculum which uses the yellow book in their learning. The yellow book uses Arabic, so the translation of the book becomes very important. The focus of this research lies in the pattern of translation errors and justification of translations in accordance with the rules of Arabic and Indonesian dealing with lexicon, syntax and semantics. This qualitative research method uses an applied linguistic approach that focuses on error analysis. The primary data source in this research is the book translation of Ta'lim Muta'allim published by al-Hidayah, while the secondary data used in the study is a documentation technique by studying books and literacy that discusses the technique of translating properly and correctly according to structural , semantic and precise in terms of terminology. The results showed, including: Errors in the preparation of sentences in the target language, errors in the use of sentence effectiveness, errors in translating vocabulary, errors in aspects of omission or not translating aspects of vocabulary, phrases and sentences and errors in translating foreign terms
Effects of Honey Supplementation in Female Brood Feed on Male and Female Percentages, Growth, and Survival Rate of Crayfish Red Claw (Cherax quadricarinatus) Seed
The aim of this study was to know effects of honey supplementation in female brood feed on male and female percentages, growth, and survival rate of crayfish red claw seed. The method that used in this study was laboratory scale experiment. The treatments that was applied were addition of honey dosages in female brood feed of crayfish red claw, i.e. 0 (control), 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 ml/kg feed. Parameters test were male and female percentages, daily growth (G), specific growth rate (SGR) and survival rate of crayfish red claw seed. Data analysis that used was descriptive analysis. The result of this study indicated that supplement of honey in female brood feed of crayfish red claw influenced male and female percentages, growth rate, and survival rate of seed. Treatment of honey dosage 300 ml/kg feed has high result, i.e. male percentage was 58,09% (female, 41.09%), daily  growth was 0.59 mm/day, specific growth rate was 0.10% of BW/day, and survival rate was 96.77 %. Treatment of honey dosage 0 ml/kg feed (control) showed low result, i.e. male percentage was 46.72 % (female, 53.28%), day growth was 0.55 mm/day, specific growth rate was 0.01%  of BW/day, and survival rate was 94.74%. Keywords: supplementation, honey, crayfish, sex, growth  ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi madu dalam pakan induk betina terhadap persentase jantan dan betina, pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih lobster air tawar red claw. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah penambahan dosis madu dalam pakan induk betina lobster air tawar red claw, yaitu 0 (kontrol), 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 dan 300 ml/kg pakan. Parameter yang diuji adalah persentase jenis kelamin jantan dan betina, pertumbuhan harian (G), laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR) dan kelangsungan hidup dari benih lobster air tawar red claw. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa suplemen madu dalam pakan induk betina lobster air tawar red claw mempengaruhi persentase jantan dan betina, tingkat pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih. Perlakuan dosis madu 300 ml/kg pakan memberikan hasil yang tertinggi, yaitu persentase jantan sebesar 58,095 % (betina, 41,095 %), pertumbuhan harian sebesar 0,596 mm/hari, laju pertumbuhan spesifik sebesar 0,103 % BT/hari dan kelangsungan hidup sebesar 96,767 %. Perlakuan dosis madu 0 ml/kg pakan (kontrol) menunjukkan hasil yang terendah, yaitu persentase jantan sebesar 46,718 % (betina, 53,282 %), pertumbuhan harian sebesar 0,552 mm/hari, laju pertumbuhan spesifik sebesar 0,099 % BT/hari dan kelangsungan hidup sebesar 94,742 %. Kata kunci: suplementasi, madu, lobster air tawar, jenis kelamin, pertumbuha
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