370 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of symmetric binary mixtures at equimolar and non-equimolar concentrations: a systematic investigation

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    We consider symmetric binary mixtures consisting of spherical particles with equal diameters interacting via a hard-core plus attractive tail potential with strengths epsilon_{ij}, i,j=1,2, such that epsilon_{11} = epsilon_{22} > epsilon_{12}. The phase diagram of the system at all densities and concentrations is investigated as a function of the unlike-to-like interaction ratio delta = epsilon_{12}/epsilon_{11} by means of the hierarchical reference theory (HRT). The results are related to those of previous investigations performed at equimolar concentration, as well as to the topology of the mean-field critical lines. As delta is increased in the interval 0 < delta < 1, we find first a regime where the phase diagram at equal species concentration displays a tricritical point, then one where both a tricritical and a liquid-vapor critical point are present. We did not find any clear evidence of the critical endpoint topology predicted by mean-field theory as delta approaches 1, at least up to delta=0.8, which is the largest value of delta investigated here. Particular attention was paid to the description of the critical-plus-tricritical point regime in the whole density-concentration plane. In this situation, the phase diagram shows, in a certain temperature interval, a coexistence region that encloses an island of homogeneous, one-phase fluid.Comment: 27 pages + 20 figure

    Electrochemical characterisation of tetra- and octa-substituted oxo(phthalocyaninato)titanium(IV) complexes

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    The synthesis and electrochemical characterisation of the following oxotitanium tetra-substituted phthalocyanines are reported: 1,(4)-(tetrabenzyloxyphthalocyaninato)titanium(IV) oxide (5a); 1,(4)-{tetrakis[4-(benzyloxy)phenoxy]phthalocyaninato}titanium(IV) oxide (5b); 2,(3)-(tetrabenzyloxyphthalocyaninato)titanium(IV) oxide (6a) and 2,(3)-{tetrakis[4-(benzyloxy)phenoxy]phthalocyaninato}titanium(IV) oxide (6b). The electrochemical characterisation of complexes octa-substituted with 4-(benzyloxy)phenoxy (9b), phenoxy (9c) and tert-butylphenoxy (9d) groups is also reported. The cyclic voltammograms of the complexes exhibit reversible couples I–III and couple IV is quasi-reversible for complexes 5a, 5b, 6a and 6b. The first two reductions are metal-based processes, confirmed by spectroelectrochemistry to be due to Ti[superscript IV]Pc[superscript 2−]/Ti[superscript III]Pc[superscript 2−] and Ti[superscript III]Pc[superscript 2−]/Ti[superscript II]Pc[superscript 2−] redox processes and the last two reductions are ring-based processes due to Ti[superscript II]Pc[superscript 2−]/Ti[superscript II]Pc[superscript 3−] and Ti[superscript II]Pc[superscript 3−]/Ti[superscript II]Pc[superscript 4−]. Chronocoulometry confirmed a one-electron transfer at each reduction step. The electrochemistry of the above complexes is also compared to the previously reported 5c, 5d, 6c and 6d

    Nonuniversal route to universality: Critical phenomena in colloidal dispersions

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    We investigate critical phenomena in colloids by means of the renormalization-group based hierarchical reference theory of fluids (HRT). We focus on three experimentally relevant model systems: namely, the Asakura-Oosawa model of a colloidal dispersion under the influence of polymer-induced attractive depletion forces; fluids with competing short-range attractive and longer-range repulsive interactions; solutions of star-polymers whose pair potential presents both an attractive well and an ultrasoft repulsion at shorter distance. Our results show that the ability to tune the effective interactions between colloidal particles allows one to generate a variety of crossovers to the asymptotic critical behavior, which are not observed in atomic fluids.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Infinite compressibility states in the Hierarchical Reference Theory of fluids. II. Numerical evidence

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    Continuing our investigation into the Hierarchical Reference Theory of fluids for thermodynamic states of infinite isothermal compressibility kappa[T] we now turn to the available numerical evidence to elucidate the character of the partial differential equation: Of the three scenarios identified previously, only the assumption of the equations turning stiff when building up the divergence of kappa[T] allows for a satisfactory interpretation of the data. In addition to the asymptotic regime where the arguments of part I (cond-mat/0308467) directly apply, a similar mechanism is identified that gives rise to transient stiffness at intermediate cutoff for low enough temperature. Heuristic arguments point to a connection between the form of the Fourier transform of the perturbational part of the interaction potential and the cutoff where finite difference approximations of the differential equation cease to be applicable, and they highlight the rather special standing of the hard-core Yukawa potential as regards the severity of the computational difficulties.Comment: J. Stat. Phys., in press. Minor changes to match published versio

    Phase transitions in simple and not so simple binary fluids

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    Compared to pure fluids, binary mixtures display a very diverse phase behavior, which depends sensitively on the parameters of the microscopic potential. Here we investigate the phase diagrams of simple model mixtures by use of a microscopic implementation of the renormalization group technique. First, we consider a symmetric mixture with attractive interactions, possibly relevant for describing fluids of molecules with internal degrees of freedom. Despite the simplicity of the model, slightly tuning the strength of the interactions between unlike species drastically changes the topology of the phase boundary, forcing or inhibiting demixing, and brings about several interesting features such as double critical points, tricritical points, and coexistence domains enclosing `islands' of homogeneous, mixed fluid. Homogeneous phase separation in mixtures can be driven also by purely repulsive interactions. As an example, we consider a model of soft particles which has been adopted to describe binary polymer solutions. This is shown to display demixing (fluid-fluid) transition at sufficiently high density. The nature and the physical properties of the corresponding phase transition are investigated.Comment: 6 pages + 3 figures, presented at the 5th EPS Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz, 14-18 September 200

    Effect of conservation farming and biochar addition on soil organic carbon quality, nitrogen mineralization, and crop productivity in a light textured Acrisol in the sub-humid tropics

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    Conservation farming (CF), involving basin tillage, residue retention and crop rotation, combined with biochar may help to mitigate negative impacts of conventional agriculture. In this study, the effects of CF on the amount and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) and potential nitrogen (N) mineralization were investigated in a maize-soya-maize rotation in an Acrisol in Zambia. A large field was run under CF for 7 years and in the subsequent three growing seasons (2015–2018), four management practices were introduced to study effects on soil characteristics and crop yield. We tested i) a continuation of regular CF (CF-NORM) ii) CF without residue retention (CF-NO-RES); iii) Conventional (CONV), with full tillage and removal of residues; and iv) CF with 4 ton ha-1 pigeon pea biochar inside basins and residue retention (CF-BC). The experiment involved the addition of fertilizer only to maize, while soya received none. Soya yield was significantly higher in CF systems than in CONV. Maize yields were not affected by the different management practices probably due to the ample fertilizer addition. CF-NORM had a higher stock of soil organic carbon (SOC), higher N mineralization rates, more hot-water extractable carbon (HWEC; labile SOC) and particulate organic matter (POM) inside basins compared to the surrounding soil (outside basins). Our results suggest that the input of roots inside basins are more effective increasing SOM and N mineralization, than the crop residues that are placed outside basins. CONV reduced both quality and quantity of SOM and N mineralization as compared to CF inside basins. CF-BC increased the amount of SOC as compared with CF-NORM, whereas N mineralization rate and HWEC remained unaffected. The results suggest benefits on yield of CF and none of biochar; larger impact of root biomass on the build-up of SOM than crop residues; and high stability of biochar in soil.publishedVersio

    Implementation of the Hierarchical Reference Theory for simple one-component fluids

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    Combining renormalization group theoretical ideas with the integral equation approach to fluid structure and thermodynamics, the Hierarchical Reference Theory is known to be successful even in the vicinity of the critical point and for sub-critical temperatures. We here present a software package independent of earlier programs for the application of this theory to simple fluids composed of particles interacting via spherically symmetrical pair potentials, restricting ourselves to hard sphere reference systems. Using the hard-core Yukawa potential with z=1.8/sigma for illustration, we discuss our implementation and the results it yields, paying special attention to the core condition and emphasizing the decoupling assumption's role.Comment: RevTeX, 16 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes, published versio

    Optimization of torrefaction conditions for high energy density solid biofuel from oil palm biomass and fast growing species available in Malaysia

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    Without appropriate treatment, lignocellulosic biomass is not suitable to be fed into existing combustion systems because of its high moisture content, low bulk energy density and difficulties in transport, handling and storage. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of torrefaction treatment on the weight loss and energy properties of fast growing species in Malaysia (Acacia spp., and Macaranga spp.) as well as oil palm biomass (oil palm trunk and empty fruit bunch). The lignocellulosic biomass was torrefied at three different temperatures 200, 250 and 300 °C for 15, 30 and 45 min. Response surface methodology was used for optimization of torrefaction conditions, so that biofuel of high energy density, maximized energy properties and minimum weight loss could be manufactured. The analyses showed that increase in heating values was affected by treatment severity (cumulated effect of temperature and time). Our results clearly demonstrated an increased degradation of the material due to the combined effects of temperature and treatment time. While the reaction time had less impact on the energy density of torrefied biomass, the effect of reaction temperature was considerably stronger under the torrefaction conditions used in this study. It was demonstrated that each biomass type had its own unique set of operating conditions to achieve the same product quality. The optimized torrefaction conditions were verified empirically and applicability of the model was confirmed. The torrefied biomass occurred more suitable than raw biomass in terms of calorific value, physical and chemical properties. The results of this study could be used as a guide for the production of high energy density solid biofuel from lignocellulosic biomass available in Malaysia

    On acceleration of Krylov-subspace-based Newton and Arnoldi iterations for incompressible CFD: replacing time steppers and generation of initial guess

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    We propose two techniques aimed at improving the convergence rate of steady state and eigenvalue solvers preconditioned by the inverse Stokes operator and realized via time-stepping. First, we suggest a generalization of the Stokes operator so that the resulting preconditioner operator depends on several parameters and whose action preserves zero divergence and boundary conditions. The parameters can be tuned for each problem to speed up the convergence of a Krylov-subspace-based linear algebra solver. This operator can be inverted by the Uzawa-like algorithm, and does not need a time-stepping. Second, we propose to generate an initial guess of steady flow, leading eigenvalue and eigenvector using orthogonal projection on a divergence-free basis satisfying all boundary conditions. The approach, including the two proposed techniques, is illustrated on the solution of the linear stability problem for laterally heated square and cubic cavities

    La extensión universitaria en el diagnóstico, educación y prevención de las parasitosis infantiles

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    Una importante población de bajos recursos se asienta en las periferias de las ciudades con viviendas precarias, carentes de condiciones higienico-sanitarias adecuadas mínimas, conviviendo con mascotas sin desparasitar y expuestas a ambientes contaminados zoonóticamente que favorecen las parasitosis infantiles. Este escenario favorece la instalación de un grave problema de Salud Pública que vincula aspectos individuales, culturales, socioeconómicos y ambientales. El objetivo del trabajo es efectuar el diagnóstico enteroparasitológico, concientizar y educar a la población en la influencia de hábitos, suelo, agua y mascotas como fuentes de contaminación y diseminación de las parasitosis, incentivar a padres y docentes como agentes multiplicadores de prevención, transferir los resultados al equipo médico para tratamiento y seguimiento de individuos parasitados, hacer partícipes a los estudiantes de la problemática socio-ambiental y la realidad de las poblaciones vulnerables favoreciendo acciones solidarias.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria