332 research outputs found

    Communicative developmental flow of an american exlibris from a librarian " small" bookplate to a " small" graphic art (XVIII - XX century) Коммуникативный процесс развития американского экслибриса от библиотечного "малого" книжного листа до "малого" графического искусства (XVIII - XX век)

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    Предмет научноистраживачког рада ,,Комуникативно развојни ток америчког екслибриса од библиотечког ,,малог” књижног листића до ,,мале” ликовне графике (XVIII - XX век)” је неистражени и недовољно познат амерички екслибрис и његов постепени развој од малог књижног листића до независног уметничког дела. У оквиру грађе коришћене у oвом раду примарно су размотрени они екслибриси и социјални моменти америчког друштва који се посредно или непосредно тичу овог тока развоја, као и основни моменти преласка из оквира библиотечких, хералдичких, алегоријских, пикторијалних и дескриптивних екслибриса у модерни савремени екслибрис. У раду је истражено позајмљивање књига, исписивање изрека на корицама, а потом и колекционарство, интересовања и начела чувања ове библиотечке грађе. Назначена је значајна улога библиотека, не само са комуникацијског и значењског, већ и са аспекта очувања грађе. Истраживање је засновано на јасном теоријско-емпиријском, истраживачком, афирмативном и ликовном приступу. Основна хипотеза рада је представљање екслибриса као посебног вида графичке уметности познате и под називом „мала” графичка уметност, у којем се првобитно чувала библиотечка и музеолошка документација одрећених периода и институција. Тада је још носио назив „малог” књижног листића и ова чињеница завређује да буде представљена и обрађена на адекватан начин узимајући у обзир све најбитније параметре и директиве струковних начела овог предмета истраживања. Америчке библиотеке су имале за циљ да путем одређених екслибриса додатно оплемене познавање своје културе, традиције, језика и друштва у целини. Екслибрис је прошао пут доктрине културних институција и еминентних личности да би дошао до рецепта независног опстанка захваљујући манирима савремених уметника америчке уметничке сцене.The subject of scientific research “Communicative developmental flow of an American exlibris from a librarian “small” bookplate to a “ small” graphic art (XVIII-XX century)” is an unexplored and insufficiently known American bookplate and its gradual development from a small booklet statuses to an independent artistic work. Within the framework of the materials used in this paper primarily were considered bookplates and socially societal aspects of the American society that was directly or indirectly involved in this exchange and the basic places of preliminaries from the circles of libraries, heraldic, allegorical, pictorial and descriptive bookplates in to the modern bookplates. The work also involves borrowing books and printing motifs on the covers, and then collecting, interests and principles in keeping in libraries as an indispensable part of this research. The great role of libraries was not only communicative, meaningful but also from the aspect of preserving the material. The research is based on a clear theoretical, empirical, exploratory, affirmative and artistic approach. The basic hypothesis of work is that the bookplate is presented as a special type of graphic art known as the "small" graphic art, in which the library and museological documentation of certain periods and institutions was originally kept when it was still called the "small" booklet, which deserves to be presented and processed in an adequate manner taking into account all the most important parameters and directives of the professional principles of this subject of research. American libraries aimed to demonstrate additional refinement of the knowledge and knowledge of their culture, tradition, language, people, general familiarity with society as a whole through certain exile. Bookplates went through the path of intellectualism, the doctrine of the culture institutes and eminent personalities to come to a regular recipe of independent choice met by the demands of the manners of contemporary art of the American art scene

    Ethical issues and values in pharmacy practice

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    During their work, pharmacists are faced with a number of ethically difficult situations which include consideration of the values, rights and responsibilities. The overall aim of this study was to analyse the factors that influence the ethical valuesof pharmacists. We aimed to determine the relationship of these factors and the pharmacists’ perceptions of difficulty and frequency of ethical issues in community pharmacy settings. The research design was cross-sectional and descriptive; the datawere gathered from a sample of community pharmacists in Serbia by using validated self-administered survey instrument. In all, 590 pharmacists participated (94.06% females) with working experience from 1 to 39 years (mean 15.17 ± 10.04 years). The majority of respondents stated that the main factor influencing the ethical values of pharmacistsis professional ethics, followed by family norms. The most common reasons for addressing ethical issuesassociated with values arerelated to the following: importance of cooperation with other healthcare professionals, respect for the rules and regulations, patients` well-being, working within one’s competence to limit liability, controlling and monitoring the organizational and occupational framework of pharmacy profession. The respondents in our study identified an ethical imperative for pharmacists in limiting harm to patients and resistance to commercial pressures which might compromise their judgment. The results demonstrate a need for careful examination of the values that could be identified and explored in dilemmas created by commercial environmentand dual personality of users (patients, costumers) of community pharmacy servic


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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the specific characteristics of performance measurement on the example of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces. The calculation of financial and non-financial performance measures of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces contributes to constant improvement or maximization of their ability to provide goods and services through the effective and efficient acquisition and use of different types of resources. The research was conducted using the data on selected financial and nonfinancial performances from the 31st Infantry Battalion reports in the period from 2012 to 2018. In order to confirm the hypothesis, the method of analysis, the synthesis method and the correlation analysis method were used. The empirical results of this study show that there is a high degree of interdependence between the financial management and control systems, on the one hand, and increased training of people and more adequate maintenance of motor vehicles, weapons and combat techniques, on the other. The main contribution of this paper is to emphasize the importance of performance measurement in the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces and their contribution to creating a certain level of socialwelfare

    Synthesis and characterization of titanium(IV) oxide nanoparticles modified with catecholate and salicylate type ligands: experimental and theoretical (DFT) study

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    U poslednjih 30 godina nanokristalni TiO2 je privukao veliku paţnju kako kao fotokatalizator za različite praktične primene, tako i kao deo fotohemijskih sistema, kao što je Grecelova ćelija. Zbog svog velikog energetskog procepa (Eg=3,2 eV), TiO2 apsorbuje manje od 5 % dostupnih fotona sunčeve svetlosti, što ga čini relativno neefikasnim fotokatalizatorom. Takođe, glavni energetski gubitak nastaje usled procesa radijativne ili neradijativne rekombinacije naelektrisanja nastalih fotoekscitacijom TiO2, što se manifestuje kao relativno nizak prinos dugo-ţivećih razdvojenih naelektrisanja. Dakle, uspešna fotohemijska konverzija energije i reakcije koje slede zahtevaju produţeno vreme ţivota razdvojenih fotostvorenih naelektrisanja kao i apsorpciju u vidljivom delu spektra...In the last 30 years nanocrystalline TiO2 has attracted widespread attention as a photocatalyst in various practical applications as well as the part of photoelectrochemical systems, such as Grätzel cells. Due to its large band gap (Eg = 3,2 eV), TiO2 absorbs less than 5% of the available solar light photons, being a relatively inefficient photocatalyst. Also, the main energy loss is due to the process of radiative or nonradiative recombination of charges generated upon photoexcitation of TiO2, which is manifested as the relatively low yield of long-lived separated charges. Hence, the successful photochemical energy conversion and subsequent chemical reactions require both the extended lifetime of separated photogenerated charges and the response in the visible spectral region..

    Protolytic equilibria and stability of quercetin in aqueous solutions

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    The protonation constant of carbonyl group and dissociation constants of -OH groups of quercetin were determined from the changes in UV and IR spectra of aqueous solutions of various acidities. The distribution diagram of ionic species was calculated. Besides, the stability of quercetin was investigated as the function of pH and concentration. The analysis of kinetic curves indicated that a noncatalyzed conversion took place together with the autocatalyzed degradation of quercetin.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Corporate Responsibility of the Company in Internal and External Communication

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    Niska svest zainteresovanih strana o aktivnostima korporativno odgovornog poslovanja preduzeća ukazuje na potrebu da preduzeća efikasnije komuniciraju korporativnu odgovornost sa zainteresovanim stranama. Disertacija predstavlja novinu u istraživanjima u našoj zemlji u okviru globalnog menadženta i menadženta ljudskih resursa, jer je istražen značaj i uticaj interne i eksterne komunikacije za prihvatanje, implementaciju, sprovođenje i razvijanje koncepta korporativne odgovornosti preduzeća. Društveno odgovorna interna i eksterna komunikacija preduzeća su sagledane kroz komunikaciju o korporativnoj odgovornosti prema zaposlenima, prema tržistu, prema životnoj sredini i prema široj društvenoj zajednici. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili istraživačke hipoteze, na osnovu čega je dat predlog mera za unapređenje korporativne odgovornosti preduzeća u internom i eksternom komuniciranju, kao i predlog budućih istraživanja.Low awareness of the stakeholders concerning activities of the corporately responsible management of the company highlights a need for companies to provide more efficient corporately responsible communication with the stakeholders. This Dissertation represents a novelty in the research in our country within the global management and human resources management, because of the importance and influence of internal and external communication for the acceptance, implementation, realization and development of the concept of corporate responsibility of the company. Socially responsible internal and external communications of the company are evaluated through the communication of corporate responsibility towards employees, market, environment and wider community. Outcome of this research confirmed the research hypotheses and based on those results, it was proposed to take measures for the improvement of the corporate responsibility of the company in internal and external communication as well as to make the future researches

    Adaptive or stable response of Amy - genotypes of Drosophila subobscura in the conditions of discrete and abrupt changes of environment

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    U sаvrеmеnој biоlоgiјi оpštе је prihvаćеn stаv dа sе оrgаnizmi i pоpulаciје nе mоgu pоsmаtrаti izvаn svојih srеdinа. U dinаmici gеnоfоndа pоpulаciје znаčајаn је stеpеn uspеšnоsti оdgоvоrа rаzličitih gеnоtipоvа nа prоmеnе uslоvа srеdinе. Stоgа је sаglеdаvаnjе mоgućih vidоvа intеrаkciје rаzličitih gеnоtipоvа i srеdinа znаčајnо zа rаzumеvаnjе mikrоеvоluciоnih prоcеsа kојi sе оdigrаvајu u оkviru prirоdnih pоpulаciја. Јеdinkе istе vrstе, čiје је rаzvićе u rаzličitim srеdinаmа, mоgu sе znаčајnо rаzlikоvаti pо fеnоtipskim kаrаktеrimа. Оvаkvа fеnоtipskа difеrеnciјаciја izmеđu grupа јеdinki čiје sе rаzvićе оdviјаlо u rаzličitim stаništimа, mоžе biti uzrоkоvаnа gеnеtičkim rаzlikаmа izmеđu grupа, ili isklјučivо еfеktimа srеdinе nа fеnоtip јеdinki. Pоstојаnjе јаsnе biоhеmiјskо – fiziоlоškе ulоgе α–аmilаzе i јаsnо dеfinisаnоg supstrаtа njеnоg dеlоvаnjа pružа mоgućnоsti dа sе sаglеdајu mоgući vidоvi intеrаkciје rаzličitih gеnоtipоvа i srеdinе, štо mоžе biti оd znаčаја zа rаzumеvаnjе mikrоеvоluciоnih prоcеsа kојi sе оdigrаvајu u оkviru prirоdnih pоpulаciја. Pоlimоrfizаm Amy–lоkusа kоd Drosophila subobscura uzеt је kао mоdеl sistеm zа еkspеrimеntаlnо pоpulаciоnо – gеnеtičkо rаzmаtrаnjе stеpеnа uspеšnоsti оdgоvоrа rаzličitih gеnоtipоvа nа vrstu i brzinu prоmеnе srеdinе, kаkо bi sе rаzmаtrаli оblici, prаvci i еfеkti intеrаkciје gеnоtip/srеdinа. U nаšim istrаživаnjimа аnаlizirаn је uticај rаzličitih kоncеntrаciја skrоbа kао i uticај pоstеpеnih i nаglih prоmеnа kоncеntrаciје skrоbа nа kоmpоnеntе аdаptivnе vrеdnоsti. Dužinа rаzvićа i prеživlјаvаnjе, pоrеd spеcifičnе аktivnоsti α–аmilаzе kоd јеdinki Drosophila subobscura hоmоzigоtnih ili hеtеrоzigоtnih zа “spоri” ili “brzi” аmilаzni аlеl, mоgu biti tаkоđе vаlidni pоkаzаtеlјi nаčinа оdgоvоrа nа rаzličitе kоncеntrаciје skrоbа u mеdiјumu nа kоmе јеdinkе kоmplеtirајu živоtni ciklus. Nоrmе rеаkciја zа prоsеčnе vrеdnоsti аnаlizirаnih kаrаktеristikа ukаzuјu nа pоstојаnjе znаčајnоg srеdinskоg uticаја kао i dа је u njihоvој оsnоvi gеnеtičkа vаriјаbilnоst јеdinki Drosophila subobscura. Nа оsnоvu rеzultаtа аnаlizе оdgоvоrа Amy-gеnоtipоvа Drosophila subobscura mоžе sе zаklјučiti dа su gеnоtipоvi, prоsеčnо, fеnоtipski plаstični zа аnаlizirаnе kоmpоnеntе аdаptivnе vrеdnоsti u svim pоsmаtrаnim srеdinskim uslоvimа.In modern biology, it is the generally accepted that organisms and populations can not be observed separately from their environments. Effectiveness of responses of different genotypes to environmental changes is essential for the dynamics of population gene pool. Therefore, consideration of the possible forms of interaction among different genotypes and environments is important for understanding microevolutionary processes occurring within natural populations. Individuals of the same species that develop in different environments, can significantly differ phenotypically. This phenotypic differentiation can be caused by genetic differences between the groups or environmental effects. The existence of clear biochemical - physiological role of α–amylase and clearly defined substrate of its action allows the analysis of possible interactions between different genotypes and environment, which can be significant for understanding of microevolutionary processes occurring within natural populations. Polymorphism of Amy–locus in Drosophila subobscura is taken as a model system for the experimental population – genetic study the effectiveness of responses of different genotypes to type and dynamic of environmental changes, to consider forms, directions and effects of genotype/environment interactions. Our research deals with the effects of different starch concentrations, as well as gradual and abrupt changes of starch concentrations on fitness components. Development time, viability and specific activity of α–amylase in Drosophila subobscura, which are homozygous or heterozygous for “slow” or “fast” amylase allele, can also be good indicators of response to different concentrations of starch in substrate on which life cycle of individuals is completed. Obtained reaction norms, for the average values of analyzed traits, reveal significant environmental effect and the presence of genetic variability of Drosophila subobscura individuals. Based on the analysis of responses of Amy-genotypes of Drosophila subobscura, it can be concluded that the genotypes are phenotypically plastic for the analyzed fitness traits in all observed environmental conditions

    Dental status of institutionalized persons with special needs who live in Special institution “Srce u jabuci” in Pancevo

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    Introduction. Dental status of most people with special needs is not satisfactory. Many of them are edentulous or toothless, with acute extensive caries lesions present, high DMFT index and severe periodontal disease. The objective of this study was to examine the dental status of mentally impaired persons who live in the special institution “Srce u jabuci” in Pancevo. Material and Methods. Clinical examination was performed on 114 institutionalized patients (68 male and 46 female), age 22 to 71 years. Patients were divided in two groups; the first group consisted of 71 persons who had a moderate mental disorder (F71), while the second group included 43 respondents with severe mental retardation (F72). Oral examination revealed: the number of present teeth, caries lesions, the presence of restorations, the number of extracted teeth, the presence of residual roots, fractures and the presence and number of fixed restorations. Results. The mean DMFT of total examined teeth was 20.33±7.63. The greatest percentage found for extracted teeth (63.76%): in the first group 63.23%, and in the second 64.06%. The percentage of teeth that had caries lesions of all examined teeth was 33.48%, while the lowest percentage was for restored teeth (2.76%). In majority of examined people, initial caries, deep caries, or tooth with the exposed pulp (K1 - 51.74% K2 - 40.35%, K3 - 51.75%) were not found. A high percentage of examined people had more than 10 extracted teeth (52.63%). Most of them did not have any restoration in the mouth (81%) and only three persons had fixed denture. Conclusion. Dental status of institutionalized mentally impaired persons showed high prevalence of extracted teeth, significant presence of carious lesions and small percentage of restored teeth with inadequate oral hygiene

    Klinička efikasnost miksture natrijum-perborata i vodonik-peroksida za intrakoronarno izbeljivanje depulpisanih zuba

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    Introduction/Objective the aim was to evaluate initial efficiency of sodium perborate (tetrahydrate) and 30% hydrogen peroxide mixture for intracoronal non-vital teeth bleaching ("walking bleach" technique). Methods Forty patients with discolored teeth were included in the study. Based on their history and clinical examination, causes of discoloration were classified as necrotic pulp, "endo-sealer" or unknown. The "walking bleach" technique was performed by applying sodium perborate (tetrahydrate) and 30% hydrogen peroxide mixture intracoronally to cavity dentin walls. The mixture was renewed in seven-day intervals. Tooth color was assessed visually before, during, and after the procedure using the Vita Classical shade guide (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany). Numerical values or shade guide units (SGU) were assigned to Vita shade tabs on a bright-dark scale. Analysis of variance, t-test, correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data (p lt 0.05). Results on average, 26 ± 9 days or 3-4 appointments were required for intracoronal bleaching to achieve the desired or best possible shade. Better clinical efficiency was found in the necrotic pulp group (17 ± 6 days; 8 ± 3 SGU) than in the "endo-sealer" group (42 ± 13 days; 4 ± 2 SGU) (p lt 0.05). Age significantly influenced bleaching efficiency (p lt 0.05). There was no significant correlation between bleaching efficiency and initial shade (p > 0.05). Conclusion Intracoronal, non-vital teeth bleaching ("walking bleach" technique) using sodium perborate (tetrahydrate) and 30% hydrogen peroxide mixture showed satisfactory clinical efficiency. Discoloration caused by pulp necrosis was treated more efficiently than that caused by endodontic sealers. Younger age had a positive effect and discoloration intensity had no effect on bleaching efficiency.Cilj Cilj ovog rada je da ispita inicijalnu kliničku efikasnost miksture natrijum-perborata (tetrahidrata) i 30% vodonik-peroksida za intrakoronarno izbeljivanje depulpisanih zuba (,,šetajuća" tehnika). Metode U studiju je bilo uključeno 40 pacijenata sa prebojenim zubima. Na bazi anamneze i kliničkog pregleda, uzroci diskoloracije su klasifikovani kao "nekrotična pulpa", ,,endo-siler" ili ,,nepoznat". U intervalima od sedam dana mikstura natrijum-perborata i 30% vodonik-peroksida aplikovana je intrakoronarno na dentinske zidove kaviteta. Boja zuba je procenjivana vizuelnom metodom pre, tokom i posle tretmana primenom ključa boja Vita Classic (Vita Zahnfabrik, Nemačka). Numerička vrednost (jedinica nijanse) dodeljena je svakoj nijansi ključa Vita pomoću svetlo-tamne skale. Analiza varijanse, t-test, korelaciona i regresiona analiza su korišćene za statističku obradu podataka (p lt 0,05). Rezultati Prosečno 26 ± 9 dana ili 3-4 posete su bile neophodne da se intrakoronarnim izbeljivanjem postignu željena ili najsvetlija moguća nijansa. Bolja klinička efikasnost izbeljivanja zabeležena je u grupi ,,nekrotična pulpa" (17 ± 6 dana; 8 ± 3 nijansi) nego u grupi ,,endo-siler" (42 ± 13 dana; 4 ± 2 nijanse) (p lt 0,05). Uzrast pacijenta je značajno uticao na efikasnost izbeljivanja (p lt 0,05). Nije utvrđena značajna povezanost između efikasnosti izbeljivanja i početne nijanse (p > 0,05). Zaključak Intrakoronarno izbeljivanje depulpisanih zuba odnosno "šetajuća" tehnika izbeljivanja primenom miksture natrijum-perborata (tetrahidrata) i 30% vodonik-peroksida pokazala je zadovoljavajuću kliničku efikasnost. Diskoloracija usled nekroze pulpe je uspešnije izbeljena nego diskoloracija izazvana endodontskim pastama. Efikasnije izbeljivanje je zabeleženo kod mlađih pacijenata, dok intenzitet početne diskoloracije nije značajno uticao na efikasnost izbeljivanja

    Enzymes as a platform for drug development

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    Polyoxometalates are negatively charged polyanions containing early transition metal ions in their high oxidation state surrounded by bridged oxygen. Firstly, these metal-based clusters were used as promising agents in electron-dense imaging, separations, catalysis, and analysis. In recent years, numerous studies in vitro and in vivo found that these nanocomplexes possess a variety of biological effects including antidiabetic, anticancer, and antibiotic actions. Despite these observed properties, the mechanism of their biological activities has not been completely elucidated so far. On the other hand, the results of enzymatic studies revealed their inhibiting influence on physiologically important extracellular enzymes such as phosphatases, esterases, and ecto-nucleotidases, which are considered target enzymes for the approved biological actions. Accordingly, the overview of the in vitro influence of selected polyoxo-vanadates, -tungstates, and – palladates on cholinesterase, ATPase, and phosphatase activities will be given in this presentation. Cholinesterases, enzymes located on the postsynaptic plasma membrane, have a key role in nerve impulse transmission and were confirmed as the targets of drugs for neurological diseases, which are regularly used in clinical practice. Moreover, ATPases and phosphatases were found to be included in the proliferation and migration of tumor cells, thus the inhibition of these enzymes was found as the mechanism of some anticancer drug actionSimpozijum „Stremljenja i novine u medicini“ Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 04-08. decembra, 2023