Synthesis and characterization of titanium(IV) oxide nanoparticles modified with catecholate and salicylate type ligands: experimental and theoretical (DFT) study


U poslednjih 30 godina nanokristalni TiO2 je privukao veliku paţnju kako kao fotokatalizator za različite praktične primene, tako i kao deo fotohemijskih sistema, kao što je Grecelova ćelija. Zbog svog velikog energetskog procepa (Eg=3,2 eV), TiO2 apsorbuje manje od 5 % dostupnih fotona sunčeve svetlosti, što ga čini relativno neefikasnim fotokatalizatorom. Takođe, glavni energetski gubitak nastaje usled procesa radijativne ili neradijativne rekombinacije naelektrisanja nastalih fotoekscitacijom TiO2, što se manifestuje kao relativno nizak prinos dugo-ţivećih razdvojenih naelektrisanja. Dakle, uspešna fotohemijska konverzija energije i reakcije koje slede zahtevaju produţeno vreme ţivota razdvojenih fotostvorenih naelektrisanja kao i apsorpciju u vidljivom delu spektra...In the last 30 years nanocrystalline TiO2 has attracted widespread attention as a photocatalyst in various practical applications as well as the part of photoelectrochemical systems, such as Grätzel cells. Due to its large band gap (Eg = 3,2 eV), TiO2 absorbs less than 5% of the available solar light photons, being a relatively inefficient photocatalyst. Also, the main energy loss is due to the process of radiative or nonradiative recombination of charges generated upon photoexcitation of TiO2, which is manifested as the relatively low yield of long-lived separated charges. Hence, the successful photochemical energy conversion and subsequent chemical reactions require both the extended lifetime of separated photogenerated charges and the response in the visible spectral region..

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