58 research outputs found

    Differences in prevalence of welfare indicators in male and female turkey flocks (Meleagris gallopavo)

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    ABSTRACT Previous research has shown that the transect walks (TW) method provide a practical and effective approach to welfare assessment in broiler and turkey farms. This method for turkey welfare assessment is reasonable in terms of time demands within minimal costs. Furthermore, TW approach resembles the routine checks used by farmers. The overall aim of this study was to verify the feasibility of the TW method as potential practical tool for on-farm welfare assessment in turkeys during the fattening period. A total of 14 commercial turkey farms (8 male and 6 female flocks) of the same genetic strain (British United Turkeys [B.U.T.] - Big 6) with similar management standard procedures were evaluated. Bird ages at evaluation ranged from 122 to 138 D and 90 to 103 D old, for males and females, respectively. Two independent assessors walked slowly on randomized longitudinal paths (transects) within each house, while recording the prevalence of birds showing any of the 12 welfare and health indicators considered: immobility, lameness, wounds, small size, featherless, dirtiness, sick, terminally ill, dead, and behavioral indicators, such as, aggression towards mate, interaction with humans and mating. The effect of assessor, gender, and interaction assessor by gender was evaluated by using ANOVA. Reliability of the method was noted by the effect of gender (

    Difalia em um bovino

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    Difalo, penis duplo ou bifido e uma anomalia congenita rara que ocorre em animais e no homem, com escassos relatos na literatura. Este relato apresenta um caso de difalia em um bovino macho adulto castrado. A peca do sistema reprodutor de um bovino foi encaminhada por um frigorifico local para realizacao de exame histologico. O material foi analisado, fixado em formol 10%, processado de forma rotineira para histologia e corado pela hematoxilina-eosina. Macroscopicamente, a peca apresentava duas glandes penianas, uma composta pelo corpo cavernoso, corpo esponjoso, uretra e prepucio do penis, sugerindo que esta fosse a parte normal. Adjacente a essa, havia uma formacao tecidual identica a glande peniana, que, ao corte, no entanto, nao se observavam uretra, corpos cavernoso e esponjoso. Ao exame microscopico das duas glandes, confirmou-se sua estrutura histologica, uma composta por corpo cavernoso, corpo esponjoso e uretra e a outra somente de tecido conjuntivo fibroso revestido por epitelio. O diagnostico foi baseado nas alteracoes macroscopicas e constituicao histologica caracteristica. Esta anomalia pode prejudicar a miccao assim como o desempenho reprodutivo do animal

    Lymphocytic hypophysitis in dogs infected with Leishmania spp.

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    BackgroundMorphological involvement of endocrine glands, such as the pituitary gland, remain uninvestigated in dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis. Therefore, this study investigated the presence of amastigotes of Leishmania spp. and characterized inflammatory changes, highlighting the involvement of TCD3+ lymphocytes in different regions of the pituitary gland of dogs.MethodsSamples were collected from 21 naturally infected dogs and 5 control, uninfected dogs. The different pituitary regions were analyzed in histological sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) under light microscopy. Inflammation was classified by intensity in a score from 0 to 3, absent (0), mild (1), moderate (2), and marked (3). The immunohistochemical (IHC) evaluation was performed in five high-power fields (hot spot) in a 40x objective of each region with manual counting (Image J1.52ª) of the TCD3+ lymphocytes and for amastigotes analyzed in 40x and 100x objectives. The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to assess the normality of the data. Differences between groups were determined by the Mann Whitney test. The correlation between variables was assessed by Sperman’s correlation test. p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.ResultsAmastigotes from the pituitary glands of two infected dogs were identified using IHC. The histopathological evaluation stained with hematoxylin and eosin showed greater intensity of inflammation in the pars distalis and pars intermedia regions of infected dogs. IHC for TCD3+ lymphocytes showed a higher median number of immunolabeled cells in pars nervosa in the infected group than in the control group (p < 0.05); and expecting a variation in the distribution and number of these cells in naturally infected dogs, the median of the control group was considered a cut-off point, an increase in T lymphocytes (p < 0.05) was also observed in the pars intermedia and pars distalis of an infected subgroup (n = 10). A moderate significant correlation between the intensity of inflammation and the number of immunolabeled TCD3+ lymphocytes was established in the analyzed pituitary regions, characterizing the occurrence of hypophysitis.ConclusionThese findings presuppose that inflammation and/or the parasite in the pituitary region can result in gland dysfunction, worsening the clinical condition of the patient and compromising the efficiency of treatment and prognosis

    Porcine circovirus type 3 : immunohistochemical detection in lesions of naturally affected piglets

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    This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between porcine circovirus type 3 (PCV3) viral load and histopathological findings in perinatal piglet tissues and to develop an immunohistochemical method for detecting the virus in lesions. The quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) cycle threshold (Ct) when amplifying PCV3 DNA and the area of perivascular inflammatory infiltrates in different organs [central nervous system (CNS), lung, heart, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes] were compared. To develop an immunohistochemistry technique, rabbit sera were produced against PCV3-capsid protein peptides selected using bioinformatic analyses. The assay was initially implemented using a tissue sample previously tested using qPCR and in situ hybridization to optimize the procedure and reagent dilutions. To evaluate immunohistochemistry performance, tissue samples from another 17 cases were analyzed using standardized parameters. The most common microscopic lesion was multisystemic periarteritis, with associated vasculitis, as the mesenteric vascular plexus is one of the most affected organs. Other tissues, such as the heart, lung, CNS, and skeletal muscle, were also affected. Comparison of the Ct values for different tissues showed no significant difference, except in lymphoid organs (spleen and lymph nodes), which had significantly higher viral loads than the CNS tissues. There was no correlation between Ct values and perivascular inflammatory infiltrates. PCV3 immunohistochemistry revealed granular immunolabeling, mainly in the cytoplasm of cells in the vascular mesenteric plexus, heart, lung, kidney, and spleen

    Background and common lesions in the female reproductive organs of giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)

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    The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) is a vulnerable species in South America and is considered endangered or near extinction in Central America. Therefore, studies describing the reproductive characteristics of this species are pivotal for its conservation. Thus, this study aimed to provide a morphological description of the female reproductive tissues of this species. We collected tissue samples from six female giant anteaters and performed gross, morphological, and histochemical analyses. Five adult subjects and one juvenile were included in the study. In the ovary, classifications were made according to the follicle and oocyte sizes: primordial, primary, secondary, early antral, or antral. Typical follicles with a single oocyte surrounded by a simple or stratified layer of cubic epithelium, atretic follicles, corpora lutea, corpora albicans, and ovarian cysts were also observed. No ovarian lesions were observed. By contrast, endometritis, metritis, mucometra, and endometrial cysts were identified in the uterus. Uterine alterations in these subjects were frequent and could affect reproduction

    Histopathological and immunohistochemical characterization of swine influenza a in Brazil, 2009-2010

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    A influenza suína (IS) é uma doença altamente contagiosa, de curso rápido e pronta recuperação, causada pelo vírus Influenza tipo A (VIS). Os principais sinais clínicos são tosse, febre, anorexia e baixo desenvolvimento. A doença está presente em outros países e, geralmente, está associada com outros agentes infecciosos. Porém, no Brasil, a sua primeira descrição ocorreu em 2011 e foi associada ao vírus H1N1 pandêmico (pH1N1). O principal objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as alterações histológicas mais importantes em casos de doença respiratória suína sugestiva de IS e estudar a associação dessas alterações com os resultados de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) anti-vírus da influenza A (VIA), anti-circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PVC2) e anti-vírus da síndrome reprodutiva e respiratória suína (PRRSV). Para tanto, foram estudadas 60 amostras de pulmões suínos selecionadas dos materiais do arquivo do Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), de casos de doença respiratória remetidos no período de 2009 a 2010 e que apresentavam alterações histopatológicas compatíveis com pneumonia viral causada pelo VIS. Trinta e uma amostras (52%) foram provenientes do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 14 (23%) do Paraná, 11 (18%) de Santa Catarina e quatro (7%) do Mato Grosso do Sul. A IHQ para IA confirmou a presença do agente viral em 45% das amostras analisadas. Os achados histológicos mais significativos associados à IHQ positiva para IA foram bronquiolite necrótica, atelectasia, broncopneumonia purulenta e hiperemia. Por outro lado, as alterações histológicas dos pulmões estudados mais significativamente associadas à IHQ negativa para IA foram hiperplasia dos pneumócitos tipo II, estruturas alveolares e bronquiolares similares a pólipos, hiperplasia de tecido linfoide associado a brônquios (BALT) e pleurite, que são alterações associadas a processos crônicos. Somente dois casos apresentaram marcação positiva na IHQ para PCV2 e nenhum pulmão foi positivo para PRRSV. Esses resultados sugerem que as lesões histológicas encontradas no presente estudo foram compatíveis com as causadas pelo VIS. Os casos negativos de IHQ para IA (55%) podem ser explicados pela baixa frequência do antígeno viral nos tecidos estudados. Como o curso da doença é muito rápido, o teste de IHQ é mais indicado para diagnóstico no início da infecção. Este estudo evidenciou novas alterações em amostras de pulmões de suínos com problemas respiratórios enviadas para o SPV UFRGS a partir de 2009, com ênfase para bronquiolite necrótica, e reforça a importância do estudo histopatológico dos casos de campo para auxiliar na monitoria da sanidade dos rebanhos.Swine influenza is caused by swine influenza type A virus (SIV). It is a highly contagious disease with a rapid course and recovery. The main clinical signs are cough, fever, anorexia and poor performance. Usually, it is associated with other infectious agents in many countries; however, it has not been described yet in Brazil. The first report of pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus in Brazilian swine herd occurred in 2011. The main aim of this study was to characterize histological features in association with immunohistochemical (IHC) results for influenza A (IA), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) from lung samples from 60 pigs with lesions suggestive of viral pneumonia and collected during the period 2009-2010 and diagnosed at the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), Brazil. All the pigs in this study had clinical respiratory disease. Sample distribution was 31 (52%) from Rio Grande do Sul, 14 (23%) Paraná, 11 (18%) from Santa Catarina State and four (7%) from Mato Grosso do Sul State. Positive anti-IA IHC was observed in 45% of the cases and was associated with necrotizing bronchiolitis, atelectasia, purulent bronchopneumonia and hyperemia. Moreover, type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, alveolar and bronchiole polyp-like structures, BALT (bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue) hyperplasia and pleuritis were the significant features of negative samples by anti-IA IHC, which were associated with chronic lesions. Only two cases were positive to PCV2 and none to PRRSV, supports the hypothesis that SIV was the viral agent infecting swine’s lungs. Negative IHC to IA (55%) cases could be explained due to the absence of viral antigens associated with the rapid progress of SI; hence, IHC should be requested in the beginning of the infection. This work has shown how important a careful histological evaluation should be done in order to give the diagnosis. Since 2009, a new histological feature of swine pneumonia from animals with respiratory clinical sign has been observed at samples submitted to SPV-UFRGS. In addition, these results described here proved the importance of histological evaluation in swine herd health management

    Histopathological and immunohistochemical characterization of swine influenza a in Brazil, 2009-2010

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    A influenza suína (IS) é uma doença altamente contagiosa, de curso rápido e pronta recuperação, causada pelo vírus Influenza tipo A (VIS). Os principais sinais clínicos são tosse, febre, anorexia e baixo desenvolvimento. A doença está presente em outros países e, geralmente, está associada com outros agentes infecciosos. Porém, no Brasil, a sua primeira descrição ocorreu em 2011 e foi associada ao vírus H1N1 pandêmico (pH1N1). O principal objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as alterações histológicas mais importantes em casos de doença respiratória suína sugestiva de IS e estudar a associação dessas alterações com os resultados de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) anti-vírus da influenza A (VIA), anti-circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PVC2) e anti-vírus da síndrome reprodutiva e respiratória suína (PRRSV). Para tanto, foram estudadas 60 amostras de pulmões suínos selecionadas dos materiais do arquivo do Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), de casos de doença respiratória remetidos no período de 2009 a 2010 e que apresentavam alterações histopatológicas compatíveis com pneumonia viral causada pelo VIS. Trinta e uma amostras (52%) foram provenientes do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 14 (23%) do Paraná, 11 (18%) de Santa Catarina e quatro (7%) do Mato Grosso do Sul. A IHQ para IA confirmou a presença do agente viral em 45% das amostras analisadas. Os achados histológicos mais significativos associados à IHQ positiva para IA foram bronquiolite necrótica, atelectasia, broncopneumonia purulenta e hiperemia. Por outro lado, as alterações histológicas dos pulmões estudados mais significativamente associadas à IHQ negativa para IA foram hiperplasia dos pneumócitos tipo II, estruturas alveolares e bronquiolares similares a pólipos, hiperplasia de tecido linfoide associado a brônquios (BALT) e pleurite, que são alterações associadas a processos crônicos. Somente dois casos apresentaram marcação positiva na IHQ para PCV2 e nenhum pulmão foi positivo para PRRSV. Esses resultados sugerem que as lesões histológicas encontradas no presente estudo foram compatíveis com as causadas pelo VIS. Os casos negativos de IHQ para IA (55%) podem ser explicados pela baixa frequência do antígeno viral nos tecidos estudados. Como o curso da doença é muito rápido, o teste de IHQ é mais indicado para diagnóstico no início da infecção. Este estudo evidenciou novas alterações em amostras de pulmões de suínos com problemas respiratórios enviadas para o SPV UFRGS a partir de 2009, com ênfase para bronquiolite necrótica, e reforça a importância do estudo histopatológico dos casos de campo para auxiliar na monitoria da sanidade dos rebanhos.Swine influenza is caused by swine influenza type A virus (SIV). It is a highly contagious disease with a rapid course and recovery. The main clinical signs are cough, fever, anorexia and poor performance. Usually, it is associated with other infectious agents in many countries; however, it has not been described yet in Brazil. The first report of pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus in Brazilian swine herd occurred in 2011. The main aim of this study was to characterize histological features in association with immunohistochemical (IHC) results for influenza A (IA), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) from lung samples from 60 pigs with lesions suggestive of viral pneumonia and collected during the period 2009-2010 and diagnosed at the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), Brazil. All the pigs in this study had clinical respiratory disease. Sample distribution was 31 (52%) from Rio Grande do Sul, 14 (23%) Paraná, 11 (18%) from Santa Catarina State and four (7%) from Mato Grosso do Sul State. Positive anti-IA IHC was observed in 45% of the cases and was associated with necrotizing bronchiolitis, atelectasia, purulent bronchopneumonia and hyperemia. Moreover, type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, alveolar and bronchiole polyp-like structures, BALT (bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue) hyperplasia and pleuritis were the significant features of negative samples by anti-IA IHC, which were associated with chronic lesions. Only two cases were positive to PCV2 and none to PRRSV, supports the hypothesis that SIV was the viral agent infecting swine’s lungs. Negative IHC to IA (55%) cases could be explained due to the absence of viral antigens associated with the rapid progress of SI; hence, IHC should be requested in the beginning of the infection. This work has shown how important a careful histological evaluation should be done in order to give the diagnosis. Since 2009, a new histological feature of swine pneumonia from animals with respiratory clinical sign has been observed at samples submitted to SPV-UFRGS. In addition, these results described here proved the importance of histological evaluation in swine herd health management

    Infectious canine hepatitis in naturally infected dogs : pathological findings and immunohistochemical diagnosis

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    Vinte e três cães com hepatite infecciosa canina (HIC) foram analisados com base nos seus dados gerais, achados clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos. As principais lesões macroscópicas encontradas foram palidez do fígado (17/23), hepatomegalia (10/23) e hemorragia (21/23). Observou-se também edema da parede da vesícula biliar (11/23), malhas de fibrina cobrindo a superfície capsular hepática (8/23) e icterícia (6/23). Acentuada necrose hepatocelular foi encontrada associada à identificação de corpúsculos intranucleares anfofílicos e basofílicos em hepatócitos e células endoteliais (22/23) característicos de adenovírus. Identificou-se no baço e linfonodos necrose linfoide, hemorragia e menor ocorrência de corpúsculos intranucleares em células reticuloendoteliais. A imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) foi positiva para adenovírus canino tipo 1 em todos os animais analisados. Os principais órgãos positivos na IHQ foram fígado (23/23), telencéfalo (22/22), cerebelo (16/20) e rim (16/21). Maior marcação de antígenos viral foi observada em hepatócitos e no endotélio vascular do encéfalo e dos tufos glomerulares renais.Twenty-three dogs with infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) were analyzed, based on general data, clinicopathological findings, and immunohistochemistry. The main gross lesions were hepatic paleness (17/23), hepatomegaly (10/23), and hemorrhage (21/23). Gallbladder edema (11/23), fibrinous material on the hepatic capsular surface (8/23), and jaundice (6/23) were also found. Severe hepatic necrosis was observed in association with amphophilic or basophilic intranuclear inclusions inside hepatocytes and endothelial cells (22/23). Splenic and nodal lymphoid necrosis and hemorrhage associated with small number of intranuclear inclusions inside reticuloendothelial cells were identified. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was positive for adenovirus type 1 in all animals, with the best staining pattern occurring in the liver (23/23), brain (22/22), cerebellum (16/20), and kidney (16/21). Greater amount of viral antigen was identified in hepatocytes and vascular endothelial cells from the brain and glomerular tuft