259 research outputs found

    Pegada de carbono da produção de carne bovina no Nordeste de Portugal: comparação entre dois sistemas produtivos

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    A indústria cárnica gera emissões elevadas de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) para a atmosfera. O setor pecuário mundial, por exemplo, é responsável por aproximadamente 18% das emissões globais dos gases do efeito estufa como CO2, N2O e CH4. Este estudo teve por principal objetivo avaliar os impactes ambientais causados pelas emissões de GEE de dois sistemas produtivos de carne bovina - um semi-intensivo (SSI) e um extensivo biológico (SEB) - do Nordeste de Portugal. A metodologia seguiu uma abordagem de avaliação de ciclo de vida (ACV), tendo-se utilizado o software GaBi 6.0, na análise de inventário e na avaliação de impacte. Foi considerado as etapas da produção de alimentos, a produção e o abate de animais e, ainda, etapas a montante e a jusante, com a produção de energia, produção de fertilizante e a incineração dos resíduos cárnicos gerados. Os resultados obtidos foram expressos em kg CO2-eq por kg de carcaça de bovino à saída do matadouro. Os valores obtidos foram de 22,6 kg CO2-eq kg-1 para SSI e 16,6 kg CO2-eq kg-1 para SEB. A fermentação entérica foi a maior contribuidora de GEE com 60,0% (SSI) e 61,1% (SEB), seguido pelo manuseio do dejeto com 35,6% (SSI) e 34,2% (SEB) e pelas emissões resultantes do uso de combustíveis e energia com 4,4% (SSI) e 3,9% (SEB). O matadouro, os transportes, o tratamento dos resíduos cárnicos e a produção de fertilizante apresentaram uma baixa contribuição em termos globais. Os resultados mostram que SEB apresenta menores impactes em termos de aquecimento global devido à sua menor pegada de carbono, revelando-se uma opção viável para reduzir as emissões de GEE no setor da produção de carne em Portugal. Para o SSI, uma possível alternativa para minimizar os impactes ambientais seria aumentar o ganho de peso dos animais num menor período, diminuindo o tempo para o abate e as emissões de GEE.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Environmental impacts of the beef production chain in the Northeast of Portugal using life cycle assessment

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    The beef supply chainh as multiple negative impacts on the environment. A method widely used to measure impacts from both the use of resources and the emissions generated by this sector is the life cycle assessment(LCA)(ISO14040). This study aimed to evaluate a semi-intensive system(SIS) and an extensive organic system(EOS),combined with two differents laughter houses located in the northeast of Portugal. The studied slaughterhouses are similar in size but differ in number of slaughters and in sources of thermal energy: natural gas (Mng) vs. biomass pellets (Mp). Four categories of environmental impact were evaluated: global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), and photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP). As expected, higher impacts were found for SIS for all studied impact categories. Slaughterhouse activities, fertilizer production, and solid waste treatment stages showed little contribution when compared to animal production. Concerning the slaughterhouses activities, the main sources of environmental impact were the use of energy (electric and thermal) and by-products transportation.This research was supported by the project ECODEEP (Eco-efficiency and Eco-management in the Agro Industrial sector, FCOMP–05–0128–FEDER–018643) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Esse estudo demonstra as iniciativas em prol da difusão e comunicação científica na América do Sul por meio dos dados provenientes do Directory of Open Access Journals. É análisado o crescimento das iniciativas de criação de periódicos livres na década de 2000, relacionando a questão do idioma, assunto e país de origem dessas publicações. Conclui-se que o Brasil lidera a ações de acesso livre de via dourada, influenciando o perfil da região como um todo

    Environmental sustainability in beef production and life cycle assessment as a tool for analysis

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    The sustainability of meat production systems has been highlighted by the impact on the environment and the conservation of natural resources. The aim of this manuscript is to provide a specific review of the environmental sustainability of beef production in a life cycle assessment (LCA) context. Questions about the main environmental impacts caused by beef production were discussed. The phases of the LCA were detailed as well as the main functional units, boundaries of the systems and categories of impacts used in recent studies. LCA is a fast, easy and intuitive method that correlates human activities and their environmental performance in different sectors, such as beef production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of Glass-ionomer cement as a restorative material: a systematic review

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    Background: The clinical applications of glass ionomers cements (GICs) are varied: restoration, lining material, sealing, hyper sensibility care and temporary cavity restoration. Due to the lack of physical properties, over time modifications of GICs were experimented and studied by the addition of metals, fibers, ceramics to the GIC powder in the attempt to overcome these problems and improve the material and clinical performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether primary and permanent teeth can be definitively restored with glass ionomer cements, based on the PICO(S) question “What is the clinical performance in primary and permanent teeth restored with glass ionomer cements?”, Methods: A systematic search of the studies available in the literature was conducted in the electronic databases MEDLINE/Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science. Two independent, calibrated examiners. The eligibility criteria were: (1) to be a systematic review (2) to evaluate the clinical longevity of GICs in primary and permanent teeth (3) to be clinical trials. The systematic reviews that met these criteria were reviewed in their entirety and those who presented at least one of the following exclusion criteria were then considered ineligible: (1) not being a systematic review of clinical trials; (2) not evaluating the longevity/clinical performance of GICs; (3) studies of dental restorative materials in teeth with enamel alterations. Results: A systematic literature search in MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases identified 132 references potentially relevant. Twenty-four eligible articles were identified, only 13 articles were included. Methodological quality was measured using the AMSTAR-2 tool and the risk of bias of the included systematic reviews by the ROBIS tool. The level of evidence analysis was performed using the GRADE tool. Conclusions: Glass ionomer cements seems to be a viable choice in both dentitions, but primary dentition presents more evidence, especially regarding the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) technique. There is conflicting evidence on which type of glass ionomer is the best and comparisons to other dental materials are lacking. In conclusion, more high-quality studies are needed with longer follow up periods (>6 years), especially in permanent teeth.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Sistema de Tutoria e Acompanhamento: Desempenho dos Tutores em um Curso de Graduação a Distância

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal verificar o nível de desempenho dos tutores do curso de graduação em Administração a distância da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina -UFSC, em relação ao grupo de tarefas: orientadoras, acadêmicas e institucionais. Para a execução desta pesquisa, foi realizado um estudo de caso, tendo os dados primários sido coletados por meio da aplicação de questionários com os tutores, com os supervisores de tutores, com o coordenador da tutoria e com os alunos do curso de graduação em Administração a distância da UFSC. Os dados secundários foram coletados por meio de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que para os três grupos de tarefas os tutores apresentaram um nível de desempenho bom tanto se tomando por base as auto-avaliações dos tutores quanto se analisadas as avaliações feitas pelos alunos. Dentre os três grupos de tarefas, as institucionais foram as que obtiveram o menor nível de desempenho e as orientadoras as que obtiveram o maior nível de desempenho


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    Objective: This research aimed to analyze the main alternative routes to Suez Canal Route (SCR): North Sea Route (NSR) and Trans-Siberian Route (TSR). Method: A systematic literature review (SLR) was carried out using the Web of Science (WoS) database. Forty-eight related articles were found, of which 16 remained for further analysis after refinement. Main Results: It was identified that the TSR and NSR routes are economically viable compared to the SCR, given certain specific conditions, and that the railway mode is less studied in relation to the maritime mode. Relevance / Originality: Possible alternative trade routes for the transportation of goods, both via maritime and railway modes, were identified, with the highlighting of advantages and disadvantages. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: The study is relevant for the international logistics field, since, by analyzing each transport mode, it was possible to highlight issues that need to be further explored in relation to existing routes. Social / Management Contributions: This study contributed to determining TSR as the most cost-effective route according to the articles analyzed in the SLR. It also clarified issues such as prices, costs, distances, advantages and disadvantages, sustainability issues, as well as updated data from other studies

    Medicinal plants from open-air markets in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as a potential source of new antimycobacterial agents

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    AbstractEthnopharmacological relevanceSeveral medicinal plants are traditionally traded in open-air markets in Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil) to treat tuberculosis (TB) and related symptoms.Aims of the studyConduct a survey in the open-air markets of 20 cities of Rio de Janeiro State to find medicinal plants that are popularly used to treat tuberculosis and other related diseases and assess their in vitro antimycobacterial activity.Materials and methodsWe used direct observation and semi-structured interviews and asked herbalists to list species (free listing) in order to gather data about the plant species most commonly used for lung problems. We calculated a Salience Index and acquired two species of “erva-de-passarinho” (mistletoe), Struthanthus marginatus and Struthanthus concinnus (Loranthaceae), commonly used to treat tuberculosis for a bioassay-guided isolation of the antimycobacterial active principles. Extracts, fractions and isolated compounds of both species were assayed in vitro against susceptible (H37Rv) and rifampicin-resistant (ATCC 35338) Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains.ResultsFrom the interviews, we generated a list of 36 plant species belonging to 12 families. The mistletoes Struthanthus marginatus and Struthanthus concinnus showed high Salience Index values among plants used to treat tuberculosis. Bioassay-guided fractionation of hexane extracts from both species led to the isolation and/or identification of steroids and terpenoids. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the extracts and isolated compounds ranged from 25 to 200μg/mL. Some of the isolated compounds have been previously assayed against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, others are reported here for the first time (obtusifoliol: MIC H37Rv 50μg/mL, MIC ATCC 35338 12.5μg/mL; 3-O-n-acil-lup-20(29)-en-3β,7β,15α-triol: MIC H37Rv 200μg/mL, MIC ATCC 35338 100μg/mL).ConclusionsThis study demonstrated the importance of ethnobotanical surveys in markets as a source for new drugs and also for scientific validation of folk medicine


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    The diet composition can promote satiety and interfere in animal behavior. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of dogs after ingestion of diet without soybean hull (0%SH) and a diet with soybean hulls (16%SH), as well as the daily consumption of food (supplied - leftovers) and metabolizable energy (ME) intake of diets. Twelve Beagle dogs were distributed completely randomly between two treatments, being six dogs consuming the 0%SH diet and six dogs 16%SH diet.  The behavioral test consisted of observing the animals during 24 uninterrupted hours at intervals of 10 minutes at the end of 28 days of consumption of the diets. General behaviors were observed such as alert, scratching, stereotypical behavior, sleep, hygiene, walking, idle lying, idle standing, idle sitting and socialization. There was a reduction in scratching behaviors (P0.05), but the ME intake was lower (P<0.001) in dogs that received a diet with 16%SH. The use of 16%SH in the diet reduces the ME intake and undesirable behavior in dogs


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    El propósito de este artículo es demostrar la importancia de utilizar el macropedolito y otros materiales didácticos hecho de suelos encontrado en el municipio de Ituiutaba/MG, con el objetivo de sensibilizar al público seleccionado, además de contribuir en el cambio de concepción y actitud de los alumnos, promover experiencias que puedan cooperar en la construcción de un conocimiento en los suelos. Para eso, Los procedimientos metodológicos utilizados fueron: Investigación y revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema en análisis; Trabajo de campo para reconocimiento y toma de muestras de suelo; Elaboración de instrumentos didácticos para hacer las conferencias más lúdicas e interactivas. El uso de macropedolitos en las visitas al laboratorio docente de la universidad despertó la curiosidad de estudiantes y docentes que tenían poco conocimiento de las características del suelo del municipio de Ituiutaba/MG. Así, fue posible trabajar aspectos teóricos y metodológicos de los suelos y aproximar este conocimiento a través de la experimentación, en el que los estudiantes podían participar en conferencias dialogadas, fazer reflexões sobre a forma como a sociedade tem se relacionado com a natureza, que en este caso estuvo representada por los suelos. Los alumnos pudieron observar las diferencias entre los perfiles de Latossolo, Gleissolo y Nitossolo, texturizaron las muestras, observaron colores, entre otros. Así, se espera que el proyecto EducaSolos pueda llevar a más alumnos al laboratorio de enseñanza, tener un momento de experimentación, y podrá contribuir para la divulgación del conocimiento sobre suelos en el municipio de Ituiutaba/MG.L'objectif de cet article est de démontrer l'importance d'utiliser la macropédolite et d'autres matériels ludiques didactiques et pédagogiques élaborés à partir des sols trouvés dans la commune d'Ituiutaba/MG, afin de sensibiliser le public cible, en plus de contribuer directement au changement de conception et d'attitude des étudiants, en promouvant des expériences qui peuvent coopérer à la construction de connaissances pédologiques. Pour cela, les démarches méthodologiques utilisées ont été : a) Recherche et revue bibliographique sur le sujet analysé ; b) Travail sur le terrain pour la reconnaissance et la collecte d'échantillons de sol&nbsp;; c) Élaboration d'instruments didactiques pour rendre les conférences plus ludiques et interactives. L'utilisation de macropédolithes lors de visites au laboratoire d'enseignement de l'université a suscité la curiosité d'étudiants et d'éducateurs qui connaissaient peu les caractéristiques du sol de la commune d'Ituiutaba. Ainsi, il a été possible de travailler sur les aspects théoriques et méthodologiques des sols et de rapprocher ces connaissances par l'expérimentation, dans laquelle les étudiants ont pu participer à des conférences dialoguées, réfléchir sur le rapport de la société à la nature, qui dans ce cas était représentée par les sols . Les étudiants ont pu observer les différences entre les profils du Latosol, du Gleissolo et du Nitosol, texturer les échantillons, observer les couleurs, entre autres. Ainsi, on s'attend à ce que le projet EducaSolos puisse emmener plus d'étudiants au laboratoire d'enseignement, avoir un moment d'expérimentation et contribuer à la vulgarisation des connaissances sur les sols de la commune d'Ituiutaba/MG.O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar a importância do uso do macropedolito e demais materiais didáticos lúdicos pedagógicos elaborados a partir dos solos encontrados no município de Ituiutaba/MG, com o intuito de sensibilizar o público alvo, além de contribuir de forma direta na mudança de concepção e atitude dos educandos, promovendo experiências que possam cooperar na construção de um conhecimento pedológico. Para isso, os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados foram: a) Pesquisa e revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema em análise; b) Trabalhos de campo para reconhecimento e coleta de amostras de solos; c) Elaboração de instrumentos didáticos para tornar as palestras mais lúdicas e interativas. O uso dos macropedolitos nas visitas ao laboratório de ensino da universidade despertou a curiosidade dos educandos e educadores que pouco conheciam as características dos solos do município de Ituiutaba. Assim, foi possível trabalhar aspectos teóricos e metodológicos sobre os solos e aproximar este conhecimento por meio da experimentação, no qual educandos puderam participar das palestras dialogadas, fazer reflexões sobre a forma como a sociedade tem se relacionado com a natureza, que neste caso foi representada pelos solos. Os educandos puderam observar as diferenças entre os perfis do Latossolo, Gleissolo e Nitossolo, realizaram texturagem das amostras, observaram cores entre outros. Assim, espera-se que o projeto EducaSolos possa levar mais educandos para o laboratório de ensino, para ter um momento de experimentação e possa contribuir para a popularização do conhecimento sobre os solos do município de Ituiutaba/MG.The objective of this article is to demonstrate the importance of using macropedolites and other playful educational materials developed from the soils found in the municipality of Ituiutaba/MG, in order to raise awareness among the target audience and directly contribute to a change in the conception and attitude of the students, promoting experiences that can contribute to the construction of pedological knowledge. To achieve this, the methodological procedures used were: a) Research and literature review on the topic under analysis; b) Fieldwork for soil recognition and sample collection; c) Development of educational tools to make lectures more playful and interactive. The use of macropedolites during visits to the university's teaching laboratory sparked the curiosity of both students and educators who had little knowledge of the characteristics of the soils in Ituiutaba. Thus, it was possible to work on theoretical and methodological aspects of soils and bring this knowledge closer through experimentation, in which students could participate in interactive lectures and reflect on how society has been relating to nature, represented in this case by the soils. The students were able to observe the differences between the profiles of Latosols, Gleisols, and Nitosols, perform soil texture analysis on the samples, and observe colors among other features. Therefore, it is expected that the EducaSolos project can bring more students to the teaching laboratory, providing a moment of experimentation and contributing to the popularization of knowledge about the soils in the municipality of Ituiutaba/MG