256 research outputs found

    The woman's life after mastectomy in the light of Roy Adaptive theory

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    Objective: check the adaptation methods of mastectomies women; raise the presence of changes in the habits of life of women after mastectomy; correlate the adaptive process outlined by the woman with the theory presented by Roy and investigate the care provided by nurses to women with mastectomies. Method: For carrying out the survey was used to type descriptive qualitative approach. Results: The role of nursing in the care the woman, who had been subjected to breast surgery, encompasses care for maintenance of their bodily functions as well as support to those who are involved in the process, the individual as a whole and family. Conclusion: Roy's theory is the bases for hypotheses that can be tested

    Assessment and monitoring of the nutritional status of hospitalized patients: a proposal based on the opinion of the scientific community

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    OBJETIVO: A desnutrição pode afetar adversamente a evolução clínica de pacientes hospitalizados e aumentar o tempo de permanência hospitalar. O objetivo deste estudo foi certificar critérios para avaliação e acompanhamento do estado nutricional de pacientes hospitalizados aceitos pela comunidade de pesquisadores, docentes e profissionais da área de nutrição clínica. MÉTODOS: Com este propósito aplicou-se um questionário via Internet, à comunidade científica, cadastrada na Plataforma Lattes - sistema nacional de cadastro curricular unificado on-line -, para apoiar atividades de fomento de agencias federais e estaduais. O questionário é composto de recomendações acompanhadas por uma escala Likert e espaços para justificativas dos participantes em relação à opção de aceitação parcial ou discordância do procedimento proposto. Foi considerado aprovado o procedimento que teve concordância total ou parcial maior ou igual a 70,0%. RESULTADOS: Responderam ao questionário 35,2% dos profissionais contatados. A maioria (84,0%) era professor universitário, sendo 62,0% de universidade pública; 67,0% eram doutores; 63,0% tinha mais de 20 anos de formado; 74,0% eram nutricionistas e 25,0% médicos. Os procedimentos propostos versam sobre as seguintes necessidades: triagem para definição de complexidade da atenção nutricional, indicadores de avaliação e monitoramento nutricional durante a internação e equipamentos e protocolos para o atendimento nutricional. Todos os procedimentos foram aceitos pelos entrevistados. Foi proposto pelos autores um modelo de triagem para definição da complexidade do atendimento nutricional, considerando os procedimentos aceitos. CONCLUSÃO: A aceitação dos procedimentos propostos fortalece o reconhecimento da necessidade de implantação de padrões para a avaliação e monitoramento nutricional nas instituições hospitalares.OBJECTIVE: Malnutrition can adversely affect the clinical course of hospitalized patients and increase the length of hospital stay. The objective of this study was to certify procedures for assessing and following the nutritional status of hospitalized patients accepted by the clinical nutrition research community, professors and professionals. METHODS: For this purpose, a questionnaire was administered via the Internet to the scientific community registered in the Lattes Platform - national system of online, unified curriculum database to support the activities of the state and federal research funding agencies. The questionnaire consists of recommendations together with a Likert scale and space for the participants to justify their reasons for partial acceptance or rejection of the procedure proposed. The procedure that obtained total agreement or partial agreement >70.0% was approved. RESULTS: Roughly one-third (35.2%) of the professionals who received the questionnaire answered it. Most of them (84.0%) were university professors; 62.0% were of public universities; 67.0% had a PhD; 63.0% had twenty years or more of professional experience; 74.0% were dietitians and 25.0% were physicians. The proposed procedures cover the following needs: screening for defining the complexity of nutritional care, indicators of nutritional assessment and monitoring during hospital stay and equipment and protocols for nutritional care. All the procedures were accepted by the interviewees. A screening model to define the complexity of nutritional care was proposed based on the accepted procedures. CONCLUSION: Acceptance of the proposed procedures strengthens the acknowledgement of the need to implement standards for nutritional assessment and monitoring in hospitals.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Concordância entre diferentes períodos recordatórios em estudos de utilização de medicamentos

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    Objective: To assess the agreement between three recall periods for self‑reported drug use using a 24‑hour recall period as reference. Methods: Participants were allocated into three groups with different recall periods of 7, 14 and 30 days and were interviewed at two different times. A 24‑hour recall questionnaire was answered during the first interview, and a questionnaire on drug use over the different recall periods tested was answered during the second interview. The agreement between the questionnaires was evaluated using percent agreement and kappa. Results: For continuous drugs, percent agreement varied between 92 and 99% and kappa varied between 0.71 and 0.97 for three periods tested. For drugs of occasional use, percent agreement varied between 63 and 81% and kappa varied between 0.27 and 0.52. The prevalence of drugs, particularly those of occasional use, increases with time. Conclusions: The high level of agreement between the three recall periods suggests that all of them are valid for the investigation of drugs of continuous use

    SrSnO3:N – nitridation and evaluation of photocatalytic activity

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    International audienceThe SrSnO3 was prepared in powders form by a conventional method of solid state reaction and submitted to thermal treatment under NH3 in order to obtain the oxynitride and then promote photocatalytic activity at the visible region. Three different nitridation conditions were tested. The results showed that when the SrSnO3 is subjected to nitridation at moderate conditions (600 °C and 650 °C) oxynitide is formed preserving the perovskite structure. On the other hand, when the nitridation occurs at more severe conditions (750 °C), it is possible to observe the decomposition of the structure instead of the incorporation of N. Samples in which oxynitride is formed, SrSnO3:N, showed high potential photocatalysis under visible light, showing to be about 4 times more active than SrSnO3 or TiO2 at the same condition

    Habitação social à luz do direito à cidade: conceitos, marcos legais e práticas no Brasil / Social housing in light of the right to the city: concepts, legal frameworks and practices in Brazil

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    No final do século XX, testemunharam-se diversas lutas sociais que se orientaram na busca pela materialização do direito à cidade, inicialmente proposto por Lefebvre em termos teóricos. Objetiva-se refletir as conquistas legais do direito à cidade no Brasil, e a sua repercussão prática nas cidades brasileiras, principalmente no que se refere à provisão de habitação social, no seu sentido mais amplo. A análise orienta-se em uma pesquisa histórica-interpretativa. Constatou-se um avanço no arcabouço legal do Brasil orientado no cumprimento da função social da cidade, entretanto sem reflexos que alterassem a orientação da política de habitação sócia já de décadas anteriores.    

    Copepod Assemblages at the Base of Mangrove Food Webs during a Severe Drought

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    The effect of severe drought on the functional groups that sustain the base of the mangrove food webs in semi-arid areas is largely unknown. We therefore analyzed the intra-annual variation in the assemblages and functional groups of copepods in a shallow, low-inflow estuary of the Brazilian semi-arid coast when the most severe drought ever occurred. The lowest density was found in April (upstream region) and the highest in August (downstream region). Three main functional groups were identified, sorted by spawning strategy, and further subdivided according to feeding strategy, trophic regime, and diel vertical migration behavior. The community was significantly influenced by the extreme drought period, presenting a temporal homogenization in terms of composition, and an expressive and unexpected increase in density in the dry period, possibly due to phytoplankton blooms resistant to hypersalinity and the occurrence of copepod species adapted to stressful conditions. The few stress-tolerant species sustaining the food webs with seasonal variations were observed simplifying the trophic variability. The results indicate that hypersalinity can induce changes in the zooplankton community, increasing copepod mortality risk and, so, promoting alteration in the trophic estuarine dynami


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a concentração de ésteres etílicos de ácidos graxos (EEAG) em amostras da alcoólise de óleo de soja pela aplicação da espectroscopia FT-NIR associada à calibração multivariada. A amostra estudada foi obtida utilizando hidróxido de sódio como catalisador, em diferentes condições reacionais (temperatura, razão molar óleo, etanol, percentual de catalisador e tempo de reação), com o objetivo de obter amostras em diferentes concentrações de EEAG, a serem utilizadas nas etapas de calibração e validação da metodologia. Este trabalho utilizou a cromatografia gasosa com detector de ionização de chama (CG/DIC) como metodologia de referência e o método de mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS) no tratamento quimiométrico dos dados. Reporta uma alta correlação (r>0,99) entre os dados obtidos pelo método FT-NIR/PLS e reportados pelo método CG/DIC. O modelo quimiométrico desenvolvido apresentou erro médio quadrático de 2,11 e 3,26 para as etapas de calibração e validação da metodologia. Além disso a capacidade de predição da metodologia FT-NIR/PLS foi testada com grupo independente de amostras, obtidas da alcoólise de óleo de soja. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o método proposto apresenta-se como uma promissora técnica para avaliar o rendimento de reações de alcoólise de óleos vegetais, o que possibilitará o monitoramento de reações para produção de biodiesel.AbstractThis study aimed to estimate the concentration of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) in samples from the alcoholysis of soybean oil using FT-NIR spectroscopy associated with multivariate calibration. The samples were obtained using sodium hydroxide as a catalyst at different reaction conditions (temperature, molar ratio oil:ethanol percentage of catalyst and reaction time), in order to obtain samples at different concentrations of FAEE, to be used in steps calibration and validation of the methodology. Gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC / FID) was used as the reference method and the method of partial least squares (PLS) used for treatment of chemometric data. It was reported a high correlation (r> 0.99) between the data obtained by the method reported by FT-NIR/PLS and method GC / FID. The chemometric model developed showed mean square error of 2.11 and 3.26 for the steps of calibration and validation of the methodology. The predictive ability of the FT-NIR/PLS method was tested with independent group of samples obtained from the alcoholysis of soybean oil. The results show that the proposed method is presented as a promising technique for evaluating the performance of reactions of alcoholysis of vegetable oils, which will allow the monitoring of reactions for biodiesel production