443 research outputs found

    Triagem da deglutição em pacientes pós AVC agudo

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    Esta videoaula apresenta uma proposta de triagem da deglutição em pacientes pós AVC agudo. Essa triagem acontece em cinco etapas e permitirá o rastreamento dos sinais de disfagia

    Assessment of Dental Caries and Intervention in the First Permanent Molars of Brazilian Children

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    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of caries stages and interventions on first permanent molars (FPM) in Brazilian children. Material and Methods: Data from FPM were extracted from dental records of children aged 5-14 years of age that attended the UERJ Pediatric Dentistry Clinic. Data include patient age, sex, biofilm index, presence of carious lesions in all stages, and the treatments. Data was analyzed using the SPSS® 20.0 program. Results: A total of 158 dental records were analyzed, 587 registers were related to the caries stage and 601 related to the interventions; mean age of 8.26 (±1.4 years) and 53.2% were girls. The prevalence of active/inactive white spot (AWS/IWS) varied from 14.3% to 21.6% in right upper and lower left FPM, respectively. Enamel/dentin lesions without pulp involvement were also more prevalent in the lower arch and ranged from 3.4% for the right upper to 11.5% for the lower right FPM. Cavities with pulp involvement or indicated extraction ranged from 0% to 1.4%. Treatment included dental sealants, varying from 17.1 to 24.0% (n=126) and restorations, varying from 1.3 to 11.8% (n=38). The lower right were the most affected teeth. Conclusion: First permanent molars presented a higher prevalence of dental caries in early stages and the most prevalent treatment was related to the initial carious process, fluor therapy and sealants

    Calibration techniques and modifiers for the determination of Cd, Pb and Tl in biodiesel as microemulsion by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

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    Different calibration approaches and modifiers were tested for Cd, Pb and Tl determination in biodiesel by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS). Microemulsions were prepared by mixing 2 g of biodiesel, 1 mL of a 10% (v/v) nitric acid aqueous solution and n-propanol to a 10 mL final volume. Pyrolysis temperatures of 600 °C for Cd and Tl with Pd as permanent modifier, and 800 °C for Pb with Ru as permanent modifier were used. Atomization temperatures were also optimized. Calibration solution prepared in aqueous medium did not correct non-spectral interferences, but matrix matching calibration using base oil led to accurate results with recoveries from 80 to 116%. The RSD values were lower than 8% for Cd and Pb and the LOD values were 0.5 ng g-1 for Cd, 6 ng g-1 for Pb and 1 ng g-1 for Tl. The obtained results using the analyte additions method or by matrix matching calibration were in agreement, confirming the accuracy of the proposed procedure. Organometallic standards were not required and different samples were analyzed

    New Materials to Solve Energy Issues through Photochemical and Photophysical Processes: The Kinetics Involved

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    Kinetic rates of energy production are extremely controlled by the competing processes that occur in systems capable of energy transfer. Besides organic and inorganic compounds already known as electronically actives, supramolecular systems can be thought to form energy transfer complexes to efficiently convert, for instance, light into electricity and the mechanisms for that can be of any kind. Photophysical and photochemical processes can simultaneously occur in such systems to provide energy conversion, by competing mechanisms or collaborative ones. Thus, to investigate the kinetic rates of each process and to understand the dynamics of the electronic excited states population and depopulation in strategically structured materials, can offer important tools to efficiently make use of this not always so evident power of supramolecular materials. In this chapter, we present the state-of-the-art of the use of photophysical processes and photochemical changes, presented by new materials and devices to provide a control of energy transfer processes and enable distinct applications, since energy conversion to sensing and imaging techniques to material characterization


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    A Escuta Intergeracional (ESTER) no enfrentamento da pandemia pelo novo Coronavírus visa diminuir os impactos gerados pelo isolamento social através da motivação no autocuidado das pessoas a respeito das medidas de proteção. A interdisciplinaridade no atendimento às necessidades dos usuários, ampliando o conhecimento e suscitando a articulação da extensão, com a pesquisa e o ensino

    Production of Hydrogen and their Use in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

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    This work will show an overview of the hydrogen production from ethanol by steam reforming method, using distinct catalysts, resulting in low carbon monoxide content in H2 produced; a thermodynamic analysis of reforming employing entropy maximization, the ideal condition for ethanol, and other steam reforming reactions, the state of the art of steam reforming catalysts for H2 production with low CO content. Moreover, in the second part, there will be an overview of the use of hydrogen in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), the fuel cell operational conditions, a thermodynamic analysis of PEMFC, the catalysts used in the electrodes of the fuel cell, consequences of the CO presence in the hydrogen fuel feed in PEMFC, and the operation conditions for maximum output power density

    Massive Blooms of Chattonella subsalsa Biecheler (Raphidophyceae) in a Hypereutrophic, Tropical Estuary—Guanabara Bay, Brazil

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    Cell concentrations of the potentially harmful raphidophyte Chattonella subsalsa Biecheler were quantified in surface waters of Guanabara Bay, a heavily eutrophicated estuarine system in tropical Brazil, from February 2014 to January 2018. Cells were imaged and quantified in live samples by means of an automated imaging system (FlowCam®). Bloom episodes (>0.1 × 106 cells L−1) were observed in 37 samples, mostly in a shallow (<10 m) area with extremely high nutrient and organic matter loads (average total P = 19 μM and total N = 344 μM), intermediate salinity (average 24.5), and low water transparency (average Secchi depth = 0.54 m) due to continental runoff. Blooms in this area reached up to 13.3 × 106 cells L−1. C. subsalsa cell concentration was correlated with parameters linked to eutrophication of the bay. On a monthly basis, C. subsalsa abundance was correlated with a period of positive Multivariated El Niño/Southern Oscilation Index (MEI) that lasted from the beginning of 2015 to mid-2016 (known as Godzilla El Niño), indicating a potential influence of regional climate on the occurrence of C. subsalsa. Notably, at least six fish kill episodes were reported in the Bay during this period which, added to the toxicity of C. subsalsa strains isolated from the bay to Artemia nauplia (48h-LC50 = 7.3 × 106 cells L−1), highlights the threat that this HAB species poses to the environment. This is the first report of recurrent, massive C. subsalsa blooms in Guanabara Bay. Regardless of the influence of climatic forcing in favoring C. subsalsa development, reducing nutrient loads would be the best strategy to mitigate blooms of this and other potentially harmful algae in Guanabara Bay

    Os doadores e potenciais doadores de entidades carentes: quem são eles?

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    Resumo: O objetivo com o presente estudo foi identificar o perfil dos atores da sociedade civil que contribuem e também são potenciais doadores de entidades carentes em geral, com destaque na doação de alimentos, na Cidade de Guarabira, PB. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório-descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa. A partir de uma amostra de 384 entrevistados, evidenciou-se que uma parcela da população já realiza doações e existe um percentual considerável de pessoas interessadas em realizá-las também. A pesquisa mostrou que a maioria do público que pratica doações é formado por homens, porém, sobre quem não doa, as mulheres se mostraram como potenciais doadoras. Homens e mulheres jovens, entre 20 e 29 anos, preferem doar aquilo que já possuem e não se mostram abertos a comprar alimentos para doar. Pessoas viúvas compõem um grupo ativo no auxílio às entidades carentes, mas não realizam suas doações em forma de alimentos, seguidas das pessoas divorciadas. Pessoas com a faixa de renda baixa mostraram ser um grupo de potenciais doadores por interesse em doar, já as com faixa de renda maior apresentaram interesse maior em comprar para doar. Percebeu-se que, de modo geral, há interesse dos entrevistados em realizar ações que colaborem com entidades sem fins lucrativos da Cidade de Guarabira, PB, sobretudo em relação à doação de alimentos. Para tanto, faz-se necessário voltar para ações de marketing social junto aos doadores e potenciais doadores, para melhor desenvolver estratégias para evitar a perda e o desperdício de alimentos e otimizar o processo de doação. Palavras-chave: Entidades carentes. Pesquisa de mercado. Doações.   Donors and Potential Donors to Charities: Who are they?   Abstract: The objective of the present study was to identify the profile of civil society actors who contribute and are also potential donors of poor entities in general, with a focus on food donation, in the City of Guarabira, PB. For that, a descriptive exploratory research was conducted, with a quantitative approach. From a sample of 384 interviewees, it was shown that a portion of the population already makes donations and there is a considerable percentage of people interested in accomplishing them as well. Research has shown that the majority of the donating public is men, but women who donate do not donate, as potential donors. Young men and women between the ages of 20 and 29 prefer to donate what they already have and are not open to buying food to donate. Widowed people make up an active group in aid to the needy entities, but do not make their donations in the form of food, followed by the divorced people. People with the low income bracket have shown to be a group of potential donors for interest in donating, while those with higher income brackets have shown greater interest in buying to donate. It was noticed that, in general, the interviewees are interested in carrying out actions that collaborate with non-profit entities in the City of Guarabira, PB, especially in relation to food donation. To do so, it is necessary to turn to social marketing actions, together with donors and potential donors, to better develop strategies to avoid loss and waste of food and optimize the donation process. Keywords: Needy entities. Market research. Donations