748 research outputs found

    University Education: The Challenges of 21st Century

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    The article discusses the prospects for the universities development in the modern knowledge society. The main objective of the research is to determine the conditions for the universities transformation from relatively close knowledge-generating structures to the full-fledged constituents of the civil society. To this end, various factors are examined that form the external environment of universities and impact the establishment of their internal context. The research is conducted with the use of comparative analysis method which allows revealing the common and specific features in the development trends of American, European, and Russian universities. The state and market are considered as significant elements of the external environment. It is shown that in the democratic post-industrial society the state traditionally playing a key role in universities development delegates a number of its functions in terms of university management to the civil societies. The substantiation is provided for the necessity to form the universities’ strategy in the market environment as a means for enhancing their competitiveness. The author further shows how such factors as globalization, internationalization and demography change impact the implementation of both the challenging task of establishing world class universities and the objective to implement the principle of equal opportunities in the educational field. Eventually, a number of conditions are defined that will allow making universities and higher education as a whole not only part of innovative economy but also the foundation for sustainable and fair society

    An Extended Systems Approach to Change in Labor Relations during the Emergence of a New Economy

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    The emergence of a new pattern labor relations in a time of globalization and digitalization of an economy is a difficult and uncertain phenomenon, and therefore many researchers have expressed serious concern about the fate of labor and labor relations. This article explores how the forming of a network economy influences labor relations. It identifies the organizational foundations and principles of labor relations in the emerging new economy in Russia. It reviews the influence of cultural values on how networked labor relations are formed. The paper uses a multidisciplinary approach to the study of labor relations based on systems theories. The article promotes a new technique for understanding labor relations in an organization based on an extended systems approach, which provides an opportunity to assess the organizational principles of the system of labor relations, to build it in such a way that its different parts interact, respond to changes and send feedback signals, affecting the operation of the system. The paper discusses ways to solve problems in the field of social and labor relations on both organizational and theoretical levels

    Amor y nuevas tecnologías : reflexiones en torno a la película Her (2013) de Spike Jonze

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    La cuarta revolución tecnológica iniciada en la segunda mitad del siglo XX condujo a la transformación de la experiencias sociales e individuales, generando un impacto que afectó en todos los órdenes de la cultura. En ese marco, la concepción del amor, y las relaciones de pareja de ella derivada, sufrieron una reconfiguración que fue categorizada como “amor líquido”. Bajo la certeza de que el modelo líquido del amor no es el único que opera en tiempos mediados tecnológicamente, esta investigación se adentra en el análisis de la persistencia y actualización tecnológica de los modelos amorosos cortés, romántico y confluente en la película Her (2013), de Spike Jonze

    Analysis the Impact of Literature on the Formation of the Russian Federation State Civil Servant Image in Mass Media

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    The main features of the XXI century Russian society have been formed due to social and psychological changes, which led to a global transformation of the state system. Modern world faces the problem of developing a new policy of state power that will be based on the principles of consensus (reconciliation of all contentious and conflicting issues in the process of developing a solution that is reached through discussion and consultation), society and open partnership. The reason for this global upheaval is that the pace of change in the relationship between the state (government) and society itself depends on the open-ended policy that is now key. The image of a civil servant is similar to a construction that can be replaced, strengthened, re-mounted, modified, etc., and most importantly, that it needs serious work. The perception of the image exists and changes not only in the consciousness of people, but also in the unconscious sphere (emotional). In order to create a positive image of a civil servant, they need to be governed. To manage it, one needs to know the basic idea of what and in what sequence should occur, and at what stage intermediate results should appear. According to the authors, the solution to the problem of studying the acting factors that make the positive image of civil servants of modern Russia, the identification of the most effective ways, forms and principles of its positive transformation, as well as the analysis of the constituents of the employee of state structures are relevant. The most important in the work of representatives of public authorities is the nature of their public relations. If public servants do not evoke citizens' feelings of trust, justice and other positive psychological and social reactions, then feedback (from the population to state bodies) will be ineffective. Since the operation of the system of state power is the result of the functioning of the whole state as a whole, it is important that the work of state bodies used the maximum opportunities with the least cost. This scheme ensures effective management and positive results. But such a situation will not be achievable if the level of public trust in government is low.The main features of the XXI century Russian society have been formed due to social and psychological changes, which led to a global transformation of the state system. Modern world faces the problem of developing a new policy of state power that will be based on the principles of consensus (reconciliation of all contentious and conflicting issues in the process of developing a solution that is reached through discussion and consultation), society and open partnership. The reason for this global upheaval is that the pace of change in the relationship between the state (government) and society itself depends on the open-ended policy that is now key. The image of a civil servant is similar to a construction that can be replaced, strengthened, re-mounted, modified, etc., and most importantly, that it needs serious work. The perception of the image exists and changes not only in the consciousness of people, but also in the unconscious sphere (emotional). In order to create a positive image of a civil servant, they need to be governed. To manage it, one needs to know the basic idea of what and in what sequence should occur, and at what stage intermediate results should appear. According to the authors, the solution to the problem of studying the acting factors that make the positive image of civil servants of modern Russia, the identification of the most effective ways, forms and principles of its positive transformation, as well as the analysis of the constituents of the employee of state structures are relevant. The most important in the work of representatives of public authorities is the nature of their public relations. If public servants do not evoke citizens' feelings of trust, justice and other positive psychological and social reactions, then feedback (from the population to state bodies) will be ineffective. Since the operation of the system of state power is the result of the functioning of the whole state as a whole, it is important that the work of state bodies used the maximum opportunities with the least cost. This scheme ensures effective management and positive results. But such a situation will not be achievable if the level of public trust in government is low

    Análisis del impacto de la literatura en la formación de la imagen del funcionario público de la Federación de Rusia en los medios de comunicación

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    The main features of the XXI century Russian society have been formed due to social and psychological changes, which led to a global transformation of the state system. Modern world faces the problem of developing a new policy of state power that will be based on the principles of consensus (reconciliation of all contentious and conflicting issues in the process of developing a solution that is reached through discussion and consultation), society and open partnership. The reason for this global upheaval is that the pace of change in the relationship between the state (government) and society itself depends on the open-ended policy that is now key. The image of a civil servant is similar to a construction that can be replaced, strengthened, re-mounted, modified, etc., and most importantly, that it needs serious work. The perception of the image exists and changes not only in the consciousness of people, but also in the unconscious sphere (emotional). In order to create a positive image of a civil servant, they need to be governed. To manage it, one needs to know the basic idea of what and in what sequence should occur, and at what stage intermediate results should appear. According to the authors, the solution to the problem of studying the acting factors that make the positive image of civil servants of modern Russia, the identification of the most effective ways, forms and principles of its positive transformation, as well as the analysis of the constituents of the employee of state structures are relevant. The most important in the work of representatives of public authorities is the nature of their public relations. If public servants do not evoke citizens' feelings of trust, justice and other positive psychological and social reactions, then feedback (from the population to state bodies) will be ineffective. Since the operation of the system of state power is the result of the functioning of the whole state as a whole, it is important that the work of state bodies used the maximum opportunities with the least cost. This scheme ensures effective management and positive results. But such a situation will not be achievable if the level of public trust in government is low.Las principales características de la sociedad rusa del siglo XXI se han formado debido a cambios sociales y psicológicos, que condujeron a una transformación global del sistema estatal. El mundo moderno enfrenta el problema de desarrollar una nueva política de poder estatal que se basará en los principios de consenso (conciliación de todos los temas conflictivos y conflictivos en el proceso de desarrollar una solución que se alcance a través de la discusión y consulta), la sociedad y la asociación abierta. La razón de esta agitación global es que el ritmo de cambio en la relación entre el estado (gobierno) y la sociedad misma depende de la política abierta que ahora es clave.La imagen de un funcionario público es similar a una construcción que se puede reemplazar, fortalecer, volver a montar, modificar, etc., y lo más importante, que necesita un trabajo serio. La percepción de la imagen existe y cambia no solo en la conciencia de las personas, sino también en la esfera inconsciente (emocional). Para crear una imagen positiva de un funcionario público, deben ser gobernados. Para gestionarlo, es necesarioconocer la idea básica de qué y en qué secuencia debe ocurrir, y en qué etapa deben aparecer los resultados intermedios. Según los autores, la solución al problema de estudiar los factores de actuación que hacen la imagen positiva de los funcionarios de la Rusia moderna, la identificación de las formas, formas y principios más efectivos de su transformación positiva, así como el análisis de los componentes del empleado de las estructuras estatales son relevantes. Lo más importante en el trabajo de los representantes de las autoridades públicas es la naturaleza de sus relaciones públicas. Si los servidores públicos no evocan los sentimientos de confianza, justicia y otras reacciones psicológicas y sociales positivas de los ciudadanos, la retroalimentación (de la población a los organismos estatales) será ineficaz. Dado que la operación del sistema de poder estatal es el resultado del funcionamiento de todo el estado en su conjunto, es importante que el trabajo de los organismos estatales aproveche las máximasoportunidades con el menor costo. Este esquema garantiza una gestión eficaz y resultados positivos. Pero tal situación no será posible si el nivel de confianza pública en el gobierno es bajo

    Implementation of party projects as a way to strengthen the image of a public organization

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    The purpose of the article was to identify the attitude of the population toward the Moscow Regional regional branch of the United Russia Party to improve the image of this public organization. Special sociological methods were used, including qualitative analysis of documents, secondary analysis of research results, survey methods. Based on the results of the survey, it was revealed that the implementation of party projects is a significant tool for forming the image of political organizations. An attractive image of an organization is the most important condition for its political success, which helps to bring the electorate to its side

    Regulation of mitochondrial NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase in rat heart during ischemia

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    The changes in the regulation of at mitochondrial NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-ICDH) in a rat heart during have been analysed. Increase of enzyme activity in the cytosol and mitochondria of the heart ischemia was detected. Catalytic properties of the mitochondrial NADP-ICDH at norm and pathology have been compared on homogeneous enzyme preparations. Enzyme from the normoxic and ischemic heart showed the same electrophoretical mobility and molecular mass. Enzyme isolated from the ischemic heart mitochondria demonstrated higher activation energy and lower thermal stability. NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase at the normoxic and ischemic conditions exhibited different Km for substrates and regulatory behaviour in relation to ATP, ADP, 2-oxoglutarate, citrate, malate, reduced and oxidised glutathione. The inhibitory effect of the Fe2+ and H2O2 mixture associated with the generation of hydroxyl radicals was lower in the ischemic enzyme. We hypothesise that the specific features of regulation behaviour of NADP-ICDH from the ischemic tissues permits the enzyme to supply NADPH to the glutathione reductase/glutathione peroxidase system.This work was supported by grants from the Scientific Programs of Russia Ministry Education and Science (number of projects are RNP. and UR. 07.01.004).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Дистанционное образование в России в контексте обучения иностранным языкам

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    Every year the interest of youth in a foreign language as a means of international communication increases. New professions arise that require knowledge of a foreign language. Knowledge of a foreign language is a mandatory requirement for business communication and running anywhere in the world, evidence, and guarantee of competitiveness, professional socialization of the modern young generation. One of the priority tasks of the language training system is the improvement of teaching methods, the search for innovative methods, and advanced technologies for teaching languages. The article describes the current trends in Russian education, which are associated with the spread of distance education. It is proved that distance education is becoming increasingly important in terms of language training. It is shown that modern trends in education are associated, first of all, with the need to overcome the contradictions between the content of training and the requirements for the personality of the future specialist, the traditional organization of the educational process and the patterns of interpersonal and intercultural interaction.Cada año aumenta el interés de los jóvenes en un idioma extranjero como medio de comunicación internacional. Surgen nuevas profesiones que requieren el conocimiento de un idioma extranjero. El conocimiento de un idioma extranjero es un requisito obligatorio para la comunicación empresarial y la ejecución en cualquier parte del mundo, evidencia y garantía de competitividad, socialización profesional de la generación joven moderna. Una de las tareas prioritarias del sistema de capacitación en idiomas es la mejora de los métodos de enseñanza, la búsqueda de métodos innovadores y las tecnologías avanzadas para la enseñanza de idiomas. El artículo describe las tendencias actuales en la educación rusa, que están asociadas con la difusión de la educación a distancia. Está comprobado que la educación a distancia se está volviendo cada vez más importante en términos de capacitación en idiomas. Se muestra que las tendencias modernas en educación están asociadas, en primer lugar, con la necesidad de superar las contradicciones entre el contenido de la capacitación y los requisitos para la personalidad del futuro especialista, la organización tradicional del proceso educativo y los patrones de interpersonal e interacción intercultural. С каждым годом увеличивается интерес молодежи к иностранному языку как средству международного общения. Появляются новые специальности, требующие владения иностранным языком.Знание второго и последующих языков – это обязательное требование для делового общения и ведения бизнеса в любой точке мира, свидетельство и залог конкурентоспособности, профессиональной социализации современного молодого поколения.Одними из приоритетных задач системы языковой подготовки являются совершенствование методов обучения, поиск инновационных методов и передовых технологий обучения языкам.В данной статье описываются современные тенденции российского образования, связанные с распространением дистанционного обучения. Доказывается, что дистанционное обучение приобретает все большее значение в плане языковой подготовки. Показано, что современные тенденции в образовании связаны, в первую очередь, с необходимостью преодоления противоречий между содержанием подготовки и требованиями к личности будущего специалиста, традиционной организацией образовательного процесса и закономерностями межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия