49 research outputs found

    SMF on neurogenic control of the circulation in shr and angiotensin ii receptors expression in NTS.

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    Svi živi organizmi na zemlji stalno su izloženi magnetnom polju za koje je pokazano da, zavisno od intenziteta i dužine ekspozicije, može značajno da menja brojne fiziološke funkcije. U ovom radu ispitivali smo antihipertenzivni potencijal stalnog magnetnog polja srednjeg intenziteta i pratli moguće štetno dejstvo na hematopoezne organe. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na odraslim mužijacima spontano hipertenzivnih pacova randomizovanim u 3 eksperimentalne grupe: GRUPA I (n=17) izložena 30 dana kontinuirano dejstvu severnog pola stalnog magnetnog polja; GRUPA II (n=17) 30 dana kontinuirano izložena južnom polu stalnog magnetnog polja i treća, KONTROLNA GRUPA (n=17) koja nije bila izložena stalnom magnetnom polju. Nakon ekspozicije, pacovima je ugrađen kateter u femoralnu arteriju za registraciju arterisjkog krvnog pritiska i srčane frekvencije. Kratkoročni varijabilitet arterisjkog krvnog pritiska i srčane frekvencije evaluiran je spektralnom analizom (brzom Furijeovom transformacijom), a senzitivnost baroreceptorskog refleksa metodom sekvenci. Genska ekspresija receptora angiotenzina II u jedru solitarnog trakta određena je RT-qPCR metodom. Stepen hipertenzivne kardiomiopatije i glomeruloskleroze procenjivan je post mortem patohistološkim pregledom. Krvna slika, celularnost slezine i koštane srži određivana je u specijalnoj komori za brojanje ćelija. Kontinuirano izlaganje spontano hipertenzivnih pacova južnom polu stalnog magnetnog polja povećalo je gensku ekspresiju AT1b receptora a smanjilo ekspresiju AT2 receptora u jedru solitarnog trakta. Ekspozicija spontano hipertenzivnih pacova stalnom magnetnom polju obe orijentacije dovela je do smanjenja arterisjkog krvnog pritiska i njegovog kratkoročnog varijabiliteta kao i do povećanja senzitivnost baroreceptorskog refleksa, ali bez efekta na razvoj hipertenzivne kardiomiopatije i glomeruloskleroze. Istovremeno primećeno je smanjenje broja trombocita u krvi, granulocita u slezini i koštanoj srži i porast broja eritrocita u slezini. Iz svega proističe da bi stalno magnetno polje moglo da ima antihipertenzivni terapijski potencijal kod obolelih ljudi, posebno kod onih sa smanjenom osetljivošću barorefleksa, ali uz poseban oprez prema mogućoj pojavi neželjenog dejstva na hematopoezni sistem


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    Blastocystis hominis (B. hominis) is an anaerobic, single-cell protozoan, commonly present in human and animal stool samples. It can be found in healthy people as well and it still has not been elucidated whether it is a commensal organism or a pathogen. Blastocystosis is a disease caused by the protozoan in humans. The prevalence of the parasitosis varies both between the countries, and between certain population groups within individual countries. Due to poor hygienic conditions, common exposure to animals and intake of contaminated water and food, people in the developing countries have got a higher prevalence of blastocystosis, but economically developed countries have not been spared either. The taxonomy of B. hominis is still a matter of debates. For the reasons of genetic diversity, it has been suggested that the name B. hominis should be replaced with „Blastocystis species‟. Seventeen subtypes of the species have been so far identified, and a definitive characterization of Blastocystis spp. is possible at the molecular level only. The parasite is transferred by the fecal-oral route. A variety of hosts have been identified, and animal-to-human and vice versa transfers have been documented. The most common manifestations of the infection with the organism are diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and bloating. This infection has also been associated with the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), non-specific colitis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CIBD), and urticaria. The diagnosis can be made using the methods of conventional microscopy (CVM), phase-contrast and electron microscopy, cultivation, serodiagnosis, and by using molecular methods. The infection caused by the parasite does not always require treatment. In symptomatic patients, the first line medical treatment is metronidazole. Further studies are required to resolve all dilemmas regarding the parasite

    Community Pharmacists' Attitudes and Professional Practice in Relation to the Patient Safety Incidents

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    Background: Medicines dispensing is an error-prone activity, therefore potentially jeopardizing patient safety. This study aimed to assess the community pharmacists' attitudes towards the causes of dispensing errors and preventive measures, as well as their practice in incidents reporting. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed by distributing an adopted and validated questionnaire to a nationwide sample of community pharmacists in Serbia. The questionnaire included sections related to the participants' socio-demographic characteristics, their attitudes towards factors causing dispensing errors and corrective actions, as well as their practice in reporting. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Statistics software ver. 21.0. The associations between categorical variables were analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: The study included 1,004 participants, mainly female (94.9%), with the mean age 40.9 +/- 9.9 years and mean work experience 14.3 +/- 10.0 years. More than a third of the participants (35.4%) indicated an increasing risk of dispensing errors. The main causes included illegible prescriber's handwriting (44.3%) and interruptions during dispensing (39.2%), while the major corrective actions were providing pharmacists with education in clinical pharmacy (71%) and reducing the interruptions during dispensing (63.9%). The majority of respondents (85.2%) stated that they routinely reported dispensing incidents. However, even 16.5% of them admitted to having fear sometimes or always. Additionally, only 58.1% of participants would use voluntary dispensing error reporting system. Conclusion: Serbian community pharmacists are aware of the existing risk in medicines dispensing and the corrective actions identified should be put into practice so as to manage them prospectively. Although the results indicate good practice in incidents reporting, conducting tailored educations and building of safety culture is necessary to improve patient safety

    Sudden death: Neurogenic causes, prediction and prevention

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    Sudden death is a major health problem all over the world. The most common causes of sudden death are cardiac but there are also other causes such as neurological conditions (stroke, epileptic attacks and brain trauma), drugs, catecholamine toxicity, etc. A common feature of all these diverse pathologies underlying sudden death is the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system control of the cardiovascular system. This paper reviews different pathologies underlying sudden death with emphasis on the autonomic nervous system contribution, possibilities of early diagnosis and prognosis of sudden death using various clinical markers including autonomic markers (heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity), present possibilities of management and promising prevention by electrical neuromodulation

    The effects of mineral adsorbents added to broilers diet on breast meat quality

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    The aim of these investigations was to determine the influence of mineral adsorbents “Minazel” and “Minazel Plus” added into broiler diet, on the carcass quality and nutritional, technological and sensory properties of breast meat. The examination was done on Cobb 500 provenience divided into 4 groups: control group C (fed without addition of mineral adsorbent), experimental group E I (0.5% of Minazel), experimental group E II (0.2% of Minazel Plus), experimental group E III (0.3% of Minazel Plus). The results showed that the broilers fed with the addition of mineral adsorbents, had a higher (P < 0.01) mass of chilled carcass “ready to grill“ and breast mass, than the broilers of the control group. Based on the parameters and criteria for defining the quality of chicken breast meat (pHu and L*) it can be concluded that meat of all groups had in average "normal" quality. According to the results of sensory analyzed roasted breast meat, meat of experimental groups had preferable smell and tenderness. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46012

    Sadržaj makrominerala u M. semimembranosus i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum pet čistih rasa svinja ogdajanih u Vojvodini

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    The contents of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium were investigated in the M. semimembranosus (SM) and M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire and Pietrain pigs, produced in Vojvodina. Phosphorous was determined by the standard spectrophotometric method. Metals were determined by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry after mineralization of samples by dry ashing. The differences in the content of all investigated macro minerals in the SM muscles and in the LTL muscles among the five purebred pigs were not significant (P>0.05). The type of the muscles had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the macro mineral content, except on P (P=0.011) content for Landrace, and on K (P=0.026) and Mg (P=0.019) content for Large White. The Vojvodian pork showed slightly higher Ca content and slightly lower K content compared with the values found in other countries.Glavni izvori varijabilnosti nutritivnog sastava mesa su velika raznolikost zemljišta i klimatskih uslova (geografska varijabilnost), sezona, fiziološko stanje i starost životinje, kao i vrsta i rasa. U komercijalnoj proizvodnji mesa u Vojvodini dominantno se koristi pet čistih rasa svinja (Velika Bela, Landras, Durok, Hempšir i Pietren) i njihovi hibridi. Nutritivni faktori kvaliteta mesa uključuju: proteine i njihov sastav, masti i njihov sastav, vitamine, minerale, iskorišćenje, svarljivost i biološku vrednost. Minerali su obično podeljeni u dve grupe - makrominerali (kalcijum, magnezijum, fosfor, kalijum, natrijum, sumpor) i mikrominerali (hrom, kobalt, bakar, jod, gvožđe, mangan, molibden, selen, zink). M. semimembranosus (SM) i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) su dva ekonomski najznačajnija mišića na trupu svinja. Sadržaj fosfora, kalijuma, natrijuma, magnezijuma i kalcijuma je ispitan u SM i LTL mišićima svinja Velika Bela, Landras, Durok, Hempšir i Pietren, koje su odgajane u Vojvodini. Fosfor je određen standardnom spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Metali su određeni plamenom atomskom apsorpcionom spektrometrijom nakon suvog spaljivanja uzoraka. Razlike u sadržajima svih ispitanih makrominerala u mišićima SM kao i u mišićima LTL između pet čistih rasa svinja nisu bile značajne (P>0,05). Tip mišića nema značajan (P>0,05) uticaj na sadržaj makrominerala, osim na sadržaj P (P=0,011) kod svinja rase Landras i na sadržaj K (P=0,026) i Mg (P=0,019) kod svinja rase Velika Bela. Svinjsko meso proizvedeno u Vojvodini pokazuje nešto veći sadržaj Ca i nešto manji sadržaj K u poređenju sa sadržajima utvrđenim u drugim zemljama

    Boja i mramoriranost M. semimembranosus i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum pet čistih rasa svinja odgajanih u Vojvodini

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    Sensory evaluation of colour and marbling of M. semimembranosus (SM) and M.   longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from five purebred pigs produced in   Vojvodina (Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire and Pietrain) was   performed. Colour was evaluated by the panellists with 6-point colour score   cards (1-pale pinkish-gray to white; 6-dark purplish-red). Marbling was   evaluated by the panellists with7-point marbling score cards (1-devoid,   6-moderate/10-abundant).The differences in the colour and in the marbling of   the SM muscles and of the LTL muscles among the five purebred pigs were not   significant (P>0.05). A darker colour was obtained for SM muscles than for   LTL muscles for all five purebred pigs, with a significant differences for   Durok (P=0.018) and Pietrain (P=0.002). The type of the muscles had no   significant effect on marbling (P>0.05). The Vojvodian pork meat showed   lighter colour than optimum for pork. According to average marbling scores   fat content in pork produced in Vojvodina was less than 2 %.Senzorski kvalitet mesa se smatra jednim od najvažnijih faktora kvaliteta jer   utiče na odluku za ponovnu kupovinu od strane potrošača. M. semimembranosus   (SM) i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) su dva ekonomski   najznačajnija mišića na trupu svinja. Boja i mramoriranost su ispitivani na   SM i LTL mišićima svinja rasa: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116), Durok   (n=112), Hempšir (n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Uzorci za   određivanje boje i mramoriranosti uzeti su iz centralnog dela svakog mišića   (tri odreska), upravno na dužu osu mišića; minimalna debljina uzoraka bila   je 2,5 cm. Boja je ocenjena korišćenjem skale u boji (karti) od 1 do 6   (1-bledo-ružičasto-siva do bela; 6-tamno purpurno-crvena). Mramoriranost je   ocenjena korišćenjem skale u boji (karti) od 1 do 6 (10) (1-bez   mramoriranosti; 6-umerena/10-oblina). Razlike u boji i mramoriranosti mišića   SM kao i mišića LTL između pet čistih rasa svinja nisu bile značajne   (P>0,05). Tamnija boja mišića SM u odnosu na mišiće LTL utvrđena je kod svih   pet čistih rasa svinja, sa značajnom razlikom kod Duroka (P=0,018) i   Pietrena (P=0,002). Ukupno, boja mišića SM i LTLje ocenjena prosečnim   ocenama 2,48 i 2,19, redom, sa značajnom razlikom (P lt 0,001). Tip mišića nije   imao značajan uticaj na mramoriranost (P>0,05). Ukupno, mramoriranost mišića   SM i LTL je ocenjena prose;nim ocenama 1,78 i 1,6, redom. Svinjsko meso   proizvedeno u Vojvodini ima svetliju boju od optimalne. Na osnovu prosečnih   ocena za mramoriranost može se zaključiti da je sadržaj masti u svinjskom   mesu proizvedenom u Vojvodini manji od 2%. PR Research was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, project No TR31032. These results are part of the project No 114-451-1016/2014 which is financially supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia

    Analiza upotrebe dijetetskih suplemenata za smanjenje telesne mase

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    Background/Aim. Overweight and obesity may lead to a large number of health problems. Prevention and adequately timed treatment can lead to successful body mass regulation. The aim of the study was to analyze body mass index (BMI) of the examinees, usage of dietary supplement for weight loss (DSWL) by gender and particular products, types of information source and types of information about DSWL which provide doctors and pharmacists. Methods. The survey was conducted in the region of the town of Niš. The survey was carried out among a random sample of 505 participants, 243 men and 262 women, older than 15 years. The tool used was a questionnaire. Results. There is a positive association between aging and BMI. DSWL are used by 20.39% of the examinees. The most of the examinees that use DSWL were overweight and used it for esthetic reasons. Before the use of DSWL, women usually practice diets and men practice fluid consumption. Television is the most important source of information about DSWL. Health care professionals mostly provide information about DSWL consumption (64.08%), and only a third of them provide all the information (usage, eating regime, fluid consumption, and physical activity). Conclusion. The prevalence of obesity emphasizes the need for concentrated efforts to prevent obesity in the early age. The only way to reduce the risk of DSWLs misuse is providing all of the necessary information by the health care professionals. As pharmacists are in the direct contact with patients they have the most important role in rational and effective use of DSWL.Uvod/Cilj. Gojaznost i prekomerna telesna masa mogu izazvati mnoge bolesti. Uvođenje blagovremenih mera prevencije, može dati značajne rezultate u regulaciji telesne mase. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrde vrednosti indeksa telesne mase (ITM) ispitanika, upotreba dijetetskih suplemenata za smanjenje telesne mase (DSTM) prema vrsti preparata i polu ispitanika, stavovi i izvori informisanja ispitanika o DSTM, i informacije o DSTM koje pružaju lekari i farmaceuti. Metode. Istraživanjem sprovedenim na teritoriji Nišavskog okruga obuhvaćeni su ispitanici stariji od 15 godina odabrani po metodi slučajnog izbora. Kao instrument istraživanja korišćen je upitnik. Rezultati. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 505 osoba (243 muškog i 262 ženskog pola) starije od 15 godina. Trend porasta vrednosti ITM usled starenja bio je prisutan kod obe posmatrane grupe. Ukupno 20,39% ispitanika koristilo je DSTM. Najveći broj ispitanika koji su koristili DSTM nalazio se u kategoriji predgojaznog stanja i koristili su ove preparate iz estetskih razloga. Žene su, uglavnom, pribegavale dijeti, a muškarci povećanom unosu tečnosti pre nego što su započinjali upotrebu DSTM. Ispitanici oba pola najčešće su koristili televiziju kao izvor informisanja o DSTM. Najveći broj ispitanika (64,08%) dobio je osnovne informacije o upotrebi preparata od zdravstvenih radnika, dok je samo trećina ispitanika (31,07%) dobila detaljne informacije o upotrebi, režimu ishrane, unosu tečnosti i fizičkoj aktivnosti. Zaključak. Sa merama prevencije gojaznosti potrebno je početi još u periodu rane mladosti. U cilju smanjenja rizika od pogrešne upotrebe DSTM zdravstveni radnici trebalo bi da pružaju potpune informacije o njima. S obzirom na to da se preparati DSTM prodaju u apotekama, farmaceuti imaju presudnu ulogu u kontroli upotrebe ovih preparata i racionalnoj i efektivnoj prevenciji gojaznosti


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    Monitoring of particulate matter (PM) mass concentrations in indoor air are important for human health risk assessments, since most of the individuals in developed countries spend the majority of their time indoors. The mass concentrations of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5 fractions) were measured in several naturally ventilated offices and hallway in the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia. The measurements are carried out with a portable, direct reading, aerosol monitoring device Turnkey OSIRIS. Several sampling campaigns were conducted in the time interval from 2009 to 2014 in the six selected offices and in a hallway near the main entrance. The average daily mass concentrations of PM in the offices during the summer period (April – September) were 21.9 mg/m3 for PM10 and 8.4 mg/m3 for PM2.5. The average daily mass concentrations of PM in the offices during the winter period (October – March) were 20.3 mg/m3 for PM10 and 10.9 mg/m3 for PM2.5. The indoor air quality seems satisfactory with respect to the both observed fractions of PM. Particle monitor used in the study proved to be practical for PM measurements in the indoor environments, as it is portable and quiet enough not to disturb occupants in the offices

    Bezbednost bolesnika i medicinske greške u procesu pružanja zdravstvene zaštite - izazovi za savremenu praksu

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    Non-maleficence represents one of the basic ethical principles that health care providers should be guided by during service delivery. Establishment of patient safety is nowadays recognized as an issue of global concern in health care and a critical component of quality management. The aim of this paper is to provide a literature review of the patient safety and medication errors concept, with special attention given to defining the most significant terms, analyzing the causal factors and reviewing their classification. Raising awareness about the importance of patient safety has resulted in an increase in the number of medication error studies over the last decade. The traditional approach which makes health workers responsible for reduction of incidents is replaced by the modern concept which implies the involvement of all stakeholders at all levels of the system. In developed countries, the application of prospective risk management models for specific health care processes has already started. However, all these studies are mainly carried out at the secondary and tertiary levels of health care, while they are almost non-existent at the primary level. In the Republic of Serbia, a Rulebook on indicators of the quality of health care has been recently adopted, but a trend of significant lack of data regarding patient safety can be noticed due to inadequate reporting. It is necessary to continue with the homogenization of terminology and to increase the number of analyses of causal factors with the aim of prospective risk identification, particularly in developing countries such as the Republic of Serbia.Neškodljivost predstavlja jedan od osnovnih etičkih principa kojim bi trebalo da se rukovode zdravstveni radnici prilikom pružanja usluga zdravstvene zaštite. Uspostavljanje i unapređenje bezbednosti bolesnika danas je prepoznato kao problem od globalnog značaja u zdravstvu i kritična komponenta upravljanja kvalitetom. Cilj ovog rada bio je literaturni prikaz koncepta bezbednosti bolesnika i medicinskih grešaka, sa posebnim osvrtom na pregled definicija najznačajnijih termina u ovoj oblasti, analizu faktora koji determinišu nastanak medicinskih grešaka i razmatranje njihove klasifikacije. Tokom poslednje decenije je sa povećanjem svesti o problemu bezbednosti bolesnika povećan i broj istraživanja medicinskih grešaka. Tradicionalni pristup po kome su za redukciju incidenata i poboljšanje bezbednosti odgovorni zdravstveni radnici zamenjuje se savremenim konceptom, koji podrazumeva uključivanje svih aktera na svim sistemskim nivoima radi upravljanja rizicima prilikom pružanja zdravstvenih usluga. U razvijenim zemljama je započeta i primena prospektivnih modela upravljanja rizicima za određene procese u zdravstvenoj zaštiti. Međutim, sve ove studije se uglavnom sprovode na sekundarnom i tercijarnom nivou zdravstvene zaštite, dok ih na primarnom nivou gotovo uopšte nema. U Republici Srbiji je nedavno usvojen Pravilnik o pokazateljima kvaliteta zdravstvene zaštite, ali se uprkos implementaciji regulative, može uočiti trend značajnog nedostatka podataka u vezi sa bezbednošću bolesnika zbog neadekvatnog prijavljivanja od strane zdravstvenih ustanova. U budućnosti je neophodno nastaviti sa homogenizacijom terminologije, kao i povećati broj ispitivanja faktora koji doprinose nastanku medicinskih grešaka, a sa ciljem prospektivnog identifikovanja i prevencije rizika u sistemu zdravstvene zaštite, a posebno u zemljama u razvoju kao što je Republika Srbija