709 research outputs found

    Intense myocyte formation from cardiac stem cells in human cardiac hypertrophy

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    It is generally believed that increase in adult contractile cardiac mass can be accomplished only by hypertrophy of existing myocytes. Documentation of myocardial regeneration in acute stress has challenged this dogma and led to the proposition that myocyte renewal is fundamental to cardiac homeostasis. Here we report that in human aortic stenosis, increased cardiac mass results from a combination of myocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Intense new myocyte formation results from the differentiation of stem-like cells committed to the myocyte lineage. These cells express stem cell markers and telomerase. Their number increased >13-fold in aortic stenosis. The finding of cell clusters with stem cells making the transition to cardiogenic and myocyte precursors, as well as very primitive myocytes that turn into terminally differentiated myocytes, provides a link between cardiac stem cells and myocyte differentiation. Growth and differentiation of these primitive cells was markedly enhanced in hypertrophy, consistent with activation of a restricted number of stem cells that, through symmetrical cell division, generate asynchronously differentiating progeny. These clusters strongly support the existence of cardiac stem cells that amplify and commit to the myocyte lineage in response to increased workload. Their presence is consistent with the notion that myocyte hyperplasia significantly contributes to cardiac hypertrophy and accounts for the subpopulation of cycling myocytes

    Domain size effects on the dynamics of a charge density wave in 1T-TaS2

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    Recent experiments have shown that the high temperature incommensurate (I) charge density wave (CDW) phase of 1T-TaS2 can be photoinduced from the lower temperature, nearly commensurate (NC) CDW state. Here we report a time-resolved x-ray diffraction study of the growth process of the photoinduced I-CDW domains. The layered nature of the material results in a marked anisotropy in the size of the photoinduced domains of the I-phase. These are found to grow self-similarly, their shape remaining unchanged throughout the growth process. The photoinduced dynamics of the newly formed I-CDW phase was probed at various stages of the growth process using a double pump scheme, where a first pump creates I-CDW domains and a second pump excites the newly formed I-CDW state. We observe larger magnitudes of the coherently excited I-CDW amplitude mode in smaller domains, which suggests that the incommensurate lattice distortion is less stable for smaller domain sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    And the winner is: galaxy mass

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    The environment is known to affect the formation and evolution of galaxies considerably best visible through the well-known morphology-density relationship. We study the effect of environment on the evolution of early-type galaxies for a sample of 3,360 galaxies morphologically selected by visual inspection from the SDSS in the redshift range 0.05<z<0.06, and analyse luminosity-weighted age, metallicity, and alpha/Fe ratio as function of environment and galaxy mass. We find that on average 10 per cent of early-type galaxies are rejuvenated through minor recent star formation. This fraction increases with both decreasing galaxy mass and decreasing environmental density. However, the bulk of the population obeys a well-defined scaling of age, metallicity, and alpha/Fe ratio with galaxy mass that is independent of environment. Our results contribute to the growing evidence in the recent literature that galaxy mass is the major driver of galaxy formation. Even the morphology-density relationship may actually be mass-driven, as the consequence of an environment dependent characteristic galaxy mass coupled with the fact that late-type galaxy morphologies are more prevalent in low-mass galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, proceedings of JENAM 2010, Symposium 2: "Environment and the formation of galaxies: 30 years later

    The stellar content of the COSMOS field as derived from morphological and SED based gtar/galaxy Separation

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    We report on the stellar content of the COSMOS two degree field, as derived from a rigorous star/galaxy separation approach developed for using stellar sources to define the point spread function variation map used in a study of weak galaxy lensing. The catalog obtained in one filter from the ACS (Advanced Camera for Survey on the Hubble Space Telescope) is cross-identified with ground based multi-wavelength catalogs. The classification is reliable to magnitude F814W=24F_{814W}=24 and the sample is complete even fainter. We construct a color-magnitude diagram and color histograms and compare them with predictions of a standard model of population synthesis. We find features corresponding to the halo subdwarf main sequence turnoff, the thick disk, and the thin disk. This data set provides constraints on the thick disk and spheroid density laws and on the IMF at low mass. We find no evidence of a sharp spheroid edge out to this distance. We identify a blue population of white dwarfs with counts that agree with model predictions. We find a hint for a possible slight stellar overdensity at about 22-34 kpc but the data are not strong enough at present to claim detection of a stream feature in the halo (abridged).Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, accepted in APJ Suppl COSMOS special issue, replaced by larger figures. A full resolution figure preprint can be found at ftp://ftp.obs-besancon.fr/pub/outgoing/annie/star-cosmos.pd

    Neuromyopathy with congenital cataracts and glaucoma: A distinct syndrome caused by POLG variants

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    We identified three non-related patients manifesting a childhood-onset progressive neuromyopathy with congenital cataracts, delayed walking, distal weakness and wasting, glaucoma and swallowing difficulties. Electrophysiology and nerve biopsies showed a mixed axonal and demyelinating neuropathy, while muscle biopsy disclosed both neurogenic and myopathic changes with ragged red fibers, and muscle MRI showed consistent features across patients, with a peculiar concentric disto-proximal gradient of fatty replacement. We used targeted next generation sequencing and candidate gene approach to study these families. Compound biallelic heterozygous variants, p.[(Pro648Arg)]; [(His932Tyr)] and p.[(Thr251Ile),(Pro587Leu)]; [(Arg943Cys)], were found in the three patients causing this homogeneous phenotype. Our report on a subset of unrelated patients, that showed a distinct autosomal recessive childhood-onset neuromyopathy with congenital cataracts and glaucoma, expands the clinical spectrum of POLG-related disorders. It also confirms the association between cataracts and neuropathy with variants in POLG. Early onset cataract is otherwise rare in POLG-related disorders and so far reported only in a few patients with the clinical pattern of distal myopathy or neuromyopathy

    The Evolution of the Number Density of Large Disk Galaxies in COSMOS

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    We study a sample of approximately 16,500 galaxies with I_(ACS,AB) ≀ 22.5 in the central 38% of the COSMOS field, which are extracted from a catalog constructed from the Cycle 12 ACS F814W COSMOS data set. Structural information on the galaxies is derived by fitting single SĂ©rsic models to their two-dimensional surface brightness distributions. In this paper we focus on the disk galaxy population (as classified by the Zurich Estimator of Structural Types), and investigate the evolution of the number density of disk galaxies larger than approximately 5 kpc between redshift z ~ 1 and the present epoch. Specifically, we use the measurements of the half-light radii derived from the SĂ©rsic fits to construct, as a function of redshift, the size function Ί(r_(1/2), z) of both the total disk galaxy population and of disk galaxies split in four bins of bulge-to-disk ratio. In each redshift bin, the size function specifies the number of galaxies per unit comoving volume and per unit half-light radius r_(1/2). Furthermore, we use a selected sample of roughly 1800 SDSS galaxies to calibrate our results with respect to the local universe. We find the following: (1) The number density of disk galaxies with intermediate sizes (r_(1/2) ~ 5-7 kpc) remains nearly constant from z ~ 1 to today. Unless the growth and destruction of such systems exactly balanced in the last eight billion years, they must have neither grown nor been destroyed over this period. (2) The number density of the largest disks (r_(1/2) > 7 kpc) decreases by a factor of about 2 out to z ~ 1. (3) There is a constancy—or even slight increase—in the number density of large bulgeless disks out to z ~ 1; the deficit of large disks at early epochs seems to arise from a smaller number of bulged disks. Our results indicate that the bulk of the large disk galaxy population has completed its growth by z ~ 1 and support the theory that secular evolution processes produce—or at least add stellar mass to—the bulge components of disk galaxies

    The Subaru COSMOS 20: Subaru Optical Imaging of the HST COSMOS Field with 20 Filters

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    We present both the observations and the data reduction procedures of the Subaru COSMOS 20 project that is an optical imaging survey of the HST COSMOS field, carried out by using Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope with the following 20 optical filters: 6 broad-band (B, g', V, r', i', and z'), 2 narrow-band (NB711 and NB816), and 12 intermediate-band filters (IA427, IA464, IA484, IA505, IA527, IA574, IA624, IA679, IA709, IA738, IA767, and IA827). A part of this project is described in Taniguchi et al. (2007) and Capak et al. (2007) for the six broad-band and one narrow-band (NB816) filter data. In this paper, we present details of the observations and data reduction for remaining 13 filters (the 12 IA filters and NB711). In particular, we describe the accuracy of both photometry and astrometry in all the filter bands. We also present optical properties of the Suprime-Cam IA filter system in Appendix.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in PASJ on October 2, 201

    High-capacity adenovector delivery of forced CRISPR-Cas9 heterodimers fosters precise chromosomal deletions in human cells

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    Genome editing based on dual CRISPR-Cas9 complexes (multiplexes) permits removing specific genomic sequences in living cells leveraging research on functional genomics and genetic therapies. Delivering the required large and multicomponent reagents in a synchronous and stoichiometric manner remains, however, challenging. Moreover, uncoordinated activity of independently acting CRISPR-Cas9 multiplexes increases the complexity of genome editing outcomes. Here, we investigate the potential of fostering precise multiplexing genome editing using high-capacity adenovector particles (AdVPs) for the delivery of Cas9 ortholog fusion constructs alone (forced Cas9 heterodimers) or together with their cognate guide RNAs (forced CRISPR-Cas9 heterodimers). We demonstrate that the efficiency and accuracy of targeted chromosomal DNA deletions achieved by single AdVPs encoding forced CRISPR-Cas9 heterodimers is superior to that obtained when the various components are delivered separately. Finally, all-in-one AdVP delivery of forced CRISPR-Cas9 heterodimers triggers robust DMD exon 51 splice site excision resulting in reading frame restoration and selection-free detection of dystrophin in muscle cells derived from Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. In conclusion, AdVPs promote precise multiplexing genome editing through the integrated delivery of forced CRISPR-Cas9 heterodimer components, which, in comparison with split conventional CRISPR-Cas9 multiplexes, engage target sequences in a more coordinated fashion. Therapeutic cell differentiatio
