185 research outputs found

    Oral health and menopause

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    Hormone therapy (HT) is widely used to relieve climacteric symptoms in order to increase the well-being of the women. The benefits as well as side-effects of HT are well documented. The principal menopausal oral symptoms are dry mouth (DM) and sensation of painful mouth (PM) due to various causes. Profile studies have indicated that HT users are more health-conscious than non-users. The hypothesis of the present study was that there are differences in oral health between woman using HT and those not using HT. A questionnaire study of 3173 women of menopausal age (50-58 years old) was done to investigate the prevalence of self-assessed sensations of PM and DM. Of those women participating in the questionnaire study, a random sample of 400 (200 using, 200 not using HT) was examined clinically in a 2-year follow-up study. Oral status was recorded according to WHO methods using DMFT and CPITN indices. The saliva flows were measured, salivary total protein, albumin and immunoglobulin concentrations and selected periodontal micro-organisms were analysed, and panoramic tomography of the jaws was taken. The patients filled in a structured questionnaire on their systemic health, medication and health habits. According to our questionnaire study there was no significant difference in the occurrence of self- assessed PM or DM between the HT users and non-users. According to logistic regression analyses, climacteric complaints significantly correlated with the occurrence of PM (p=0.000) and DM (p=0.000) irrespective of the use of HT, indicating that PM and DM are associated with climacteric symptoms in general. There was no difference between the groups in DMFT index values at follow up. The number of filled teeth (FT) showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in the HT group at follow-up. Periodontitis was diagnosed in 79% of HT users at baseline and in 71% at the follow-up. The values for non-HT users were 80% vs. 76%, respectively (Ns.). The mean numbers of ≥ 6 mm deep periodontal pockets were 0.9 ± 1.7 at baseline vs. 1.1 ± 2.1 two years later in the HT group, and 1.0 ± 1.7 vs. 1.2 ± 1.9, respectively, in the non-HT group. In a large Finnish national health survey, the prevalence of peridontitis of women of this age group was lower, but the prevalence of severe periodontitis seemed to be higher than in our study. Salivary albumin, IgG and IgM concentrations decreased in the HT group during the 2-year follow up (p<0.05), possibly indicating an improvement in epithelial integrity. No difference was found in any other salivary parameters or in the prevalence of the periodontal bacteria between or within the groups. In conclusion, the present findings showed that 50 to 58 year old women living in Helsinki have fairly good oral and dental health. The occurrence of PM and DM seemed to be associated with climacteric symptoms in general, and the use of HT did not affect the oral symptoms studied.Vaihdevuosien hormonihoidon käyttö ei vaikuta merkittävästi naisten suun terveyteen Helsinkiläisten vaihdevuosi-ikäisten naisten suun terveydentila oli asiaa selvittäneen väitöstutkimuksen mukaan kohtalaisen hyvä, ja vaihdevuosien hormonihoidon käyttäjät eivät suun terveydentilaltaan eronneet ei-käyttäjistä. Kuiva ja kivulias suu oireena näyttäisi liittyvän vaihdevuosiin, eikä hormonien käytöllä ollut vaikutusta oireiden esiintyvyyteen. Tutkimus perustui sekä kyselytutkimukseen että kliiniseen kahden vuoden seurantatutkimukseen. Kyselytutkimukseen vastanneista 20 prosenttia valitti kuivan suun tunnetta ja kahdeksan prosenttia kivuliaan tai polttavan suun tunnetta. Ensimmäisessä kliinisessä tutkimuksessa kuivan suun tunteesta valitti 28 prosenttia ja 24 prosenttia seurantatutkimuksessa. Kliinisessä tutkimuksessa lisäksi todettiin, että kiinnityskudossairauksia oli tutkimusaineistossa hieman enemmän kuin kansallisessa Terveys 2000 -tutkimuksessa vastaavassa ikäryhmässä, sen sijaan pitkälle edennyttä kiinnityskudossairautta oli tutkimusaineistossa hieman vähemmän. Kliinisen kokemuksen perusteella vaihdevuosi-ikäisillä naisilla suun vaivat ja tuntemukset ovat yleisiä. Tyypillinen vaihdevuosi-ikäisten naisten valittama oire on suun kuivuuden tunne sekä epämääräinen suun alueen polttava kipu ilman tutkimuksessa havaittavia patologisia muutoksia. Koska sylki on keskeisen tärkeä suun puolustusfunktio, on sen erityksellä ja koostumuksella ensiarvoisen tärkeä merkitys suun ja hampaiden sairauksiin ja siten myös yleisterveyteen. Vaihdevuosien aiheuttamat mahdolliset muutokset syljen erityksessä ja koostumuksessa ovat kuitenkin huonosti tunnettuja. Hormonihoidon antama apu useiden naisten vaihdevuosioireisiin on kiistatonta, joten hormonihoidolla voi olla merkitystä myös suun alueen oireiden helpottamiseen, mutta sen vaikutus on yksilöllistä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui vuosina 1997-1998 Helsingin kaupungin mammografiaan osallistuneista 50-58 -vuotiaista naisista. Heistä joka viides vastasi yleistä terveydentilaa, lääkitystä ja suunalueen oireita koskevan kyselyyn. Siihen vastanneista 3176 naisesta valittiin satunnaisotannalla 400 (200 hormonihoitoa käyttävää ja 200 ei-käyttävää) naista kliiniseen kahden vuoden seurantatutkimukseen joka toteutettiin vuosina 1999-2001. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin perusteellinen suun ja hampaiden tarkistus sekä otettiin sylki-, plakki- ja hiivanäytteet, mitattiin syljen eritysnopeudet sekä otettiin leukojen panoraamatomografiakuva. Kliiniseen tutkimuksen tilastolliset analyysit tehtiin 161 potilasta, joista 106 käytti hormonihoitoa ja 55 ei

    Analgesia and side effects of the addition of 10 or 20 mu g fentanyl to articaine in spinal anesthesia for knee arthroscopy : a randomized and observer-blinded study

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    Objectives Articaine, a popular and rapidly acting local anesthetic in dentistry, has been also found to be beneficial in ambulatory spinal anesthesia. Analgesia in the intraoperative and immediate postoperative period may be further improved by adding fentanyl to the local anesthetic solution for spinal anesthesia. The aim was to evaluate dose-dependency of analgesia and side effects associated with intrathecal fentanyl additive to articaine for spinal anesthesia in knee arthroscopy patients. Methods In this randomized, observer- and patient-blinded study, 90 adult patients scheduled for elective ambulatory knee arthroscopy under spinal anesthesia were randomized into three groups: plain articaine 60 mg with saline (group AF0), articaine 60 mg with fentanyl 10 A mu g (group AF10) or 20 A mu g (group AF20) in a total volume of 1.9 ml. The blinded observer tested the sensory and the motor block, and performed telephone interviews on the first and seventh postoperative days. Results The median (IQR) duration of sensory block at the dermatomal level of T10 was significantly longer in groups AF10, 69 min (56) and AF20, 69 min (45) than in group AF0, 41 min (35) (p = 0.013). Motor block duration was similar in all groups (median 120 min). Group AF20 patients experienced pruritus significantly more often than patients in the other groups (p = 0.039). No acute or late anesthetic side effects occurred, and satisfaction with the anesthetic technique was the same in all groups (97% satisfied). Conclusions Fentanyl 10 or 20 A mu g as additive to articaine for spinal anesthesia prolonged the duration of sensory block significantly and similarly. Fentanyl 20 A mu g was more often associated with pruritus than fentanyl 10 A mu g.Peer reviewe

    T cell receptor diversity in the human thymus

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    A diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire is essential for adaptive immune responses and is generated by somatic recombination of TCR alpha and TCR beta gene segments in the thymus. Previous estimates of the total TCR diversity have studied the circulating mature repertoire, identifying 1 to 3 x 10(6) unique TCR beta and 0.5 x 10(6) TCR alpha sequences. Here we provide the first estimate of the total TCR diversity generated in the human thymus, an organ which in principle can be sampled in its entirety. High-throughput sequencing of samples from four pediatric donors detected up to 10.3 x 10(6) unique TCR beta sequences and 3.7 x 10(6) TCR alpha sequences, the highest directly observed diversity so far for either chain. To obtain an estimate of the total diversity we then used three different estimators, preseq and DivE, which measure the saturation of rarefaction curves, and Chao2, which measures the size of the overlap between samples. Our results provide an estimate of a thymic repertoire consisting of 40 to 70 x 10(6) unique TCR beta sequences and 60 to 100 x 10(6) TCR alpha sequences. The thymic repertoire is thus extremely diverse. Moreover, extrapolation of the data and comparison with earlier estimates of peripheral diversity also suggest that the thymic repertoire is transient, with different clones produced at different times. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Use of local anaesthetics and adjuncts for spinal and epidural anaesthesia and analgesia at German and Austrian University Hospitals: an online survey to assess current standard practice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The present anonymous multicenter online survey was conducted to evaluate the application of regional anaesthesia techniques as well as the used local anaesthetics and adjuncts at German and Austrian university hospitals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>39 university hospitals were requested to fill in an online questionnaire, to determine the kind of regional anaesthesia and preferred drugs in urology, obstetrics and gynaecology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>33 hospitals responded. No regional anaesthesia is conducted in 47% of the minor gynaecological and 44% of the urological operations; plain bupivacaine 0.5% is used in 38% and 47% respectively. In transurethral resections of the prostate and bladder no regional anaesthesia is used in 3% of the responding hospitals, whereas plain bupivacaine 0.5% is used in more than 90%. Regional anaesthesia is only used in selected major gynaecological and urological operations. On the contrary to the smaller operations, the survey revealed a large variety of used drugs and mixtures. Almost 80% prefer plain bupivacaine or ropivacaine 0.5% in spinal anaesthesia in caesarean section. Similarly to the use of drugs in major urological and gynaecological operations a wide range of drugs and adjuncts is used in epidural anaesthesia in caesarean section and spontaneous delivery.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate a certain agreement in short operations in spinal anaesthesia. By contrast, a large variety concerning the anaesthesiological approach in larger operations as well as in epidural analgesia in obstetrics could be revealed, the causes of which are assumed to be primarily rooted in particular departmental structures.</p

    S-ketamine in patient-controlled analgesia reduces opioid consumption in a dose-dependent manner after major lumbar fusion surgery: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    Background Spinal fusion surgery causes severe pain. Strong opioids, commonly used as postoperative analgesics, may have unwanted side effects. S-ketamine may be an effective analgesic adjuvant in opioid patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). However, the optimal adjunct S-ketamine dose to reduce postoperative opioid consumption is still unknown.Methods We randomized 107 patients at two tertiary hospitals in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial of adults undergoing major lumbar spinal fusion surgery. Patients were randomly allocated to four groups in order to compare the effects of three different doses of adjunct S-ketamine (0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 mg ml-1) or placebo on postoperative analgesia in oxycodone PCA. Study drugs were administered for 24 hours postoperative after which oxycodone-PCA was continued for further 48 hours. Our primary outcome was cumulative oxycodone consumption at 24 hours after surgery.Results Of the 100 patients analyzed, patients receiving 0.75 mg ml(-1) S-ketamine in oxycodone PCA needed 25% less oxycodone at 24 h postoperatively (61.2 mg) compared with patients receiving 0.5 mg ml(-1) (74.7 mg) or 0.25 mg ml(-1) (74.1 mg) S-ketamine in oxycodone or oxycodone alone (81.9 mg) (mean difference: -20.6 mg; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -41 to -0.20; P = 0.048). A beneficial effect in mean change of pain intensity at rest was seen in the group receiving 0.75 mg ml(-1) S-ketamine in oxycodone PCA compared with patients receiving lower ketamine doses or oxycodone alone (standardized effect size: 0.17, 95% CI: 0.013-0.32, P = 0.033). The occurrence of adverse events was similar among the groups.Conclusions Oxycodone PCA containing S-ketamine as an adjunct at a ratio of 1: 0.75 decreased cumulative oxycodone consumption at 24 h after major lumbar spinal fusion surgery without additional adverse effects