40 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Briket Arang Sekam Padi dan Arang Kulit Bawang Putih

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    Indonesia is endowed with abundant natural wealth capable of being transformed into an energy source. However, until now the utilization of natural resources can not be optimally processed. One alternative solution to make the fuel as a substitute for LPG is to fuel the briquettes. The general purpose of this research is the manufacture of briquettes from waste materials such as rice husk and garlic skin. While the specific purpose of this research is to know the characteristic of proximate briquettes such as: water content, ash content, fixed carbon, volatile matter, and calorie briquettes, variations of glue composition glue 200, 250, 300 gram, kanji starch composition 20, 30, and 40 gram and paper pulp 50 w / w and 100 w / w of total weight of adhesive 20 gram, and jelantah cooking oil. Methods in this research are experimental approaches such as, making briquettes, and testing the characteristics of briquettes. The results of research on water content, ash content, fixed carbon, volatile matter and calorific briquettes of rice husk huskers were 33,493%, 39,966%, 29,058%, 30,923% and 3873,500 kal / gram respectively. While the characteristics of garlic skin briquettes produced the highest price respectively 35.986%, 9.650%, 42.373%, 34.479%, and 4783.654 cal / gram.Keywords: Characteristics of briquettes, rice husk, garlic skin

    Identifikasi Potensi Sebaran Mineral Emas di Desa Pancasan dan Pancurendang Kecamatan Ajibarang Kabupaten Banyumas Menggunakan Metode Magnetik

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    Identifikasi potensi sebaran mineral emas menggunakan metode magnetik telah dilakukan di Desa Pancasan dan Pancurendang, Kecamatan Ajibarang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memetakan sebaran nilai anomali medan magnet yang terukur pada daerah penelitian, serta melakukan pemodelan dan interpretasi formasi batuan atau batuan di bawah permukaan yang berpotensi mengandung mineral emas. Pengambilan data lapangan dilakukan menggunakan Proton Precession Magnetometers (PPM) pada area seluas 1000 x 900 m^2 dengan jarak antar titik pengukuran sebesar 50 m. Data yang diperoleh berupa kuat medan magnetik total yang kemudian dilakukan koreksi dan reduksi data menghasilkan anomali medan magnetik residual. Nilai anomali medan magnetik residual pada daerah penelitian memiliki interval -1220,95 nT hingga 855,03 nT. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan terhadap data anomali medan magnetik residual menggunakan software ZondGM3D, diperkirakan terdapat intrusi batuan beku andesit tekstur porfiritik (χ = 0,0185 – 0,02 cgs units) di bagian timur sayatan A-A’ pada posisi 7°24’54.14’’ LS dan 109°5’18.41’’ BT dengan kedalaman 120 - 300 meter, dan bagian barat sayatan C-C’ pada posisi 7°25’17.13’’ LS dan 109°4’51.91’’ BT dengan kedalaman 20 - 260 meter. Keberadaan intrusi batuan beku andesit tekstur porfiritik ini menjadi salah satu tanda potensi keberadaan mineral emas di daerah penelitian sebagai bukti kenaikan larutan hidrotermal. Berdasarkan hasil interpretasi, potensi keberadaan mineral emas diperkirakan terdapat dalam batupasir dan breksi andesit (χ = 0,0135 – 0,0185 cgs units) sebagai zona mineralisasi emas yang menyebar dari arah Timurlaut-Baratdaya daerah penelitian

    Characterization of Micronutrients and Heavy Metal Content in Organic Fertilizer Made From Fly Ash and Organic Waste

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    The production of electrical energy from burning of coal produced  large amounts of fly ash waste. Fly ash had the potential to be used as soil ameliorant material because it has a very fine size. The purpose of the research was to to develop a new alternative organic fertilizer and to find out the contents of micronutrients and heavy metal on organic fertilizer with fly ash matterials. The research was conducted by composting some organic matterials that consisted of fly ash, poultry manure, peanute litter, dusk of ripsaw and "Ares" of banana stalk in some comparisons. The selection of the the best organic fertilizer based on the ranking method. The result of this research showed that the selected organic fertilizer was fertilizer that given 10% of fly ash. The  micronutrientss content of the organic fertilizer was low for Cu, Mn and Zn element but the Fe element was high. The heavy metals content of the fertilizer was low for As, Cd, Hg and Pb


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh ketebalan adhesif epoksi/serbuk aluminium dan surface treatment terhadap kekuatan geser, serta mengamati karakteristik penampang patah single lap joint plat aluminium/CFRP. Identifikasi karakteristik penampang patah dapat menjelaskan kekuatan geser single lap joint plat aluminium/CFRP. Plat Al 2024, CFRP, resin bisphenolic, promotor P-EX, katalis MEKPO, adhesif epoksi, serbuk aluminium, dan larutan kimia merupakan bahan dalam penelitian ini. CFRP dibuat dengan proses hand lay-up dengan 30% (w/w) serat karbon dan 70% (w/w) resin bisphenolic. Kandungan adhesif terdiri dari epoksi A dan B (1:1), dengan penambahan filler serbuk aluminium (12,5% dari berat total adhesif). Formula adhesif dicampur menggunakan mixing machine selama 6 menit pada kecepatan 60 rpm. Adhesif epoksi/serbuk aluminum dilaminasi pada kedua adherend. Waktu mulai penekanan adalah 20 menit, kemudian area sambungan ditekan pada tekanan 9 bar selama 6 jam. Variasi yang digunakan adalah ketebalan adhesif epoksi/serbuk aluminium (0,2 mm ; 0,4 mm ; 0,6 mm ; 0,8 mm ; 1 mm) dan surface treatment (acetone, chromate sulphuric acid, caustic etch, tucker’s reagent) pada plat Al 2024. Sebelum pengujian geser, semua spesimen diberikan perlakuan post cure dengan suhu 1000C selama 15 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) peningkatan ketebalan adhesif dari 0,2 mm ke 0,4 mm menyebabkan peningkatan kekuatan geser single lap joint plat Al 2024/CFRP. Namun ketebalan adhesif di atas 0,4 mm menyebabkan penurunan kekuatan geser secara signifikan. Perilaku ini disebabkan oleh sifat adhesif epoksi/serbuk alumunim yang brittle; (2) surface treatment, acetone, menghasilkan kekuatan geser terbaik dengan nilai 9,31 N/mm2. Acetone menyebabkan lamination (pembasahan) adhesif terhadap permukaan plat Al 2024 lebih merata; (3) jenis kegagalan sambungan, mixed failure (light-fiber-tear failure dan cohesive failure), mengindikasikan kekuatan geser tertinggi. Kata kunci : CFRP, ketebalan adhesif, surface treatment, kekuatan geser, jenis kegagala

    Pengaruh Sudut Sudu Turbin Jenis Taper Terhadap Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) dan Power Coefficient (CP) pada Turbin Angin Horisontal Berbasis Q-Blade

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    Pemanfaatan energi angin sebagai pembangkit listrik masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan, dengan melihat performa turbin yang tidak selalu sama pada kondisi daerah yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sudut sudu (30, 50, 70, dan 100) turbin terhadap TSR dan CP dengan menggunakan simulasi Q-Blade. Software Q-Blade digunakan untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai CP dan TSR, sehingga dapat memprediksi nilai daya yang dihasilkan pada putaran sudu. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, sebagai variabel tetap, adalah tipe airfoil NACA 4412, jenis sudu taper, jumlah sudu (4), jari-jari sudu (0,3 m), kecepatan angin ± 3,6 m/s. Hasil simulasi yang ditampilkan berupa grafik hubungan CP terhadap perubahan TSR dan gambar simulasi pendistribusian beban yang terjadi pada geometri sudu. Nilai CP tertinggi dihasilkan dari sudut sudu 30 pada angka TSR 5, yaitu  ±0,4. Nilai pembebanan yang rendah pada daerah sumbu/rotor, pada variasi sudut sudu 30, menyeimbangkan gaya sentrifugal pada fluida yang berputar. Gaya sentrifugal menghasilkan gaya dorong pada turbin, sehingga sudu berputar dengan nilai CP yang tinggi pada daerah tersebut

    Pengaruh Sudut Sudu Turbin Jenis Taper Terhadap Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) dan Power Coefficient (CP) pada Turbin Angin Horisontal Berbasis Q-Blade

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    The utilization of wind energy as a power plant still needs to be improved by looking at the turbine performance, which is not always the same in different regional conditions. This study aims to determine the effect of the blade angle of the turbine on the tip speed ratio (TSR) and power coefficient (CP) by using a Q-Blade simulation. Q-Blade software can predict the value of the power generated at the blade rotation by comparing the CP and TSR values. The type of airfoil NACA 4412, taper blade, blade's numbers (4), blade radius (0.3 m), wind speed ± 3.6 m/s were fixed variables in this study. The simulation generated a graph of the relationship between CP and TSR changed and a simulation image of the load distribution ensued in the blade geometry. The blade angle of 30 at the TSR number 5 produced the highest CP values, which was ±0.4. The low loading value in the axis/rotor region, at a variation of the blade angle of 30, balances the centrifugal force on the rotating fluid. The centrifugal force produces thrust on the turbine so that the blade rotates with a high CP value in that area

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Uji Bending Untuk Material Komposit

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    The bending test machine for composite materials is a machine designed as material testing tool, especially composite materials. The objectives achieved are to design and manufacture a bending test machine as well as to test the composite material of epoxy resin and sugarcane powder based on the ratio of weight fractions. The machine design method uses the VDI 2222 method approach. From the method carried out, the results obtained from the design of the bending test machine using Solidwoks 2017. The design results of the bending test machine with dimensions of length 500 mm, width 500 mm, and height 1.400 mm, which consists of several main components including: frame; suppression system; and supports. The estimated time of the bending test machine production process takes 51,69 hours or 7 days. The results of the composite material test resulted in the bending strength of the 100% resin weight fraction of 67,71 Mpa and the 50% sugarcane powder weight fraction of 33,74 Mpa

    Rancang Bangun Rangka dan Penggerak Mesin FDM Berbasis Arduino Tipe XZ-Head

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    FDM is an AM method that is currently being developed due to the flexibility of the object geometry that can be formed. This study aims to design the frame and drive of the XZ Head type FDM engine. Stress simulation was carried out to determine the safety factor in the frameXZ design. Lead screw parameters in the form of torque, shear stress, axial stress, and critical load were calculated to determine the torque requirement of the driving motor. The value of the linear axis of the stepper motor was calibrated to determine the dimensions of the printed output. Based on the simulation, the dynamic and static stresses on the XZ frame were 1.9 MPa and 2 MPa. The yield strength was 55 MPa with a safety factor of 28. The results of the calculation of the lead screw torque (TR) and (TL) were 18.27 N.mm and 6.60 N.mm. The calculated nominal shear stress of the screw () was 0.43 N/mm2, the axial loading stress () was -0.62 N/mm2, and the critical load (Wcr) was 9986.41 N. The difference in dimensions of the measurement results in the X and Z planes was 0.22 and 0.17 mm larger than the target dimensions of 20 mm.Mesin FDM tipe XY dan Delta memiliki kompleksitas desain rangka. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang rangka dan penggerak mesin FDM tipe XZ Head.  Simulasi tegangan dilakukan pada frameXZ untuk mengetahui nilai safety factor rangka. Parameter lead screw berupa torsi, tegangan geser, tegangan aksial, dan beban kritis merupakan fokus rancangan. Kalibrasi motor stepper dilakukan untuk mengamati dimensi hasil cetakan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, tegangan dinamis dan statis pada frameXZ sebesar 1,9 MPa dan 2 MPa. Yield strength pada simulasi tegangan statis sebesar 55 MPa dengan safety factor 28. Hasil perhitungan torsi lead screw untuk menaikkan (TR) dan menurunkan (TL) beban sebesar 18,27 N.mm dan 6,60 N.mm. Tegangan geser nominal screw () = 0,43 N/mm2, tegangan aksial pembebanan () = -0,62 N/mm2, dan beban kritis (Wcr) = 9986,41 N. Terdapat selisih dimensi hasil pengukuran pada bidang X dan Z yaitu 0,22 dan 0,17 mm lebih besar dari dimensi target 20 mm

    Pengaruh Kandungan Dan Ukuran Serbuk Genteng Sokka Terhadap Ketahanan Bakar Komposit Geopolimer

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    The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of particle content and grain size of Sokka roof tile powder on the burning endurance of the composite of Sokka roof tile powder - ripoxy R-802.The materials used were a Sokka roof tile powder (SGS), ripoxy R-802 resin, MEKPO catalyst and P-EX promotor. The Sokka roof tile powder was generated from the rejected Sokka roof tile which was crushed into powder. The powder was sieved to result in three size variances, which were mesh 80 retained in mesh 100 (177μm-149μm), mesh 150 retained in mesh 200 (99μm-74μm), and breaking away from mesh 200 (≤74μm). Prior to getting mixed with the resin, SGS was heated in an oven for 45 minutes in the temperature of 105oC. Afterwards, the powder was mixed with ripoxy R-802 resin for 3 minutes. The variances of SGS content were determined to be 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% composition. Making composite was conducted by press mould. Fixed composites was given post curing treatment in the temperatures of 80oC for 120 minutes. The burning testing on the composite was conducted on the basis of the standard of ASTM D-635. The indicator of burning endurance was determined by the data of time of burning (TOB) and rate of burning (ROB). The TOB resulted from the time of ignition and the ROB resulted from the time of fire propagation time in the composite. The results of this research are as follows: (1) the addition of SGS can improve the burning endurance of the composite of SGS-ripoxy R-802 as indicated by the increase in the TOB but the decrease of ROB due to the addition of the content of SGS; (2) the small size of the particle of SGS can increase the burning endurance of the composite of SGS-ripoxy R-802 as signified by the increase in the TOB but the decrease in the ROB due to the small size of the particle of SGS which breaks away from mesh 200 (≤74μm)

    Desain Pisau Pengurai dan Sistem Pengayak serta Uji Produk Mesin Pengolah Sabut Kelapa sebagai Bahan Mentah Komposit

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    This research aims to design a decomposing blade, sieving system, and test machine products. The method for completing coconut fiber processing machines consists of three stages, namely the design and production process stages, as well as machine product testing. This research produces the following data, namely the design of the untangling knife which is a combination of the functions of the coir untangling knife for random and woven results. Calculation of the equilibrium moment on the shaft obtained a value of is 28.68 N and the reaction at point A was is 28.32 N, with the diameter of the shaft used in the coconut fiber sieving machine transmission system being Ø28 mm. Fiber uniformity is obtained from twice decomposition processes, whereas the level of fiber/powder uniformity is influenced by the long sieving process time and also the high rotational speed of the sieve