267 research outputs found

    Pour le centième anniversaire de l’indépendance en Pologne : note sur la convergence en termes d’infrastructures

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    International audiencePoland plays an important role in the European Union. After many years of occupation until regaining the independence in 1918, in its long history, Poland is now a bridge between Western Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States and Ukraine. The country islargely benefiting from this situation: Poland is the first beneficiary of the EU Cohesion Policy funds, well ahead of Italy and Spain (Appendix 1). New roads are being built, railway tracks are being renovated, city centers and other degraded districts are being revitalized. Polishcountryside and the main cities are flourishing.In the field of transport infrastructure, the paper shows that the regional policy of the European Union has reduced the original inequalities in the rail and road infrastructure development inherited from the Partitions of Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia. Withregard to the railway infrastructure, we notice that track closures is also significant in this convergence. The paper also indicates a problem with the accessibility of medium-sized towns that lost their status of a voivodeship capital in 1999. One of the functional problems of thesecities, apart from the demographic and financial problems, is their poor road and rail accessibility. The paper is then expressing some critics on the model of polarization-diffusion model in the European regional development policy, especially for Eastern Poland which is notso much benefiting from the regional policy of the EU. In conclusion, convergence towards the EU average still occurs in Poland

    Socio-economic factors associated with house prices. Evidence based on key macroeconomic aggregates globally

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the association between macroeconomic factors and house prices in selected OECD countries. In this paper, authors describe selected socioeconomic factors, adapt a transparent methodology based on the OECD database and derive results shedding a light on the main drivers shaping the trends of the real estate prices. Two main economic aggregates, inflation and gross domestic product (GDP) were analysed for the OECD member and non-member countries for which complete data have been made available for the period of 1990-2020. The OECD provides data for 60 countries in total, out of which 38 are members of the organization. Nevertheless, due to missing observations in certain countries, the analysis was carried out in 19 of them. The aim of the study was to determine how GDP and inflation dynamics are correlated with changes in property prices. Among the analysed countries, Japan and South Africa could be distinguished as outliers in terms of inflation, whereas in the case of GDP, Italy, Japan, Ireland and Norway stood out. Additionally, 12 representative countries were described in detail. These countries comprised four groups of three countries divided across two dimensions: the first, based on the highest and the lowest correlation coefficient, and the second, based on the measure used to calculate the correlation coefficient (correlation of the house prices with GDP and correlation of the house price with inflation). On the basis of the analyses, it was shown that the association between GDP and house prices is stronger than that between inflation and house prices – in most cases, prices increased at a similar rate as GDP. A particularly high correlation between GDP and house prices was found for Norway, New Zealand and Sweden, indicating a potentially higher marginal housing consumption responsiveness to changes in housing wealth in these highly developed countries, characterised by particularly low housing transaction costs and efficient mortgage market. It was deduced that such characteristics lead to a higher wealth elasticity of demand for new houses

    Hittitology Up to Date: Issues and New Approaches

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    This paper is a stock-taking of the present state of research in Hittitology and ancient Anatolian studies in general, including the ongoing publication and digitalization projects concerning Hittite texts and iconographic sources as well as spectacular archaeological discoveries made in the past few decades. New study perspectives and still debatable issues are also highlighted, with reference, among others, to Hittite history, geography, written legacy and text dating, and a new approach to descriptions of cult festivals and magical rituals known from the archives of the Hittite capital Hattusa

    Francesco Arcelli, włoski zakonnik na służbie burbońskiej Hiszpanii

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    The 18th century was a time of considerable challenges for monastic life, both in general and for specific congregations. Let us recall such events as the abolition of Jesuit reductions in Paraguay, expelling Jesuits from Portugal and Spain, the dissolution of the Society of Jesus, the closure of hundreds of monastic houses as part of Josephine reforms or cruel repressive measures towards clergy during the French Revolution. Despite attempts at questioning the presence of orders in public space, they still played a significant role in many areas of social life, in the realm of culture and education. Despite service appropriate to monastic charismata, there were monks in royal courts, monks with important functions in state administration, in diplomacy, at universities, schools, charitable and cultural institutions. Francesco Arcelli was one of such monks, who combined, with better or worse results, serving God by their involvement in lay, public and state matters. In the early modern era such activity of religious orders was nothing extraordinary, especially among the Spanish Catholic monarchy.Stulecie XVIII to czas trudnych wyzwań tak dla życia zakonnego w ogóle, jak i dla konkretnych zgromadzeń. Przypomnijmy takie wydarzenia, jak likwidacja redukcji paragwajskich, wypędzenie jezuitów z Portugalii i Hiszpanii, rozwiązanie Towarzystwa Jezusowego, likwidacja setek domów zakonnych w ramach reform józefińskich czy okrutne represje wobec duchowieństwa z czasów rewolucji francuskiej. Mimo prób kwestionowania obecności zakonów w przestrzeni publicznej odgrywały one nadal istotną rolę w wielu obszarach życia społecznego, w świecie kultury i edukacji. Oprócz posługi właściwej zakonnym charyzmatom spotykamy zakonników na królewskich dworach, pełniących ważne funkcje w administracji państwowej, w dyplomacji, na uniwersytetach, w szkołach, w instytucjach dobroczynnych i kulturalnych. Francesco Arcelli należał do tej właśnie kategorii osób duchownych, które łączyły, z lepszym lub gorszym skutkiem, służbę Bożą z zaangażowaniem o charakterze świeckim, publicznym i państwowym. W epoce nowożytnej tego rodzaju aktywność osób duchownych nie była niczym nadzwyczajnym, zwłaszcza w katolickiej monarchii hiszpańskiej

    Wykorzystanie algorytmów w postępowaniu karnym (wybrane zagadnienia)

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    The article analyzes attempts to apply mathematical methods in criminal cases since the times of J. Bentham and indicates the use of algorithms in the activities of law enforcement agencies in the detection process when it comes to the identification of people (based on the image of the face) and vehicles (based on the identification of license plates). The use of algorithms in the practice of criminal justice in the US was also discussed. In the opinion of the author, their use in a criminal trial (in the assessment of evidence and shaping the judgement) will still be only partial and sporadic for some time to come. There is no doubt, however, that their use will cause a lot of controversy. The main reason is the contradiction between the constantly increasing possibilities of collecting and using data about a person (thanks to, among others, algorithms) by law enforcement and judicial authorities and the protection of human rights and freedoms.W artykule dokonano analizy prób zastosowania metod matematycznych w sprawach karnych od czasów J. Benthama oraz wskazano na wykorzystanie algorytmów w działalności organów ścigania w procesie wykrywczym, gdy chodzi o identyfikację osób (na podstawie wizerunku twarzy) oraz pojazdów (na podstawie identyfikacji tablic rejestracyjnych). Omówiono także zastosowanie algorytmów w praktyce wymiaru sprawiedliwości w sprawach karnych w USA. Zdaniem autora wykorzystanie ich w procesie karnym (w ocenie dowodów i kształtowaniu orzeczenia) będzie miało jeszcze przez pewien czas jedynie cząstkowy i sporadyczny charakter. Nie ulega jednak wątpliwości, że ich zastosowanie będzie wywoływać liczne kontrowersje. Główną przyczyną jest sprzeczność między stale wzrastającymi możliwościami gromadzenia i wykorzystywania danych o osobie (m.in. dzięki algorytmom) przez organy ścigania i wymiaru sprawiedliwości a ochroną praw i wolności człowieka

    Imunização subcutânea na infecção do camundongo pela Leishmania major: eficácia dos promastigotos mortos pela formalina combinada com adjuvantes

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    Promastigotos mortos pela formalina (FKP) de Leishmania major combinados com Montanide ISA 720 (MISA), BCG ou alumen foram usados na vacinação de modelo murino cutâneo de leishmaniose (CL). Aumento significante e específico de resposta IgG anti FKP foram detectados tanto no FKP com alumen como naquele com BCG comparados ao MISA-FKP (p < 0,001). Aumento significante da proliferação esplênica de linfócitos de memória foi obtida nos camundongos vacinados com MISA-FKP quando comparados aos grupos vacinados com alumen-FKP ou BCG-FKP (p < 0,01). As maiores respostas por interferon-gama foram observadas no grupo BCG-FKP seguido pelo MISA-FKP enquanto que o alumen-FKP deu a menor resposta. No grupo MISA-FKP foram obtidas reduções significantes do tamanho das lesões quando comparado aos grupos vacinados com BCG/adjuvante de alumen-FKP. Embora o grupo BCG-FKP tenha mostrado a maior resposta por interferon-gama, não houve controle das lesões cutâneas. Redução significante no número de parasitas foi observada tanto no grupo vacinado com MISA-FKP como no BCG-FKP (p < 0,001). Houve boa correlação entre a carga parasitária e o nível de interferon-gama indicando que a resposta do interferon-gama é parâmetro sensível do estado imunológico. Em conclusão, MISA-FKP é a forma mais eficaz de vacina contra a leishmaniose cutânea murina.Formalin-killed promastigotes (FKP) of Leishmania major, in combination with Montanide ISA 720 (MISA), BCG or alum were used in vaccination of an inbred murine model against cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Significant and specific increases in anti-FKP IgG responses were detected for both alum-FKP and BCG-FKP compared to MISA-FKP (p < 0.001). Significant increases in splenic lymphocyte recall proliferation was obtained in the MISA-FKP vaccinated mice compared to alum-FKP or BCG-FKP vaccinated groups (p < 0.01). The highest interferon-&#947; responses were observed in the BCG-FKP group followed by the MISA-FKP while the alum-FKP gave the least responses. Significantly reduced lesion sizes were obtained in the MISA-FKP group compared to the BCG/alum adjuvants-FKP vaccinated groups. Although the BCG-FKP group showed the highest IFN-&#947; responses, it failed to control cutaneous lesions. Significant reductions in parasite numbers were observed in the MISA-FKP and BCG-FKP vaccinated groups (p < 0.001). There was a good correlation between parasite burden and IFN-&#947; level indicating IFN-&#947; response as a sensitive parameter of the immune status. In conclusion, MISA-FKP is the most efficacious vaccine formulation against murine cutaneous leishmaniasis

    Energetyczny audyt miejski, z wykorzystaniem szablonu MDN/R+E, jako instrument planowania oszczędności energetycznej w mieście

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    The aim of the research project was to develop a City Energy Audit (CEA) for Lublin, Poland. CEA collects information on the built environment and city infrastructure in a systematic way, and provides structural analyses with special focus on housing stock. The purpose of CEA is to provide reliable input for analysing current and future energy consumption patterns, i.e. the basis for planning effective and viable energy saving measures at urban level. The CEA’s fitness for purpose was confirmed in practice – it was used by the local authorities in the process of preparing the Study of the conditions and directions of spatial planning for the City of Lublin in September 2011. To present the idea of applying CEA, the authors use their original template of Possible Retrofit/Repair and Energy Saving Measures (further referred to as MDN/R+E) and develop it into detailed solutions using the example of an 11-storey prefabricated block of flats.Zespół badawczy podjął prace nad stworzeniem dla Lublina Energetycznego Audytu Miejskiego (zwanego dalej EAM). Powstałe w ten sposób opracowanie jest zbiorem danych na temat zabudowy, licznych analiz struktury miasta i budynków mieszkalnych. Instrument EAM ma na celu wykazanie obecnego lub planowanego, szacunkowego zużycia energii w mieście i propozycje możliwych do zrealizowania działań oszczędności energetycznej. Całość opracowania EAM wraz z załącznikiem została wykorzystana, m.in. jako jedna z analiz przy opracowaniach planistycznych - Studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego dla miasta Lublina, wrzesień 2011. W artykule do omówienia EAM wykorzystano autorski szablon Możliwych Działań Naprawczych / Remontowych i Energooszczędnych (zwany dalej MDN/R+E) na przykładzie 11. kondygnacyjnego budynku prefabrykowanego

    Morphometric Study of Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H. S. Irwin and Barneby in Kenya

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    Herbal medicine has been used for many years and it remains widespread in developing countries while the use of complementary alternative medicine is increasing rapidly in developed countries. Senna didymobotrya is important for its medicinal use among many communities to treat a wide range of ailments. The study examines the patterns of morphological variation and phenetic relationships among 39 populations of S. didymobotrya in Kenya using17 quantitative and 17 qualitative characters. A survey was carried out in Siaya, Kisumu, Nandi and Nakuru Counties to collect S. didymobotrya plants. Results on morphometric analysis indicated that the standard deviations were highly significant when all quantitative characters were considered. Stem diameter, plant height and stem height had the highest standard deviation of 13.14, 11.74 and 11.15 respectively. Leaf length and Internodal length had the lowest standard deviations of 0.18 each. Principal component analysis indicated that the plant height, stem height, stem diameter, habitat, pod length, pod width and number of seeds accounted for a cumulative percentage of 70% and above of the cumulative variance in a lineal combination of parameters hence can be used to separate the populations. Correlation matrix of the morphological characters indicated a high positive correlations between inflorescence length of basal stalk and inflorescence length (0.83), stem height and plant height (0.62), leaflet width and leaflet length (0.56), leaflet number and leaf number (0.54), pod width and pod length (0.52). The cluster analysis dendrogram placed the plants in four major clusters; Cluster 1 had one plant accession PJ/NK/33 collected from Nakuru County. Cluster II had one plant PJ/KS/13 collected from Kisumu County. In Cluster IV also had one plant accession PJ/SI/2 collected from Siaya County. Cluster III consisted of 36 plants with close relationship (Plants accessions PJ/SI/4 - 10, PJ/KS/11- 18, PJ/NA/19 - 29, PJ/NK/30 - 32 and PJ/NK/34 – 39). The highest similarities and high variations in cluster I, II, and III results that call the relationship between them in question. An identification key has been constructed which, for the first time, can be used to assign herbarium specimens to their respective taxa. Further research should be carried out to collect more samples from other regions within the country and other parts of the world to understand the morphological variations sufficiently to circumscribe the taxonomical doubts on how many species and/or lineages that do exist due to the influence of habitat type on the morphological variation between populations and if other methods like molecular markers (isozymes or microsatellites) are employed ,to reveal patterns of genetic variability. The beneficiaries of this study are the herbalists, pharmacologists, researchers, patients and the general publi