29 research outputs found

    Biogeochemistry of benthic boundary layer zooplankton and particulate organic matter on the Beaufort sea shelf

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    Food webs of benthic boundary layer zooplankton and the biogeochemistry of near-bottom water on the Beaufort Sea shelf were studied during fall 2003 and summer 2004. The influence of the Mackenzie River on the source, quantity, and quality of organic matter in near-bottom waters across the Beaufort Sea shelf was investigated by integrating chlorophyll, fatty acid, C, N, and P concentration and ratio, and Ī“Ā¹Ā³C data of particulate organic matter (POM). The Mackenzie River had a strong influence on the composition of POM in near-bottom waters across the entire Beaufort Sea shelf, including the Amundsen Gulf, with terrestrial markers, such as POM concentrations, fatty acid signatures and Ī“Ā¹Ā³C values, strongest near the river. An enhanced microbial fingerprint on near-bottom waters near the river was also observed based on C:N ratios and bacterial fatty acid signatures. Fatty acids allowed detection of a phytoplankton sinking event during summer that would not have been apparent using only C:N ratios and chlorophyll Ī±. In addition, elemental composition (C, N, and P content and stoichiometry), lipid classes, fatty acids, and stable isotope ratios (Ī“Ā¹Ā³C and Ī“Ā¹āµN) were used to study the diets and energy storage of 26 taxa of benthic boundary layer zooplankton. This is the first report of the biochemical composition and trophic ecology of many of the amphipods and mysids presented here. Almost all taxa had high levels of wax esters or triacylglycerol, suggesting that benthic boundary layer zooplankton on the Beaufort Sea shelf are directly linked to intense seasonal pulses of primary production characteristic of high latitude seas. Ī“Ā¹āµN and fatty acid signatures indicate that there were diverse feeding modes among the taxa with trophic levels ranging from 2-4. Fatty acid profiles not only reflected diet but also phylogeny, with taxa of malacostracan crustaceans having similar fatty acid profiles. Phytoplankton fatty acid markers in copepods and chaetognaths indicate that the conventional, phytoplankton-copepod-chaetognath food web was also present in the benthic boundary layer. Using multiple biomarkers and tracers allowed for increased understanding of zooplankton feeding ecology and the sources of organic matter in near-bottom waters

    How much crude oil can zooplankton ingest? Estimating the quantity of dispersed crude oil defecated by planktonic copepods

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    AbstractWe investigated and quantified defecation rates of crude oil by 3 species of marine planktonic copepods (Temora turbinata, Acartia tonsa, and Parvocalanus crassirostris) and a natural copepod assemblage after exposure to mechanically or chemically dispersed crude oil. Between 88 and 100% of the analyzed fecal pellets from three species of copepods and a natural copepod assemblage exposed for 48Ā h to physically or chemically dispersed light crude oil contained crude oil droplets. Crude oil droplets inside fecal pellets were smaller (median diameter: 2.4ā€“3.5Ā Ī¼m) than droplets in the physically and chemically dispersed oil emulsions (median diameter: 6.6 and 8.0Ā Ī¼m, respectively). This suggests that copepods can reject large crude oil droplets or that crude oil droplets are broken into smaller oil droplets before or during ingestion. Depending on the species and experimental treatments, crude oil defecation rates ranged from 5.3 to 245Ā ng-oil copepodāˆ’1Ā dāˆ’1, which represent a mean weight-specific defecation rate of 0.026Ā Ī¼g-oil Ī¼g-Ccopepod1Ā dāˆ’1. Considering a dispersed crude oil concentration commonly found in the water column after oil spills (1Ā Ī¼lĀ Lāˆ’1) and copepod abundances in high productive coastal areas, copepods may defecate āˆ¼1.3ā€“2.6Ā mg-oilĀ māˆ’3Ā dāˆ’1, which would represent āˆ¼0.15%ā€“0.30% of the total dispersed oil per day. Our results indicate that ingestion and subsequent defecation of crude oil by planktonic copepods has a small influence on the overall mass of oil spills in the short term, but may be quantitatively important in the flux of oil from surface water to sediments and in the transfer of low-solubility, toxic petroleum hydrocarbons into food webs after crude oil spills in the sea

    Influence of UVB radiation on the lethal and sublethal toxicity of dispersed crude oil to planktonic copepod nauplii

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    AbstractToxic effects of petroleum to marine zooplankton have been generally investigated using dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons and in the absence of sunlight. In this study, we determined the influence of natural ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation on the lethal and sublethal toxicity of dispersed crude oil to naupliar stages of the planktonic copepods Acartia tonsa, Temora turbinata and Pseudodiaptomus pelagicus. Low concentrations of dispersed crude oil (1Ā Ī¼LĀ Lāˆ’1) caused a significant reduction in survival, growth and swimming activity of copepod nauplii after 48Ā h of exposure. UVB radiation increased toxicity of dispersed crude oil by 1.3ā€“3.8 times, depending on the experiment and measured variables. Ingestion of crude oil droplets may increase photoenhanced toxicity of crude oil to copepod nauplii by enhancing photosensitization. Photoenhanced sublethal toxicity was significantly higher when T.Ā turbinata nauplii were exposed to dispersant-treated oil than crude oil alone, suggesting that chemical dispersion of crude oil may promote photoenhanced toxicity to marine zooplankton. Our results demonstrate that acute exposure to concentrations of dispersed crude oil and dispersant (Corexit 9500) commonly found in the sea after oil spills are highly toxic to copepod nauplii and that natural levels of UVB radiation substantially increase the toxicity of crude oil to these planktonic organisms. Overall, this study emphasizes the importance of considering sunlight in petroleum toxicological studies and models to better estimate the impact of crude oil spills on marine zooplankton

    Novel insight into the role of heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the fate of crude oil in the sea

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    Although planktonic protozoans are likely to interact with dispersed crude oil after a spill, protozoan-mediated processes affecting crude oil pollution in the sea are still not well known. Here, we present the first evidence of ingestion and defecation of physically or chemically dispersed crude oil droplets (1ā€“86ā€…Ī¼m in diameter) by heterotrophic dinoflagellates, major components of marine planktonic food webs. At a crude oil concentration commonly found after an oil spill (1ā€…Ī¼L L(āˆ’1)), the heterotrophic dinoflagellates Noctiluca scintillans and Gyrodinium spirale grew and ingested ~0.37ā€…Ī¼g-oil Ī¼g-C(dino)(āˆ’1) d(āˆ’1), which could represent ~17% to 100% of dispersed oil in surface waters when heterotrophic dinoflagellates are abundant or bloom. Egestion of faecal pellets containing crude oil by heterotrophic dinoflagellates could contribute to the sinking and flux of toxic petroleum hydrocarbons in coastal waters. Our study indicates that crude oil ingestion by heterotrophic dinoflagellates is a noteworthy route by which petroleum enters marine food webs and a previously overlooked biological process influencing the fate of crude oil in the sea after spills

    Microbial Community Response to Terrestrially Derived Dissolved Organic Matter in the Coastal Arctic

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    Warming at nearly twice the global rate, higher than average air temperatures are the new \u27normal\u27 for Arctic ecosystems. This rise in temperature has triggered hydrological and geochemical changes that increasingly release carbon-rich water into the coastal ocean via increased riverine discharge, coastal erosion, and the thawing of the semipermanent permafrost ubiquitous in the region. To determine the biogeochemical impacts of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter (tDOM) on marine ecosystems we compared the nutrient stocks and bacterial communities present under ice-covered and ice-free conditions, assessed the lability of Arctic tDOM to coastal microbial communities from the Chukchi Sea, and identified bacterial taxa that respond to rapid increases in tDOM. Once thought to be predominantly refractory, we found that similar to 7% of dissolved organic carbon and similar to 38% of dissolved organic nitrogen from tDOM was bioavailable to receiving marine microbial communities on short 4 - 6 day time scales. The addition of tDOM shifted bacterial community structure toward more copiotrophic taxa and away from more oligotrophic taxa. Although no single order was found to respond universally (positively or negatively) to the tDOM addition, this study identified 20 indicator species as possible sentinels for increased tDOM. These data suggest the true ecological impact of tDOM will be widespread across many bacterial taxa and that shifts in coastal microbial community composition should be anticipated

    Dynamic bacterial and viral response to an algal bloom at subzero temperatures

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    New evidence suggests that coldā€loving (psychrophilic) bacteria may be a dynamic component of the episodic bloom events of highā€latitude ecosystems. Here we report the results of an unusually early springtime study of pelagic microbial activity in the coastal Alaskan Arctic. Heterotrophic bacterioplankton clearly responded to an algal bloom by doubling cell size, increasing the fraction of actively respiring cells (up to an unprecedented 84% metabolically active using redox dye CTC), shifting substrateā€uptake capabilities from kinetic parameters better adapted to lower substrate concentrations to those more suited for higher concentrations, and more than doubling cell abundance. Community composition (determined by polymerase chain reaction/DGGE and nucleotide sequence analysis) also shifted over the bloom. Results support, for the first time with modern molecular methods, previous cultureā€based observations of bacterial community succession during Arctic algal blooms and confirm that previously observed variability in pelagic microbial activity can be linked to changes in community structure. During early bloom stages, virioplankton and bacterial abundance were comparable, suggesting that mortality due to phage infection was low at that time. The virusā€toā€bacteria ratio (VBR) increased 10ā€fold at the height of the bloom, however, suggesting an increased potential for bacterioplankton mortality resulting from viral infection. The peak in VBR coincided with observed shifts in both microbial activity and community structure. These earlyā€season data suggest that substrate and virioplankton interactions may control the active microbial carbon cycling of this region

    Effect of temperature on rates of ammonium uptake and nitrification in the western coastal Arctic during winter, spring, and summer

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    Biogeochemical rate processes in the Arctic are not currently well constrained, and there is very limited information on how rates may change as the region warms. Here we present data on the sensitivity of ammonium (NH4+) uptake and nitrification rates to short-term warming. Samples were collected from the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Barrow, Alaska, during winter, spring, and summer and incubated for 24h in the dark with additions of (NH4+)-N-15 at -1.5, 6, 13, and 20 degrees C. Rates of NH4+ uptake and nitrification were measured in conjunction with bacterial production. In all seasons, NH4+ uptake rates were highest at temperatures similar to current summertime conditions but dropped off with increased warming, indicative of psychrophilic (i.e., cold-loving) microbial communities. In contrast, nitrification rates were less sensitive to temperature and were higher in winter and spring compared to summer. These findings suggest that as the Arctic coastal ecosystem continues to warm, NH4+ assimilation may become increasingly important, relative to nitrification, although the magnitude of NH4+ assimilation would be still be lower than nitrification

    Children must be protected from the tobacco industry's marketing tactics.

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    Annual cycle of lipid content and lipid class composition in zooplankton from the Beaufort Sea shelf, Canadian Arctic

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    We determined seasonal cycles of lipid content, lipid class composition, and carbon and nitrogen content of 7 taxa of zooplankton that were collected from the Beaufort Sea shelf, Canadian Arctic, over a 10 month period (September 2003 ā€“ August 2004). All taxa except the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans had substantial lipids stores (>50%), either seasonally (Oikopleura spp.), or throughout the year (Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacilias, Paraeuchaeta glacialis, Metridia longa, and Eukrohnia hamata). Wax esters were the dominant lipid class in the chaetognath E. hamata and in all copepods, including the carnivore P. glacialis. Seasonal trends in lipid content and composition varied among taxa; some taxa had little variation from winter through summer (e.g. P. elegans), other taxa showed little variation until summer (e.g. C. glacialis), and others showed increasing or decreasing trends during winter and spring (e.g. C. hyperboreus). Specifically, total lipid content of C. hyperboreus decreased from January through May at a rate of ~450 Āµg month-1 ind-1 in adult females, and ~100 Āµg month-1 ind-1 in juvenile copepodite IV, representing a 75-85% loss in lipid.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Egg boons: central components of marine fatty acid food webs

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    Food web relationships are traditionally defined in terms of the flow of key elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and their role in limiting production. There is growing recognition that availability of important biomolecules, such as fatty acids, may exert controls on secondary production that are not easily explained by traditional element-oriented models. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are required by most organisms for proper physiological function but are manufactured almost entirely by primary producers. Therefore, the flow of EFAs, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and arachidonic acid (ARA), through aquatic food webs is critical for ecosystem functioning. A meta-analysis of data on the EFA content of marine organisms reveals that individual eggs of marine animals have exceptionally high concentrations of EFAs, and that superabundances of eggs released in temporally and spatially discrete patches create rich, but temporary, nutritional resources for egg predators, called ā€œegg boons.ā€ Mortality rates of fish eggs are disproportionately higher than animals of similar size, and those eggs are consumed by predators, both larger and smaller than the adults that produce the eggs. Thus, egg boons are a major trophic pathway through which EFAs are repackaged and redistributed, and they are among the few pathways that run counter to the main direction of trophic flow. Egg boons can transport EFAs across ecosystems through advection of patches of eggs and spawning migrations of adults. Recognizing the significance of egg boons to aquatic food webs reveals linkages and feedbacks between organisms and environments that have important implications for understanding how food webs vary in time and space. Examples are given of top-down, bottom-up, and lateral control mechanisms that could significantly alter food webs through their effects on eggs. Our results suggest that trophodynamic food web models should include EFAs generally, and egg production and egg EFA content in particular