59 research outputs found

    The tungsten-182 record of kimberlites above the African superplume: Exploring links to the core-mantle boundary

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    Many volcanic hotspots are connected via ‘plume’ conduits to thermochemical structures with anomalously low seismic velocities at the core-mantle boundary. Basaltic lavas from some of these hotspots show anomalous daughter isotope abundances for the short-lived ¹²⁹I-¹²⁹Xe, ¹⁴⁶Sm-¹⁴²Nd, and ¹⁸²Hf-¹⁸²W radioactive decay systems, suggesting that their lower mantle sources contain material that dates back to Earth-forming events during the first 100 million years in solar system history. Survival of such ‘primordial’ remnants in Earth's mantle places important constraints on the evolution and inner workings of terrestrial planets. Here we report high-precision ¹⁸²W/¹⁸⁴W measurements for a large suite of kimberlite volcanic rocks from across the African tectonic plate, which for the past 250 million years has drifted over the most prominent thermochemical seismic anomaly at the core-mantle boundary. This so-called African LLSVP, or ‘large low shear-wave velocity province’, is widely suspected to store early Earth remnants and is implicated as the ultimate source of global Phanerozoic kimberlite magmatism. Our results show, however, that kimberlites from above the African LLSVP, including localities with lower mantle diamonds such as Letseng and Karowe Orapa A/K6, lack anomalous ¹⁸²W signatures, with an average μ¹⁸²W value of 0.0 ± 4.1 (2SD) for the 18 occurrences studied. If kimberlites are indeed sourced from the African LLSVP or superplume, then the extensive ¹⁸²W evidence suggests that primordial or core-equilibrated mantle materials, which may contribute resolvable μ¹⁸²W excesses or deficits, are only minor or locally concentrated components in the lowermost mantle, for example in the much smaller ‘ultra-low velocity zones’ or ULVZs. However, the lack of anomalous ¹⁸²W may simply suggest that low-volume kimberlite magmas are not derived from hot lower mantle plumes. In this alternative scenario, kimberlite magmas originate from volatile-fluxed ambient convecting upper mantle domains beneath relatively thick and cold lithosphere from where previously ‘stranded’ lower mantle and transition zone diamonds can be plucked

    The tungsten-182 record of kimberlites above the African superplume: Exploring links to the core-mantle boundary

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    Many volcanic hotspots are connected via ‘plume’ conduits to thermochemical structures with anomalously low seismic velocities at the core-mantle boundary. Basaltic lavas from some of these hotspots show anomalous daughter isotope abundances for the short-lived ¹²⁹I-¹²⁹Xe, ¹⁴⁶Sm-¹⁴²Nd, and ¹⁸²Hf-¹⁸²W radioactive decay systems, suggesting that their lower mantle sources contain material that dates back to Earth-forming events during the first 100 million years in solar system history. Survival of such ‘primordial’ remnants in Earth's mantle places important constraints on the evolution and inner workings of terrestrial planets. Here we report high-precision ¹⁸²W/¹⁸⁴W measurements for a large suite of kimberlite volcanic rocks from across the African tectonic plate, which for the past 250 million years has drifted over the most prominent thermochemical seismic anomaly at the core-mantle boundary. This so-called African LLSVP, or ‘large low shear-wave velocity province’, is widely suspected to store early Earth remnants and is implicated as the ultimate source of global Phanerozoic kimberlite magmatism. Our results show, however, that kimberlites from above the African LLSVP, including localities with lower mantle diamonds such as Letseng and Karowe Orapa A/K6, lack anomalous ¹⁸²W signatures, with an average μ¹⁸²W value of 0.0 ± 4.1 (2SD) for the 18 occurrences studied. If kimberlites are indeed sourced from the African LLSVP or superplume, then the extensive ¹⁸²W evidence suggests that primordial or core-equilibrated mantle materials, which may contribute resolvable μ¹⁸²W excesses or deficits, are only minor or locally concentrated components in the lowermost mantle, for example in the much smaller ‘ultra-low velocity zones’ or ULVZs. However, the lack of anomalous ¹⁸²W may simply suggest that low-volume kimberlite magmas are not derived from hot lower mantle plumes. In this alternative scenario, kimberlite magmas originate from volatile-fluxed ambient convecting upper mantle domains beneath relatively thick and cold lithosphere from where previously ‘stranded’ lower mantle and transition zone diamonds can be plucked

    The Paleoarchean Buffalo River komatiites: Progressive melting of a single large mantle plume beneath the growing Kaapvaal craton

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    Several Archean granitoid-greenstone terranes are exposed on the southeastern Kaapvaal craton in South Africa, but they received little scientific attention compared to the archetypal greenstone belt successions of the Barberton Mountain Land at the eastern craton margin. This study reports on a detailed field and geochemical survey of the Buffalo River Greenstone Belt at the southern Kaapvaal craton margin in KwaZulu-Natal, with focus on hitherto unstudied komatiites and basaltic rocks from this volcanic succession. Cross-cutting relationships and new U-Pb zircon age determinations for several granitoid units establish a minimum age of 3.26 Ga for komatiitic volcanism, possibly as old as ca. 3.5 Ga if a 3.47 Ga granodiorite sheet is interpreted as ‘intrusive’ into the greenstone succession. Geochemical data reveal three types of Paleoarchean komatiites at Buffalo River. Spinifex textured lava flows represent Al-depleted komatiites, with subchondritic Al2O3/TiO2 ratios and enrichment of LREE over HREE. The second type comprises Al-undepleted komatiites that have chondritic Al2O3/TiO2 and flat REE patterns. The third type identified comprises Al-enriched komatiites that display suprachondritic Al2O3/TiO2 ratios, with significant LREE depletion. The Al-depleted and Al-undepleted komatiites from Buffalo River are geochemically similar to komatiites from the 3.48 Ga Komati and 3.26 Ga Weltevreden formations of the Barberton Supergroup respectively, whereas the Al-enriched komatiites resemble the 3.33 Ga Commondale komatiites on the southeastern Kaapvaal craton. To explain the co-occurrence of three discrete komatiite types within a single volcanic succession at Buffalo River, we suggest that each major komatiite magmatic pulse originated from the same upwelling mantle source, from which melt was extracted at different pressure but similarly hot temperature conditions. 187Os/188Os data for the Al-depleted komatiites suggest an ultimate magma origin from a primitive mantle reservoir. The contrasting γOs values for Kaapvaal craton komatiites (zero to positive) and peridotitic mantle xenoliths (zero to negative) support a complementary nature of these lithologies as high-degree melts and depleted residues linked by vigorous mantle plume activity at around 3.5 Ga. Such a relationship can explain the contrasting Re/Os systematics of komatiites and lithospheric mantle peridotites, which creates the contrasting γOs over time. The highly siderophile element patterns of the Al-depleted komatiites from Buffalo River are similar to those of Barberton-type komatiites, for which an origin from the deepest upper mantle with high melt retention in an upwelling plume source was suggested. We confirm that this ca. 3.5 Ga mantle source had only 60–80 % of the platinum-group element budget of the modern ambient mantle, which points indirectly to a location at great depth in the aftermath of the meteoritic late accretion. Progressive melting of such an upwelling mantle source, to the point of majoritic garnet exhaustion, may explain the Al-undepleted and Al-enriched komatiites at Buffalo River. The presence of all three major komatiite types within a single volcanic succession may be linked to deep critical melting of a large mantle plume associated with growth of the Kaapvaal ‘continent’ at 3.5 Ga

    Plume–lithosphere interactions and LIP-triggered climate crises constrained by the origin of Karoo lamproites

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    We identified a ca. 180 Ma diamondiferous lamproite event in Zambia, establishing a link between ultrapotassic volcanism and the early Jurassic Karoo flood basalt province of sub-Saharan Africa. The cratonic lamproites erupted through the Permo–Triassic Luangwa Rift structure, but MgO-rich ultrapotassic magma formation was unrelated to rifting and triggered by plume–lithosphere interactions during the Karoo LIP event. Elevated Li–Zn–Ti concentrations in magmatic olivine (up to 18.5 ppm Li at 86–90 mol.% forsterite) and strong Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotopic enrichment of the host lamproites ( 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70701–0.70855, εNd = − 10.8 to − 10, εHf = − 20.3 to − 19.1, 206Pb/204Pb = 16.8–17.5) suggest partial melting of phlogopite-metasomatized lithospheric mantle domains, at approximately 180–200 km depth. The mantle-like δ7 Li values (+2.8 to +5.7‰) of the most pristine lamproite samples are compatible with source enrichment by asthenosphere-derived melts, without significant involvement of recycled sedimentary components. This geochemical fingerprint stands in sharp contrast to the negative δ7 Li compositions of primitive K-rich volcanic rocks from collision zone settings, where the shallow mantle sources contain recycled sediment. Isotope modelling demonstrates that the sub-Saharan lamproites originate from a MARID-style metasomatized peridotitic mantle source that underwent incompatible element enrichment at ca. 1 Ga, during tectonic activity associated with Rodinia supercontinent formation. Plume-sourced basaltic and picritic magmas of the 180 Ma Karoo LIP interacted with such K-rich hydrous lithospheric mantle domains, thereby attaining enriched incompatible element and radiogenic isotope compositions. Nd–Hf isotope mass balance suggests that up to 25% of MARID-sourced lamproite melt component contributed to some of the high-Ti flood volcanic units. Although large quantities of volatiles can be transferred from Earth’s mantle to the atmosphere via plume–lithosphere interactions, it is unlikely that outgassing of mantle-sourced sulphur can exceed the climatic impact caused by the release of much more abundant carbon from thick continental roots. Thus, the excess SO2 required to account for transient atmospheric cooling during the early Jurassic, coincident with the Karoo LIP event, must have had a thermogenic origin near the surface of Earth

    COVID-19 patients share common, corticosteroid-independent features of impaired host immunity to pathogenic molds

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    Patients suffering from coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) are susceptible to deadly secondary fungal infections such as COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis and COVID-19-associated mucormycosis. Despite this clinical observation, direct experimental evidence for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-driven alterations of antifungal immunity is scarce. Using an ex-vivo whole blood stimulation assay, we challenged blood from twelve COVID-19 patients with Aspergillus fumigatus and Rhizopus arrhizus antigens and studied the expression of activation, maturation, and exhaustion markers, as well as cytokine secretion. Compared to healthy controls, T-helper cells from COVID-19 patients displayed increased expression levels of the exhaustion marker PD-1 and weakened A. fumigatus - and R. arrhizus -induced activation. While baseline secretion of proinflammatory cytokines was massively elevated, whole blood from COVID-19 patients elicited diminished release of T-cellular (e.g., IFN-γ, IL-2) and innate immune cell-derived (e.g., CXCL9, CXCL10) cytokines in response to A. fumigatus and R. arrhizus antigens. Additionally, samples from COVID-19 patients showed deficient granulocyte activation by mold antigens and reduced fungal killing capacity of neutrophils. These features of weakened anti-mold immune responses were largely decoupled from COVID-19 severity, the time elapsed since diagnosis of COVID-19, and recent corticosteroid uptake, suggesting that impaired anti-mold defense is a common denominator of the underlying SARS-CoV-2 infection. Taken together, these results expand our understanding of the immune predisposition to post-viral mold infections and could inform future studies of immunotherapeutic strategies to prevent and treat fungal superinfections in COVID-19 patients

    Estimating Ixodes ricinus densities on the landscape scale

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    Background: The study describes the estimation of the spatial distribution of questing nymphal tick densities by investigating Ixodes ricinus in Southwest Germany as an example. The production of high-resolution maps of quest-ing tick densities is an important key to quantify the risk of tick-borne diseases. Previous I. ricinus maps were based on quantitative as well as semi-quantitative categorisations of the tick density observed at study sites with differ-ent vegetation types or indices, all compiled on local scales. Here, a quantitative approach on the landscape scale is introduced. Methods: During 2 years, 2013 and 2014, host-seeking ticks were collected each month at 25 sampling sites by flag-ging an area of 100 square meters. All tick stages were identified to species level to select nymphal ticks of I. ricinus, which were used to develop and calibrate Poisson regression models. The environmental variables height above sea level, temperature, relative humidity, saturation deficit and land cover classification were used as explanatory variables. Results: The number of flagged nymphal tick densities range from zero (mountain site) to more than 1,000 nymphs/100 m2. Calibrating the Poisson regression models with these nymphal densities results in an explained variance of 72 % and a prediction error of 110 nymphs/100 m2 in 2013. Generally, nymphal densities (maximum 37

    Nature and origin of ultramafic lamprophyres and carbonatites from the borders of the Labrador Sea

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    Die Ränder des Labrador Meeres wurden während des späten Neoproterozoikums intensiv von karbonatreichen silikatischen Schmelzen durchsetzt. Diese Schmelzen bildeted sich bei Drucken zwischen ca. 4-6 GPa (ca. 120-180 km Tiefe) an der Basis der kontinentalen Mantel-Lithosphäre. Diese Magmengenerierung steht in zeitlichem und räumlichem Zusammenhang mit kontinentalen Extensionsprozessen, welche zu beiden Seiten des sich öffnenden Iapetus-Ozeans auftraten.Ultramafic lamprophyres (UML) are rare but widespread igneous rocks representing a silica undersaturated, potassic, volatile-rich magma type of upper mantle derivation. They occur as dyke swarms or in central complexes typically in association with carbonatites. Despite their potential for elucidating deep melting processes and the fact that they can be a primary source of diamonds, UML have commonly been ignored in igneous petrology as an oddity, which is manifested in the scarcity of petrogenetic studies and in their exclusion from the IUGS classification scheme in the year 2002. This thesis includes a method by which to correctly identify and classify UML within the IUGS system, thus giving them an appropriate place in the family of igneous rocks, which is a prerequisite to any systematic research on their origin. On the basis of this new scheme it is demonstrated that the borders of the Labrador Sea, which includes large parts of West Greenland, New Quebec and Labrador, have been the site of volumetrically significant UML magma production during the Late Neoproterozoic (~ 610-550 Ma). The carbonate-rich UML variety (aillikite), which is closest to a primary magma composition, shows Sr-Nd isotope signatures (87Sr/86Sri typically < 0.7045 and initial Nd values between +0.1 and +1.9) typical for asthenospheric convecting mantle. However, the required source assemblage is only stable at temperature conditions of the cold lithospheric mantle. It is therefore argued that potassic, carbonate-rich metasomatic agents derived from upwelling convective mantle infiltrated the cold base of the cratonic lithosphere (4-6 GPa) where they stabilized as phlogopite- and carbonate-dominated vein assemblages. Asthenospheric upwelling continued and successively converted the veined lithosphere into part of the hotter convective mantle thereby causing remelting of the veins (controlling Sr-Nd signature) and volatile-fluxed melting of the lithospheric wall-rock peridotites (controlling compatible element contents of the melt). This multi-stage veined mantle melting model can account for the highly incompatible element enriched nature, the high MgO contents and long-term isotopic depletion of the parental UML magma and, moreover, the comparatively long time scale of UML magmatism to either side of the Labrador Sea. A variety of low-pressure processes have modified the primary UML magma during its ascent leading to the diversity of UML and secondary dolomite-bearing carbonatite types seen at the surface. The envisaged geodynamic scenario under which UML magma production occurred is one of incipient rifting with progressive thinning of thick cratonic lithosphere in the present-day Labrador Sea area. This continental extension at the eastern Laurentian margin occurred in response to plate reorganization which resulted in the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia during the Late Neoproterozoic at ~ 600-580 Ma. Similar old and compositionally identical UML occurrences are known from other parts of former Rodinia (i.e. the Fen and Alnö complexes of Baltica), which emphasizes that this tectonomagmatic process operated on a global scale

    SHRIMP U-Pb zircon provenance of the Sullavai Group of Pranhita-Godavari Basin and Bairenkonda Quartzite of Cuddapah Basin, with implications for the Southern Indian Proterozoic tectonic architecture

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    Proterozoic basins in cratonic India, referred to as "Purana Basins", cover about 20% of the Archean basement of the subcontinent. Although the stratigraphy of most of these basins has been well established, it is only recently that radiometric age constraints have been obtained for some of the sedimentary sequences. This study provides new data for two of the Purana Basins in southern India using SHRIMP U-Pb analysis of detrital zircons. For the Pranhita-Godavari Basin, an age limit of 709. Ma is provided for the age of deposition of the Sullavai Group. This prolongs the duration of Proterozoic sedimentation to approximately one billion years (ca. 1700-709. Ma) and establishes the Venkatpur Sandstones of Sullavai Group as the youngest Purana Basin succession identified in India so far. A major zircon provenance age peak at about 1000. Ma, and zircon ages between 800 and 750. Ma, are correlated with major tectonothermal events in the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB) and intrusion of granites and associated pegmatites at that time. The main provenance area of the Venkatpur Sandstones is interpreted to be the EGMB, with subordinate supply of sediments from the Eastern Dharwar craton. It is suggested that portions of the EGMB must have been an integral part of Peninsular India at the time of deposition of these sediments. For the Cuddapah Basin, new U-Pb detrital zircon age constraints are provided for the Nallamalai Group sediments (Bairenkonda Quartzites within the Nallamalai Fold Belt), the youngest population of which yielded an age of ca. 1550. Ma. This age is similar to the emplacement age of the Vinukonda Granite (1589. ±. 4.4. Ma) in the Nellore Schist Belt. This suggests that the Nellore Schist Belt was a source region for the Bairenkonda Quartzites and that deposition continued until at least 1550. Ma. A high-precision Archean age (ca. 3366. Ma) for a detrital zircon grain indicates the presence of Paleoarchean components within the sediment source region. Provided that Paleoarchean rocks are as yet unknown from the largely juvenile Neoarchean Eastern Dharwar craton, there exists a possibility that the Nallamalai Group was sourced from the Ongole Domain of the EGMB