360 research outputs found

    A synthesis of the echinoderm fauna of the Maltese Islands

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    A review of existing literature records of echinoderms from Malta and a study of a large collection of specimens was carried out between 2000 and 2004 so as to update and produce a validated checklist of echinoderms occurring in Maltese waters. Seventy different species of echinoderms are recorded, including a number of species for which only single records exist for the Maltese islands and five species that were not found in the present study. The Maltese echinoderm fauna includes 45% of the 153 recorded Mediterranean echinoderm species, and apart from two aliens, is typical of the central Mediterranean region.peer-reviewe


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    Sungai Code merupakan salah satu sungai tengah kota di Yogyakarta, yang melintasi pemukiman bantaran sungai Code. Bantaran sungai Code sangat beresiko dengan banjir akibat lahar dingin erupsi Gunung Merapi, selain itu genangan air yang terjadi dipemukiman tersebut akibat aliran permukaan sisa hujan seringkali menyebabkan banjir di wilayah tersebut. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penanganan masalah banjir adalah debit. Perhitungan debit digunakan untuk memperoleh salah satu solusi penanganan banjir, dengan perencanaan desain kolam retensi (boezem). Perhitungan tersebut menggunakan data hidrologi berupa data curah hujan pada DAS Code di stasiun : Kemput, Angin-angin, Prumpung, Beran, dan Gemawang, tahun 2001-2013. Kemudian data di uji menggunakan uji hipotesis ketiadaan trend, uji stasioner, dan uji persistensi. Data curah hujan yang sesuai menggunakan estimasi distribusi Log Pearson III. Luas DAS Code sampai batas perencanaan sebesar 38,48031 km2, dan wilayah tinjauan sebesar 11,580 km2. Perhitungan Debit banjir (debit aliran permukaan) akibat hujan (Qa) 30,003 m3/s dengan waktu konsentrasi 3,2 jam adalah lebih besar dari debit total saluran drainase (Qb) 29,922 m3/s. Selisih debit Qa dan Qb adalah 0,081 m3/s merupakan sisa debit aliran permukaan yang tidak seluruhnya masuk saluran drainase sehingga mengakibatkan genangan di wilayah pemukiman bantaran Code. Dengan perhitungan persamaan volume maka di dapatkan dimensi kolam L= 300 m berdasarkan batasan perencanaan, B= 2 m, sesuai dengan kapasitas sisa lahan, H= 1,55 m. Dimensi boezem tersebut dilengkapi pintu air otomatis sebagai pembuang dengan ukuran pintu 60x60cm, berat 35 kg (keadaan terisi air penuh). Dalam kondisi ketinggian muka air boezem 0,5196 m, ketinggian air di sungai yang diperlukan untuk pintu air mulai tertutup adalah ≥ 0,47 m dari dasar pintu. Sedangkan kondisi tinggi muka air boezem 1,55 m (terisi penuh) ketinggian air di sungai yang diperlukan untuk pintu air mulai tertutup adalah ≥ 1,5005 m dari dasar pintu. Perhitungan pintu air bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi agar tidak terjadi adanya backwater, sehingga pintu di sisi sungai di rancang agar tertutup ketika muka air sungai mulai tinggi melebihi muka air di boeze

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Dan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Osteoartritis Lutut Di Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Background: The incidence of osteoarthritis increases with age and become major cause of disability among the elderly. The prevalence of osteoarthritis knee is quite high in Indonesia, especially in Semarang city and the effect on quality of life and levels of anxiety osteoarthritis knee behind this research.Objective: To determine picture quality of life and levels of anxiety in patients with osteoarthritis knee in Department Medical Rehabilitation Dr. Kariadi Hospital period March - June 2015.Methods: This study used a descriptive method. The samples used were 25 patients taken appropriate inclusion criteria which includes the criteria of knee osteoarthritis according to American College of Rheumatology (ACR), the patients had radiological examination of the knee joint and is willing to participate in research. The data collected is of primary data in the form of the results of the SF-36 questionnaire to measure quality of life and HAM-A to measure the level of anxiety in patients. After all data has been collected is done editing, encoding is done then processed statistically descriptive calculate the distribution of each variable and also made a chart for each of the data obtained.Results: The distribution of the female sex more than men by 22 (88%) patients. The highest degree of knee osteoarthritis was grade 3 as many as 14 (56%) patients. The highest age group 55-65 years were 13 (52%) patients. Location osteoarthritis occurred in both knees (bilateral) by 12 (48%). Results of the questionnaire SF-36 obtained 24 (96%) patients had a poorer quality of life, while the results of the questionnaire HAM-A in 20 (80%) patients with osteoarthritis knee are known not to have symptoms of anxiety.Conclusions: The majority of patients with osteoarthritis knee in Department Medical Rehabilitation Dr. Kariadi Hospital have a poor quality of life and do not have symptoms of anxiety


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    Skripsi ini membahas pengaruh model pembelajaranProject Based Leraning terhadap Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam materi struktur bumi di SMPN 7 Muaro Jambi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII B sebagai kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 29 siswa dan siswa kelas VII A sebagai kelas kontrol yang berjumlah 29 siswa. Data penelitian diperoleh skor tertinggi di kelas eksperimen adalah 92 dan skor terendah 65 dengan rata-rata 78,03, sedangkan di kelas kontrol skor tertinggi adalah 92 dan skor terendah adalah 56 dengan rata-rata 70,48.. Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan uji t diperoleh thitung = 3,27 dan pada taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh ttabel = 2,00 dan taraf signifikansi 1% ttabel = 2,65 dengan demikian 2,00 2,65 sehingga Ha diterima, artinya bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis IPA Terpadu siswa yang menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning dengan yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional di Sekolah Menengah Pertama ( SMP ) Negeri 7 Muaro Jambi

    Factors Affecting Profitability of Construction Company Sub-Sector

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    The increase is in construction activities is not always good considering that in the construction sub-sectors, the company is a long-term investment, and the payment is following the terms of project completion, causing a decrease in the company's profitability. This study aims to analyze the company's profitability in the construction subsector and the impact of the company's external and internal factors in the construction subsector. This study uses a simulation method with a simultaneous equation model consisting of seven simultaneous equations and six identity equations estimated using the 2SLS method (Two-Stage Least Squares). The Results Showed that if the gross domestic product fell by 4% and the cost of revenue decreased by 5%, it resulted in an increase in return on assets by 12.95% (to 1.93% ROA) and returned on equity equal to 4. 07 (ROE to 27.96%). If inflation rises by 4% and the cost of revenue decreased by 5%, it would increase is the return on assets by 12.79 (ROA to 1.92%) and return on equity by 3:52% (ROE to 27.81%). If inflation rises by 4%, the gross domestic product falls by 4%, and cost of goods costs fall by 5%, the resulting in an increase in return on assets by 9.61% (ROA to 1.87%) and return on equity by 1.96% (ROE to 27.39%). Keywords: building construction subsector, external and internal factors, return on assets, return on equity, profitability, 2SL


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    Shoes are not only used for daily needs now, but people rather consider that shoes are an important fashion item for their appereance. Despite the growing culture of Indonesian sneakerhead, Darmawan Wash Shoe had recently experiencing decreased sales from 2017 untiI 2019. This research aimed to 1) identifying internal and external factors which are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that influences the sales of Darmawan Wash Shoe; 2) formulate alternative strategies that can be implemented to increase sales based on the influences of each internal and external factors on Darmawan Wash Shoe; 3) determine the priority from those alternative strategies to be implemented to achieve sales targets in Darmawan Wash Shoe. The methods used in this study are: 1) identification of Darmawan Wash Shoe internal factors using the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) method and identification of Darmawan Wash Shoe external factors using the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) method, positioning Darmawan Wash Shoe business using the Internal External (IE) matrix; 2) aIternative strategy formulations using the SWOT matrix method; 4) formulating priority strategies with the Quantitative Stratategy Planning Matrix (QSPM) method. The results of internal and external analysis found that the position of Darmawan Wash Shoe is in quadrant V, the strategy that must be done is market penetration and development product in the QSPM analysis, the main priority strategy is to conduct onIine discount promotions. Keywords: EFE, IFE, QSPM, Startegy Formulation, SWO

    Pengaruh Atribut Rumah Makan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Konsumen Rumah Makan Terminal Mie, Malang)

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    The purpose of this research are to determine the effect of restaurant attributes on consumers' purchasing decision, and to explain the dominant variable on purchasing decision. Method survey used a sample survey, with a structured questionnaire as a research instrument, located at Terminal Mie Noodle House, Malang. 115 guests collected as respondents and the data was analyzed by statistical analysis. Desriptive analysis was used, and multiple regression with five variables, they were food, convenience, atmosphere, service, and purchasing decision. The result shows that there is significant and positive correlation between restaurant attributes and purchasing decision. Result also showed that service is the dominant variable affected for purchasing decision. The results could be advantage utility for restaurant owner or manager to maximize their resources better, and about to develope strategies for better service that will increase the purchasing decision level. The next research could be conducted by focusing more on different type of restaurant, whether main-course restaurant or appetizer restaurant

    Efisiensi Asuransi Syariah di Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to estimate the efficiency level of Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. The data used are taken from each financial report of 14 Islamic life insurance companies and 12 Islamic general insurance in the period 2013-2015. Efficiency score estimation is done by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. There are three input variables, namely asset, load, claim payment and two output variables, namely income and tabarru\u27 funds obtained. The results show that islamic life insurance and islamic general insurance companies in Indonesia have not been operating efficiently
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