60 research outputs found


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    Iranian traditional medicine is based on the concept of Mizaj (Temperament). Mizaj is the overall quality of body and any of its organs in terms of the amount and the proportion of combination of each of four elements, i.e. warmness, coldness, wetness, and dryness in it. If an organ or the whole body gets out of their natural temperament, a disease will be developed. Uterine infections are caused by the wet dys-temperament (Su'e Mizaj) of the uterus, from this perspective. This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between uterine temperament and vaginitis. This case-control study was conducted on 223 women aged 20-40 years living in Tehran who referred to two clinics affiliated with Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences by matching the age and contraceptive method. In the case group (n=112) one kind of vaginitis was detected and the control group (n=111) were healthy in this regard. The data were analyzed using chi-square test, independent t-test, or Mann-Whitney test and logistic regression. Uterine compound temperament was cold-wet in most patients (62.5%). Uterine singular temperament was cold in 73.7% of the patient in terms of coldness and hotness and was wet in 74.6% of the patients in terms of dryness and wetness. There was a significant relationship between uterine singular and compound temperament and risk of vaginitis. It can be said that uterine dis-temperament is a predisposing factor to develop vaginitis and this finding validates the theory claimed in traditional medicine literature. Keywords: Temperament; Vaginitis; Iranian traditional medicine; Uterin

    Equilibrium studies on butane-1,4-diamine extraction with 4-nonylphenol

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    BACKGROUND: The extraction of butane-1,4-diamine (BDA) from aqueous solutions with undiluted 4-nonylphenol (4NP) has been studied at three temperatures (298 K, 310 K and 323 K) in a batch system. A reactive extraction model based on mass action law was applied to describe the experimental data. RESULTS: The model developed describes the distribution of BDA between the 4NP phase and the aqueous phase, and the average stoichiometry of the complexation due to interactions between the two amine groups of BDA and 4NP, as well as the complexation constant were fitted to experimental data with good accuracy for each of the three temperatures, the largest error at the confidence limit of the estimated parameters being 6%. Using a Van't Hoff plot, the thermodynamic parameters of the equilibrium constant were determined and used to estimate that in a single stage with only S/F = 0.5, over 99% of the BDA can be extracted from a 1.146 wt% aqueous solution. High distribution ratios at low BDA concentrations hampered the effective recovery by back-extraction in a single stage, therefore multistage processing was considered and short-cut calculations revealed a maximum concentration factor of 3.6. CONCLUSION: Good agreement between single stage equilibrium data and the model was obtained and the model developed was used in short-cut calculation of a coupled multistage forward and back-extraction process showing a maximum concentration factor of only 3.6, therefore an alternative, more effective recovery strategy, e.g. through anti-solvent addition is suggested


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    Arterial hypertension is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Data from observational studies indicate that it may affect 90% of the general population during their lifetime. Despite much research that has been done, the exact cause of this disorder is still unknown. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) in his masterpiece The Canon of Medicine described most of the clinical features, causes, and complications which are consistent with hypertension symptoms based on modern medicine. He described in detail the symptoms of hypertension such as headache, heaviness in the head, sluggish movements, general redness and warm to touch feel of the body, prominent, distended and tense veins, fullness of the pulse, distension of the skin, coloured and dense urine, loss of appetite, weak eye sight, impairment of thinking, yawning, and drowsiness. Moreover, Avicenna described haemorrhage and sudden death as the complications of hypertension. Due to the importance of this issue, we wanted to call the reader’s attention to Avicenna’s views about what corresponds to hypertension in modern medicine.Arterijska hipertenzija među glavnim je rizičnim čimbenicima nastanka bolesti srca i krvožilja. Podaci iz opažajnih ispitivanja ukazuju na to da se arterijska hipertenzija tijekom života javlja u 90% opće populacije. Unatoč intenzivnom istraživanju, još nije utvrđen uzrok ovoga poremećaja. Avicena (Ibn Sina) je u svom kapitalnom djelu Kanon medicine opisao većinu kliničkih manifestacija, uzroka i komplikacija koje odgovaraju modernom opisu simptoma hipertenzije. Do pojedinosti je opisao simptome poput glavobolje, osjećaja težine u glavi, usporenosti, općeg crvenila, toploga tijela na dodir, izraženo proširenih i tvrdih vena, punoće bila, rastezanja kože, obojane i guste mokraće, gubitka teka, oslabjela vida, otežanog razmišljanja, zijevanja i pospanosti. Kao komplikacije hipertenzije Avicena navodi krvarenje i naglu smrt. Zbog važnosti teme, htjeli smo ovim člankom prenijeti Avicenino viđenje onoga što se danas u medicini naziva hipertenzijom

    Scientific evaluation of medicinal plants used for the treatment of cervicitis (Qorohe- Rahem) in Iranian Traditional Medicine

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    Cervicitis is an inflammatory condition of the cervix associated with upper genital tract infection and reproductive complications. Therapy for cervicitis in conventional system is the use of antibiotics and antifungal therapies and surgical interventions, none of these treatments provides the definite efficacy in spite of high cost and side effect. So there is a need for alternate therapy which is safe, effective, easily available and free from side effects. Our study focuses on medicinal plants mentioned in main Iranian Traditional Medicine reference books. Medicinal plants mentioned in Iranian Traditional Medicine for treatment of Cervicitis were elicited and searched in electronic databases including PubMed, Scopus, Science direct and Google Scholar to find studies that confirmed their efficacy. The findings included 311plants(Which are mentioned below) belonging to 21 families, research findings showed that these plants that have mentioned in the Iranian Traditional Medicine resources can contribute to the recovery and treatment of cervicitis through anti- inflammatory, anti- oxidant, anti- bacterial and anti- fungal, wound healing and analgesic effects. Finding the medicinal plants effective on cervicitis based on ITM could suggest a better strategy for relieving and management cervicitis symptoms especially in recurrent or persistent condition. In following step effect of selected plants were investigated. Results are confirmed the effect of Lawsonia inermis on treating Cervicitis which is currently in progress (Zareshahi et al. 2018).Cervicitis is an inflammatory condition of the cervix associated with upper genital tract infection and reproductive complications. Therapy for cervicitis in conventional system is the use of antibiotics and antifungal therapies and surgical interventions, none of these treatments provides the definite efficacy in spite of high cost and side effect. So there is a need for alternate therapy which is safe, effective, easily available and free from side effects. Our study focuses on medicinal plants mentioned in main Iranian Traditional Medicine reference books. Medicinal plants mentioned in Iranian Traditional Medicine for treatment of Cervicitis were elicited and searched in electronic databases including PubMed, Scopus, Science direct and Google Scholar to find studies that confirmed their efficacy. The findings included 311plants(Which are mentioned below) belonging to 21 families, research findings showed that these plants that have mentioned in the Iranian Traditional Medicine resources can contribute to the recovery and treatment of cervicitis through anti- inflammatory, anti- oxidant, anti- bacterial and anti- fungal, wound healing and analgesic effects. Finding the medicinal plants effective on cervicitis based on ITM could suggest a better strategy for relieving and management cervicitis symptoms especially in recurrent or persistent condition. In following step effect of selected plants were investigated. Results are confirmed the effect of Lawsonia inermis on treating Cervicitis which is currently in progress (Zareshahi et al. 2018)

    A New Approach to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dysmenorrhea Protocols, a Combination of Persian Medicine and Contemporary Medicine

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    زمینه و هدف: با وجود پیشرفت‌های پزشکی تشخیص و درمان دیسمنوره یکی از معضلات مراقبت‌های بهداشتی محسوب می‌گردد و تاکنون پروتکل تلفیقی دانش طب سنتی ایران و طب رایج برای تشخیص و درمان دیسمنوره ارائه نشده است، لذا در این مطالعه به بررسی این پروتکل‌ها پرداخته می‌شود. مواد و روش‌ها:‌ برای تدوین این دو پروتکل از سه روش مرور نقلی، کیفی و اجماع صاحب‌نظران استفاده شد. در این راستا، جستجو در 19 منبع طب سنتی ایران و همچنین دو کتاب مرجع ژنیکولوژی و 4 پایگاه‌ اطلاعاتی انجام شد. یافته‌ها: یافته‌ها در سه بخش مروری بر تبیین دیسمنوره از دیدگاه طب سنتی ایران و طب رایج، پروتکل تشخیص دیسمنوره و پروتکل درمان گام ‌به‌ گام دیسمنوره اولیه بیان ‌شد. پروتکل تشخیص دیسمنوره از هر دو دیدگاه طب سنتی ایران و طب رایج می‌تواند راه‌گشای تشخیص علت موارد ناشناخته دیسمنوره اولیه باشد. از سوی دیگر درمان‌های دیسمنوره اولیه در طب رایج تنها اثر تسکینی داشته و با عدم پاسخ به درمان همراه هستند، در حالی‌ که مکتب طب سنتی ایران دارای روش‌های متعدد، متنوع و گام به گام در درمان دیسمنوره اولیه می‌باشد که این درمان‌ها علاوه بر اثر تسکینی دارای اثر درمانی نیز هستند. نتیجه‌گیری: توصیه می‌شود در بررسی علل و درمان دیسمنوره اولیه دیدگاه طب سنتی ایران در کنار دیدگاه طب رایج در نظر گرفته شود.Background and Aim: Despite medical advances, diagnosis and treatment of dysmenorrhea is one of the health care problems. The protocol for the diagnosis and treatment of dysmenorrhea has not yet been presented in a combination of Persian Medicine and contemporary medicine. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to examine these protocols. Materials and Methods: Three methods including narrative review, qualitative method and scientific consensus were used to write these two protocols. In this regard, 19 ITM references, 2 gynecology references and 4 databases were searched. Findings: The findings were presented in three parts including the review on the explanation of dysmenorrhea from the perspective of ITM and contemporary medicine, the diagnosis protocol for dysmenorrhea and the stepwise treatment protocol for primary dysmenorrhea. The diagnosis protocol for dysmenorrhea from both ITM and contemporary medicine perspectives, could identify the unknown causes of primary dysmenorrhea. On the other hand, treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in contemporary medicine has only palliative effects and are associated with lack of response to treatment, while ITM School has explained several, varied, and step-by-step methods for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea, which have therapeutic effects in addition to palliative effects. Conclusion: It is recommended that ITM perspective be considered along with the view of contemporary medicine in the study of the causes and treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.   Please cite this article as: Shirooye P, Nabi Meybodi R, Tansaz M, Behmanesh E, Mokaberinejad R. A New Approach to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dysmenorrhea Protocols, a Combination of Persian Medicine and Contemporary Medicine. Med Hist J 2018; 9(33): 63-75

    Potassium Alum Vaginal Suppository: Irritation Assessment in Rabbit

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    Background and objective: Potassium alum, called “Zaj-e-abyaz” in Iranian traditional medicine, is used vaginally in traditional clinics as an astringent agent for uterine fibroids. Before evaluating its efficacy, it is necessary to prepare a suitable dosage form and assess the possible irritation in animal model which was the aim of the current research. Methods: Vaginal suppositories were prepared using 400 mg potassium alum, 200 mg honey and different proportions of poly ethylene glycol (PEG) 600, 1000 and 4000 in each suppository. The best formulation was used for evaluation of possible irritation in rabbit. The suppositories were used in rabbit’s perineum daily for 5 consecutive days in 3 albino rabbits and the appearance of the vaginal opening and perineum for signs of erythema and edema were recorded every day. The final results were calculated as a primary irritation index (PII). Results: The best formulation contained potassium alum 20%, honey 10%, PEG 600 18%, PEG 1000 12%, PEG 4000 30% and water 10%. According to the animal test, the irritation of the vaginal mucus membrane was considered moderate in rabbits. Conclusion: Regarding the results, potassium alum could not be used in form of suppository in PEG vehicle and other formulations should be prepared for acquiring the least irritation

    عوارض رحمی آمنوره و اولیگومنوره (احتباس طمث) در طب سنّتی ایران

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    Amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea are the most prevalent menstruation disorder in the world and also in Iran. In Iranian traditional medicine amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and also hypomenorrhea have been known just as ”Ehteebas tams”. From the perspective of Iranian traditional medicine, Amenorrhea enables to induce numerous complications on brain, respiratory system, uterus and other organs. Uterus complication of amenorrhea consists of infertility, uterus strangulation (Ekhtenagh rahem), uterus inflammation (varam rahem) and Anatomical changes of the uterus (Mayalan rahem). In this paper, uterine diseases due to amenorrhea and their mechanism is studied. Investigation of these disease complications and its effects on body and uterus in Iranian traditional medicine emphasize on treatment importance and causing of regular and normal menstruation.از شایع‌ترین اختلالات قاعدگی در دنیا و هم‎چنین ایران، آمنوره و اولیگومنوره است. در مکتب طب سنّتی ایران قطع قاعدگی، تأخیر قاعدگی و هم‎چنین کاهش میزان خونریزی قاعدگی، «احتباس طمث» نامیده می‌شود. بر طبق آموزه‌های این مکتب‏ احتباس طمث می‌تواند عوارض فراوانی بر ارگان‌هایی مانند مغز، سیستم تنفسی، رحم و سایر اندام‏ها بر جا بگذارد. مهمترین عوارض رحمی احتباس طمث شامل ناباروری، اختناق رحم، ورم رحم، میلان رحم هستند. در این مقاله بیماری‌های رحمی ایجاد شده به دنبال احتباس طمث و مکانیسم ایجاد این عوارض مطالعه می‌شود. بررسی عوارض گسترده احتباس طمث و آثار سوء آن‌ها بر بدن و رحم، اهمیت درمان این اختلال را بیش از پیش نشان می‏دهد و لزوم برقراری خون قاعدگی به‌طور طبیعی را یادآور می‌شود

    Fennel-Lemon Balm Syrup for Alleviating Hot Flash in Post-Menopausal Women, a Pilot Study

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    Background and objectives: Hot flash is one of the most common problems in post-menopausal women. The usual treatment is hormone therapy with estrogen and progesterone, which presents side effects such as heart attack, cancer, and depression. In Iranian traditional medicine, some prescriptions have been recommended for treatment of hot flash; in the present study, a syrup was formulated based on traditional medicine and the efficacy in hot flash was evaluated in a pilot study in post-menopausal women. Methods: Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) and Melissa officinalis (lemon balm) were used for preparing the syrup. Physicochemical and microbial quality control tests were performed and the syrup was standardized based on rosmarinic acid and total phenolics content. The effect in post-menopausal women was evaluated in a pilot study with Carpenter Hot Flash Related Daily Interference Scale questionnaire. Results: The results of the quality control and accelerated stability tests after six months were in agreement with the acceptance criteria. The pH, density, viscosity, dry residue, total phenolics and rosmarinic acid contents were 5.29, 1.12 g/cm3, 42.15 cP, 43.43, 4 mg/mL (as pyrogallol) and 1.28 mg/mL, respectively. In the pilot study, the number and intensity of hot flash decreased (p0.05). Conclusion: Considering the promising effect of the formulated syrup on hot flash and the acceptable quality and stability of the product, it can be suggested in larger clinical trials for confirming the efficacy

    Effects of oral Shilajit tablets on sexual function and sexual quality of life among reproductive-aged women : a triple-blind randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Shilajit is mentioned in the “Kama Sutra” as a potent enhancer of sexual desire. This study aimed to investigate the effects of oral Shilajit tablets on sexual function and sexual quality of life among women of reproductive age. Methods: Forty-eight reproductive-aged women participated in a placebo-controlled triple-blind clinical trial. The intervention group took oral Shilajit tablets (200 mg) twice daily for 60 days and the control group took the placebo. Data collection tools were Sexual Quality of Life-Female and Female Sexual Function Index. Data were collected before the intervention, 30, 60, and 90 days after the start of the study. Results: Forty-three women completed the study. The mean score of total sexual function in the intervention group was significantly higher than before the intervention (P < 0.001). The mean score of sexual function was 28.93 after 90 days in the intervention group while it was 22.09 in the control group. This finding was observed in most domains of the sexual function index. The mean score of sexual quality of life increased after 60 days of intervention in both groups; however, the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.094). Conclusion: The study indicated that Shilajit, as a complementary therapy, may improve sexual function and most of its domains; while there was no effect on improving the quality of sexual life

    Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction Referred to Health Center Traditional Medicine in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2016

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    زمینه و هدف: رضایتمندی از خدمات سلامت یک معیار مهم برای سنجش کیفیت مراقبت‌های بهداشتی شناخته شده است و تاکنون بررسی از نظر میزان رضایتمندی بیماران مراجعه‌کننده به سلامتکده‌های طب سنتی انجام نشده است، لذا در این مطالعه برای نخستین‌بار به سنجش کیفیت خدمات در سلامتکده طب سنتی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی پرداخته شد. مواد و روش‌ها: مطالعه حاضر یک مطالعه توصیفی ـ مقطعی (Cross–Sectional) است که جهت سنجش رضایت بیماران، از 150 بیمار مراجعه‌کننده به سلامتکده طب سنتی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی در سال 1395 انجام شد. نمونه‌ها از طریق نمونه‌گیری در دسترس، پس از اخذ رضایت‌نامه، با پرسشنامه رضایتمندی محقق‌ساخته بررسی شدند، سپس اطلاعات جمع‌آوری‌شده توسط نرم‌افزار SPSS 20 و شاخص‌های آماری توصیفی و استنباطی مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. ملاحظات اخلاقی: این پژوهش حاصل طرح تحقیقاتی مصوب معاونت پژوهش دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی با کد IR.SBMU.RETECH.REC.1395.487 می‌باشد و کلیه اطلاعات بیماران به صورت محرمانه حفظ شد. یافته‫ها: میزان رضایتمندی بیماران نسبت به عملکرد کلی سلامتکده خوب (میانگین 4/54) گزارش شد. میانگین امتیاز رضایتمندی در ابعاد مختلف، شامل وضعیت برخورد پزشکان با بیماران 4/73، وضعیت برخورد دستیاران با بیماران 4/69، وضعیت فضا و امکانات بهداشتی 4/66، وضعیت خدمات تشخیصی 4/74، وضعیت خدمات درمانی 4/50، نحوه وقت‌دهی و برخورد پرسنل 4/59، رضایت از داروخانه 4/62 که نشان‌دهنده طیف نسبتاً راضی به سمت کاملاً راضی بوده است. میانگین بیشترین میزان رضایت در بین بخش‌های مختلف تخصصی، از نظر وضعیت برخورد پزشکان با بیماران مربوط به بخش گوارش 4/82 می‌باشد. بیشترین میزان رضایت مراجعه‌کنندگان در بین بخش‌های مختلف تخصصی از نظر وضعیت خدمات تشخیصی (بخش مفاصل، زنان، گوارش و اعصاب و روان) مربوط به بخش اعصاب و روان بود (P=0/039). نتیجه‌گیری: رضایت بیماران از ارائه خدمات سلامتکده مورد مطالعه در سطح مطلوبی قرار داشت، اما در جهت ارائه خدمات با کیفیت بالاتر به بیماران انجام برنامه‌ریزی دقیق‌تر ضروری به نظر می‌رسد.Background and Aim: Satisfaction from health services is an important criterion for measuring the quality of health care and so far, there has been no study on the satisfaction of patients referring to traditional medicine health centers. Therefore, in this study, for the first time, the quality of services in the traditional medicine health center of Shahid Beheshti University was assessed. Materials and Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional study, in order to measure patients satisfaction, out of 150 patients referred to Shahid Beheshti University Traditional Medicine Health Center, it was performed in 2016. Samples were examined through available sampling, after obtaining consent, with the researcher-made satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20 software and descriptive and inferential statistical indices. Ethical Considerations: This research is the result of a research project approved by the Research Vice Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences with the code IR.SBMU.RETECH.REC.1395.487 and all patient information was kept confidential. Findings: Patients' satisfaction with good general health center performance was reported (Mean 4/54). Mean of satisfaction in different dimensions, including The situation of doctors with patients was 4/73, the situation of patients with patients 4/69, the condition of space and health facilities 4/66, the status of diagnostic services, 4/74, the state of health care 4/40, the manner of staffing and staffing 4/59, satisfaction from the pharmacy 4/62 that this range represents a fairly pleasingly satisfactory range. The average of the highest satisfaction among different specialized departments, in terms of the situation of doctors, with patient’s gastrointestinal tract are 4/82. The highest satisfaction rate was observed in the diagnostic services status in the various specialized departments, which is related to the neurology and psychiatry is significant (P=0/039). Conclusion: Patients' satisfaction from the health services provided by the study center was at a desirable level .In order to provide higher quality services, patients need to be more accurately planned. &nbsp; Please cite this article as: Tansaz M, Adhami S, Choopani R, Mokaberinejad R, Movahhed M, Ghasemi E, Ilkhani R. Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction Referred to Health Center Traditional Medicine in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2016. Med Hist J 2020; 12(43): 61-72